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Cold Northern Vengeance interview with UNRESTRAINED!

[Apr 14,2009 4:26pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

Yeti said: and now thinks he knows the secrets of the black arts.

Such a sick album!!
[Apr 15,2009 4:42pm - Defi  ""]
Cold Northern Vengeance Interview
Seabrook, New Hampshire’s Cold Northern Vengeance capture all that is strange and spellbinding about the New England region. Buried within their complicated, atmospheric sound is the repression of the Puritans, the fear of the Witch Hunts, and the supernatural horror of Lovecraft. Driven forward by masterminds Heathen and Gemini, the phantasmal eeriness of this band is what separates them from their contemporaries. The three of us corresponded via e-mail about region, religion, and rock in the band’s newest effort, 2008’s Domination and Servitude.

Mark Hensch of Thrashpit.com: First of all, thanks are in order for taking time out from your schedule to answer my questions. I find your latest album fascinating, so I appreciate it.

Name:Heathen: Thank you for the support. I too find the album fascinating...

Thrashpit: Take me back to the beginning. Where did the roots of Cold Northern Vengeance take hold and how did it grow into what it is today?

Name: Heathen: Ahhhhh, let's see here. It started in November of 2002. The weather up here was completely frigid and miserable at the time. Gemini and I met through our mutual friend Chris Maclean (Martyrvore). We were into a lot of the same stuff. The atmospheric black metal and the dark side of things. I said let's start a mysterious cultist black metal band in the vein of the Scandinavian bands with some other touches. We got drunk out of our heads, ran out to the ocean in a raging blizzard and that was very inspirational for me. CNV was born that night. The rest is history...

Thrashpit: How did you settle upon the name Cold Northern Vengeance?

Name: Heathen: Haha well, the band was concieved during a snow storm under the influence of lots of alcohol. The cold brutal weather coupled with misanthropy, the devil, occultism, depression, booze, chaos, madness, rebellion and on and on...There you have it. CNV sounds like a fitting name to me.

Thrashpit: This is the first time in a while I am truly at a loss in describing one band’s particular sound. How would you describe yourselves to some one who has never heard you before? Is black and/or death metal enough?

Name: Heathen: That's a tough one. I'm not exactly sure. Nietzsche had a quote that said one must have chaos inside himself in order to give birth to a star. Something like that. The By Paths to Chaos. Songs that channel the Dionysian force. That mystical and hypnotic force. That's what we're all about. Can you pin point and completely define chaos? Neither can I. CNV is art and I believe that true art knows no bounds. People will try to pigeon hole it, it gives them this petty sense of comfort.

Thrashpit: The latest album is entitled Domination and Servitude. What significance does the name hold for you?

Name: The slave and master concept. Looking at the world in that sort of perspective. I believe that the people in positions of power have intentionally subjugated art. They know it makes people think, makes them question... That's the last thing these people want. They want to be comfortable in their ivory towers looking down at the mass of assembly line drones. How did things go from The Doors to Nickleback? What went wrong along the way? They are aware that true art has the potential to cause dissent so they orchestrate ways to subjugate it. Replace it with "consumer" music. A real 1984 scenario appears to be taking form. Big Brother is watching. The slaves shall serve...

Thrashpit: Domination and Servitude is chaotic – none of the songs sound alike and first-time listeners will have quite a few surprises awaiting them. What kinds of bands and artists influenced you guys, producing the unique sound heard today?


Heathen: There has been so many bands and artists that have inspired me over the years. I listen to a lot of different genres: Black/Death metal, neo folk, ambient, classic heavy metal, industrial, punk, outlaw country, Oi!, Experimental, classical, electronic, Acid rock and on and on... You can definitely here a lot of those influences in Domination and Servitude. CNV will continue on that sort of path on the back roads of New Hampshire. Total mind fuck, total paradox...CNV Dungeon Cult 93

Thrashpit: Listening to Domination and Servitude, I seemingly catch several nods towards modern, post-Enlightenment philosophy. Lyrically speaking, I am often reminded of Friedrich Nietzsche. As for the title, it reminds me of the Master-Slave Paradox written about by Georg Hegel. Is this intentional, and if so, how have these thinkers influenced you? Is there anyone else besides them I am missing?


