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News Article: zarqawi killed by airstrike

[Jun 8,2006 7:34am - the_reverend ""]
it's on cnn and bush is speaking about it
[Jun 8,2006 8:19am - Scoracrasia ""]
Good news but someone will just replace him.
[Jun 8,2006 8:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just replaced him.
[Jun 8,2006 8:26am - Scoracrasia ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

[Jun 8,2006 8:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish Al Qaeda would start attacking european metal bands
[Jun 8,2006 8:47am - Hungtableed  ""]
Kill 'em all and let allah sort 'em out
[Jun 8,2006 8:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
In other news, Venom, the worst metal band in the history of mankind, was destroyed by a roadside bomb on their way to the gay bar.
[Jun 8,2006 9:44am - fishcakes ""]
[Jun 8,2006 9:46am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I don't know who is more eager for the flaming, Venom or you.

There was supposed to be a duality in that statement that I have somehow failed to convey.
[Jun 8,2006 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
duality? that's a gay word!
[Jun 8,2006 10:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had sex with Venom, Sodom and Kreator because those dudes are all gay.
[Jun 8,2006 10:52am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.
[Jun 8,2006 10:55am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I had sex with Venom, Sodom and Kreator because those dudes are all gay.

Well, if they got you pregnant, I know a handful of people on this board that would offer their lifes savings for a Mille NotCommon love child.
[Jun 8,2006 10:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I knew him, he sucked at golf.
[Jun 8,2006 11:01am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Someone called me a Big Bearded Mille the other night at the gig. No chance, but probably the best compliment I've gotten.
[Jun 8,2006 11:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Joe/NotCommon said:I had sex with Venom, Sodom and Kreator because those dudes are all gay.

Well, if they got you pregnant, I know a handful of people on this board that would offer their lifes savings for a Mille NotCommon love child.

I am pregnant, but I don't know who the father is. There was alot of dicks inside me.
[Jun 8,2006 11:06am - ShadowSD  ""]
Let's just hope this isn't like when we supposedly killed Al-Zawahiri last year, but then it turned out not to be him (just a few pesky innocent civilians).
[Jun 8,2006 11:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope that we accidently bomb BU
[Jun 8,2006 11:07am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
You realize you could have just paid them all to be on the label, right?
[Jun 8,2006 11:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't sign european bands, only north american and asian. In the future maybe south american.
[Jun 8,2006 11:11am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Ahahahahahahaha. Another glass of orange juice, gone out my nose.
[Jun 8,2006 11:35am - dreadkill ""]
i hope i'm the father of joe's baby. if it's someone else, i will go into a deep depression and possibly kill myself.
[Jun 8,2006 11:40am - RichHorror ""]
I will pray that the father is someone other than Ken Carnation.
[Jun 8,2006 11:42am - dreadkill ""]
i'll shoot my carnation instant breakfast into you and father your assbaby, richard
[Jun 8,2006 11:42am - RichHorror ""]
I'll bring about the death of melodic metal.
[Jun 8,2006 11:43am - dreadkill ""]
the baby will be the antichrist of melodic metal.
[Jun 8,2006 12:01pm - the_reverend ""]
holy shit, check the video

gd... they hit it with 2 500lb bombs. how many blocks got f'd up from that.

i think I saw a UFO flying away from it. Al-Zarqawi is up with the comet now.

he looks well grooned too.
[Jun 8,2006 12:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
"Allah...your loyal servant has come to you?"

"There is no Al-lah here. We are Al-iens. Mohammed fucked up in the Qu'ran. Bend over."
[Jun 8,2006 12:10pm - dreadkill ""]
he is very well grooned
[Jun 8,2006 12:10pm - dreadkill ""]
i bet his prom date didn't say "good luck dudes"
[Jun 8,2006 12:15pm - Messerschmitt ""]
groony groo hoo
[Jun 8,2006 12:18pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wonder if he grooned all those people before cutting off their heads in such a sexy fucking fashion.
[Jun 8,2006 12:50pm - hoser ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

Who really fuckin' cares?

[Jun 8,2006 12:52pm - hoser ""]
They're dead, they don't care....

You should seriously go there and help those people!!! They need help!!! Such.....such....horrible devastation!!!
[Jun 8,2006 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I wish I were grooned.
[Jun 8,2006 12:54pm - RichHorror ""]
When Aaron makes fun of your spelling, it's time to commit suicide.
[Jun 8,2006 1:36pm - xmikex ""]

he looks well enough to shop at walmart. what a dick.
[Jun 8,2006 2:07pm - hungtableed  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

If you don't think this asshole's death is a good thing, then you don't deserve to breathe American air and you should be either deported or suffocated.

[Jun 8,2006 2:35pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
hungtableed said:HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

How do you know that for sure?
[Jun 8,2006 2:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
Cheers to Armed Forces for finally knocking off another key objective.
I wonder where they'll hang that sweet picture frame.
[Jun 8,2006 2:50pm - hungtableed  ""]
1. Because we used 500lb bombs, not 2,000lb, or 3,000lb, or (what we should have used) the 20,000lb MOAB.
2. We used bunker busting technology - Which means the bomb was deeply entrenched below the ground surface before it blew up so that we know that we killed them and so that the explosion was contained within the house.
3. The safe house was in the middle of fucking no where, essentially no-mans land. Anyone in the general area was as guilty as he for protecting him.

