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i am searching for the meaning of life

[Oct 6,2011 4:47am - search feature troll  ""]
an fda approved pill designed to give you pinocchio style nipple boners for whenever you tell a lie or speak of blasphemy against the church
[Oct 6,2011 4:50am - search feature troll  ""]
menstruating into a jar for weeks on end and selling it at a farmer's market as cranberry sauce fit for your thanksgiving dinner
[Oct 6,2011 4:56am - search feature troll  ""]
training to travel the country with an innovative modern orchestra that plays tear-jerkingly stunning renditions of all your favorite beethoven and mozart hits by pointing their bare asses into the air and farting into recorders while a venus flytrap fellates you to earn the money it needs to put itself through law school
[Oct 6,2011 7:12am - search feature troll  ""]
making love to a chainsaw on top of mt. rushmore while the quintessential american family gasps in horror because you didn't pray to jesus beforehand
[Oct 6,2011 7:15am - search feature troll  ""]
sucked into a dimension where screaming babies are the only instrument in the london philharmonic and top hats and powdered wigs are in style because they match your brand new reality perceiving antenna
[Oct 6,2011 7:17am - search feature troll  ""]
an instant replay of your asshole collapsing so hard it causes your jaw to get sucked into your face and snap your brain stem airing in slow motion on espn17 while blood-thirsty hyena/human hybrids cackle and sharpen their steak knives to sample the gourmet delicacy known as smashed asshole
[Oct 6,2011 10:35am - Yeti ""]
this deserves a slow 80's clap.
[Oct 6,2011 11:46am - TRUCK BALLS  ""]

