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People you hate

[Oct 4,2006 4:09pm - Anthony ""]
pam said:Anthony nli said:Yeti said:Anthony nli said:People that listen to your music and the only thing they can say is "I dont like the vocals, but the music is good." no matter what.... it's always the first thing out of their mouths.

Sissy faggots who I have to go to school with who are intimidated by metal

i would like to subscribe to your newsletter

I have a lot of hate inside haha

And to think, you look so sweet and innocent...

Chalk that up to having a girlfriend for the past 6 years.. without her good influence I'd probably have the word "hate" tattooed between my eyes.

[Oct 4,2006 4:15pm - BSV@school  ""]
bands/musicians that whore themselves out on shows and other people, and myself.
fat/lazy people that take up room in the elevator at school. i'm fackin' crippled and you cunts are just lazy, fuck off.
yankee fans who were born and raised in new england or anywhere else than new york.
john hotti muthafuckers
high class bimbos - you're low iq level just made my boner go down, thanks.
[Oct 4,2006 4:22pm - paganmegan ""]
hahahaha to the "high class bimbo ..." bit
thats hilarious
[Oct 4,2006 4:24pm - BSV@school  ""]
I'm an elite mother fucker.
[Oct 4,2006 5:13pm - Anti-Racism ""]
The new rich
The poor
[Oct 4,2006 7:28pm - Lamp ""]
Guidance counselors.
[Oct 4,2006 8:21pm - Kevord ""]
People who say they listen to every type of music
People who use the term Cookie monster vocals
Sick Moshers
Chicks who want to be in a mantown calendar
Chicks who think they're a crazy bitch
People who shop at Hot topic
People who work in cubicles
People with bad tattoos who want to show you there sick ink
[Oct 4,2006 8:26pm - Kevord ""]
People who are down with the (sic)ness
People who don't drink not because they're straight edge just because they're a pussy.
People who say they're Metal because they listen to Slipknot and BLS
Men who wear sandals when they're not at the beach
[Oct 4,2006 8:34pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 4,2006 8:40pm - Kevord ""]
Oh, and Rich Horror.
[Oct 4,2006 8:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Pretty much a given.
[Oct 4,2006 8:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Dudes who ride recumbent bicycles along the Charles River, middle aged Brookline hags who collect African art, and kids from the western neighborhoods of Boston who try so hard to be hip yet are terrified of minorities.

These three types of people are usually related to each other.
[Oct 4,2006 9:05pm - Lamp ""]
Kevord said:People who don't drink not because there straight edge just because there a pussy.
People who say there Metal because they listen to Slipknot and BLS
Men who wear sandals when there not at the beach

People who can't tell the difference between there, their, and they're.
[Oct 4,2006 9:07pm - Kevord ""]
People who are anal about the stupid there shit. Get over it.
[Oct 4,2006 9:11pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I hate people with stinky vagina's.
Pickle juice enema.
[Oct 4,2006 9:17pm - EatMyFuck ""]
I hate emo kids, I hate it even more when they all have those damn keys hooked to there damn jeans and they are all making noise PUT EM IN YOUR FUCKING PANTS.
[Oct 4,2006 9:18pm - handinjury ""]
People that look like this---->http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...n=user.viewprofile&friendid=7371938
Take off that slayer shirt and I will fucking choke you with it.
[Oct 4,2006 9:35pm - anonymous  ""]
niggers and jews
[Oct 4,2006 9:37pm - EatMyFuck ""]
handinjury said:People that look like this---->http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...n=user.viewprofile&friendid=7371938
Take of that slayer shirt and I will fucking choke you with it.

HOLY fuck that is gay.

[Oct 4,2006 9:42pm - hungtableed  ""]
I hate:
hollywood blowhards
people who hate the military
red diaper doper baby liberals
fat poor people
hybrid cars
cum guzzling preaching liberal college professors
anti-American facist scum
global warming kooks
that fat cock sucker jack murtha
rap artists
mtv personalities
that ugly fucking cunt from godhatesfags.com

I honestly could go on forever
[Oct 4,2006 9:43pm - Lamp ""]
Kevord said:People who are anal about the stupid there shit. Get over it.

People who get all fussy and try to defend their ignorance over their bad grammar like it's something to be proud of.
[Oct 4,2006 9:51pm - DJ Death  ""]
people that post extensivley on this board, as if it is important..... not really, i really dont like black people, especially when they ask my girlfriend for her number. I dont like black people.
[Oct 4,2006 9:52pm - DJ Death  ""]
fat poor people... HAHAHA!!!!!
[Oct 4,2006 9:53pm - DJ Death  ""]
like usual, i love lamp.... i love lamp
[Oct 4,2006 10:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 4,2006 10:53pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That picture is awfully big, oops.
[Oct 4,2006 11:11pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Best thing to do is just start off hating everyone, then over time you can make a few exceptions here or there.

