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death metal sucks

[Dec 6,2006 12:31pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There is alot of good death metal, and then there is that band Life at Zero.

Haha -- you, sir, excel at being a dick.
[Dec 6,2006 12:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Someone played your newest album for me, and it wasn't that bad. I just couldn't think of any other local death metal bands. Sorry.
[Dec 6,2006 12:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Joe is losing his edge.
[Dec 6,2006 1:30pm - elders of zion nli  ""]
Troll said:
I just think that the scene is flooded with too many DM bands and therefore your gonna get alot generic shit.
I haven't been excited about a DM band in a long time.

Holy shit, I'm agreeing with a Troll... oh wait.
[Dec 6,2006 1:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I only read about half of this thread. Is this a joke?

If it is I'm not laughing.
[Dec 6,2006 1:58pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
A joke....oooohhhh a joke. I get jokes.
[Dec 6,2006 2:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Someone played your newest album for me, and it wasn't that bad. I just couldn't think of any other local death metal bands. Sorry.

Thanks man. The next one will be better.
[Dec 6,2006 2:50pm - ANONYMOUS  ""]
[Dec 12,2006 5:24pm - Metal4life  ""]
Death metal is awesome. It has to do with the right band. Take behemoth of course, I think its the best death metal band out there. Some people think death metal sucks because there up their asses with rap and all that other fake bullshit that they play on the radio. So far no one has posted a single real reason why it sucks and I agree with JDDomination. Also badmusicpatrol, Shut the fuck up. Good day.
[Dec 13,2006 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
Behemoth is far from death metal, and far from the best.
[Dec 13,2006 3:36pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Behemoth is mediocre if anything.
[Dec 13,2006 4:46pm - pam ""]
Behemoth became mediocre when they started sucking off Nile.
[Dec 13,2006 4:48pm - RTTP_SWAT_TEAM ""]
[Dec 13,2006 6:20pm - Metal4life  ""]
Well if anything, I still like behemoth and I still like deathmetal. I think badmusicpatrol was trying to start a war or something so I guess its all about opinion.
[Dec 13,2006 6:28pm - Metal4life  ""]
badmusicpatrol said:I think it's safe to assume that you haven't gotten laid since you were reencarnated into the mutant you currently embody. My influences are not what's important. what's important is the issue at hand which is death metal being a waste of music. Let me read you your rights. You have the right to listen to good music. All bad music shall be severely frowned up. You also have the right to die which I hope you do. You're sentenced to bite the curb you maggot.

Everyone has the right to listen to the music we want to. If its Deathmetal, Emo, Punk or whatever its what we like. Not what YOU like. If I want to worship Satan (which I don't) would it hurt you? Would you say it's wrong? Why, why would you care it doesnt affect you dumbass. If I think its good then it is, If you think Its bad I couldn't give a shit. Maybe you should think before you start typing random things.
[Dec 13,2006 6:54pm - dreadkill ""]
this thread is gay
[Dec 13,2006 7:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
dreadkill said:this thread is gay

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