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Alice in Chains appreciation

[Dec 22,2008 3:38pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
I don't really listen to the radio, so that may be true. However, anytime I heard any AiC on the radio, it would be "The Rooster", "Would", "Down in a Hole", "Man in the box", "Them Bones", and stuff off the three-legged dog album. Can't say I've ever heard "We Die Young" played, but either way, it's a killer song.
[Dec 22,2008 3:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
I hope he does drugs.
It would only make sense if he did in order to replace Layne.
[Dec 22,2008 3:46pm - Murph ""]
Best band of the 90s-grunge era?

THE JESUS LIZARD, hands down.

Hum, Nirvana, nomeansno all are high up in my book.
[Dec 22,2008 3:51pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Not "grunge", but Helmet wins for Strap it On, Meantime, and Betty.
[Dec 22,2008 3:53pm - djdjdjdjdj  ""]
[Dec 22,2008 4:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Wow, I almost forgot about Helmet. They weren't too bad.
[Dec 22,2008 4:26pm - Seth  ""]
Road Warrior and Helmet.... Hell yeah!

[Dec 22,2008 4:28pm - neverpurified ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
arilliusbm said:How is the new vocalist? Haven't heard jack squat with anything he's done with AiC.

i was impressed when i saw them with the new guy and i'm a die hard fan. i think layne would want them to continue instead of just letting the project go.

+1, I've had this discussion with so many people since William DuVall joined a couple years ago. Seeing as Jerry wrote the overwhelming majority of the music and lyrics for the band, and did his own fair share of lead vocals, it makes sense that they would continue with someone else. No disrespect to Layne, but I think it's foolish to think that they shouldn't go on due to mistakes that Layne made. I've seen fan-filmed videos of them with DuVall and he sounds great. Supposedly they're making a new album, should be interesting.
[Dec 22,2008 5:21pm - rotivore ""]
they are ok.....vastly overated......early smashing pumkins destroys this band
[Dec 22,2008 5:22pm - Mess ""]
helmet and today is the day, did a lot of tours together. that would've been cool to see.
and yes i preciate Alice In the Chains.
[Dec 22,2008 5:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
layne>billy anyday.
[Dec 22,2008 7:59pm - ellesarusrex ""]
whale and wasp. a one hitter.. driving alongside a train in the mountains.. true love
[Dec 23,2008 10:38am - Yeti ""]
highly regarded. i was listening to Dirt the other day, putting "Would" as the closing song was the best idea.
[Dec 23,2008 10:58am - Murph ""]

rotivore said:they are ok.....vastly overated......early smashing pumkins destroys this band

[Dec 23,2008 11:02am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ha ya right.
[Dec 23,2008 11:03am - jacksonmang  ""]

Murph said:
rotivore said:they are ok.....vastly overated......early smashing pumkins destroys this band


Bulletin: This just in; any smashing pumpkins "music" sucks. Billy Corgan is a tone-deaf jack the pumpkin king look-alike!
[Dec 23,2008 11:05am - arilliusbm ""]
Billy Corgan is tone-deaf to an extent; you're right.
[Dec 23,2008 11:07am - jacksonmang  ""]

arilliusbm said:Billy Corgan is tone-deaf to an extent; you're right.

his "singing" def. reflects this affliction, unbelievably his live performances were worse than studio.
[Dec 23,2008 11:13am - yummy ""]

Murph said:
rotivore said:they are ok.....vastly overated......early smashing pumkins destroys this band


AIC is one of those bands that everyone I knew liked. So, it was on all the time and I guess I never took much time to appreciate it until a couple years ago. That's what's great about music. You can change but the music stays the same.

I highly doubt I'll be saying, "those Smashing Pumpkins destroy" ever. Quote me on that.

[Dec 23,2008 11:16am - arilliusbm ""]
Alice in Chainz (late 80s) covered Slayer songs. Would have been very interesting to see that live.
[Dec 23,2008 11:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they also were a glam band during that period
[Dec 23,2008 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
yes sir. would have been interesting to see that live.