He was the most wanted man in Iraq, and Iraqi's harbor a general disdain for him. If you think that the people in that area were ignorant as to who was in their midst, then you must be either retarded or must have some sympathy for him and you are just looking for a reason to criticize the war effort.
[Jun 8,2006 2:52pm - powerkok ""]
Happy news.
That guy was a scumbag.
[Jun 8,2006 2:58pm - hungtableed  ""]
the_reverend said:

i think I saw a UFO flying away from it. Al-Zarqawi is up with the comet now.

Only if he had Nikes on
[Jun 8,2006 3:15pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:In other news, Venom, the worst metal band in the history of mankind, was destroyed by a roadside bomb on their way to the gay bar.

[Jun 8,2006 3:17pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
hungtableed said:HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

If you don't think this asshole's death is a good thing, then you don't deserve to breathe American air and you should be either deported or suffocated.

[Jun 8,2006 3:20pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I bet it was'nt as many people as died on 9/11 how many times are people going to talk shit before they realize that the TERRORists started it WE as a UNITED NATION shall end it. Man Mencia had it right with his standup god bless that wetback!
[Jun 8,2006 4:33pm - Scoracrasia ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I agree on the replacement, but I would expect a comment like this from you. You should have attended his funeral. You would have fit right in.

[Jun 8,2006 4:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]
How many millions of dollars did we spend to kill a guy that we would never even have heard of if we had stayed out of that ragheaded country in the first place?
Meanwhile, the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks remains a free man. Yay America.

[Jun 8,2006 4:54pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Morbid_Mike said:hungtableed said:HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

If you don't think this asshole's death is a good thing, then you don't deserve to breathe American air and you should be either deported or suffocated.


I agree as well. When I heard about this the first thing I thought was that I hope they burn his fucking house down and kill his family as well.
[Jun 8,2006 5:08pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Josh_Martin said:How many millions of dollars did we spend to kill a guy that we would never even have heard of if we had stayed out of that ragheaded country in the first place?
Meanwhile, the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks remains a free man. Yay America.

Careful, dude, every American who does anything but rejoice today deserves to suffocate. Just think of all the American troops who died for our right to support our President no matter what.

[Jun 8,2006 5:20pm - ShadowSD  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I also have to point out what a liberal bleeding-heart traitor HailtheLeaf is for posting this.

1. She's not upset about Zarkawi's death. What a commie.
2. She's concerned about civilian casualties. Obviously terrorist thinking.
3. She believes that his martyrdom will lead to vengeance. Come on, if that was true, Christians would have been vengeful against those who crucified Jesus, and that obviously never happened.

[Jun 8,2006 5:21pm - powerkok ""]
Josh_Martin said:How many millions of dollars did we spend to kill a guy that we would never even have heard of if we had stayed out of that ragheaded country in the first place?
Meanwhile, the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks remains a free man. Yay America.

He was beheading people way before we invaded Iraqx2.
Just because YOU didnt hear of him dosent mean 'WE' didnt.
I was aware of Al Zak (yes Al Zak, like J.Lo) shortly before 9/11.
[Jun 8,2006 5:22pm - powerkok ""]
ShadowSD said:HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I also have to point out what a liberal bleeding-heart traitor HailtheLeaf is for posting this.

1. She's not upset about Zarkawi's death. What a commie.
2. She's concerned about civilian casualties. Obviously terrorist thinking.
3. She believes that his martyrdom will lead to vengeance. Come on, if that was true, Christians would have been vengeful against those who crucified Jesus, and that obviously never happened.


Dont burn her because shes a witch.
Burn her for not putting out.
[Jun 8,2006 5:45pm - ShadowSD  ""]
powerkok said:He was beheading people way before we invaded Iraqx2.

Sure, but he wouldn't have risen to such a stature had we not invaded Iraq. The guy was from Jordan, he only ended up staying in Iraq long-term because we made Iraq a target.
[Jun 8,2006 6:23pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
hungtableed said:HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

If you don't think this asshole's death is a good thing, then you don't deserve to breathe American air and you should be either deported or suffocated.

If U.S. soldiers weren't there, occupying a country they have no right whatsoever to be in, then a hell of alot of people wouldn't be getting blown up at all. Some of these "terrorists" are defending their country, some are fucking nutbags. It's terrorists killing terrorists and both are killing civilians. I have no feelings for this man's death, but if Cheney or Rumsfeld got blown to bits I'd throw a kegger.
[Jun 8,2006 6:25pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Morbid_Mike said:HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I bet it was'nt as many people as died on 9/11 how many times are people going to talk shit before they realize that the TERRORists started it WE as a UNITED NATION shall end it. Man Mencia had it right with his standup god bless that wetback!

What the fuck does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? NOTHING. And our government started it.
[Jun 8,2006 6:48pm - hoser ""]
HailTheLeaf said:hungtableed said:HailTheLeaf said:
I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy?

Not nearly as many as he and his organization have been repsoncible for. In your blind hatered for the military and your spilling-bleeding heart, you apparently don't realize that the terrorists over there targeting U.S. soldiers kill WAY MORE Iraqis than Americans, hands fucking down. And just so you know, there were extreme measures taken to avoid 'collateral damage', so don't worry about not being able to sleep tonight - there were no civilian deaths.