And that, is life.
[Oct 5,2006 12:41am - yummy ""]
Isn't that the rule of thumb?
[Oct 5,2006 12:45am - Allah That  ""]
Hippies and Hanson fans.
[Oct 5,2006 1:09am - Anti-Racism ""]
[Oct 5,2006 1:10am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Allah That said:Hippies and Hanson fans.


[Oct 5,2006 1:57am - dwellingsickness ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Best thing to do is just start off hating everyone, then over time you can make a few exceptions here or there.

And that, is life.

I agree with that 100%
[Oct 5,2006 6:07am - Kevord ""]
Lamp said:Kevord said:People who are anal about the stupid there shit. Get over it.

People who get all fussy and try to defend their ignorance over their bad grammar like it's something to be proud of.

People who aren't proud of there ignorance.:middlefinger:
[Oct 5,2006 6:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

...not hard, geez.
[Oct 5,2006 7:33am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Rent-a-cops. I hate rent-a-cops too.

Yeah, cop, I know you, man. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, we've got us another crazy nigger here with a gun. Well, let me tell you something. Human life means very little to me at this point in time. You see, I thrive on misery. In the jungle, misery's all you got. But things are different back here in the world, or so they seem. Nobody wants to talk about pain and suffering. Everybody wants everything to be nice and civil. Well, OK then. Let's be nice; let's be civil. And let's drop those guns before I pull this trigger and change the way you feel about me.
[Oct 5,2006 9:27am - RichHorror ""]
I can't believe nobody said minorities.
[Oct 5,2006 9:32am - Messerschmitt ""]
minorities... deffinitley minorities haha
[Oct 5,2006 9:32am - Anti-Racism ""]
RichHorror said:I can't believe nobody said minorities.

You're right. Hop to it, people. If you fuckers can't work up some hateful bigoted racism soon, I'm out of a job. Go! Go! Go!
[Oct 5,2006 9:35am - xmikex ""]
Fat fucks
Old fucks
Filthy fucks
John Goodman-esque Roller Derby girls
The Miami Dolphins
Girls with red hair that wear sandals
Girls that wear leggings and think it's cool
People that take up two seats on a crowded bus and force elderly women to stand
Elderly women
The metalcore band Gehenna for fucking up my limewire searches when I want to download Gehenna (the black metal band)
People who panic in front of me in situations that don't require it
Duke The Dumpster Drose-eque Roller Derby Girls
[Oct 5,2006 9:36am - xmikex ""]
Anti-Racism said:RichHorror said:I can't believe nobody said minorities.

You're right. Hop to it, people. If you fuckers can't work up some hateful bigoted racism soon, I'm out of a job. Go! Go! Go!

I wish you would get a job.
[Oct 5,2006 9:42am - CaptainCleanoff ""]




[Oct 5,2006 9:47am - Messerschmitt ""]
holy shit that is great
[Oct 5,2006 9:47am - Anti-Racism ""]
xmikex said:I wish you would get a job.

What is this, middle class pretense? Sure, being an Anti-Racist Activist (ARA) isn't as tight as being a lawyer, or doctor, but it's a living.

I bet your grandmother horfed Negro cock and you're bitter about it.
[Oct 5,2006 9:51am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Oct 5,2006 10:05am - Messerschmitt ""]
monkies killing monkies... what more could you ask for?
[Oct 5,2006 10:36am - Anti-Racism ""]
alt.flame.niggers FAQ

The most horrible, bigoted, hateful, etc. racist document. Also very funny.

[Oct 5,2006 10:50am - ShadowSD ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:there are so many more things that people do that i hate, but this would turn into an encyclopedia of hatred.

If that's not an album title already, it should be.

Lots of good hatable stuff on this list, I agree with the majority of it, with some exceptions. I must admit, I am guilty of the using my credit card for purchases under $20 thing, but it takes less time than waiting for most cash register attendants to count my change anyway, so it seems the fastest overall method to me. What I think takes too long is being stuck behind an old lady who takes forever to get her change together, or who takes longer to write a check that it would take her to write War and Peace, or who makes the entire line behind her wait for an extra few minutes just so a manager can be called over to get a 25 cent coupon validated. Compared to those options, I wish she would just learn how to use a credit card and get the hell out of there.

On the "I like the music and don't like the vocals" critique for heavier bands, I know it's not the ideal thing anywone wants to hear, but the alternative reaction for non-fans of death metal is to just dismiss the music entirely because they don't like the vocals. That's usually what happens, and it's much worse; at least this way they don't ignore songwriting/good musicianship and give credit where it's due.
[Oct 5,2006 11:06am - anonymous  ""]
People who post stupid things on this board every day
People who have barely any social life outside of this board
People who actually think the racist posts are funny
[Oct 5,2006 11:11am - Messerschmitt ""]
what did you say anonomous nigger?
[Oct 5,2006 11:19am - Anti-Racism ""]
Great racist forum where white racists and black racists get along:

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