Ok, what I believe that I am doing is a sort of figurative necromancy. Breathing life into a lot of ideas that are all too often swept under the rug. Blood Axis does this sort of stuff a lot is well. Painting a sonic picture with the ideas of say Nietzsche, Crowley, Jung and couple that with mythology, gnostisism, hermeticism, satanism, paganism, Kali yuga and on and on and on... That is the same thing Jim Morrison was doing back in those days. It's called art! Open the flood gates for the swirling vortex to rip through the fabric of reality. On and on Subconscious Lucifer...

Thrashpit: Many of my favorite authors have come from the New England area, all of them possessing a very peculiar style I have never seen in any other region. How has living in New England driven your sound?


Heathen: I come from a small fisherman's town in New Hampshire. New England has a pretty interesting history when it comes to "strange" characters. Aleister Crowley declared himself a magus right here in New hampshire, Blackbeard had his honey moon on a little island off the coast where I live. Then we have HP Lovecraft tapping into other dimensions and communion with the Ancient ones. Witch trials, pirates, sorcery, Mega Therion, paganism. It's all right here in New England waiting to be discovered and reborn... Well, it's been reborn. CNV channels it and casts its curse on this fucking drone society of money driven slaves. Hopefully we can orchestrate some sort of LSD revival or Helter Skelter. Something different from the mediocity the world banks have thrust upon us. CNV is my revolt against the modern world!!!

Thrashpit: There is an old saying that a musician is his own harshest critic. With this in mind, what is your favorite song on Domination and Servitude? Why?

Heathen: I can't really say I have a favorite. All of them evoke something I'm looking for.


Thrashpit: Domination and Servitude has tons of samples within it. If you do not mind saying, where did some of these come from and why did you choose the ones you did?


Heathen: The samples add to the overall effect of the album. They are utilized in a way where it forces you to think. There are samples from films like Haxen, Pearls Before Swine, Blair Witch Project.

Thrashpit: How did you approach the lyrics for Domination and Servitude? Being your first full-length album, it does represent the entirety of your band’s previous output after all!


Heathen: Lyrics are always a sort of trial and error thing with me. I try and put the right amount of time into them and I am obviously drawing a lot of inspiration from Occultism and Philosophy. Yes, Domination and Servitude embodies the evolution of the band through out the years. It's like a alchemical molotov cocktail. The next album will be akin to a alchemical atombomb... A slithering, serpentine, subconscious mind fuck!!!

Thrashpit: Outside of Cold Northern Vengeance, you play in a band called Martyrvore. How does your work there differ from what you do in Cold Northern Vengeance?


Heathen: Well I do some vocals for Martyrvore here and there. I don't write any of it. That's the brain child of Chris Maclean and Matt (CNV). Total old school filthy death metal... That's Martyrvore

Thrashpit: What about the live arena? Does Cold Northern Vengeance have any interesting touring plans coming up?

Yeah, we are definitley going to be playing more gigs away from home. Going to hit a lot of places down south and out west and looking to do some dates in Canada as well. Europe is the main goal. I've been to Germany before and they don't fuck around when it comes to metal. The UK, Germany, Austria, Italy are all places we need to check out. There are so many different land marks I am dying to see...


Thrashpit: Last question! What does the future hold for your band?


Heathen: To evolve and delve further into this pandora's box we have opened. To continue on this left hand path and see what happens along the way. To pursue the 93 current and unveil "The Great Work"...

Thrashpit: Thank you once again for letting me talk with you. Best of luck with all your future endeavors, and I hope that more Cold Northern Vengeance is coming soon!