Yeti said:aril deserves a slow 80's clap.
[Oct 6,2011 11:49am - AndrewBastard ""]
[Oct 6,2011 12:02pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Oct 8,2011 5:45am - search feature troll  ""]
digging a trench so deep you strike liquid and asphyxiate yourself in a pool of lava and using it as a metaphor for why your life is fucking worthless
[Oct 8,2011 5:47am - search feature troll  ""]
face ripped off by robot vultures in a futuristic desert deathscape with chrome claws, iron beaks, and radioactive eye lasers
[Oct 8,2011 5:48am - search feature troll  ""]
purchasing the brand new car your wife will use to haul your chopped up corpse across the country 8 years later before she writes to the company how great the gas mileage was when she took her dream vacation
[Oct 8,2011 5:50am - search feature troll  ""]
tying a screwdriver to your cock and force-fucking someone's eyeball out of its socket before you turn to the camera, take a big bite of it, and proclaim "now that's good eating!" in a commercial advertising the real other white meat
[Oct 8,2011 5:53am - search feature troll  ""]
soldering your asshole shut and having your digested food get so backed up it runs out every other orifice in your body in a bloody brown liquid mess for a cheap traveling carnival that turns illegitimate babies of tilt-o-whirl operators into cotton candy
[Oct 8,2011 6:53am - Anapa  ""]
[Oct 10,2011 4:47am - search feature troll  ""]
standing in line at the grocery store while an earthquake opens a crevice and sucks the fat cunt complaining about the prices of the store who doesn't realize she could always just not shop at a place expensive as shaw's into a magma death of shit and fuck
[Oct 10,2011 4:51am - search feature troll  ""]
nocturnal emissions seeping into the wrinkles of your skin, draining your knowledge, and leaking into another planet where they can fuck another day before passing out and shitting all over themselves to retire to a piss stench filled bedroom
[Oct 10,2011 4:58am - search feature troll  ""]
fuck it these are horrible compared to the earlier ones
[Oct 11,2011 1:23am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Oct 11,2011 1:28am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Oct 14,2011 3:51am - search feature troll  ""]
turning my penis into a martyr and giving it a life of its own so it can castrate itself and jump into my esophagus choking me to death just before all the blood leaks out of it rendering it cold and lifeless being seen as a sane alternative to online dating
[Oct 14,2011 4:23am - search feature troll  ""]
the seemingly endless and soul-sucking battle to stop your asshole from being so itchy while your co-workers frantically scramble to meet your deadlines because you spend all your time in the bathroom scratching your o-ring with a can opener
[Oct 25,2011 7:00pm - search feature troll  ""]
cunt sundae with blood clot cherry on top
[Oct 25,2011 7:01pm - search feature troll  ""]
cunt used by prairie dog colony as base of operations for evil plot to take over the world
[Oct 25,2011 7:02pm - search feature troll  ""]
the insurmountable urge to claw at your own face while trying to ignore the legions of elves ejaculating on it sprinkling red and green confetti on you in a feeble attempt to turn you into a christmas present for satan who would like to jack off on you himself
[Oct 25,2011 7:04pm - search feature troll  ""]
testicles used as an anchor point for an overweight high rise window cleaner while resting on top of a solar panel and turning into popcorn chicken
[Oct 25,2011 9:33pm - search feature troll  ""]
spambot so intimidated by the meaning of life it feels too helpless in the face of reality to advertise its products and looks elsewhere hoping to find hypnotized fools eating kfc while watching qvc and getting fatter and larger stains on their shirts
[Dec 9,2011 12:01am - search feature troll  ""]
spending a warm, sunny sunday afternoon drinking beers, catching up with old friends, and tossing horseshoes at grandpa's erection
[Dec 9,2011 1:54am - search feature troll  ""]
football sized hairball ripped from uterus and used as mating wig to attract leprous pelicans with down's syndrome who will caress my balls in their scooped beaks
[Dec 9,2011 1:57am - search feature troll  ""]
doing a belly flop off the top o f the prudential building into a giant vat of lard, eating the entire thing, and asking classy hookers to suck the fat out of your asshole
[Dec 9,2011 3:43am - slar you morbid?  ""]
OP misspelled "pagan megan weight gain".
[Dec 23,2011 1:58am - search feature troll  ""]
oblong sentiments of radical dirt biking interwoven into the fabric of your hairstyle for permanent tupperware storage containment alongside your plastic universe you cherish so much on holidays
[Dec 23,2011 2:00am - search feature troll  ""]
standing at seven feet and eight inches tall over a bonfire which you shit on to give it sweet sustenance it uses to flame on another day and throw magmatic ash at your relatives that they use to go fuck themselves after being told in a rather public and humiliating manner that they ought to go fuck themselves
[Dec 23,2011 2:03am - search feature troll  ""]
hypnotic flannel pizza fellating the undertones of a traditional painting we can only identify as a beehive fucking an ice cream sandwich underneath the most wretched pile of dirty laundry it has ever been your misfortune to gaze upon in all your years as a professional masturbation trauma counselor
[Dec 23,2011 2:09am - search feature troll  ""]
looking through the glass wall perched upon an elevator shaft blinking at you to cry subtle tears of unknowing futures that you laugh at and go home to finger your pisshole while watching videos of cats on the internet that fat old grandmas videotaped in rotting nightgowns they wore on their honeymoons while getting fucked in the ass with a big black dick outsourced from another planet to earth so it could recite the alphabet in jizz and put it in a soup to market to dumb children gullible enough to believe they are actually deriving any sort of enjoyment out of life as they mundanely consume bland processed food products with glazed over eyes
[Dec 23,2011 2:13am - search feature troll  ""]
a look back at the humble beginnings of a young man who decided to forsake traditional ways of life and sell his car, give up all his worldly possessions, and distance himself from his friends to pursue a career of performing in a circus where snapping turtles bite his testicles as he plays twinkle twinkle little star on a harmonica that has an electrical current running from it to jolt his nipples until they turn blueish green
[Dec 23,2011 2:40am - search feature troll  ""]
sodomizing telepathic lawn gnomes who were placed by the cia on your neighbors lawn to document every time you smoke crack while walking down the street to go to the vegetarian restaurant for a delicious meal and talk about hybrid cars and the environment all the while trying to ignore all those god damn spiders that are just fucking everywhere for some reason oh yeah that's because someone sold you meth instead of crack and now you may very well be catatonic while drinking tonic and chasing it with gin
[Jan 12,2012 2:36pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jan 17,2012 1:30am - search feature troll  ""]
laying facedown in the sauna of a gay bath house while a trio of woodpeckers chisel away at the inside of your anus trying to count the number of layers of dried up semen on the drain grate
[Jan 17,2012 1:33am - search feature troll  ""]
opening a farm for wayward retarded cows who were exiled from their previous farms for producing sour milk in an attempt to extract the specific enzymes that made their milk different for the sole purpose of using it to create a new energy drink that will make people legitimately retarded and pitch it to the makes of energy drinks to call it quatro crazy
[Jan 17,2012 1:37am - search feature troll  ""]
starting off the summer in a seasonally appropriate manner that the entire family can enjoy: making cocktails with the tail of your cock
[Jan 17,2012 1:43am - search feature troll  ""]
walking downstairs to your refrigerator completely naked at 3am for a midnight snack of wood shavings by the spoonful out of a moldy tupperware container while masturbating to the van gogh print of starry night you have hanging over your kitchen table pretending that you and peter pan are granting the wishes of children everywhere by turning them into diseased mutants who lurk in sewers waiting for you to flush your goldfish down the toilet to take part in a tremendous thanksgiving feast
[Jan 17,2012 1:46am - search feature troll  ""]
videotaping a parade of morbidly obese cyclops kittens demanding equal rights at the dinner table on alternate tuesdays in exchange for having metal plates installed in their heads that track every time they hear the voice of regis philbin
[Jan 17,2012 1:59am - search feature troll  ""]
welding a dozen harpoon heads to the grill of your car and driving through grand central at rush hour shortly after huffing a gallon of fermented envelope glue viewed as a bold and empowering statement to the middle class of america that we should all remember to change our plug-in air fresheners every so often for fear of living in a world that smells like rotten cheese being shoved up your ass
[Jan 17,2012 2:16am - niccolai ""]

search%20feature%20troll said:
i am rich bova

[Jan 18,2012 1:32am - search feature troll  ""]
(This search has been censored by the SOPA protest.)
[Jan 18,2012 1:34am - search feature troll  ""]
(This search has been censored by the SOPA protest.)
[Jan 18,2012 1:42am - search feature troll  ""]
(This search has been censored by the SOPA protest.)
[Jan 21,2012 2:19am - search feature troll  ""]
opening an underground bunker pantry to find several pounds of processed bong rips ready to inhale with the crack of a seal for all those long nights spent polishing bullets under a dim, crackling light that represents your capacity to acquire new knowledge about your surroundings

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