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Friday, September 10th, Wasteform, Dehumanized, Mucopus, Angeldeath, and Blood Obsession

Saratoga Winners (Latham, NY) - [angel_death][blood_obsession][dehumanized][mucopus][randomshots][wasteform]
[Sep 11,2004 5:00pm - Kalopsia ""]
i had a good time.

Blood Obsession: their music was pretty good but goddamnit, NO stage presence. i swear to god the guitarist in the white shirt looked like he was about to pass out he was so bored up there.

Angel Death: ok, is this band a Morbid Angel cover band, or just a REALLY bad rip-off? i don't know, but i didn't like them. their drummer is too good to be wasting his talents in that band, he should move to NJ and join Kalopsia.

Mucopus: hilarious name, awesome band. i was very impressed with them and i will definately pick up their cd soon

Dehumanized: i was happy with our set. this was our first show that Rich (guitars) did back-up vocals in a couple songs and he pulled it off well. (as soon as i get my voice up to par i will join him on the backing vocals) the sound was a bit muddy at first but it got better as we played on. we played 9 songs, including 2 brand new ones, which seemed to be pretty well received. overall, good times.

Wasteform: these guys were good. very energetic, brutal sound, receptive crowd. good shit

a huge thanks to Wasteform for once again lending us their cabinets.
[Sep 11,2004 5:49pm - the_reverend ""]
for those that don't know, sratoga winners is a barn... that's right a barn! it's in almost the middle of no where and is pretty big.

blood obsession: they sounded pretty good. it was straight up death metal. their cds were given out to the first 100 people that came in the door. I was on the guest list so I didn't get a copy of it. The members were a little stiff on the stage. they should all get wireless units and run through the crowd.

angel death: the band sounds music wise a lot like slayer. kalopsia mentioned that the vocals sounded like old morbid angel, I didn't hear that though. I think they will get better as they go on.

mucopus: the crowd basically exploded during their set. a lot of people came out of the rafters to fill in the floor for them. mucopus does have a lot of breakdowns and slammy parts, but think this speaks more to the people in this part of the world.. they actually clapped for the people doing "cool moves". that was weird. they ended with corporation x which is the song of theirs that I know.

dehumanized: they definitely had the largest crowd. the first song sounded really off. I'm not sure if it was the band or the sound guy, but I'm leaning more towards the sound guy. after the first song, things got rolling. for some reason the front row was all girls facing away from the crowd... hey girls, "nsync is on da stage". I'm not quite sure what that was all about. They played a new song and the crowd didn't really dance for it (since they didn't know it). The last track "prophecies fortold" had 1/2 the crowd kicking and punching the air during the break downs, kalopsia mike pretend once again that he was in ascendancy and headed into the audience. they left the crowd chanting for more.
oh, and offical, dehumanized suffers from the metallica syndrome (iow: no long hair!)

wasteform: at first, it looked like there was no one there. everyone was probably too busy under-age smoking outside. 1/2 way through the first song, people filled in and started dancing. they continued dancig til the end. this is one of the best crowd responses I've seen for wasteform. it was pretty cool since they rock and show get kids killing themseles through thier set. since the show was running a little late they just plowed through songs with no nonse in between. they left the crowd chanting for more.

denny's afterwards: I hung out with dehumanized! at denny's. I know you all want to shake my hand now. please, line up in the back. the service was nice, friendly and fast. the food was ok. I liked the omlette and hashbrowns, but I found the seasoned fries to be over-cooked.
[Sep 11,2004 5:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
hey rev, i'm growing my hair out mother fucker!!! that is if george doesn't shave it first. i liked Carina's seasoned fries though. crunchy fries are good!!! my apologies for inviting that really wierd couple along to Denny's who then screwed over the waitress with the tip. next time we play up there i'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen again. oh and thanks for the hoodie.
[Sep 11,2004 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
thank you for buying one.
[Sep 11,2004 6:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Kalopsia said:i liked Carina's seasoned fries though. crunchy fries are good!!!

sorry, I'm not use to real food. mostly I eat food out of a can.
[Sep 11,2004 6:04pm - succubus ""]
not only did we eat with them but..

THEY invited US

[Sep 11,2004 6:04pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:Kalopsia said:i liked Carina's seasoned fries though. crunchy fries are good!!!

sorry, I'm not use to real food. mostly I eat food out of a can.


[Sep 11,2004 6:08pm - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:Kalopsia said:i liked Carina's seasoned fries though. crunchy fries are good!!!

sorry, I'm not use to real food. mostly I eat food out of a can.

i really gotta find out what's up with that. i mean that just doesn't make any sense.
[Sep 11,2004 6:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:not only did we eat with them but..

THEY invited US


and to top it all off, they were on OUR guestlist. this is gonna spring aaron and carina right into Total Fucking Coolness.
[Sep 11,2004 6:18pm - El Justin  ""]
dehumanized was probably my favorite all night, i just wish the guitars and drums could have been turned up a little more in volume. wasteform actually played awesome too... bill is such a sick bassist. fun show though, thanks for the kind muco-comments
[Sep 11,2004 6:28pm - succubus ""]
i'm working on my photos for those who care
[Sep 11,2004 6:32pm - Kalopsia ""]
i care. hey el justin, i didn't know you were in mucopus, which one are u?
[Sep 11,2004 6:40pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 11,2004 8:37pm - Lynneaus ""]
hey im broke.... i dont eat half the time... ill admit that... but i dont consider "dennys real food" and the only food i eat out of a can is speghettios like twice a year :D

but hey it was fun having the incestious brother and sister along for food.... gave us something to talk about here. haha
[Sep 11,2004 8:38pm - Kalopsia ""]
true that
[Sep 11,2004 10:44pm - El Justin  ""]
yeah that handsome man in the carcass shirt is me
[Sep 11,2004 11:27pm - Kalopsia ""]
that's a pretty cool lookin beast you got
[Sep 11,2004 11:39pm - Kalopsia ""]
oh man i just went on the mucopus website and downloaded Corporation X. goddamn man that song was brutal!!! let me know when u have a full-length out
[Sep 12,2004 12:59am - El Justin  ""]
haha thanks mang...yeah that is a recording with an old lineup (corporation x) so i don't think it's up to par with how we play now.

