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What books are you all reading?

[Dec 30,2008 9:45am - orgymf@work  ""]

RustyPS said:nothing currently, but I'm interested in buying both the Denis Leary book and the Artie Lange book

both are on my "to buy" list
[Dec 30,2008 9:58am - corpus_NLI  ""]
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine - Maoshing Ni trans.
[Dec 30,2008 10:01am - brian_dc ""]
Moshing in Trains
[Dec 30,2008 10:24am - Murph ""]
The Collected Works of T.S. Eliot
Chatterton - Peter Ackroyd
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell (beyond excellent)
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
[Dec 30,2008 10:29am - moran ""]
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin.

Shit is fucking epic. Nothing but war, kings fucking shit up, sex, and incest. so fucking good.
[Dec 30,2008 10:30am - Conservationist ""]
[Dec 30,2008 10:47am - xmikex ""]
Franny and Zooey - JD Salinger
You Get So Alone At Time That it Just Makes Sense - Charles Bukowski

I finished The Abstinence Teacher by Tom Perotta a few weeks ago. Worth a read if you're into Perotta.
[Dec 30,2008 10:51am - dreadkill ""]
the owl papers
[Dec 30,2008 10:52am - pam ""]
The Picture Of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
[Dec 30,2008 12:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I am reading "Invincible" which is the ninth book in a nine book series in the star wars world. The series is called "legacy of the force" and it takes place when Luke Skywalkers son Ben is about 13-15years old, and Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo's kids are both jedi. I just finished a 14 book star wars series called "the new jedi order" which is right before the current series in the timeline.
[Dec 30,2008 12:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
the road. second time, its even better. hope the movie does it justice
[Dec 30,2008 1:32pm - moran ""]

ouchdrummer said:I am reading "Invincible" which is the ninth book in a nine book series in the star wars world. The series is called "legacy of the force" and it takes place when Luke Skywalkers son Ben is about 13-15years old, and Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo's kids are both jedi. I just finished a 14 book star wars series called "the new jedi order" which is right before the current series in the timeline.

Are those any good(maybe a stupid question since you just read 23 of them)? I tried reading some of the books, but with the exception of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, I couldn't get into them.
[Dec 30,2008 1:57pm - oscarct ""]
just finished "gonzo"
[Dec 30,2008 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 30,2008 2:40pm - sever ""]

Philosophy/ethics book that contemplates the futility of modern civilization and its inevitable collapse. Definitely a recommended read.
[Dec 30,2008 2:56pm - orgymf@work  ""]

moran said:
ouchdrummer said:I am reading "Invincible" which is the ninth book in a nine book series in the star wars world. The series is called "legacy of the force" and it takes place when Luke Skywalkers son Ben is about 13-15years old, and Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo's kids are both jedi. I just finished a 14 book star wars series called "the new jedi order" which is right before the current series in the timeline.

Are those any good(maybe a stupid question since you just read 23 of them)? I tried reading some of the books, but with the exception of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, I couldn't get into them.

the Thrawn trilogy ruled!!!!
anyway, there are good and bad S.W. books.
i highly reccomend
Yoda: "Dark Rendevous"
Shadows of the Empire
The Rise of Lord Vader
Outbound Flight
Survivor's Quest
[Dec 30,2008 5:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
the legacy of the force series is good, not great. the last one that i am reading now is fantastic. (invincible) The series is written by 3 authors, aaron allston, then a girl who i forget, then troy denning, and that order repeats two more times. If you can get through the books that she writes, the other 6 are great. The new new jedi order series is good from start to finish, and it's written by about 10 different authors, so the writting styles don't get too boring.... I read what most of you would call "smarter" books too, i read the entire (up to where it left off) Wheel of time series, and loved it, i read a lot of books, i just really like star wars.
[Dec 31,2008 8:30am - elle  ""]
gaia project 2012
power vs force
the book of divinity
the healers manual
the origin of the devil.
[Dec 31,2008 9:46am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 31,2008 11:24am - cless  ""]
That's funny,I'm reading Shadows of the Empire now,and I just ordered the Dark Lord trilogy,and the the Darth Bane series.
Also reading,Neuromancer and Good Omens,after all of those I was thinking about Rendezvous with Rama
[Dec 31,2008 11:35am - moran ""]
I didn't like the Darth Bane book. It seems really juvenile.