If you don't think this asshole's death is a good thing, then you don't deserve to breathe American air and you should be either deported or suffocated.

If U.S. soldiers weren't there, occupying a country they have no right whatsoever to be in, then a hell of alot of people wouldn't be getting blown up at all. Some of these "terrorists" are defending their country, some are fucking nutbags. It's terrorists killing terrorists and both are killing civilians. I have no feelings for this man's death, but if Cheney or Rumsfeld got blown to bits I'd throw a kegger.

You're such a scumbag. Seriously, I WILL pay for your ticket out of this country if you PROMISE to stay out forever. But, like your liberal scum brethren in Hollywood (The Baldwins) you won't keep a single promise either....and they HAVE the money to do it!!!! Like yourself, they'd rather stay here and bitch about everything. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. GO or STAY, but if you stay...please.....vote wisely. Hell, if I weren't married......I still wouldn't date you.....hahahahahahaha....I'm so random...
[Jun 8,2006 8:53pm - yeti ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Morbid_Mike said:HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I bet it was'nt as many people as died on 9/11 how many times are people going to talk shit before they realize that the TERRORists started it WE as a UNITED NATION shall end it. Man Mencia had it right with his standup god bless that wetback!

What the fuck does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? NOTHING. And our government started it.

they should bomb your house.

[Jun 8,2006 9:10pm - hoser ""]
yeti said:HailTheLeaf said:Morbid_Mike said:HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

I bet it was'nt as many people as died on 9/11 how many times are people going to talk shit before they realize that the TERRORists started it WE as a UNITED NATION shall end it. Man Mencia had it right with his standup god bless that wetback!

What the fuck does 9/11 have to do with Iraq? NOTHING. And our government started it.

they should bomb your house.

How I wish that they would....this idiot hasn't and inkling of what real pain is. She's nothing more than another loudmouth hippie with an unoriginal agenda and an implanted opinion. Glory lies in unification through a common cause, shadowed only by the valor of the individual. She'll never understand that.....she is the minority, fighting for a cause that nobody believes in. She is the bad thread in the fabric. The cancerous cell. The virus constantly trying to replicate. Too bad most of this board has such a great immune system.
[Jun 8,2006 9:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll say it before and I'll say it again. If all you do to make a change is cut and paste something you read on some website somewhere, you have no right to complain about shit. Get off your ass and off the internet. Protest, march, donate time/energy/money, run for office. Or, barring that, shut the fuck up.
[Jun 8,2006 9:31pm - pam nli  ""]
RichHorror said:I'll say it before and I'll say it again. If all you do to make a change is cut and paste something you read on some website somewhere, you have no right to complain about shit. Get off your ass and off the internet. Protest, march, donate time/energy/money, run for office. Or, barring that, shut the fuck up.

If I had an I <3 Rich Horror pin, I'd be extra proud to wear it right now.
[Jun 8,2006 9:34pm - RichHorror ""]
You are the wind that gives my spirit license to soar.
[Jun 8,2006 10:07pm - Dissector ""]
RichHorror said:I'll bring about the death of melodic metal.

If we get shirts made up for the split it should say "Coalition Against Melodic Metal" on the back or something.
[Jun 8,2006 10:08pm - RichHorror ""]
hahaha YES!
[Jun 9,2006 9:19am - Josh_Martin ""]
Did anyone see the interview with Nicholas Berg's father last night?
(Berg was one of the guys who got beheaded)
He said that at least Zarqawi had the balls to cut his son's throat with his own hand. Bush just sits in an office and condemns people to death like a pussy. Bush is the real terrorist.

That was awesome. That guy totally ripped Bush a new one. I noticed very few news channels showed that interview though.
[Jun 9,2006 10:05am - ShadowSD  ""]
Seriously, if the FATHER of one of Zarqawi's victims isn't as angry at him as you, you've got some serious issues. I guess I forgot that this is America though, where it is customary to tell people who disagree with you to leave the country or wish death upon them. Oh wait... that's the Middle East. Ah well, at least you're making asses of yourselves over here so they won't make asses of you over there.

[Jun 9,2006 10:21am - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said: Glory lies in unification through a common cause, shadowed only by the valor of the individual.

So is hoser just trollin or does he really believe this shit?

Whenever someone starts talking about glory and valor, I think "what a faggot"

Regardless, how much glory is there really to be found by killing small animals in backwoods New Hampshire? Hoser has probably led the most sheltered life of anyone on this board and he's acting like he's an ex-marine.

[Jun 9,2006 10:22am - ShadowSD  ""]
Since my SARCASM in my above post about HailtheLeaf seems to have gone over some people's heads, I'll be more direct.

HailTheLeaf said:Why would I be upset? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

She says Zarqawi's death doesn't upset her, she's concerned about civilians in the crossfire, and she's worried that many more will take his place. Those are three things that most Americans agree on, our military agrees on, and counter-terrorism experts agree on. And yet everyone here jumps all over her for saying those things, and is ready to deport her because of it. Just seems really bizarre to me...
[Jun 9,2006 11:11am - hungtableed  ""]
ShadowSD said:

She says Zarqawi's death doesn't upset her, she's concerned about civilians in the crossfire, and she's worried that many more will take his place. Those are three things that most Americans agree on, our military agrees on, and counter-terrorism experts agree on. And yet everyone here jumps all over her for saying those things, and is ready to deport her because of it. Just seems really bizarre to me...

where is the outrage from her when Zarqawi's group blows up scores (often times surpassing 40-50) of Iraqi civilians just to kill one U.S. soldier or Marine? I think that she just wants to gripe about our military because at heart even the most moderate liberal is anti-military. People that are anti-military have no balls - appeasement has never solved anything, war has!

