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ATTN: hybrid (or anyone in Masamune, My Letter, Forever Carved, Another Perfect Ending, Stratia)

The Underground (Dover, NH) - [brother_o_face][forever_carved][masamune][my_letter][randomshots][stratia]
[Apr 7,2004 10:42am - davyp ""]
Josh_hates_you said:these girls should have a pillow fight at a slumber party then dyke it out

your too funny....

Children Rule..... They fight over the stuidest shit... man im so glad im not 18 again.....
[Apr 7,2004 10:48am - davyp ""]
oh yeah Masamune RULEZ..........
[Apr 7,2004 2:02pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 7,2004 2:12pm - Jason  ""]
It seems like the only people who like my letter are people from there home town, and they only like them just because they are the only big band from farmington...and its cool nowadays to like "hardcore" bands
[Apr 7,2004 2:39pm - Toby  ""]
Amen Jason.

And Davyp... Neither Tom nor I are 18. I don't think personal differences are reserved strictly for teenagers. Get real.
[Apr 7,2004 2:44pm - davyp ""]
this post should die, the conversation here is pointless, and so unneeded. who the fuck cares about who does what and what band they like. I mean life should not be spent bickering over shows and whos cooler and who has better gear... Guys grow up, the world doesn't revolve around 18 year old High School kids and oh think before you write or speak, you might sound smarter.
[Apr 7,2004 3:43pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
davyp said: and oh think before you write or speak, you might sound more smart.

smarter or more intelligent. more smart is fairly ironic givin the context
[Apr 7,2004 3:46pm - davyp ""]
its kind of what i was going for....... i fixed it for you josh, you know to keep you from your head exploding
[Apr 7,2004 6:08pm - joedreadz  ""]
Jason said:It seems like the only people who like my letter are people from there home town, and they only like them just because they are the only big band from farmington...and its cool nowadays to like "hardcore" bands

so my letters fan base is a lot of their friends and ppl who have heard about them through their friends.... who cares? again i say that is how everyone starts out.... funny how they live/go to school in farmington so it would make sense that most their fans are farmington kids.... how many ppl in bands dont tell their friends about it and/or tell them to go to shows..... lets think about this a little bit harder people, its not that hard to use your heads.

you have to think outside of the box.

and whoever said there not afraid of ML crew.... whats to be afraid of... were not the fucking crypts or something. if it means anything. im not afraid of anyones crew that goes to shows in this general area.

long posts are great.
[Apr 7,2004 9:03pm - anonymous  ""]
okayy how bout we lave my letter alone now
[Apr 7,2004 10:27pm - Sarah  ""]
Thank god for people with the same thoughts. This topic does need to die though. People need to stop fighting.
What ever happened to unity through music?
[Apr 8,2004 10:46pm - steve  ""]
anonymous said:okayy how bout we lave my letter alone now

[Apr 9,2004 11:02am - prtybrdsgetcotto ""]
my letter jsut broke up haha
[Apr 9,2004 11:32am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 9,2004 6:03pm - joedreadz  ""]
that blows.
now there arent really any bands worth seeing in the scene..
[Apr 10,2004 1:25am - Wee...Bink! ""]
joedreadz said:that blows.
now there arent really any bands worth seeing in the scene..


are you joking?

[Apr 10,2004 8:56am - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 10,2004 9:56am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Apr 10,2004 2:57pm - anonymous  ""]
not at all.
who else is around that is any good? darken the sky....
... shed the sun/alternate ending... whatever they call themselves this week.
i suppose it comes down to prefrence and i dont like most of the bands around.
[Dec 20,2005 5:39pm - anonymous  ""]
everyone that posts in here is gay.
[Oct 31,2009 12:14pm - bonti, A  ""]
i want to rock my cock off
[Oct 31,2009 12:22pm - bonti, A  ""]
i want to rock my cock off

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