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I think this needs to be said

[Jul 21,2004 7:21am - Kalopsia ""]
BO, please give us your definition of what u think "thrashing" is.
[Jul 21,2004 11:08am - Christraper ""]
snakefist said:I think a big problem is a lot of metalcore kids now are kind of prick ass holes, all they want to do is kung fu dance and hold hands with their friends, and only like their friends bands, instead of actually listening to everybody and showing all bands the respect they deserve for even wasting their time playing, they stand in little groups making jokes and showing off new kung fu mosh moves for each other.

I totally agree with this dude! I cant stand it when hardcore/metalcore fruitcakes show up. I cant speak for everyone but all the ones ive seen all seem to watch the karate kid before going to shows. they run around taking cheap shots at everyone in the pit and talk down to everyone who isnt straight edge while eating their stupid fuckin vegan rabbit food! And then they wonder why metalheads want to fight them all the time. I dont support underground i support metal. So what if the shows are dead. id rather play a show in front of ten or twenty metalheads that i can drink beer and party with afterwards than a room full of gay scenesters goose stepping and airboxing all over the pit. i say keep em sparate. we dont want them at our shows and they dont want us at theirs.

[Jul 21,2004 12:55pm - armageddonday ""]
Christraper said:...id rather play a show in front of ten or twenty metalheads that i can drink beer and party with afterwards than a room full of gay scenesters goose stepping and airboxing all over the pit.

Yeah me too, unless the room full of metalheads start beating the shit of one dude for no reason...that is as stupid as the "gay scenesters goose stepping and airboxing all over the pit"

[Jul 21,2004 1:28pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey guys can we generalize people by what music they listen to just a little more?

cause I mean, segregating people and making gross assumptions about others is what life's about, isn't it?
[Jul 21,2004 1:39pm - Christraper ""]
armageddonday said:Christraper said:...id rather play a show in front of ten or twenty metalheads that i can drink beer and party with afterwards than a room full of gay scenesters goose stepping and airboxing all over the pit.

Yeah me too, unless the room full of metalheads start beating the shit of one dude for no reason...that is as stupid as the "gay scenesters goose stepping and airboxing all over the pit"


nobody beat the shit out of that guy but Bloodfuck.......and maybe Satan John a little afterwards but that kid totally had it coming! He shouldve left the first time he got thrown through mikes door but instead he chose to stick around and talk shit. Its ok though, he wasnt in the driveway the next morning so as far as we know he's still alive. :spineyes:
[Jul 21,2004 2:49pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah, he's alive he stopped by the store the day after to apologize ???
He didn't remember anything...well that's what he said. I waited for him outside when I left to see if he was alright.
[Jul 21,2004 3:21pm - Christraper ""]
that was a funny night! it was great when you kicked max in the head!
[Jul 21,2004 3:29pm - armageddonday ""]
I didn't kick Max in the head! I was about to kick his ass, yes...but I didn't kick him...tell me I didn't...
[Jul 21,2004 3:59pm - Christraper ""]
no dude you totally kicked him square in the face when he poured beer in your boot! his head went back so fast he probably got whiplash! hahahaha!
[Jul 21,2004 4:17pm - mosh hard or go home!!  ""]
I thought this thread was dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this hardcore vs. metal talk does is start trouble. Metal rules and hardcore rules = the end.
[Jul 21,2004 4:19pm - Christraper ""]
hardcore blows donkies
[Jul 21,2004 4:19pm - Christraper ""]
Anne beats on Russians! HAHAHAHAHA!
[Jul 21,2004 4:24pm - JellyFish ""]
mosh hard or go home is a funny name.
[Jul 21,2004 4:26pm - Mosh hard or go home  ""]
It is a cool name isn't it. I think I'll use it from now on.
[Jul 21,2004 4:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 21,2004 4:27pm - JellyFish ""]
[Jul 21,2004 4:27pm - Mosh hard or go home  ""]
Wow a metal head who's homophobic how original.
[Jul 21,2004 4:28pm - JellyFish ""]
its funny to watch skeletons dancing.

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