[Jun 9,2006 11:30am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Hmm..if the U.S. soldiers were home instead of in Iraq, then Zarqawi's group wouldn't be blowing anyone up to kill U.S. soldiers. So, what the fuck are the U.S. soldiers doing in Iraq, what business do they have being there?

I bet you'd love it if someone came in here dropping bombs and occupy the U.S.. Then if the U.S. army blew 40-50 people to hell trying to kill one guy from say..China, that would be dandy?

Yes, truly war is an intellegent way to solve our differences with other nations in 2006. We're so smart, look how well we've evolved.
[Jun 9,2006 11:34am - ShadowSD  ""]
hungtableed said:where is the outrage from her when Zarqawi's group blows up scores (often times surpassing 40-50) of Iraqi civilians just to kill one U.S. soldier or Marine?

Actually, out of everyone on rttp, I have seen her bring up her outrage at the death of Iraqi civilians more than anyone. You just believe that all her outrage should be saved soley for Zarqawi, and none of it should be directed towards Bush for putting American soldiers and civilians as targets in Iraq.

And yet, Nicholas Berg's father finds Bush more responsible for his son's death than Zarqawi. If you want to try to convince people that they should be more outraged that the VICTIM'S FATHER, good luck. Ann Coulter's been trying that with the 9/11 widows, how's that been working out?

hungtableed said:I think that she just wants to gripe about our military because at heart even the most moderate liberal is anti-military. People that are anti-military have no balls - appeasement has never solved anything, war has!

According to your world view, it sounds like you have more in common with terrorists than you do with liberals. The Iraq war is anti-military, because it is hurting our army and our future ability to defend our country, yet you still support it blindly. That's not pro-military, it's pro-militant, and it's the kind of attitude we need to fight AGAINST to win the war on terror.

[Jun 9,2006 11:39am - Messerschmitt ""]
war / violence / hate = human nature... get over it
[Jun 9,2006 11:59am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
ShadowSD said:Actually, out of everyone on rttp, I have seen her bring up her outrage at the death of Iraqi civilians more than anyone. You just believe that all her outrage should be saved soley for Zarqawi, and none of it should be directed towards Bush for putting American soldiers and civilians as targets in Iraq.

I don't think that HTL actually cares about Iraq's civilians, she just uses them as a shield in her own agenda. I'll explain, and in doing so, explain my view about the war. Saddam needed to be removed from power. If you truely care about Iraq's well being, you agree with that. Reguardless of if we had the right to do so, it needed to be done. Did we have the right, no. Did we have the means in which to do it, yes. So we did. Now, Iraq is left without a government.
No government=chaos
Chaos=civilians loosing thier lives
Now (through a dumb decision by HTL's favorate person) we need to stay there till the chaos ends. Were we part of the cause? yup. Were we the only cause? a big negative. Are we the solution? I don't know, but I do believe we have the best shot.
[Jun 9,2006 12:02pm - pam nli  ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:ShadowSD said:Actually, out of everyone on rttp, I have seen her bring up her outrage at the death of Iraqi civilians more than anyone. You just believe that all her outrage should be saved soley for Zarqawi, and none of it should be directed towards Bush for putting American soldiers and civilians as targets in Iraq.

I don't think that HTL actually cares about Iraq's civilians, she just uses them as a shield in her own agenda. I'll explain, and in doing so, explain my view about the war. Saddam needed to be removed from power. If you truely care about Iraq's well being, you agree with that. Reguardless of if we had the right to do so, it needed to be done. Did we have the right, no. Did we have the means in which to do it, yes. So we did. Now, Iraq is left without a government.
No government=chaos
Chaos=civilians loosing thier lives
Now (through a dumb decision by HTL's favorate person) we need to stay there till the chaos ends. Were we part of the cause? yup. Were we the only cause? a big negative. Are we the solution? I don't know, but I do believe we have the best shot.

All very good points. HTL will scream at you shortly...please hold....
[Jun 9,2006 12:02pm - sacreligion ""]
isn't that kind of disrespectful? parading around a picture of his dead corpse? fuckin assholes

they're doing god's work...haha

[Jun 9,2006 12:11pm - Messerschmitt ""]
[Jun 9,2006 12:30pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:ShadowSD said:Actually, out of everyone on rttp, I have seen her bring up her outrage at the death of Iraqi civilians more than anyone. You just believe that all her outrage should be saved soley for Zarqawi, and none of it should be directed towards Bush for putting American soldiers and civilians as targets in Iraq.

I don't think that HTL actually cares about Iraq's civilians, she just uses them as a shield in her own agenda. I'll explain, and in doing so, explain my view about the war. Saddam needed to be removed from power. If you truely care about Iraq's well being, you agree with that. Reguardless of if we had the right to do so, it needed to be done. Did we have the right, no. Did we have the means in which to do it, yes. So we did. Now, Iraq is left without a government.
No government=chaos
Chaos=civilians loosing thier lives
Now (through a dumb decision by HTL's favorate person) we need to stay there till the chaos ends. Were we part of the cause? yup. Were we the only cause? a big negative. Are we the solution? I don't know, but I do believe we have the best shot.

