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TYAG Looking For New Drummer and Bassist!

[Jan 17,2005 1:10pm - TYAG  ""]
Thats right... were looking for a new drummer, as well as a bassist still.
If you are interested in joining our band drop me an email @ tyagxgrind@comcast.net with it in the subject.

Drummers must be able to blast, have transportation and time to play shows / practice.

Bass players must have time to play shows / practice and quality gear.


[Jan 17,2005 1:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
matt's still in?
[Jan 17,2005 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
We'd like to announce that two of our members have been asked to leave the band. We are now looking for a drummer, bassist and possible a guitarist from the Massachusetts area to retool the band for upcoming gigs and to write new material for recording. If you're interested in trying out and / or joining our band drop us an email here. All shows have been put on hold temporarily. We are not breaking up!

[Jan 17,2005 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
wait.. this is no longer a WE..

Devon Wedge - Vocals
???? - Guitar
???? - Guitar
???? - Drums
???? - Bass
[Jan 17,2005 1:13pm - Hooker ""]
That dude is the axl rose of the grind world.

I'll be your buckethead.
[Jan 17,2005 1:15pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:wait.. this is no longer a WE..

Devon Wedge - Vocals
???? - Guitar
???? - Guitar
???? - Drums
???? - Bass

that's my question...
i knew bassist...and read drummer above...but what about the others?

[Jan 17,2005 1:15pm - tbone_r ""]
i saw this and mentioned in the hard to read logo's thread. they sounded pretty good as a 3 piece....maybe a one piece will work out as well.
[Jan 17,2005 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 17,2005 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 17,2005 1:18pm - tbone_r ""]
haha remember the thread of that guy that played all those instruments with his body?
[Jan 17,2005 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 17,2005 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 17,2005 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 17,2005 2:29pm - TYAG  ""]
we ahve two new guitarists! dur... the official lineup will be announced shortly... we are still in need of a bassist and drummer!
[Jan 17,2005 2:30pm - TYAG  ""]
Hooker said:That dude is the axl rose of the grind world.

I'll be your buckethead.

thats witty.
[Jan 17,2005 2:39pm - Hooker ""]
It's hot shit is what it is.
[Jan 17,2005 4:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
WHAT!? No Matt or Nick??? the hell is happeing?
[Jan 17,2005 4:04pm - Blue ""]
he never said anything about matt leaving, did he?
[Jan 17,2005 4:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
those are good people, i want some answers or a statement. this is the biggest news story this year next to mike leaving ascendancy.
[Jan 17,2005 4:10pm - gorgish  ""]
they canceled the show they had with us last saturday because according to the promoter who got an email about it that day "they hadn't seen their guitarist in a month and couldn't get in touch with him"
so yeah, no matt apparently, and now nick.
[Jan 17,2005 4:26pm - intricateprocess ""]
holy schnikes
[Jan 17,2005 4:37pm - dread_104 ""]
nick just doing COA now?
[Jan 17,2005 4:50pm - TYAG  ""]
dread_104 said:nick just doing COA now?

yes. and matt has fallen off the face of the earth and we've cancelled 4 shows because of both of them recently.... and they wanted to stay a 3 piece dispite several interested parties that would make us a full band... so, this is where it stands until i can make any announcements on the new lineup etc. um so if anyone is interested... drop me an email like i said at tyagxgrind@comcast.net
[Jan 17,2005 4:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
gawd damn, good luck devon.
[Jan 17,2005 5:19pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
this band needs a fucking drummer first and foremost dammit...all you drummers better flock. i don't give a shit if you've got a band already, TYAG is better...haha

