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death metal sucks

[Oct 6,2006 11:35am - badmusicpatrol  ""]
Everyone who listens to this nonsense should have a holocaust started to eradicate your existence. You people make me sick
[Oct 6,2006 11:38am - BlackMetalLady ""]
go home
[Oct 6,2006 11:38am - badmusicpatrol  ""]
Black metal is worse you loser
[Oct 6,2006 11:39am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Everyone who listens to this nonsense should have a holocaust started to eradicate your existence. You people make me sick

Shut the fuck up, faggot.
[Oct 6,2006 11:40am - BlackMetalLady ""]
anonymous posters suck
[Oct 6,2006 11:40am - paganmegan ""]
Proworld got a new screename
[Oct 6,2006 11:40am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Oct 6,2006 11:40am - BlackMetalLady ""]
sign in and write this
[Oct 6,2006 11:43am - badmusicpatrol  ""]
Do you really think when you're old and wrinkly you'll still be listenening to that trash? Didn't think so
[Oct 6,2006 11:45am - badmusicpatrol  ""]
It took about 3 seconds for all you losers to attempt to defend yourselves. You failed and miserably I might add
[Oct 6,2006 12:10pm - Anthony nli  ""]
badmusicpatrol said:I am a message board troll with a 3 inch penis. Have you ever tried sticking a cheese grater up your own ass? I think that feels really good. One time when I was 14, my basketball coach dressed me up in a half-Hitler/half-French maid costume and forced me to parade around the school lip-synching Andrew Lloyd Weber songs while riding a pink tricycle. That gave me a big boner, but my coach hit it with a hammer..

[Oct 6,2006 12:11pm - pam ""]
[Oct 6,2006 12:12pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Do you really think when you're old and wrinkly you'll still be listenening to that trash? Didn't think so

[Oct 6,2006 12:15pm - badmusicpatrol  ""]
I'm on patrol. You can call me officer kiss my ass. Death metal sucks!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 6,2006 12:20pm - weim  ""]
it was never my fave form of metal as i was always into thrash but its not bad. i really hate the new metal stuff, sing/scream/emo blah blah. just stick to one but that' me
[Oct 6,2006 12:32pm - espresso ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Do you really think when you're old and wrinkly you'll still be listenening to that trash? Didn't think so

Yes I will... :skull: I truly promise I will. Good taste doesn't change. And good music is not something you grow out of, hopefully (for you) your idiocy is something you just might outgrow.
[Oct 6,2006 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
he's right! give us hell Quimby!
[Oct 6,2006 12:41pm - pam ""]
Thrash till Death!
[Oct 6,2006 12:46pm - anonymous  ""]
how come no one is offering any reasons why death metal sucks
[Oct 6,2006 12:46pm - anonymous  ""]
how come no one is offering any reasons why death metal sucks
[Oct 6,2006 12:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]
pam said:Thrash till Death!


There's another 'Thrash til Death' show happening now.. The Accursed one is gonna be Vol. III actually. Thrash takeover!
[Oct 6,2006 1:06pm - powerkok ""]
Anthony nli said:badmusicpatrol said:I am a message board troll with a 3 inch penis. Have you ever tried sticking a cheese grater up your own ass? I think that feels really good. One time when I was 14, my basketball coach dressed me up in a half-Hitler/half-French maid costume and forced me to parade around the school lip-synching Andrew Lloyd Weber songs while riding a pink tricycle. That gave me a big boner, but my coach hit it with a hammer..

Thank you so much for making my morning!!!!!!
[Oct 6,2006 1:06pm - pam ""]
Anthony nli said:pam said:Thrash till Death!


There's another 'Thrash til Death' show happening now.. The Accursed one is gonna be Vol. III actually. Thrash takeover!

[Oct 6,2006 1:30pm - baptizedinresin ""]
noone is giving any reasons why death metal sucks because it's just some anonymous loser making an uninformed claim to try to start shit with a bunch of people who are far enough away from him that their fist can't reach his face.
[Oct 6,2006 1:34pm - Anthony nli  ""]
powerkok said:Anthony nli said:badmusicpatrol said:I am a message board troll with a 3 inch penis. Have you ever tried sticking a cheese grater up your own ass? I think that feels really good. One time when I was 14, my basketball coach dressed me up in a half-Hitler/half-French maid costume and forced me to parade around the school lip-synching Andrew Lloyd Weber songs while riding a pink tricycle. That gave me a big boner, but my coach hit it with a hammer..

Thank you so much for making my morning!!!!!!


