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Aug 25 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXXXVII: Nachzehrer, Hekseri, Mythology, Obsidian Tongue - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

August 25th @ Ralph's {Worcester} - Metal Thursday CXXXVII: Nachzehrer, Hekseri, Mythology, Obsidian Tongue 21+ 9PM $6

[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Aug 29,2011 1:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol i think it was a certain tallish type man.
[Aug 29,2011 1:10pm - Sacreligion ""]
Obvious troll is obviious.

[Aug 29,2011 1:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 29,2011 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
Wrengasm Wrecords does indeed exist, but they wouldn't sign stupid bands. they only sign stellar projects like Bochnagar, Suckreligion, Wretched Assplum, and Chinatown Or False.
[Aug 29,2011 1:39pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
also for the record, the reason I asked Deceased to play was because King likes me and loves playing Boston. Also King is probably the goofiest and silliest person I've ever met. Still super professional about everything, but man he makes the silliest faces when people take pictures of him!
[Aug 29,2011 1:41pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Me and King! His fuckin eyes are crossed!!!!!
[Aug 29,2011 1:44pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
if that picture makes me a poser, good!
[Aug 29,2011 2:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
I believe Yeti and I invented the word "Wrengasm."

Where's my 5 bucks, biotch!1
[Aug 29,2011 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 29,2011 3:43pm - i_am_lazy  ""]

arilliusbm said:I believe Yeti and I invented the word "Wrengasm."

Where's my 5 bucks, biotch!1

At one of the few shows in the history of the planet he didn't make an appearance at, nonetheless.
[Aug 29,2011 5:27pm - fuckface_ninja_retard ""]

ben said:whoa ho hooo! some funny shit here. i am on the tattooist's side on this one. because i am him. it is sad wren had to alter my letter to try and make me look bad, and it is even sadder to see you guys buy into it. but that is the only way he could get back at me for making him piss his pants in front of all his friends. wren is what you call a metal GEEK! a metal NERD. he struggled for years to learn how to become accepted by the local metal crowd. i as a performer dont care to win any of you over. if you instead hate me, i have done my job well. metal is not a popularity contest and many of you here have forgotten this. this is what you dont know about wren the metal treky nerd and his claim to local fame-first, he made sure to go to all the shows. one day they will notice his care bear looking ass and maybe someone will say hi to him, instead of pour a drink on him for laughs. remember those days wren?! second, wren decides to put together a fake pseudo record label in hopes that desperate bands will come flocking to him. now he's getting somewhere! then the mother of all ideas comes! third, "i will start promoting shows!!!".
well sure enough the geek in wren like in all geeks is packed with book smarts. so he figures out how to do this. but instead of promoting the bands alone, he takes this opportunity to promote his dorky face all over the concert fliers. then he says "i'll name the concerts i promote after me!! then i am sure to win some friends and maybe i can finally get laid!!!" so wren went ahead and called his shows "WRENGASM"! and if that isn't enough he better call his first big show "BOBFEST"! that way all will know it is wren who is the hot shit that some how pulled Deceased into playing his first show. wait till diseased meet this bobble headed dweeb. so now every goody good P.C. poser so called metal head like wren, will lift him into the sky in triumph and carry him proudly down main street Worcester. a real fags to rich's story. thats the story thus far of wren the metal boob.

Way to kill ur bands chance of gettin shows anywhere ever dickface. Good job makin the rest of em look like twats by actin like a psycho douchecunt reppin ur band. Prolly worked hard n here u r fuckin it up for em bein a fuckstain tryin to prove ur cocks bigger then wrengasm.
[Aug 29,2011 7:51pm - Bloblovesmusic  ""]

arilliusbm said:I believe Yeti and I invented the word "Wrengasm."

Where's my 5 bucks, biotch!1

Abaroth for bobfest
[Aug 29,2011 11:16pm - ben ""]
good night posers. only hated metal bands are real!
[Aug 29,2011 11:20pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Do a split with graveside about it
[Aug 29,2011 11:22pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I don't give an invertiFUCK about any of this but what a stupid thing to say.
[Aug 30,2011 12:06am - Pires ""]

ben said: i am on the tattooist's side on this one. because i am him.

Glad to see you have your own back there, chief.
[Aug 30,2011 12:16am - nekronaut ""]
My vote is for arillusbm as "ben" he hasn't had electricity for nearly two days, he's bored.
[Aug 30,2011 12:33am - arilliusbm ""]
your vote is wrong.
[Aug 30,2011 12:57am - nekronaut ""]
Well you voted me for ANTIFA and that wasn't me.. We're even.
[Aug 30,2011 1:01am - logic  ""]
my vote = ANTIFA and ben are the same person ---> ray from inverticrux
[Aug 30,2011 7:28am - Yeti ""]
only knowing things is real.
[Sep 8,2011 2:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
WTF? How did I miss this shit? Wrenn is a cool guy, I can't even imagine how this shit went down.
[Jun 23,2012 11:30pm - grandmotherweb ""]
oh hey look, it's the videos i shot. only took me 10 months to get around to editing them.








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