i may be playing guitar...MAY...there are some projects in the works right now, so maybe TYAG will have 2/3 of the original line up. time will tell
[Jan 17,2005 5:29pm - BornSoVile ""]
big bucks cesca emailing in 5 4 3 2 1
[Jan 17,2005 6:04pm - Kalopsia ""]
TheGreatSpaldino should rejoin the band
[Jan 17,2005 7:21pm - TYAG  ""]
[Jan 17,2005 8:27pm - Niccolai ""]
Mark Richards Needs to fucking be in TYAG.
I doubt you'll have a problem finding a bassist, but if you don't, I'll play bass.
[Jan 17,2005 10:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i saw matt rowe today at dominos, atleast i think it was him...i believe we only met once.
[Jan 18,2005 7:45am - niccolai ""]
He was at hanover mall this weekend... or last weekend, I have horrable sence of time.
[Jan 18,2005 9:32am - TYAG  ""]
I'm sure he's alive he's just acting the fool.
[Jan 18,2005 9:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Bust a cap in that mutha!
[Jan 18,2005 1:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i have kidnapped him and am reforming him to the whim of the overload, please go back to your daily routine. nothing to see here !
[Jan 18,2005 1:31pm - vomitspawn  ""]
join this band! they rule.
[Jan 18,2005 7:01pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[Jan 19,2005 11:52am - anonymous  ""]
kip winger!
[Jan 19,2005 12:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
with all due respect, don't you think it's time to change the band name if it's just Devon left? This ain't no CoC
[Jan 19,2005 5:16pm - ratt_mowe ""]
yeah seriously. i think it is time for a name change. however, the band is now what devon's always wanted it to be. completely focused on him.
[Jan 19,2005 5:22pm - ratt_mowe ""]
and no i havent fell off the face of the planet. i talk to nick all the time. and we didnt play the show this weekend because 1. i was working, and 2. nick was on tour with coa. and how the hell could we have practiced anyway, seeing as we've been locked out of our studio room for well over a month? and most of the time, i dont answer your calls, devon, cause i am fucking busy at work. sorry if i cant drop all my shit to talk to you. and joe/notcommon, i didnt know you came into dominos. say something next time!
[Jan 19,2005 5:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
yo Matt, best of luck to you man. your one of my favorite shits out there. we need to blaze again sometime.
[Jan 19,2005 5:29pm - ratt_mowe ""]
thanks man. that would rock. you, also, are quite the good shit.
[Jan 19,2005 6:28pm - Niccolai ""]
Matt, do you have plans for a new band?
[Jan 19,2005 7:21pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Matt is an avid pot head he spends too much time smoking pot, but some hows is working tand still does not have money for the band. cant even do the respectable thing and place a call saying "oh i can't be at practice"... being in a band together for almost 2 years i think he could at least do that.... i'm not trying to make this band all about me... just a functional band! one that actually plays the shows booked not cancells them at the last second because no one knows there asses from their elbows... so call me a dick. what would you all do?!
[Jan 19,2005 7:26pm - ratt_mowe ""]
shut the fuck up, you wanna talk shit about me??? you are in for it now. and sorry if i have to work to pay my car bills, student loan bills, rent, as well as medical bills that i have to pay off? sorry dude, but who was the one that was jobless for months on end? i know it wasnt me. if you wanna start talking shit about me, go ahead. just know that you are in for it. call me a fucking pothead. FUCK YOU. just because i dont live under every rule my second mom, i mean GIRLFRIEND, makes for me doesnt make me a pothead. and most of the time i get it for FUCKING FREE! way to throw someone under the bus. you fucking loser.
[Jan 19,2005 7:26pm - blue ""]
[Jan 19,2005 7:32pm - jacob  ""]
TYAG said:dread_104 said:nick just doing COA now?

yes. and matt has fallen off the face of the earth and we've cancelled 4 shows because of both of them recently.... and they wanted to stay a 3 piece dispite several interested parties that would make us a full band... so, this is where it stands until i can make any announcements on the new lineup etc. um so if anyone is interested... drop me an email like i said at tyagxgrind@comcast.net

i heard that nick started another grind band a month ago and is playing for 25 ta life too
[Jan 19,2005 7:44pm - mike.........  ""]
its like this thread just turned into the enquirer or the star or something.
[Jan 19,2005 7:46pm - MOM  ""]
ok, first of all, I DO NOT TELL DEVON WHAT TO DO. i have shelled out money for this band, i have let devon use my car, i've been handling all of your online orders, i even offered to pay for recording and tshirts if you guys needed it. i have been overly generous, and this is what i get. i have never stopped devon, or TYAG from doing anything. i have always been 100% supportive. every decision devon has made is his own. i do not get involved. i care about him, and i feel bad for him. i know what it's like to have all of your friends turn their backs on you, and blame you for things that aren't even your fault. i know people get busy, but you guys could have at least called him back when he left countless messages on your phones. i really thought all of you guys were cool...but things change i guess.

i don't even know how i got involved. i have nothing to do with any of this...but somehow my name is being thrown around. it always seems that in these situations it has SOMETHING to do with the girlfriend. common scapegoat. never fails. devon's a good guy, he hasn't done anything wrong anyway, so i guess i'll take the blame?? sure.

thank you, matt. much appreciated.
[Jan 19,2005 7:47pm - reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  ""]
god shut up bitch

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