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Dear anonymous

[Oct 9,2009 2:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I almost turned off anonymous access to the site... but it only took me a couple seconds to block what you were doing and shut it down.
I thought about posting your ip address, but you are on a cell.
[Oct 9,2009 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
does this have to do with the fake arils?
[Oct 9,2009 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
a lot of the fake arils came from that IP too. and fake revs, hosers, richhorrors, etc... Funny, people were using that trick back in 2004, then 2007, and then 2009.
[Oct 9,2009 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
it's a simple trick. you put a space in the name
[Oct 9,2009 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
before the name. I don't think it worked after the name.
[Oct 9,2009 2:47pm - Martins ""]
I was a few of the fake arils and some other random ones but I was never fake hosers or fake revs (besides reverend jesse jackson)
This IP address is probably unfamiliar for you since it's my work one and I've only been working here since july.
[Oct 9,2009 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
so how many anonfags were posting? about 95% of the fake arils weren't me. I've narrowed it down to reimroc, DYA, and you.
[Oct 9,2009 2:48pm - aril mobile  ""]
Lol is it this ip
[Oct 9,2009 2:48pm - reimroc ""]
i will admit i was one of the fake arils

i happen to work in burlington

i wasnt those guys back in 04/07 but chances are that person was from burlington where this ip is
[Oct 9,2009 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]

aril%20mobile said:Lol is it this ip

that is 18 away from the real ip
[Oct 9,2009 2:52pm - Martins ""]
Oh it's a cell ip. Missed that. WASN'T ME
[Oct 9,2009 2:52pm - dreadkill ""]

reimroc said:i will admit i was one of the fake arils

i happen to work in burlington

i wasnt those guys back in 04/07 but chances are that person was from burlington where this ip is

was it you who said you live in chelmsford? i grew up in burlington and work in chelmsford.
[Oct 9,2009 2:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
well, that's my iQueer. You'd know a troll was me if you saw that number
[Oct 9,2009 2:53pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Today was a blatant disregard for forum ethics, and this is what's wrong with America.


Never forget

[Oct 9,2009 2:54pm - Martins ""]
[Oct 9,2009 2:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
wait, so i don't get it? what's the big deal and what was going on in 2004 and 2007?
[Oct 9,2009 2:56pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

Martins said:forum...ethics?

10/9 was an inside job. We all know it was you, man.
[Oct 9,2009 2:56pm - xgodzillax ""]
any time i post now, im logged in. regardless of bein on my phone or not.
[Oct 9,2009 2:57pm - Martins ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
Martins said:forum...ethics?

10/9 was an inside job. We all know it was you, man.

lol what?
[Oct 9,2009 2:58pm - arilliusbm ""]

xgodzillax said:any time i post now, im logged in. regardless of bein on my phone or not.

you need to post more again. I haven't seen you degrade someone recently. start more fights again
[Oct 9,2009 2:59pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Playing stupid isn't going to work in your favor.
[Oct 9,2009 3:00pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Martins is one of them.
[Oct 9,2009 3:01pm - Martins ""]
I already admitted to being a bunch of arils. I think the only denigrating thing I may have said was the pushing buttons remark and the rebuttal.

What's funny is that the fake aril comment that I responded to that real aril thought I made was one of the ones I didn't make.
[Oct 9,2009 3:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
I knew those fake arils were you..
[Oct 9,2009 3:02pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I jus playin'. The NSA will sort this entire mess out.

For God and Country.
[Oct 9,2009 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm boning up on 2009 web programing and starting all my sites over from scratch soon.
[Oct 9,2009 3:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh, and Rev, if it makes you feel better I was that fake hoser.
[Oct 9,2009 3:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wasn't the failed ones with the % signs and stuff. THE REAL DEAL. was trying to get his attention, need to ask him something and too lazy to PM right now
[Oct 9,2009 3:05pm - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:I knew those fake arils were you..

Like I said, I wasn't all of them. I certainly wasn't the first one and I started no threads. The Kaspersky post was my friend who works at Kaspersky. I showed him the thread for the lulz.
[Oct 9,2009 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:I wasn't the failed ones with the % signs and stuff. THE REAL DEAL. was trying to get his attention, need to ask him something and too lazy to PM right now
that was me trying to figure out what they were doing.
[Oct 9,2009 3:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
LOL you got pwnt on your on board.

aril 1
rev 0
[Oct 9,2009 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
pwnt? but I figured it out rather qikly
[Oct 9,2009 3:14pm - reimroc ""]

dreadkill said:
reimroc said:i will admit i was one of the fake arils

i happen to work in burlington

i wasnt those guys back in 04/07 but chances are that person was from burlington where this ip is

was it you who said you live in chelmsford? i grew up in burlington and work in chelmsford.

no i leave near(10 miles or so away) chelmsford but not in chelmsford. i do work in burlington though.
[Oct 9,2009 3:15pm - reimroc ""]
what gave me away was using aril's steam name hahaha
[Oct 9,2009 3:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I posted 1 fake Aril comment.
[Oct 9,2009 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]

reimroc said:what gave me away was using aril's steam name hahaha

it was very strange.. someone using my gaming name, someone posting what anti-virus I use at home, my computer shutting off and me losing my work, and then retards making threads about me going to lunch.

your arrested.
[Oct 9,2009 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
The last time I trolled as someone else it was as Mark Kevorkian in '05.
[Oct 9,2009 3:18pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Oct 9,2009 3:19pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
what is this, the Nuremberg trials now?
[Oct 9,2009 3:19pm - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:
reimroc said:what gave me away was using aril's steam name hahaha

it was very strange.. someone using my gaming name, someone posting what anti-virus I use at home, my computer shutting off and me losing my work, and then retards making threads about me going to lunch.

your arrested.

I already told you who made the Kaspersky post haha. Funny thing is, his name is also Brian.

The computer shutting down was me hacking the Fed sorry lawl
[Oct 9,2009 3:19pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I made a fake Aril comment once, but that was way before this fiasco! hehe
[Oct 9,2009 3:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Oct 9,2009 3:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Turn in your neighbor for being a fake aril.
[Oct 9,2009 3:20pm - Martins ""]
Is jim gonna take jim to court? Multiple arils again?
[Oct 9,2009 3:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
your all arrested.

and yea, I've been fucking with all of you by being that lame-ass repost/internet/grammar police.

the badge was given back to MSD but he posts once a month.
[Oct 9,2009 3:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I gotta say, i find the RTTP-Arrests quite amusing.
[Oct 9,2009 3:22pm - RichHorror ""]
If the gestapo is coming back I'd like to take this opportunity to declare my interest in being a part of it.
[Oct 9,2009 3:23pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:
reimroc said:what gave me away was using aril's steam name hahaha

it was very strange.. someone using my gaming name, someone posting what anti-virus I use at home, my computer shutting off and me losing my work, and then retards making threads about me going to lunch.

your arrested.

no actually the fake aril talking about your anti-virus wasn't me.

i posted as DYA saying i lived in hopedalololol and threw you off. you thought it was someone from worcester lol

i was the one who kept saying that you stole "my"(your) account and was posting with it.
[Oct 9,2009 3:23pm - Martins ""]
omg aril wtf it's you're you should know that with your liberal smarts degree
[Oct 9,2009 3:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
that's alright. I've trolled you as reimobile about 20 times in the past. you didn't see all them either

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