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Weed Apprec..

[Dec 12,2009 11:57am - arilliusbm ""]

pam said:I'm out. No return calls. Big surprise.

[Dec 12,2009 12:06pm - pam ""]
sucks to be me today.
[Dec 12,2009 12:16pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
weeds too damn expensive nowadays. I remember when....blah..blah....u all know what im sayin.. Im satisfied with middies. gets me high. But todays middies will be tomorrows shwag. Some say it already is.
[Dec 12,2009 12:22pm - pam ""]
I definitely miss the dime for 10, half for 50, oz for 100 days. Middies are fine, I treat myself to highs when I can.
[Dec 12,2009 12:29pm - sever ""]
Middies and beasters = unflushed chemical ferts. Yummy.
[Dec 12,2009 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Jut get a volcano. Don't matter what you put in there.
[Dec 12,2009 12:55pm - blue ""]
You can keep your beasters, ill keep to smoking the finest.
[Dec 12,2009 8:55pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

blue said:You can keep your beasters, ill keep to smoking the finest.

I wish I could afford it, but these days I smoke pure crap.

For the record, that time at Godless Rob's with YOU was the last time I smokes anything decently high grade. These days it's $80 halfs of pure brown shmooooo.

:( :( :( :(
[Dec 12,2009 8:58pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ouchdrummer said:
pam said:I am a great customer, I don't understand the fucking problem.

Seriously, i'm a great supplier.

No way. Great would be someone who would drive an hour out of boston to DELIVER, whilst also stopping by long enough to bang out some drum tracks in my living room/studio. Now where the HELL would I find a guy like that?
[Dec 12,2009 10:24pm - quintessence ""]

arilliusbm said:How can you not miss it? It makes music way better.

Yeah I guess I DO miss it for my alone time at home. Putting on a record and smoking a bowl is a wonderful time. Lately I've been too poor to buy my own and the last few times I smoked were friendly tokes out at shows or whatever and I just ended up feeling weird, anxious and paranoid. It never used to do that to me. A year ago I was high 24/7 just about.
[Dec 13,2009 4:06am - goatcatalyst ""]
Watching the UFC fights for free among bellicose minorities + Purple Diesel + crabcake panini with extra pepperjack from gourmet heaven + faith no more bootlegs = a grand night
[Dec 13,2009 10:26am - Lamp ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:These days it's $80 halfs of pure brown shmooooo.

:( :( :( :(

I remember having shit like this, smoking two bowls back to back and still not feeling a sufficient buzz. I feel you man.

As far as the music debate too, I'll agree that weed makes music better up to a certain extent... but if you can't get into it while sober, you probably shouldn't be listening to it in the first place. Any time I've gotten into music while high, then thought it sucked sober, no matter what state I'm in if I listen to it again, I can't dig.
[Dec 13,2009 10:33am - pam ""]
My friend came by for the fights last night with a mission to empty his bag. Was a good night.
[Dec 13,2009 12:41pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

pam said:My friend came by for the fights last night with a mission to empty his bag. Was a good night.

That can REALLY read several different ways, Pam. Glad to hear that he emptied his sack on you, though!
[Dec 13,2009 12:43pm - pam ""]
I gotta stop posting before my 2nd cup of coffee.
[Dec 13,2009 12:54pm - reimroc ""]
I shouldn't be smoking but I am smoking what I have left of an 1/8 of super danky exotic indoors. Bought 4.5 for $50 and this shit could easily be sold for $15 a gram.
[Dec 13,2009 12:57pm - pam ""]
I'd be smoking right now if I could.
[Dec 13,2009 1:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 13,2009 1:46pm - cormier  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Top

of the morning to ya stevie boy!
[Dec 13,2009 1:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd assist but I'm a lil busy today
[Dec 13,2009 3:35pm - slartibartfasticus  ""]
toasted khed
[Dec 14,2009 8:45am - ouchdrummer ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
ouchdrummer said:
pam said:I am a great customer, I don't understand the fucking problem.

Seriously, i'm a great supplier.

No way. Great would be someone who would drive an hour out of boston to DELIVER, whilst also stopping by long enough to bang out some drum tracks in my living room/studio. Now where the HELL would I find a guy like that?