Our government helped Saddam into power and supported him, for years, while he murdered thousands of people. No one had a problem with it before. Come on, you think we're actually over there to help the people in Iraq? The ones we're not even keeping a bodycount on?

In fact there are many other dictators who were just as bad if not worse to their own people than Saddam, and we haven't invaded those countries to save anyone, in fact we're buddy-buddy with alot of them while they continue to torture and kill their own people, and we're fine with that. We were never there to remove Saddam, he was just a minor detail. Ha, I mean Cheney just went to hang out in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan after giving Russia shit over human rights problems. Talk about hypocrisy.
[Jun 9,2006 12:32pm - hoser ""]
Josh_Martin said:hoser said: Glory lies in unification through a common cause, shadowed only by the valor of the individual.

So is hoser just trollin or does he really believe this shit?

Whenever someone starts talking about glory and valor, I think "what a faggot"

Regardless, how much glory is there really to be found by killing small animals in backwoods New Hampshire? Hoser has probably led the most sheltered life of anyone on this board and he's acting like he's an ex-marine.

I am a Former Marine you fucking IDIOT. A Marine Sergeant on top of that.....I only did 6 years on active duty retard.......in that same sandbox that you all are talking about no less.....man you're fuckin' dumb.

[Jun 9,2006 12:33pm - sacreligion ""]
steven seagal could kick your ass
[Jun 9,2006 12:34pm - hoser ""]
I think that Josh Martin really must be fucking retarded, or constantly high.

It took the moron how long to figure out that I am an Ex-Marine???? Man, Him and HTL really are a couple of fucking morons.....
[Jun 9,2006 12:39pm - pam nli  ""]

hehe, that was awesome.
[Jun 9,2006 12:55pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
hoser said:I think that Josh Martin really must be fucking retarded, or constantly high.

It took the moron how long to figure out that I am an Ex-Marine???? Man, Him and HTL really are a couple of fucking morons.....

Riiiight, Josh not knowing that you were a marine must really make him stupid. Then you must all be retarded for not knowing what I do.
[Jun 9,2006 12:56pm - pam ""]
um, don't you do nothing
[Jun 9,2006 12:58pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
haha, oh, that was awesome
[Jun 9,2006 1:00pm - RichHorror ""]
pam said:um, don't you do nothing

That's totally uncalled for. She clearly does a lot. Pot doesn't smoke itself, beer doesn't drink itself, biased websites don't cut and paste themselves.
[Jun 9,2006 1:04pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:pam said:um, don't you do nothing

That's totally uncalled for. She clearly does a lot. Pot doesn't smoke itself, beer doesn't drink itself, biased websites don't cut and paste themselves.

You're right, I'm sorry.
[Jun 9,2006 1:17pm - hoser ""]
Why do you think that I have such a strong opinion on all of this shit Joshua? It sure ain't because I like to argue with you hippy fucks. It's because you all talk like you know shit, when the fact of the matter is that you don't know shit.

Until you get your ass in a fighting hole....shut the fuck up.

You see, I led my life doing what I strongly believed in. So naturally, I became a Marine. And Marines fucking hate peacenik liberals. So ya....I get a bit out of hand when I read some of the RIDICULOUS shit that HTL posts and you back up.

Valor has nothing to do with shooting critters in your back yard....that's called hunting.

[Jun 9,2006 1:17pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Our government helped Saddam into power and supported him, for years, while he murdered thousands of people. No one had a problem with it before. Come on, you think we're actually over there to help the people in Iraq? The ones we're not even keeping a bodycount on?

In fact there are many other dictators who were just as bad if not worse to their own people than Saddam, and we haven't invaded those countries to save anyone, in fact we're buddy-buddy with alot of them while they continue to torture and kill their own people, and we're fine with that. We were never there to remove Saddam, he was just a minor detail. Ha, I mean Cheney just went to hang out in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan after giving Russia shit over human rights problems. Talk about hypocrisy.

Yup, we did help him into power, and it was a mistake (people make those sometimes). When it was publicly known that he was killing his own people, we cut ties with Iraq. So, yeah, we did have a problem with that before. Do I think we (by that, I mean Bush) are there to help those people. Nope. Does that change the fact that those people need our help? Nope.

Which countries were we buddy-buddy with while they killed thier people? Make sure when you look for examples you make sure we were helping them while we knew it was going on. Not we were helping them before the killing, and didn't know (and saying "we had to know" doesn't count - only proof does)or after the killings, in an attempt to solve the situation diplomaticly.
[Jun 9,2006 1:21pm - hoser ""]
RichHorror said:pam said:um, don't you do nothing

That's totally uncalled for. She clearly does a lot. Pot doesn't smoke itself, beer doesn't drink itself, biased websites don't cut and paste themselves.

[Jun 9,2006 1:47pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:Yup, we did help him into power, and it was a mistake (people make those sometimes). When it was publicly known that he was killing his own people, we cut ties with Iraq.

