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[Jan 21,2007 10:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Go bears 8^(
[Jan 21,2007 10:57pm - Dankill  ""]
Some gay calls for sure at key points of the game, but overall the defence lost their spark in the 2nd half and Caldwell dropped some perfect passes that would have kept the Pats moving down the field.
Dude needs to stop looking like he's seen a ghost all the time.

Here's to next season and hopes for keeping the dynasty alive.

[Jan 21,2007 10:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
lolz fagz
[Jan 22,2007 3:23am - rotivore ""]
Im gonna say 38-34 colts
[Jan 22,2007 11:04am - anonymous  ""]
Go Pats?
[Jan 22,2007 12:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Tecmo Bowl sez:

Bears 65 Colts 0

Rex Grossman: 567 Yards Passing

Peyton Manning: 8 INTs
[Jan 22,2007 12:39pm - Yeti ""]
this was an awesome game. its unfortunate we lost, but that was probably the hardest the Colts ever fought to win. they put forth an incredible effort and they deserve what they got. i do hope the Bears stomp them though.
[Jan 22,2007 12:46pm - xmikex ""]
[Jan 22,2007 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Urlacher is gonna fucking ruin Peyton
[Jan 22,2007 1:41pm - xmikex ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Urlacher is gonna fucking ruin Peyton

He's gonna do the superbowl shuffle on his nutsack
[Jan 22,2007 1:48pm - tylerl ""]
i thought they had the game after samuel's int return :(
[Jan 22,2007 1:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I hate the Colts more than life at this point. The Colts don't deserve anything. Peyton Manning is a selfish prick and I hope the Bears show him what a real team plays like.

Caldwell is a shithead for dropping those passes that were ridiculously easy. TWICE we could have been near the goal line with the passes he could have had. It was not Brady's fault.

I don't really wanna talk about the game for awhile until I stop being pissed off about it.
[Jan 22,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
haha i'll never get why people get so fired up over it. i mean its disappointing that they arent in the Superbowl, but they played a great season, and made it that far. for some people its life shattering.
[Jan 22,2007 4:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ultimate victory is necessary.
[Jan 22,2007 4:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yeti said:haha i'll never get why people get so fired up over it. i mean its disappointing that they arent in the Superbowl, but they played a great season, and made it that far. for some people its life shattering.

You don't understand. When you are a fanatic like me and the Patriots are kicked out of the playoffs, what else is there? The Celtics and Bruins both suck and the Red Sox don't do anything meaningful until the season starts. I'm stuck without a home team until April.
[Jan 22,2007 4:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Did anyone else read Bill Simmons's column today?

At one point he said something like "Peyton Manning has average guy looks"

Look, I know Indiana is a shithole full of millions of uninteresting hicks in dead end lives, but when I think "average looking guy" I think Artie Lange, not an extra from The Hills Have Eyes.

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