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i am searching for the meaning of life

[Mar 1,2012 2:31am - search feature troll  ""]
the awkward moment at the laundromat when you drop a jizz encrusted washcloth on the ground next to a total stranger who could be your mother as she poorly conceals her disgust and suppresses the fact that she once was like so many of those washcloths many years ago
[Mar 1,2012 2:32am - search feature troll  ""]
shoving a pinecone so far up your ass that you cough up bloody maple syrup to enhance sticky masturbation rituals
[Mar 1,2012 2:36am - search feature troll  ""]
having a panic attack in the middle of a church sermon causing you to clutch your chest and scream out in pain exclaiming that a colony of scorpions is burrowing into the depths of your colon with their tails leading to an emergency colonoscopy revealing a highly advanced civilization of nocturnal scorpion warlords who were using your anus as a vessel to propel themselves to the proper strength needed to conquer the known world by feasting on all the processed food you consume and becoming radioactive and dangerous
[Mar 1,2012 6:54am - arilliusbm ""]
10th grade creative writing class is awesome.
[Mar 21,2012 2:24am - search feature troll  ""]
pole vaulting over a glass tube filled with chlorine gas into a pit full of needles pointing upright that were glued to a piece of plyboard in order to win a gold metal at the retard olympics
[Mar 21,2012 2:29am - search feature troll  ""]
tied to a telephone pole with genetically engineered super slugs the size of windsocks that have developed a resistance to all salts and have sprouted fangs so they can nibble at your fingers while you scream in agony wondering what your life would be like now if you could masturbate to smooth jazz melodies on another planet where slugs are transformed into trumpets with chemicals too toxic for humans to mess around with
[Mar 21,2012 2:32am - search feature troll  ""]
breaking the sound barrier with a urethral fart that adequately captures the feeling of degradation and oppression commonly associated with hundreds of years of black slavery
[Apr 6,2012 11:55pm - search feature troll  ""]
hate kill fuck death puke die shit aids fuck ass leech ram pony up a fucking squid's rectum shut your dick staple your dickhole shut shut your fucking cunt with a glue gun shove a baseball up your ass and shit a home run fuck yourself fucking die fuck fuck fuck
[Apr 6,2012 11:59pm - search feature troll  ""]
do a shut the fuck up ritual about it shut the fuck up about life and your fucking hopes and dreams because I suck ass at life okay, I fucking get this already because I've already heard and said the words fuck you enough times to get a rudimentary understanding of why i should fuck myself before the rest of the planet because i am the most useless person alive and should be shot okay i fucking get it already i understand plenty of everything and don't need you to repeat it to me or assist me in any way because i get it and i got it long before you got it so shut the fuck up
[Apr 7,2012 12:38am - search feature troll  ""]
rabies babies with scabies eating labia and facefucking themselves with bricks because they hate themselves more than i hate myself i am inept and don't understand anything my entire life has been meaningless and serves no purpose because fuck off that's why what is the fucking point of being alive if nobody even gives a shit
[Jun 11,2012 8:43pm - search feature troll  ""]
seeking the necessary inspiration to move on with your life and forget about the rose colored days of yore when you used to yodel nude in public in between bouts of fellating recently deceased yaks for a bit of under the table tax free pay that you got when you voted for pat buchanan, the beastiality enthusiast's republican
[Jun 11,2012 8:45pm - search feature troll  ""]
smelling her bakery fresh cinnamon roll grundle and writing a book about it to mail to every communist country for use as its new government manifesto
[Jun 11,2012 9:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:10th grade creative writing class is awesome.

[Sep 19,2012 2:26am - search feature troll  ""]
living with the knowledge that in the world there is a subculture of decent, law abiding, tax paying folks who come home from a hard day of work and unwind by drawing pornography of every show you ever loved as a child and putting it on the internet to help you destroy the idea you have implanted in yourself that some things are sacred
[Sep 19,2012 2:44am - search feature troll  ""]
imagining yourself stomping the living shit out of your idiotic co-worker's head while thousands of people cheer you on and make it so there is no possible way for him to escape as the mayor of your town gives you an award for improving the community you live in and saving everyone from a world where idiots come up to you and make the most inane small talk in all of recorded history and act like you should care simply because they're talking to you
[Sep 19,2012 6:58am - Elizabet  ""]
I hate small talk
[Dec 23,2013 12:20am - search feature troll  ""]
stapling your foot to your face and screaming at traffic completely naked wondering why things couldn't have turned out better some of those times they didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, so many yesterdays, so many regrets, so many diems you could have carped
[Dec 23,2013 12:22am - search feature troll  ""]
flying a spaceship shaped like a gigantic carrot around the circumference of a black hole and letting the gravity well minimize your aging so you can return to earth in the distant future and start the spread of hepatitis after it has already been cured for so long that the cure has been forgotten and an entire human race gets infected with your ex-wife's horrid memories
[Dec 23,2013 12:22am - search feature troll  ""]
decking the halls with elephant balls
[Dec 23,2013 10:52am - seasonal reason  ""]
going to the grocery store knowing you will either be escorted out for lewdly masturbating every phallic looking vegetable with a photo of Estelle Getty stapled to them or be arrested and find your way onto the registered sex offender list

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