It was publicly known from the early 80's that he was killing his own people. That's how he rose to power initially, and it was no secret. Yet we didn't cut ties until he invaded Kuwait in 1990.

Man_of_the_Century said:Which countries were we buddy-buddy with while they killed thier people? Make sure when you look for examples you make sure we were helping them while we knew it was going on. Not we were helping them before the killing, and didn't know (and saying "we had to know" doesn't count - only proof does)or after the killings, in an attempt to solve the situation diplomaticly.

US history is full of instances of supporting countries when we know about their human rights violations. From Stalin's USSR during WWII to the recent episode with Cheney prasing Azerbaijan and Kahzekstan, this fact is not in dispute. I think you were getting more mileage from the "people make mistakes" argument than from this one.

[Jun 9,2006 2:17pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:I don't think that HTL actually cares about Iraq's civilians, she just uses them as a shield in her own agenda.

WHAT?! What agenda? What POSSIBLE agenda could she have? I blame Fox News for the fact that a person as reasonable as you could make such an asinine statement; they have effectively redefined the word agenda to mean 'any viewpoint we disagree with'.

Agendas have to do with money or power. If for instance somebody criticizes environmental law, there have been several situations where that person was getting paid off by the energy industry, because that industry has a financial interest in those laws being repealed. THAT'S an agenda. Democratic politicians have an agenda just like Republican politicians to the extent that all of them want to get elected. But an independent liberal on a discussion board? What agenda could she POSSIBLY have? The "I want people on rttp to bitch at me agenda?" There is zero benefit to being an independant liberal in the public discussion, because all the power, all the money, and therefore all the agendas are on the other side. What, do you think soemone tosses her a joint everytime she posts a link?

Seriously, if there's any "agenda" that you or anyone else can come up with, I'd love to hear it. HTL has nothing to gain from sticking up for Iraqi civilians, because she's not on anyone's payroll and she's not running for office.

I really don't expect everyone here to agree on their politics, but a little common sense would be nice.

Man_of_the_Century said:I'll explain, and in doing so, explain my view about the war.

Explaining your view of the war you did quite well and reasonably.

Explaining your comments about her "agenda", well... you didn't.

[Jun 9,2006 2:28pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
ShadowSD said:It was publicly known from the early 80's that he was killing his own people. That's how he rose to power initially, and it was no secret. Yet we didn't cut ties until he invaded Kuwait in 1990.

Very true. But we barely had any ties at the time (Most of his help came from the USSR). The only reason we helped him during the Iran-Iraq war was to help out the lesser of two evils.

ShadowSD said:US history is full of instances of supporting countries when we know about their human rights violations. From Stalin's USSR during WWII to the recent episode with Cheney prasing Azerbaijan and Kahzekstan, this fact is not in dispute. I think you were getting more mileage from the "people make mistakes" argument than from this one.

WWII is a bad example. With a world war, you grab whatever "friendly" relations you can. Notice that it didn't last after the war? Although I know he went to Azerbaijan and Kahzekstan, I don't recall what went on. Can you give me the run down?
[Jun 9,2006 2:38pm - eddie ""]

Inflected forms: pl.a·gen·das 1. A list or program of things to be done or considered: "They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process" (Daniel Sneider).

she has an agenda

fox news is gay, google news is the only way to go.
[Jun 9,2006 2:39pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
ShadowSD said:WHAT?! What agenda? What POSSIBLE agenda could she have? I blame Fox News for the fact that a person as reasonable as you could make such an asinine statement; they have effectively redefined the word agenda to mean 'any viewpoint we disagree with'.....

Explaining your view of the war you did quite well and reasonably.

Explaining your comments about her "agenda", well... you didn't.

"Agenda" was the wrong word to use. And I sorta cut it off there at the end. Lets try it one more time...

HTL has set in her mind that anything that has any ties with Bush is evil, wrong, whatever you want to use. Nothing that is said or done will change that. The only reason that she pulls out the "citizens" arguement is to try to make Bush look as bad as the terrorists (not saying he is or isn't, just thats whats happening). I bet if we never invaded Iraq (lets say it was Russia instead that did the invading), she wouldn't give two shits about them because they have nothing to do with helping her bring down Bush.
[Jun 9,2006 2:48pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Yes, clearly I have no problem with the fact that the government that's supposed to represent myself (and everyone else in this country) is killing innocent people with my tax money and royally fucking up the world in general...in my name, and all of yours. Why on earth would anyone in this country have any issue with that? Surely I must have an agenda.
[Jun 9,2006 2:50pm - RichHorror ""]
FOX News? hahahahahaha.

Yeah, that's where I go for the truth.
[Jun 9,2006 2:52pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:Why do you think that I have such a strong opinion on all of this shit Joshua? It sure ain't because I like to argue with you hippy fucks. It's because you all talk like you know shit, when the fact of the matter is that you don't know shit.

Until you get your ass in a fighting hole....shut the fuck up.

You see, I led my life doing what I strongly believed in. So naturally, I became a Marine. And Marines fucking hate peacenik liberals. So ya....I get a bit out of hand when I read some of the RIDICULOUS shit that HTL posts and you back up.

Valor has nothing to do with shooting critters in your back yard....that's called hunting.