After I finish those Martin books, and then finally read Children of Dune, I'm gonna move to Shadows of the Empire.
[Dec 31,2008 11:59am - ouchdrummer ""]
I read those George Martin books. They are fucking awesome. The last one... i think it was a feast of crows... or something like that... anyways, it wasn't out when i read the other ones, did you read that one yet? Is it as good as the earlier ones?
[Dec 31,2008 12:04pm - moran ""]
Its sitting at my house, waiting to be read. From what I read about it, its just as good as the others. I'm finishing up Clash of Swords now. There's going to be three more books too. I hope he doesn't die before he finishes them. I was a little hesitant in starting to read them, being that they are very long books, but I'm so glad I did. Lots of musical inspiration in there.
[Dec 31,2008 12:08pm - Threat  ""]
Demons by fyodor dostoevsky just got it on christmas.
[Dec 31,2008 12:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Ya, that's books are really good. I think i might have to re-read them. It's been probably 8 years since i read them.
[Dec 31,2008 12:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]

moran said:I didn't like the Darth Bane book. It seems really juvenile.

After I finish those Martin books, and then finally read Children of Dune, I'm gonna move to Shadows of the Empire.

i haven't read the bane book yet.
i heard good things....but i guess it depends on taste.

i also read a pretty decent book on Darth Maul....but i read it a few years back and forgot the fuckin title!
[Dec 31,2008 12:36pm - moran ""]
Its not bad, just very simple. I think I just expected more.
[Dec 31,2008 12:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Moran- You haven't read any of the new jedi order, or the legacy of the force series yet? They really are worth reading. How about the Wheel of time series.
[Dec 31,2008 12:45pm - moran ""]
None of those. I'll have to check those out next. NJO is the really long series right? About Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order?
[Dec 31,2008 12:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, its great. The occupation of Borealis is wonderful, and Jaina/Jacen Solo are badass as hell.
[Dec 31,2008 12:49pm - moran ""]
Nice. I wish I didn't already spend my Barnes & Noble gift card. I'll look into those. But, I'm out of here, work just let us out for the weekend.
[Dec 31,2008 1:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yah, i am about 2 minutes from being let out.
[Dec 31,2008 1:11pm - lbpvdnli  ""]
Clive Barkers new book "Mister B. Gone" its awesome
[Dec 31,2008 1:11pm - ZJD ""]
swamp thing
[Dec 31,2008 2:37pm - Conservationist ""]
The Global Bell Curve
[Dec 31,2008 2:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Too Fat to Fish - Artie Lange
[Dec 31,2008 3:21pm - DomesticTerror ""]
stephen king - just after sunset
and i've been thinking of digging out the dark elf trilogy. it's been so long...
[Dec 31,2008 3:27pm - MetalThursday ""]

[Dec 31,2008 3:33pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Stephen king's Desperation
[Dec 31,2008 3:38pm - boine (NLI)  ""]
Glen Cook The Black Company
[Dec 31,2008 10:07pm - yddraig nli  ""]
Dante's inferno

awesome,even for being written in the 1300's
[Jan 1,2009 12:29am - swamplorddvm ""]
Of wolves and men.
[Jan 1,2009 9:57am - Conservationist ""]

Re-reading. Best book written in the last 50 years.
[Jan 1,2009 10:46am - INADC nli  ""]
last book I read:


should start re-reading it soon...
[Jan 1,2009 11:03am - Mess ""]
i'm still reading A Million Little Pices by James Frey. It's a good book even though the author is a liar. I think he made himself out to be a badder ass than he really is, yar.
[Jan 1,2009 12:42pm - Ryan_M ""]

yddraig%20nli said:Dante's inferno

awesome,even for being written in the 1300's

Can you reccomend any worthy versions for me? I've been wanting to read that but every time I go to the bookstore, they have so many different versions with various editions and translated and modernized versions and whatnot I don't know which one to get!

[Jan 1,2009 1:03pm - pam ""]

INADC%20nli said:last book I read:


should start re-reading it soon...

I'm reading this on and off, too. Hitchens is the man.
[Jan 1,2009 1:05pm - pam ""]
I just requested The Road by Cormac McCarthy from paperbackswap.com, everyone keeps telling me to read it.
[Jan 1,2009 1:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]

pam said:I just requested The Road by Cormac McCarthy from paperbackswap.com, everyone keeps telling me to read it.

read it. best book i read last year.
[Jan 1,2009 1:25pm - DomesticTerror ""]

Ryan_M said:
yddraig%20nli said:Dante's inferno

awesome,even for being written in the 1300's

Can you reccomend any worthy versions for me? I've been wanting to read that but every time I go to the bookstore, they have so many different versions with various editions and translated and modernized versions and whatnot I don't know which one to get!

try and dig up the translation by elio zappulla, published by vintage. after each canto is an explanation of all references, culture, and all things relevant line by line. i have never found his translations of purgatorio or paradisio, but you just reminded me to look again.

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