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Alice in Chains appreciation

[Dec 25,2005 1:10am - Anthony nli  ""]
Even though I've heard them countless times, each time I put in an AIC album it blows me away like I was just hearing it for the first time. Hands down the best rock band of the 90s, imo.

[Dec 25,2005 1:11am - RichHorror ""]
Everytime I listen to 'Dirt', I want to kill myself before it's halfway through. Appreciated.
[Dec 25,2005 1:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
jar of flies was their best record
[Dec 25,2005 1:33am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
they're awesome.
[Dec 25,2005 1:55am - DJ Death  ""]
Stone Temple Piolots "CORE" is more depressive than "DIRT"... Jar of Flies though, that is sadness...
[Dec 25,2005 1:56am - DJ Death  ""]
Pilots, excuse me!
[Dec 25,2005 9:32am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you might like Godsmack. Check 'em out.
[Dec 25,2005 10:08am - |an  ""]
jar of flies and dirt are 2 amazing records, yea, both have been stuck in my player for months
[Dec 25,2005 10:37am - Vomitthesoul ""]
Never got into AIC to much.But they were the best band from the 90s grunge scene.

RIP-Layne Staley
[Dec 25,2005 12:42pm - DomesticTerror ""]
saw them on the Facelift tour. haha, fuckers!
[Dec 25,2005 4:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
i've been listening to jar of flies all week. i love the unplugged album too. i regret selling the last one deeply.
[Dec 25,2005 5:11pm - Anthony nli  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:you might like Godsmack. Check 'em out.

I don't get this joke

aside from Godsmack getting their name from AIC, the two bands sound nothing alike.
[Dec 25,2005 5:12pm - Anthony nli  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:jar of flies was their best record

i'd say the self-titled is their best actually. But it's a tough call between that and Dirt.

Jar of Flies is amazing, but it's not quite heavy enough to be my favorite.
[Dec 25,2005 5:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i think it's heavier on a different level...also if you have aim hit me high54cancer got something for yah champ !
[Dec 25,2005 5:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
never been a huge fan, but i think its soley from oversaturation.
[Dec 25,2005 5:19pm - wade ""]
i like the song "would" but generally got burned out on AIC. Jar of Flies is the only disc I've owned by them.
[Dec 25,2005 5:21pm - Anthony nli  ""]
sorry Sean, can't go on aim right now. I'll hit you up another time.

It's easy to get burned out on AIC just because songs like "Rooster" are soooo overplayed. If you get 'Dirt' or the self-titled and just listen the whole way through, it's easier to appreciate how genius these guys were.
[Dec 25,2005 5:22pm - wade ""]
I've heard the records enough. My brother had all of them.
[Dec 25,2005 8:50pm - Bradness ""]
Soundgarden kills all of Seattle, though AIC was very good
[Dec 25,2005 8:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bradness said:Soundgarden kills all of Seattle, though AIC was very good

thats a hard sell brad
[Dec 25,2005 9:16pm - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
Dirt was fuckin brilliant!
[Dec 25,2005 9:51pm - Bradd  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Bradness said:Soundgarden kills all of Seattle, though AIC was very good

thats a hard sell brad

not really. Badmotorfinger and Superunknown are flawless in my book. Facelift? Dated and boring. I do love Dirt though.
If you have a problem, i'll arm wrestle you on Thursday.
[Dec 25,2005 10:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bradd said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:Bradness said:Soundgarden kills all of Seattle, though AIC was very good

thats a hard sell brad

not really. Badmotorfinger and Superunknown are flawless in my book. Facelift? Dated and boring. I do love Dirt though.
If you have a problem, i'll arm wrestle you on Thursday.

cant we jsut chug whippits instead
[Dec 25,2005 11:07pm - the rooster  ""]
my all time favorite rock band. not a huge fan of facelift, but everything they released after that is too good for words. layne staley's death was one of the few 'rock star' deaths that i actually mourned.

cantrell's guitar tone is unmatched.
[Dec 25,2005 11:08pm - the rooster  ""]
Anthony nli said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:you might like Godsmack. Check 'em out.

I don't get this joke

aside from Godsmack getting their name from AIC, the two bands sound nothing alike.