I always thought it was funny, too, that Pantera was a glam band in the mid-to-late 80s. They pretty much deny that fact.
[Dec 23,2008 11:26am - yummy ""]
They used to be Fuck. They handed out condoms to the audience that read "Fuck the band" on the wrappers.
[Dec 23,2008 11:38am - dreadkill ""]
i loved aic. was listening to the s/t album the other night. god am is such a great song.

also, billy corgan sounds like a gay version of dave mustaine.
[Dec 23,2008 11:57am - jacksonmang  ""]

dreadkill said:i loved aic. was listening to the s/t album the other night. god am is such a great song.

also, billy corgan sounds like a gay version of dave mustaine.

lmfao..backed 100 %
[Dec 23,2008 12:02pm - dreadkill ""]
he sounds like dave mustaine gargling magic johnson's jizz
[Dec 23,2008 12:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Dont Follow is one of my favorite songs ever written by any band ever.
[Dec 23,2008 12:12pm - Sacreligion ""]
rotten apple ftw.
[Dec 23,2008 12:36pm - Yeti ""]
sausage raviolis ftw.
[Dec 23,2008 12:37pm - Sacreligion ""]
sausage raviolis. gayer than raviolis.
[Dec 23,2008 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
my co-worker made spinach/cheese/italian sausage raviolis with a vodka sauce. insert drooling noise here.
[Dec 23,2008 1:02pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Siamese Dreams = Quality album
[Dec 23,2008 1:03pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
or dream, rather
[Dec 23,2008 2:20pm - jacksonmang  ""]

MikeOvDecrepitvde said:Siamese Dreams =Low Quality album

[Dec 23,2008 2:55pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

jacksonmang said:
MikeOvDecrepitvde said:Siamese Dream =Low Quality album


[Dec 23,2008 3:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
I remember someone showing me that band Zwan or whateverthefuck his next band was, and it was so wretched and I puked in my mouth.
[Dec 23,2008 3:10pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Yeah, that shit was gay, and there's of shitty Pumpkins songs too. I might get shit for this, but Stone Temple Pilots "Core" is also worthy 90's commerical rock album.
[Dec 23,2008 3:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
No shit, I love Core.. always have.
[Dec 23,2008 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
yeah Core is a good album.
[Jan 1,2009 7:30pm - ArilliusBM ""]
just watched the unplugged show. fucking classic
[Jan 1,2009 7:35pm - ArilliusBM ""]


4:30 - on = pure emotion coming from the guitar strings
[Jan 1,2009 7:40pm - ArilliusBM ""]
what the hell is this bennyhillifier bullshit
[Jan 1,2009 9:22pm - the_reverend ""]
click on it. unplugged was the best thing MTV ever did.
[Jan 2,2009 11:11am - The-Rooster  ""]
Best rock band of the 90's for sure. Still one of my favorite bands.

Layne Staley is my favorite rock singer... period. I've never been moved by any vocal performances like I am when I listen to him. He's not just singing about pain and depression and addiction... he's living it, and you can feel it quite vividly when he's singing.

Cantrell fucking kills too. I rip him off everytime I play a solo.

"Dirt" is my favorite, w/ "Jar of Flies" being a close second.

Not a huge fan of "Facelift", but that has more to do with the production (being on the cusp of the 80's and all), than the songs themselves.

Much appreciated.
[Jan 2,2009 11:18am - The-Rooster  ""]
Also, anyone listen to any of Cantrell's solo stuff? A lot of it is really fucking solid.

Also, again, fuck that new dude that they toured with. They literally played right around the corner from my apartment, and I didn't go. If it were just the 3 surviving members with Cantrell singing all the parts, I would've been in the front row, but replacing Layne with some hack that is better suited for the local bar's cover band, is crap.
[Jan 2,2009 1:13pm - Yeti ""]

ArilliusBM said:just watched the unplugged show. fucking classic

i was just listening to the Unplugged Nirvana the other day, also a great performance.
[Jan 2,2009 1:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:
ArilliusBM said:just watched the unplugged show. fucking classic

i was just listening to the Unplugged Nirvana the other day, also a great performance.

agreed. Man Who Sold the World is my fav.
[Jan 2,2009 2:26pm - The-Rooster  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Yeti said:
ArilliusBM said:just watched the unplugged show. fucking classic

i was just listening to the Unplugged Nirvana the other day, also a great performance.

agreed. Man Who Sold the World is my fav.

I feel like the minority here, but I never could get into that recording. Every Nirvana fan that I know holds that if very high regards, but to me, unplugged just doesn't work for them.

I'll take "In Utero" any day.
[Feb 15,2009 6:57pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
bump for awesomeness
[Feb 16,2009 1:56am - fishcakes ""]
I have every album and love them all

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