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[Feb 6,2012 3:15pm - KEVORD ""]
I know this really is in the works and this twat should be banned.
[Feb 6,2012 3:17pm - Wednesday  ""]
Shut up, Kevin.
[Feb 6,2012 3:17pm - KEVORD ""]
Twat identified.
[Feb 6,2012 3:28pm - Thursday  ""]
I don't think so.
[Feb 6,2012 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
Born on a Monday
Married on a Tuesday
Drunk on a Wednesday
Got plugged on a Thursday
Sick on a Friday
Died on a Saturday
Buried on a Sunday
[Feb 6,2012 3:44pm - ...  ""]
Just talked to Dagon on the phone. Show is called off.
[Feb 6,2012 5:22pm - Necrologue  ""]
... Why?
[Feb 6,2012 5:31pm - KEVORD ""]
Cause too many trolls were fed.
[Feb 6,2012 5:45pm - Necrologue  ""]
Groovy. So Mr. ... is just a troll?
[Feb 6,2012 5:49pm - ...  ""]
Dagon needs to much.
[Feb 6,2012 6:01pm - Necrologue  ""]
How much more does he need?
[Feb 6,2012 6:03pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
"..." is just a troll and has nothing to do with the show.

Venue is taking it's sweet time to get back to me. Have to call them tomorrow, if not, lesser desired venue is a go and it will be there.

[Feb 6,2012 6:08pm - Necrologue  ""]
Oh, alright. Thanks for the clarification!

I'm new to things around here.
[Feb 6,2012 6:14pm - ...  ""]
Twat liar.
[Feb 6,2012 6:23pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

... said:Twat liar.

[Feb 6,2012 6:23pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

[Feb 6,2012 7:15pm - Friday  ""]
[Feb 7,2012 12:43pm - Saturday  ""]
This twat lies. No show. No annoucement.
[Feb 8,2012 8:09pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Things are well on their way and finally looking up.

If you were one of those people inquiring about this email Mike at nachzehrerbm @ yahoo.com
[Feb 9,2012 9:32am - DYA is SCHOOL POOPIN‘  ""]
I can't remember the rest, but your mother's a whore.

[Feb 10,2012 8:54am - Sunday  ""]
Ok this dude keeps lying like a twat liar. its been nearly a week since he said they will come but hes a fucking lying twat.
[Feb 10,2012 10:39am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 13,2012 2:32pm - Necrologue  ""]
How about this Monday? Any news?
[Feb 13,2012 2:38pm - It's Monday you lying twat  ""]
another monday another round of twat lies.
[Feb 13,2012 2:41pm - chriskar  ""]
we'd still like to play this if it happens.
[Feb 13,2012 2:42pm - chriskar  ""]
[Feb 13,2012 3:28pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
See the post I made on the 8th?

The one that says if you were one of those people asking about/looking to help out with the show to email me?



Date and venue are booked, details on that once the venue posts it. Finalizing contract with their manager this evening.
[Feb 13,2012 3:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Seriously, why not just make one thread that says "can vattnet viskar play this show", and bump it every time someone posts about a show on here?
[Feb 13,2012 4:22pm - AndrewBastard ""]
LOL at contract with manager

[Feb 13,2012 4:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
Can Herugrim get on this?
[Feb 13,2012 4:24pm - KEVORD ""]
Manager = Satan or GTFO.
[Feb 13,2012 4:24pm - chriskar  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Seriously, why not just make one thread that says "can vattnet viskar play this show", and bump it every time someone posts about a show on here?

it never hurts to ask.
[Feb 13,2012 4:24pm - arktouros ""]
[Feb 13,2012 4:41pm - It's Monday you lying twat  ""]

nekronautloggedin said:Date and venue are booked, details on that once the venue posts it. Finalizing contract with their manager this evening.

[Feb 13,2012 5:32pm - nekronaut ""]

AndrewBastard said:LOL at contract with manager

What's LOL about that?

Their manager/booking agent has a show agreement/contract for the gig.

So do most bands that aren't on a local level.. it's so they don't get fucked over and they get paid.

I have to hear Angela bitch about contracts all the time, trust me.
[Feb 13,2012 5:43pm - trioxin_245 ""]
Can I just say that it bothers me that all of a sudden everyone and their mom cares about Inquisition?
[Feb 13,2012 5:53pm - arilliusbm ""]

trioxin_245 said:Can I just say that it bothers me that all of a sudden everyone and their mom cares about Inquisition?

Lol so true
[Feb 13,2012 6:09pm - KEVORD ""]
[Feb 13,2012 7:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin_245 said:Can I just say that it bothers me that all of a sudden everyone and their mom cares about Inquisition?

My mom thinks they're overrated and called me a hipster about it.
[Feb 13,2012 8:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Atrocity confirmed
[Feb 13,2012 8:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hey guys I heard there's a hip new band everyone loves that's right up my alley and so im of course a diehard fan and totally troooo.

Fuck this bullshit, y'all niggas is gay
[Feb 13,2012 9:02pm - Inquisition Manager  ""]
hey guys it's Inquisition's Manager here anyone can open for Inquisition all you have to do is sell 500 tickets!
[Feb 13,2012 9:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Nuh its cool Nachtshaver is a manager at Petco now he's got deep pockets.

[Feb 13,2012 9:08pm - nekronaut ""]
[Feb 13,2012 9:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Nigga you bess not be getting cheap and skippin out on them cheddarbiskets.
[Feb 13,2012 9:15pm - nekronaut ""]
Only the best.
[Feb 13,2012 9:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Them shits is the bomb kid, you better not be takin no hoes for my cheddarbiskets. Hoes don't deserve none, that's why they hoes.

Now tell that hoe to clean my house, wash my car and do my laundry and then maybe, MAYBE she can have deeezzzzz nuuuuutzzzz
[Feb 13,2012 9:51pm - arktouros ""]

arilliusbm said:
trioxin_245 said:Can I just say that it bothers me that all of a sudden everyone and their mom cares about Inquisition?

Lol so true

well i'm sure inquisition isn't bothered.
[Feb 13,2012 9:53pm - KEVORD ""]
Why do asshole bands have to put out albums people like?
[Feb 13,2012 10:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
Inquisition is the best frogmetal band.

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