Gaysmack was an AIC 'cover band' at one point.
[Dec 25,2005 11:51pm - Bradd  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:Bradd said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:Bradness said:Soundgarden kills all of Seattle, though AIC was very good

thats a hard sell brad

not really. Badmotorfinger and Superunknown are flawless in my book. Facelift? Dated and boring. I do love Dirt though.
If you have a problem, i'll arm wrestle you on Thursday.

cant we jsut chug whippits instead

fuck yes!
[Dec 26,2005 12:58am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Never much got into Alice In Chains, but I do appreciate everything they did for the "grunge scene". They were the only band in seattle to have songs with solos with more than 3 or 4 notes. But nonetheless, I was always more partial to Nirvana's noise rock/punk spirit approach to that kinda music. Just connected with it easier.
[Dec 26,2005 9:30am - Bradd  ""]
TheWrldCanWait said: They were the only band in seattle to have songs with solos with more than 3 or 4 notes. .

so, you've never heard Soundgarden i guess
[Dec 26,2005 10:37am - Al_Ravage ""]
They were a pretty good metal band, when they went along with the watered down grunge thing, they got as bad as all the mainstream rock of the time. Facelift has some good songs, Dirt is excellent, the rest is pretty much crap.
[Dec 26,2005 5:55pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
One of my all time favorite bands. Whenever I feel like shit I put on Dirt and am reminded that there's always someone else out there who's got worse shit to deal with.
[Dec 26,2005 7:02pm - DomesticTerror ""]
yer such a bitch.
[Dec 27,2005 5:38am - D2A-NLI  ""]
DomesticTerror said:yer such a bitch.

Haven't you been wearing sweaters to practice for the last 2 months?:whipper:
[Dec 27,2005 8:10am - SuperFly ""]
facelift and dirt are 2 of my favorite albums.
[Mar 14,2007 9:44pm - Anthony ""]
never stop appreciating AiC
[Mar 14,2007 9:49pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
One of my co-workers is the photographer for Nutshell, the alice in chains tribute band. We might actually play with these dudes at some point cause she wants us to all be in the same room for hang out. Want on if we do?
[Mar 14,2007 9:58pm - Anthony ""]
Play with an AiC cover band and TTOS? If it's in a good venue on a good night, sure, that would be awesome.
[Mar 14,2007 10:38pm - pam ""]
AiC kills.
[Mar 14,2007 10:40pm - Niccolai ""]
Anthony nli said:

I'm not really into AIC, but that is an awsome album cover.
[Mar 15,2007 12:02am - Anthony nli  ""]
I want Whale and Wasp played at my funeral
[Mar 15,2007 1:21am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
My mother ruined Alice in Chains for me. It's her favorite band and that's the only band she ever listens to. I get so annoyed. But I will say, my 2 favorite songs are "Man In The Box" and "Rooster".
[Dec 22,2008 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
I threw AiC's "Dirt" on whilst shovelling snow this weekend and it was still very good, despite all the singles being overplayed over the years. Great album, I love the "feel" it creates.
[Dec 22,2008 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
band will always be an ALL TIME FAVORITE. new album in 09. i know it will rule.
[Dec 22,2008 11:47am - NEDF  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:My mother ruined Alice in Chains for me. It's her favorite band and that's the only band she ever listens to. I get so annoyed. But I will say, my 2 favorite songs are "Man In The Box" and "Rooster".





AIC rules...shits been spun ten billion times and yet its still good to me.
[Dec 22,2008 12:19pm - tylor ""]
the unplugged album is great, the acoustic version of "down in a hole" = :bow:
[Dec 22,2008 1:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Dirt is great suicide music. A+
[Dec 22,2008 1:46pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
The best AiC songs like "We Die Young", or "Sunshine", are the one's you won't hear on the radio.
[Dec 22,2008 2:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
How is the new vocalist? Haven't heard jack squat with anything he's done with AiC.
[Dec 22,2008 3:04pm - quintessence ""]
One of my all time favorites ever since I was a wee lad. To think I was listening to songs about being addicted to smack at 12 and not really realizing it. I refuse to listen to them with that new singer. Its not the same band.
[Dec 22,2008 3:13pm - oscarct ""]

MikeOvDecrepitvde said:The best AiC songs like "We Die Young", or "Sunshine", are the one's you won't hear on the radio.

I have heard we die young on the radio more then a few times..it was a single, so its def played on the air.
[Dec 22,2008 3:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:How is the new vocalist? Haven't heard jack squat with anything he's done with AiC.

i was impressed when i saw them with the new guy and i'm a die hard fan. i think layne would want them to continue instead of just letting the project go.

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