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Religion...what do you believe?

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[Dec 13,2004 12:37am - Barf  ""]
Let's have a nice discussion or not...
[Dec 13,2004 12:38am - dreadkill ""]
bahf, puke, whateva
[Dec 13,2004 12:38am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
anything could be anything
[Dec 13,2004 12:38am - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 13,2004 12:43am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
relentless...no stopping

bahaha couldnt resist the sac reference
[Dec 13,2004 12:44am - El Justin  ""]
i have a feeling this is going to be the longest thread ever
[Dec 13,2004 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
sodomy... it wasn't on the list
[Dec 13,2004 12:46am - the_reverend ""]
actually, I guess that's more of a way of life
[Dec 13,2004 12:46am - dreadkill ""]
i pray to the bum god and worship the bum, the best body part ever.
[Dec 13,2004 1:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I started a new religion called Crustianity, we sit around listening to Disrupt and watching Family Guy.
[Dec 13,2004 1:08am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
i believe you should shut the fuck up
[Dec 13,2004 1:08am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
i choose "or not" for 300
[Dec 13,2004 1:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:i believe you should shut the fuck up

ha a taste of my own medicine, i love it
[Dec 13,2004 1:12am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I started a new religion called Crustianity, we sit around listening to Disrupt and watching Family Guy.

im down... not that i particularly care for Disrupt... i just fucking love family guy
[Dec 13,2004 3:14am - tbone_r ""]
i'm more of a seinfeld guy myself
[Dec 13,2004 4:38am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
\m/ family guy \m/
[Dec 13,2004 7:11am - Kalopsia ""]
El Justin said:i have a feeling this is going to be the longest thread ever

dude no way will this beat the neverending thread of death
[Dec 13,2004 7:21am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
im with the moon worshiping moon cult
[Dec 13,2004 10:52am - cradleoffilth ""]
Satan Mothafuckers
[Dec 13,2004 10:57am - Christraper ""]
[Dec 13,2004 10:59am - paganmegan ""]
Christraper said:Thelema

as in the order of the golden dawn?
[Dec 13,2004 10:59am - Christraper ""]
[Dec 13,2004 11:00am - paganmegan ""]
I've read up on it a bit myself
[Dec 13,2004 11:02am - Christraper ""]
have you now...
[Dec 13,2004 11:03am - Christraper ""]
what book?
[Dec 13,2004 11:08am - paganmegan ""]
I can't remember the exact title, but its basically a compilation of "lost" documents of the order, different scrolls all getting into the philosophy and whatnot
[Dec 13,2004 11:09am - paganmegan ""]
Also some aleister crowley stuff
[Dec 13,2004 11:11am - dan.  ""]
Yes, I believe. I believe in death. I believe in disease. I believe in injustice and inhumanity and torture and anger and hate. I believe in murder. I believe in pain. I believe in cruelty and infidelity. I believe in slime, and stink, and in every crawling putrid thing, every possible ugliness and corruption, you son of a bitch.

I believe ... in you.

[Dec 13,2004 11:16am - Christraper ""]
paganmegan said:I can't remember the exact title, but its basically a compilation of "lost" documents of the order, different scrolls all getting into the philosophy and whatnot

Lost documents? Never heard of it. Do you remember who wrote it and what Crowley books youve read?
[Dec 13,2004 11:20am - paganmegan ""]
I'll look at the book when I get home today, and I will post it and the editor's name tommorow. I have read moonchild and diary of a drug fiend. I think moonchild is one of the weirdest (if not the weirdest) things I have ever read
[Dec 13,2004 11:33am - Christraper ""]
Oh youve read some of his fiction. Yea thats cool. I know what you mean about moonchild. That part during the sabbath is pretty fucked.
[Dec 13,2004 11:54am - paganmegan ""]
I swear that book has some kind of hidden message... its so cryptic and bizzarre, thats the only thing I can think of to justify that kind of weirdness
[Dec 13,2004 12:06pm - Christraper ""]
Crowley was very fond of taking large doses of various narcotics and seeing where his mind took him resulting in books such as moonchild. Theres alot of hidden meaning in that book as well as every other book he wrote. Crowley liked to play games.
[Dec 13,2004 12:17pm - paganmegan ""]
Didn't he allegedly have issues with summoning forth "demons'?
[Dec 13,2004 12:20pm - Christraper ""]
what do you mean "issues"?
[Dec 13,2004 12:24pm - paganmegan ""]
They apparently wouldn't leave him alone.. I read it in an encyclopedia somewhere.. that he called forth things that dogged him for the rest of his life... its interesting, but I take it with a grain of salt.. I wondered if you knew anything of his apparent hobbies in calling up spirits
[Dec 13,2004 12:32pm - paganmegan ""]
I think crowley was a bit of a fruit, but an interesting character nonetheless
[Dec 13,2004 12:34pm - Christraper ""]
90% of the things you read about Crowley as a person from anything other than a book written by himself or one of his students (which also should be read between the lines regardless) is complete bullshit. Its all hype for the newspapers. Crowley thought it was funny. Crowley knew quite a bit about goetic evocation and if i dont have trouble with it i doubt very much that he did. I seem to recall reading one account however about Crowley allowing his body to be host to some ancient demon which apparently went horribly wrong. I dont doubt that something like that happened; everyone makes mistakes but i would imagine the story had been blown a bit out of proportion over the years.
[Dec 13,2004 12:37pm - Christraper ""]
paganmegan said:I think crowley was a bit of a fruit, but an interesting character nonetheless

he was definitely out there but he was as sharp as they come

[Dec 13,2004 12:37pm - paganmegan ""]
Outside portrayals of him tend to paint him as "evil" and as a devil worshiper..
[Dec 13,2004 12:39pm - Christraper ""]
he liked to keep it that way. clever way to weed out the ignorant.
[Dec 13,2004 12:39pm - paganmegan ""]
Christraper said:paganmegan said:I think crowley was a bit of a fruit, but an interesting character nonetheless

he was definitely out there but he was as sharp as they come

His observations of mankind seem pretty dead on.. such as the power of the will towards things like addiction
[Dec 13,2004 12:41pm - Christraper ""]
he was definitely familiar with addiction
[Dec 13,2004 12:43pm - paganmegan ""]
He was definitely familiar with alot of the darker aspects of life
[Dec 13,2004 12:44pm - paganmegan ""]
Now I really want to reread moonchild and diary of a drug fiend....
what else is out there for books on him?
[Dec 13,2004 12:47pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
My dad knows all about this Crowley stuff. When I was a kid, he was involved in something called the OTO. I don't remember what it stands for, but we had some pretty weird people coming to our house.
[Dec 13,2004 12:48pm - armageddonday ""]
[Dec 13,2004 12:49pm - Christraper ""]
um.....lots of stuff. Id start off with 777 and The Book Of The Law but theres quite a bit of good reading to wander through. Anything by Lon Milo Duquette is worthwhile as well.
[Dec 13,2004 12:50pm - paganmegan ""]
I'm interested in all different religions,( just for the sheer sake of knowing , )but subscribe to none
[Dec 13,2004 12:51pm - paganmegan ""]
I will definitely check those out, thank you

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