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Miley Cyrus is an Iron Maiden fan? hahahahahahahah

[Jan 22,2009 8:35pm - MASlayer  ""]
22 Miley Avenue
[Jan 22,2009 8:49pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i think i wanna kick her hard
[Jan 22,2009 9:14pm - zyklon ""]
I hate when people say this ho is a "role model" for kids.
[Jan 22,2009 10:14pm - Ryan_M ""]

Ma_Dukes said:i think i wanna fuck her hard

I second that.
[Jan 22,2009 10:21pm - W3 nli  ""]

zyklon said:I hate when people say this ho is a "role model" for kids.

dood i wish more 17yo girls were that ready to get naked, wait they are already.

ah youth
[Jan 22,2009 10:22pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
Ryan_M said:
Ma_Dukes said:i think i wanna fuck her hard

I second that.

[Jan 22,2009 10:33pm - Conservationist ""]
Suddenly, Pedo Thread is Pedo.
[Jan 22,2009 10:33pm - pam ""]

zyklon said:I hate when people say this ho is a "role model" for kids.

My kid doesn't see that. She can stay in her innocent infatuation with Miley as long as she likes.

Besides, she's 15, not 8. It's really not that shocking. I didn't know a single 16 year old virgin girl when I was 16, so posing in her undies at 15 really doesn't shock me.

Maybe me and my friends were just whores?
[Jan 22,2009 10:39pm - Conservationist ""]

pam said: I didn't know a single 16 year old virgin girl when I was 16

Sucks. The people who keep their innocence are generally the nicest, most realistic people you meet.

[Jan 22,2009 10:42pm - pam ""]
Are you implying that I'm not nice?
[Jan 22,2009 10:43pm - pam ""]
Cause I'm the nicest motherfucker on this board.
[Jan 22,2009 10:47pm - W3 nli  ""]

pam said:Cause I'm the nicest motherfucker on this board.


[Jan 22,2009 10:57pm - Martins ""]
I heard those were fakes?

Either that or that they weren't fakes. Not sure.
[Jan 22,2009 11:01pm - pam ""]
Nah I think she was all over TV apologizing or something.

Oh no that was the awesome Annie Leibovitz ones...I have no idea.
[Jan 22,2009 11:13pm - Martins ""]
I just heard it was some lookalike. There are some n00dies and shit.
[Jan 23,2009 12:58am - W3 nli  ""]
n00dz gimme.
[Jan 23,2009 8:22am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

pam said:Nah I think she was all over TV apologizing or something.

Oh no that was the awesome Annie Leibovitz ones...I have no idea.

Link please.
[Jan 23,2009 8:45am - Martins ""]
She's talking about the ones with her father. Annie Leibovitz is a photographer I guess.


[Jan 23,2009 9:56am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 23,2009 10:08am - pam ""]
ew. That girl is a baby.
[Jan 23,2009 10:16am - pam ""]
This is the Annie photo that had parents and moral people shitting themselves.


I think the picture is amazing.
[Jan 23,2009 10:22am - SkinSandwich ""]
She is, in fact, a cunt.
[Jan 23,2009 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i bet Billy Ray faps to his daughter. weirdo.
[Jan 23,2009 11:46am - W3 nli  ""]

Yeti said:i bet Billy Ray faps to his daughter. weirdo.

lol fuck yeah
[Jan 23,2009 12:18pm - Conservationist ""]

pam said:ew. That girl is a baby.

[Jan 26,2009 11:48pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
billy ray faps to hannah montana & pretends it's really not his daughter
[Apr 21,2009 1:50pm - anonymous  ""]
sex sex sex sex sex sex
[Apr 21,2009 11:56pm - HTR ""]
I would very much like to watch a hot oil death-match between her and Slymenstra Hymen.

[Apr 22,2009 9:47am - I wants to be your president  ""]

zyklon said:I hate when people say this ho is a "role model" for kids.

Role model? They meant ho model. If every woman is a ho, they are easy to control, politically speaking.
[Apr 22,2009 9:48am - I wants to be your president  ""]

pam said:ew. That girl is a baby.

Enjoy sexual liberation, bitch! You're a commodity now
[Apr 22,2009 10:39am - AaronSyndicate ""]
that grill is looking pretty solid....what the fuck!?
[Apr 22,2009 11:23am - xanonymousx ""]
wtf is this child porn!
[Apr 22,2009 11:27am - W3 nli  ""]
id fuck her
[Apr 22,2009 10:29pm - Dankill  ""]

W3%20nli said:id fuck her

Hahahaha, nothing has changed exactly four months from the original post. WIN!
[Apr 26,2009 10:49am - SDSlamma  ""]
is it just me or do these fake pics rock?
[Apr 26,2009 1:07pm - Conservationist ""]
Time for her to go on tour as Smiley Myrus and sing Hannah Montana songs in the nude.
[Apr 26,2009 1:28pm - boblovesmusicatthecoolidge  ""]
Have her tour with Lauren Harris.
[May 29,2009 1:19pm - Mav  ""]
oy i think iron madien is pretty bad ass
[May 29,2009 1:57pm - darkwor ""]
^^^ somebody didn't get the point
[May 29,2009 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
look at the amount of views this thread has. you fuckin pervs.
[May 29,2009 6:36pm - secretgoblin ""]

Martins said:She's talking about the ones with her father. Annie Leibovitz is a photographer I guess.



Ummm, is that even legal to be posting?
[May 29,2009 6:40pm - secretgoblin ""]
Look at it all this way. She's got a shitload of influence over young girls. She could begin a trend that gets girls into listening to Maiden, this in turn could get their wussy-ass wigger boyfriends to also make a switch, pull their pants up and start being men for a change. I see this as a sign that metal could be coming back after two decades of grunge, rap and emo.
[Jun 19,2009 2:35pm - f_miley  ""]
lol iron maiden is ruined 4 me now that miley likes it
[Jun 29,2009 7:02pm - anonymous  ""]
she got a nice pussy
[Jun 29,2009 8:53pm - Conservationist ""]

pam said:ew. That girl is a baby.


Before 4chan, pedo used to be universally acknowledged as creepy and proof of reproductive unfitness.


[Jun 29,2009 9:05pm - SEXECUTIONER [CP]  ""]
[Jul 1,2009 9:04am - wildnout14  ""]
oh hi! my ip is


[Jul 6,2009 9:59am - anonymous  ""]
i will fuck miley anyday. all she has to do is spread her legs and im in there anyday. just let me get at her. DAMN! i bet she is still a virgin too. dman she looks tight.
[Jul 9,2009 2:27am - dgdfgdgdgd  ""]
oo she cant sing and shes a hoe but dam shes fine
[Jul 11,2009 9:17pm - Hello Peeps  ""]
shes not even 18 yet you filthy pervs, but id still do her

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