[Oct 6,2006 1:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
baptizedinresin said:noone is giving any reasons why death metal sucks because it's just some anonymous loser making an uninformed claim to try to start shit with a bunch of people who are far enough away from him that their fist can't reach his face.

also he fucks donkeys.
[Oct 6,2006 1:39pm - paytoplayisgay  ""]
he must like dragonforce total gayness
[Oct 6,2006 1:41pm - anonymous  ""]
[Oct 6,2006 1:52pm - xmikex ""]
[Oct 6,2006 1:57pm - xmikex ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Everyone who listens to this nonsense should have a holocaust started to eradicate your existence.

Anyone who doesn't listen to Bobby Brown or the Foo Fighters.....

[Oct 6,2006 1:59pm - aaaron  ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Everyone who listens to this nonsense should have a holocaust started to eradicate your existence. You people make me sick

oh ok. time to change the pad kiddo.
[Oct 6,2006 2:01pm - xmikex ""]

[Oct 6,2006 2:06pm - Anti-Racism ""]
People who don't like death metal are either racist, homophobic or sexist. Death metal is the most egalitarian genre on earth.
[Oct 6,2006 2:12pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
anonymous said:[img]

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
[Oct 6,2006 2:26pm - pam ""]
[Oct 6,2006 4:06pm - Anti-Racism ""]
That guy now has his own black metal band.
[Oct 8,2006 4:59pm - anonymous  ""]
any reason why someone who hates death metal is even looking at this fucking site?....what a fucking hydrocephalic head. hahaha
[Oct 8,2006 5:25pm - Allah That  ""]
oh man i just saw the new metallica video, that's on youtube ,on another site. It's been seriouly panned by every viewer there. one said it made him sorry he was alive. It"s worse than that guy.^
[Oct 8,2006 6:11pm - Anti-Racism ""]
That's Lars Ulrich.
[Oct 8,2006 8:17pm - nickyhelliot ""]
I bet he's a straight edge 12 year old looking to fight some other XcrewX.
[Oct 9,2006 12:20am - Anti-Racism ""]
What kind of Communist doesn't like death metal? Retards.
[Oct 10,2006 11:13am - badmusicpatrol  ""]
Seriously though anyone care to answer my questions seriously or are you about as original as that bogus death metal you listen to. By the way you better show respect to the badmusicpatrol or this site will overrun by assholes who want death metal to die!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 10,2006 11:21am - vomitthesoul ""]
If I had a quarter for everytime I heard someone say that they dont like DM because of the vocals Id be rich. Go and listen to Emo if your not into DM.
[Oct 10,2006 11:22am - vomitthesoul ""]
Allah That said:oh man i just saw the new metallica video, that's on youtube ,on another site. It's been seriouly panned by every viewer there. one said it made him sorry he was alive. It"s worse than that guy.^

Why the fuck are u wasting your time watching a Metalica video? Look for some real Metal on youtube instead.I found a cool Metal Church live video on there.
[Oct 10,2006 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Seriously though anyone care to answer my questions seriously or are you about as original as that bogus death metal you listen to. By the way you better show respect to the badmusicpatrol or this site will overrun by assholes who want death metal to die!!!!!!!!!

on your knees maggot! respizect the bizadmusicpatrol or he'll send you a pizza you didnt order!
[Oct 10,2006 1:08pm - Ryan_M ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Seriously though anyone care to answer my questions seriously or are you about as original as that bogus death metal you listen to.

You didn't ask any questions except whether we think we'll still listen to death metal when we're old.
My answer to that question is yes. I will be an old man with dentures and a cane and a fucking Hellhammer shirt on.
[Oct 10,2006 1:13pm - mOe ""]
badmusicpatrol said:By the way you better show respect to the badmusicpatrol or this site will overrun by assholes who want death metal to die!!!!!!!!!

Haha, yea the rev is REALLY gonna let that happen
go listen to nonpoint
[Oct 10,2006 2:10pm - fishcakes ""]
badmusicpatrol said:Seriously though anyone care to answer my questions seriously or are you about as original as that bogus death metal you listen to. By the way you better show respect to the badmusicpatrol or this site will overrun by assholes who want death metal to die!!!!!!!!!

what a stupid fuckhead! bring it on bitch.
[Oct 10,2006 4:51pm - badmusicpatrol  ""]
This thread won't go away. I want answers. Dismissed!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 10,2006 11:13pm - yummy ""]
You didn't honestly expect to get serious answers did you? You made no valid point as to why death metal sucks AT ALL. Discussion ended there. Why don't you tell us what is on the "good music" list. You will get my honest opinion about your tastes. If you don't give 3 bands that are important to you than they really aren't. If you are afraid of what other people think of your fave's than you have no true passion for music. Most death metal fans do.

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