Pick me up and it's a deal. I'd love to do drums for ya.
[Dec 14,2009 10:56am - htb  ""]
HEADIES or gtfo!
[Dec 18,2009 1:25am - trioxin245 ""]
[Dec 18,2009 10:13am - HTB  ""]

[Dec 18,2009 5:59pm - Lamp ""]
I left my bowl in my car overnight and the temperature was around 30 degrees this morning, when I took a hit of resin it was like I was inhaling a refreshing cool blast rather than hot smoke, which ruled.
[Dec 18,2009 6:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
Haha Lamp that's the best post you've ever posted.
[Dec 18,2009 8:00pm - sever ""]
lsd >
[Dec 18,2009 8:01pm - blue ""]
Oh high
[Dec 18,2009 8:21pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:Haha Lamp that's the best post you've ever posted.

Seriously... it's making me consider putting my piece in the fridge for a while before packing.
[Dec 18,2009 8:51pm - sever ""]

Lamp said:
arilliusbm said:Haha Lamp that's the best post you've ever posted.

Seriously... it's making me consider putting my piece in the fridge for a while before packing.

Your piece will break doing that. Sudden dramatic temperature changes destroys glass. Ever put cold water on a hot coffee pitcher?
[Dec 18,2009 9:18pm - Lamp ""]
I figured just as much but it was a cool idea in theory.
[Dec 18,2009 9:34pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Pick me up and it's a deal. I'd love to do drums for ya.

I need to call you my next day off if I can. I'll admit, driving into and out of Boston makes me want to die inside (it's why I quit Pillory), but I'm sure something can be arranged. Maybe Aril will hump your ass here, since he lives down in my neck of the woods.
[Dec 18,2009 9:36pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Actual recording is on hold however, as I have a big bag of shitty weed and a shiny new copy of Left 4 Dead 2. I watched Zombieland, and now all I can think about is blasting Clown ZOMBIES with a shotgun.
[Dec 18,2009 9:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Maybe Aril will hump your ass

I'll just leave this here. LOL
[Dec 18,2009 9:39pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Lamp said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:These days it's $80 halfs of pure brown shmooooo.

:( :( :( :(

I remember having shit like this, smoking two bowls back to back and still not feeling a sufficient buzz. I feel you man.

As far as the music debate too, I'll agree that weed makes music better up to a certain extent... but if you can't get into it while sober, you probably shouldn't be listening to it in the first place. Any time I've gotten into music while high, then thought it sucked sober, no matter what state I'm in if I listen to it again, I can't dig.

See, for me it's not the MUSIC, but the MIXES. When I'm stoned, it really seems to change the entire stereo field. ESPECIALLY with headphones. It's not like I hear magical stuff that's only there when I'm stoned, it's more that I'm so stoned and slow I actually pay attention and NOTICE things. A GREAT stoner band for me is Mars Volta. The newest album bored the crap out of me. When I got roasted and listened again, I noticed so many things zooming in and out of the mix that I just hadn't cared about before. It didn't make the album BETTER, per se, I just appreciated it a bit more.
[Dec 18,2009 9:40pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:Maybe Aril will hump your ass

I'll just leave this here. LOL

[Dec 18,2009 9:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 18,2009 11:07pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Humping ass?
[Dec 18,2009 11:36pm - JEFF GORDON  ""]
[Dec 19,2009 12:47am - pam ""]
Good kind tonight.
[Dec 19,2009 8:05pm - t2daeek ""]
dear weed,
i appreciate you.
thank you weed. i'm going to smoke you now and there's nothing you can do about it.
[Dec 22,2009 6:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 22,2009 7:09pm - Lamp ""]
I'm just about to run out... whatever.
[Dec 22,2009 7:11pm - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said::(
[Dec 22,2009 8:18pm - sever ""]
[Dec 22,2009 10:39pm - pam ""]
[Dec 23,2009 3:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
ouchdrummer said:
Pick me up and it's a deal. I'd love to do drums for ya.

I need to call you my next day off if I can. I'll admit, driving into and out of Boston makes me want to die inside (it's why I quit Pillory), but I'm sure something can be arranged. Maybe Aril will hump your ass here, since he lives down in my neck of the woods.

or i could take a commuter rail, you'd just have to get me home.
[Dec 23,2009 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
That's where I cum in
[Dec 23,2009 3:44pm - Jimboar NLI  ""]
hahahaha, he said cum.

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