That you were a marine doesn't change the fact that you are dumb enought to support a Jesus freak.
If you love America so much why don't you do something that actually helps this country? Killing sandniggers hasn't done us any good. All those billions of dollars could have gone to helping, y'know, actual americans.
Oh yeah, marines aren't allowed to question their supieror officers. Stevie Wonder is less blind than you are.

All those soldiers and they couldn't catch one aging towel head.....
This is like if Hitler had gotten away at the end of WW2.

[Jun 9,2006 2:54pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
RichHorror said:FOX News? hahahahahaha.

Yeah, that's where I go for the truth.

Come on, Bill O'Reilly is all-knowing, everything he spouts is just...pure wisdom.
[Jun 9,2006 2:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hoser said:I think that Josh Martin really must be fucking retarded, or constantly high.

It took the moron how long to figure out that I am an Ex-Marine???? Man, Him and HTL really are a couple of fucking morons.....

Yes, every marine I've met was a fairly intelligent person. You are a fucktard who would lose a debate if your position was "the sky is blue"
Maybe you should keep that to yourself. You really make the core look bad. Marines are supposd to be able to think. All you do is repeat crap you hear from various republicans like a parrot. I've never seen one post from you that shows you are capable of thinking.
[Jun 9,2006 3:04pm - Thrash Police Chief  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Surely I must have an agenda.


[Jun 9,2006 3:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Wait....wait....Hail the Leaf is a girl?
[Jun 9,2006 3:10pm - anonymous  ""]
Josh_Martin said:How many millions of dollars did we spend to kill a guy that we would never even have heard of if we had stayed out of that ragheaded country in the first place?
Meanwhile, the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks remains a free man. Yay America.

Yay America fuck that! Not until every last dollar is spent on killing those fucking assholes. Godbless AMERICA UNITED WE STAND and the rest of you fall.
[Jun 9,2006 3:12pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Now there is an informed opinion.
[Jun 9,2006 3:18pm - anonymous  ""]
hoser said:Why do you think that I have such a strong opinion on all of this shit Joshua? It sure ain't because I like to argue with you hippy fucks. It's because you all talk like you know shit, when the fact of the matter is that you don't know shit.

Until you get your ass in a fighting hole....shut the fuck up.

You see, I led my life doing what I strongly believed in. So naturally, I became a Marine. And Marines fucking hate peacenik liberals. So ya....I get a bit out of hand when I read some of the RIDICULOUS shit that HTL posts and you back up.

Valor has nothing to do with shooting critters in your back yard....that's called hunting.

Fucking right this man is the man and forever will be. I had much respect for him and his band before I ever met them and now that I know them they are I have much more respect. Keep it brutal keep it true Keep it AMERICAN!

[Jun 9,2006 3:25pm - anonymous  ""]
Oh this is me Morbid Mike!
[Jun 9,2006 3:25pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Just sign in brother.
[Jun 9,2006 3:26pm - ShadowSD  ""]
Unless it's an American you disagree with, then they should shut the hell up and leave the country, right?

[Jun 9,2006 3:26pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Yes, clearly I have no problem with the fact that the government that's supposed to represent myself (and everyone else in this country) is killing innocent people with my tax money and royally fucking up the world in general...in my name, and all of yours. Why on earth would anyone in this country have any issue with that? Surely I must have an agenda.

So you don't deny it?
[Jun 9,2006 3:31pm - anonymous  ""]
Just because you served in the military doesnt make your opinion on world affairs any more valid than anyone elses.


Don't get me wrong, i love this country, but when you chant dumb bullshit mantra like this you sound much more like a facist or communist than an american.
[Jun 9,2006 3:34pm - ShadowSD  ""]
I believe she's saying she has only the same 'agenda' that any citizen has; a greater expectation of our goverment to aspire to the ideals it professes, because it's not Russia, it's HER government. Anytime a democracy engages in an abhorrent act, it's the responsibility of THAT'S country's citizens to speak up before anyone else. If they depend on people in other countries to speak out first, it's not much of a democracy.
[Jun 9,2006 3:36pm - ShadowSD  ""]
anonymous said:Just because you served in the military doesnt make your opinion on world affairs any more valid than anyone elses.


Don't get me wrong, i love this country, but when you chant dumb bullshit mantra like this you sound much more like a facist or communist than an american.

I couldn't have said it better myself.
[Jun 9,2006 4:29pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
ShadowSD said:I believe she's saying she has only the same 'agenda' that any citizen has; a greater expectation of our goverment to aspire to the ideals it professes, because it's not Russia, it's HER government. Anytime a democracy engages in an abhorrent act, it's the responsibility of THAT'S country's citizens to speak up before anyone else. If they depend on people in other countries to speak out first, it's not much of a democracy.

Thats not what I was talking about. I meant that she doesn't deny the fact that she only cares about Iraq's citizens cause it helps her political arguements. If it didn't help, she wouldn't care.
[Jun 9,2006 4:44pm - ShadowSD  ""]
But I just provided another reason she cares about Iraq's citizens, aside from helping her political arguments: WE were the ones who went in there (not Russia or any other hypothetical country) so WE bear the responsibility. It's a point I've heard made constantly by people who share your view that we can't just cut and run and leave them to chaos; even Bush makes that point all the time when he talks about why the troops can't leave ("we have a responsibility to let the Iraqs continue to build their democracy" etc.) It's not a big leap for HTL to make the leap from that responsibility to a humanitarian responsiblity. In fact, I don't see how a reasonable person could avoid making that leap.
[Jun 9,2006 6:22pm - hoser ""]
Josh_Martin said:hoser said:I think that Josh Martin really must be fucking retarded, or constantly high.