we're recording stuff on october 3rd for our split with Clitorture, which should be good

is dehumanized recording anything anytime soon? that new stuff killed me last night
[Sep 12,2004 1:46am - Kalopsia ""]
as soon as we enough songs written for a full length we'll hit the studio. no set date though
[Sep 12,2004 6:56pm - succubus ""]
if anyone is still interested...they should be up shortly
[Sep 12,2004 7:25pm - succubus ""]

pics all uploaded and posted
[Sep 12,2004 8:12pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 12,2004 8:50pm - Lynneaus ""]
sweet pics carina
[Sep 12,2004 8:51pm - succubus ""]
thank you shexy!!!
[Sep 12,2004 9:15pm - El Justin  ""]

they rule
[Sep 12,2004 9:58pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
excuse me? dehumanized? prohecies foretold dehumanized? gods of nydm slam riffing and blastbeat master torrez dehumanized? broke up years ago dehumanized? are they really back?!?!?!?!

or did some group faggots start a band and decide to steal the name because they are uncreative douche drinkers?
[Sep 12,2004 10:07pm - succubus ""]
El Justin said:nice!

they rule

thanks, aaron tried to give you a sticker of my site but you had left

glad you saw them
[Sep 12,2004 10:55pm - El Justin  ""]
tell him to send one with the RTTP hoodie he's sendin me

and by the way, it's the actual gods of nydm slam riffing and blastbeat master torrez Dehumanized
[Sep 13,2004 11:27am - Lynneaus ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:excuse me? dehumanized? prohecies foretold dehumanized? gods of nydm slam riffing and blastbeat master torrez dehumanized? broke up years ago dehumanized? are they really back?!?!?!?!
or did some group faggots start a band and decide to steal the name because they are uncreative douche drinkers?

dehumanized!!! prohecies foretold dehumanized!!! gods of nydm slam riffing and blastbeat master torrez dehumanized!!!! broke up years ago dehumanized!!!!!! they are really back!!!!!
[Sep 13,2004 12:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They were hibernating!

[Sep 13,2004 2:38pm - Solace ""]
Reverend, Succubus and Lynne.
i met you guys saturday night and we had a lovely meal.

Lovely to meet you all and the pictures are phenomenal as always.
Hope to see you around soon.


oh yeah... el justin. i was sitting on the steps watching you play during your set.
i think you are badass and enjoyed watching as you almost whacked the girl sitting in front of you numerous times. :whipper:
[Sep 13,2004 2:49pm - succubus ""]
hey solace =)

who are you?

i'm glad someone else at the table signed up
[Sep 13,2004 3:00pm - Solace ""]
i would be erica. black zip up dress, jeans, long dark hair. the only other girl at the table (omitting kalopsia's new friends) is enemyofdastate's girl.
[Sep 13,2004 3:13pm - succubus ""]
ahh ok!

it was really nice meeting you!
it was a fun night and hope to see you again soon
maybe at a L O G show ;)
[Sep 13,2004 3:15pm - Solace ""]
definately LOG. i plan on being at the one at the roseland and possibly saratoga winners. its a long haul, but we'll see.
pardon my ignorance, but where are you and the rev from?
[Sep 13,2004 3:22pm - succubus ""]
New England
[Sep 13,2004 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
"from" I'm from derry, nh, but now live in Portsmouth, nh (it's the top of that 18 miles of coast that NH enjoys)
[Sep 13,2004 3:41pm - Lynneaus ""]
hey it was cool meetin you too
[Sep 13,2004 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]
yes.. interesting people up in those parts...
most of them I wanted to kick in the can...
[Sep 13,2004 4:33pm - Lynneaus ""]
the_reverend said:yes.. interesting people up in those parts...
most of them I wanted to kick in the can...

i was tempted to start throwing some elbows at the lil girlies sitting on the stage... but it had been quite a few years since ive seen dehumanized live and i didnt feel like getting kicked out

[Sep 13,2004 4:35pm - succubus ""]
that would have been funny though
[Sep 13,2004 4:35pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, it's hard to take pictures when you need to keep arms distance from 12 year olds lining the stage.
[Sep 13,2004 4:39pm - succubus ""]
aaron, too bad we didn't get pics of dehumanized's singer trying to scare them off the stage....that was priceless!
[Sep 13,2004 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I did, but it don't come out. aleast you have a boob-barrier between you and giving them their first lesbian experience.
if one of the cool kids hit me hard enough, I'd bump right into them and then they's pa wood get 'is gun.
[Sep 13,2004 4:47pm - succubus ""]
you should have blinded them with your flash

John still ruled for trying to get them to move!
[Sep 13,2004 4:49pm - the_reverend ""]
that was the plan.. but after the fact and why would I waste the flashes on them?
[Sep 13,2004 4:49pm - succubus ""]
her hair ruined that pic...and prevented me from taking more..i wasn't in the mood to deal with them
[Sep 13,2004 4:51pm - the_reverend ""]
"raise from your grave"
[Sep 13,2004 4:51pm - Solace ""]
didnt work very well because they werent paying the least bit of attention to them.
fuck them and dildos they rode in on.

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