It took the moron how long to figure out that I am an Ex-Marine???? Man, Him and HTL really are a couple of fucking morons.....

Yes, every marine I've met was a fairly intelligent person. You are a fucktard who would lose a debate if your position was "the sky is blue"
Maybe you should keep that to yourself. You really make the core look bad. Marines are supposd to be able to think. All you do is repeat crap you hear from various republicans like a parrot. I've never seen one post from you that shows you are capable of thinking.

What you don't understand Josh is that I could honestly give a shit about the "politics" that you, like members of all parties spout. My only true concern is for my brothers over there in Iraq and around the world. You think I actually like being far away from my family and friends, and any good metal for that matter? Of course I don't. I follow no agenda other than my own opinions and beliefs. I have nothing against anyone who believes in Christianity or any other religion because I am a true American. I believe in freedom and the right to practice whatever religion you want, that's why I fought to maintain it. I don't give a fuck about alternate agendas. I fight for the country that feeds me, houses me, and allows me to drink as much as I want, when I want. The only two true asshole fascists on this board are you and that hippie dike that agrees with everything that you say. I believe in the American family, and whatever religion they practice. What I do NOT believe in is anyone testing us and pushing buttons.......I'll die for this country, and believe it or not, as much of a fucking scumbag as I think that you are.....I'd die for you...because you are an American. My grandfathers both came here from Ireland and I'd die for them too. I'd die for Ireland as well.....what I'm getting at is that there is a code of honor that you just don't fucking question......a code that only few will ever really die for. A code that most will say that they'd die for and at the last minute....they'd bail. So tie your fucked up hair back in a knot, and be glad that you have complete assholes like me...because if you were the asshole that was on the other end of my rifle, and my country said, "engage target"....well...say your prayers. And don't think that we don't live with the nightmares, and the images of the kids begging us for an "American Dollar" and the friends that we've buried in pieces. Nobody likes that shit, but God fucking damnit it has to be done. If you want a fucking "groovy" world with all of that peace and shit....well, try Eutopia. I heard that it's nice......and do me a favor and drag that cunt skag HTL with you......you two can live in unrealistic oblivion together......Until then....stop humping my fucking leg.

[Jun 9,2006 6:38pm - powerkok ""]
Josh Martin, Hoser both have valid points.
I tend to agree more with Hoser's views, because Josh is a liberal junkie, but I try not to be biased.
However, after reading the shit that you wrote, Josh, I must say that you are by far, much more narrow minded and narcissistic than anyone else on this board, let alone Hoser.
For you to not even know Hose is an ex-marine, then to assume you know his life, is insulting.
One thing I can GUARANTEE.....Hoser would mop the floor with your face, with one hand.
Remember that, while upon your high horse. (get it? HORSE!??!)
[Jun 9,2006 6:43pm - powerkok ""]
sign on msn for christ sake.
[Jun 9,2006 6:45pm - hoser ""]
PC....maybe we should have sex. By the way....heard the new song over the phone.......sick....see you monday...and....am I that narcissistic?
[Jun 9,2006 7:03pm - powerkok ""]
You are no more narcissistic than normal.
Matty got stressed trying to learn that song last night.
[Jun 10,2006 4:02am - PatMeebles ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Scoracrasia said:Joe/NotCommon said:I just replaced him.

Excellent! I am sure hailtheleaf is upset by his death.

Why would I be? ...I wonder how many other people they blew up to get this guy? And I'm sure 20 more will replace him.

Josh_Martin:Meanwhile, the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks remains a free man.

So... what should I infer from these two statements?

Josh_Martin:Did anyone see the interview with Nicholas Berg's father last night?
(Berg was one of the guys who got beheaded)
He said that at least Zarqawi had the balls to cut his son's throat with his own hand. Bush just sits in an office and condemns people to death like a pussy. Bush is the real terrorist.

If the media paid more mind to Berg's dad, they'd have to show how much of a total nut this guy is. Seriously, I heard him on the radio and he said that the way to deal with criminals is to have a "moment of reconciliation" with the victim's family and the murder. No jail time. No slap on the wrist. The way to solve crime is to say "I forigve you," then trust that the thug will never do it again.
[Jun 10,2006 10:40am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:HailTheLeaf said:Yes, clearly I have no problem with the fact that the government that's supposed to represent myself (and everyone else in this country) is killing innocent people with my tax money and royally fucking up the world in general...in my name, and all of yours. Why on earth would anyone in this country have any issue with that? Surely I must have an agenda.

So you don't deny it?

Someone is unfarmilliar with sarcasm
[Jun 10,2006 12:14pm - eddie ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Man_of_the_Century said:HailTheLeaf said:Yes, clearly I have no problem with the fact that the government that's supposed to represent myself (and everyone else in this country) is killing innocent people with my tax money and royally fucking up the world in general...in my name, and all of yours. Why on earth would anyone in this country have any issue with that? Surely I must have an agenda.

So you don't deny it?

Someone is unfarmilliar with sarcasm

So do you whine for a greater purpose? Or just because you like to see a reaction.

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