Heathen: 39 lashes to 93 Hails!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check ‘em out at www.myspace.com/cnv666
[Apr 15,2009 5:34pm - check out my interview  ""]
Underground Zine
So do you like music?

My band
[Apr 16,2009 4:06pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Oh what's up ye ol fuckin queyeahhh... Nuthin to say? None of you faggots have a god damn thing to say, not a fuckin thing. Yeah, I know you fuckin fags want to feel good about it... There is no fading this nigga,
-Uncle Pauly

I be feelin like niggas can't fade me
[Apr 16,2009 4:15pm - Paul CNV  ""]
C'mon fags dispute it, let's do this

Name: Heathen: That's a tough one. I'm not exactly sure. Nietzsche had a quote that said one must have chaos inside himself in order to give birth to a star. Something like that. The By Paths to Chaos. Songs that channel the Dionysian force. That mystical and hypnotic force. That's what we're all about. Can you pin point and completely define chaos? Neither can I. CNV is art and I believe that true art knows no bounds. People will try to pigeon hole it, it gives them this petty sense of comfort.
[Apr 16,2009 4:35pm - Paul CNV  ""]
I wanna talk to a guy named Mungo from Pa but is not really from Pa? Where is this righteous fellow?
[Apr 16,2009 5:13pm - stop misquoting  ""] is a fuck hole
[Apr 16,2009 5:38pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Nietzsche this, Nietzsche that.

Fucking yawn.
[Apr 16,2009 6:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
Congrats Pauly. Don't listen to these jelous fuckers. New album rocks!!!!
[Apr 16,2009 6:25pm - STLUCI ""]
Paul CNV , definatly don't even listen to these idiots , especially all anon computer warriors that love to bust peoples chops . i'm so used to it now it's like part of posting anything is to have a bunch of hecklers.
[Apr 16,2009 6:42pm - dyingmuse ""]

STLUCI said:Paul CNV , definatly don't even listen to these idiots , especially all anon computer warriors that love to bust peoples chops . i'm so used to it now it's like part of posting anything is to have a bunch of hecklers.

[Apr 16,2009 6:50pm - Arist ""]
you guys really from seabrook? I'm from hampton falls and never realized
[Apr 16,2009 6:53pm - Doomkid ""]

STLUCI said:Paul CNV , definatly don't even listen to these idiots , especially all anon computer warriors that love to bust peoples chops . i'm so used to it now it's like part of posting anything is to have a bunch of hecklers.

Wouldn't that make Paul CNV an anonymous netwarrior too? Or does he just forget his password every 10 seconds like I do?
[Apr 16,2009 7:55pm - STLUCI ""]

STLUCI said:Paul CNV , definatly don't even listen to these idiots , especially all anon computer warriors that love to bust peoples chops . i'm so used to it now it's like part of posting anything is to have a bunch of hecklers.

that is a great question : my defination of a netwarrior is someone who signs on anon but puts people down not anounces constructive things for their band etc..
[Apr 16,2009 8:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
If CNV had lyrics about Charles Manson eating Froot Loops on your front porch, they'd still be one of my favorite bands from New England.

I thoroughly patronize you all for your obviously Jewish behavior.

Fuck da haterz, dog. Na'amsayin?
[Apr 16,2009 8:29pm - vaettir ""]
This is pretty obvious, there is a band getting attention that is not following a trend but doing what they want, with no concern of fashion or being part of a 'scene.' Anyone can act tough and hide behind a computer. I suppose it IS a novel idea that a band with talent AND orginality can be getting noticed that doesn't play shitty emo metalcore faggotry.
[Apr 16,2009 8:48pm - stop misquoting  ""] is a fuck hole
[Apr 16,2009 9:39pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Get ride of all the blacks.

[Apr 16,2009 9:41pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Get ride of all the blacks, you anonymoius faggot.
[Apr 17,2009 1:08am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Ride the Blacknig
[Apr 17,2009 2:46am - Paul CNV  ""]
In this wretched world in which I dwell I SHOULD be able to walk a mile to the coast of New Hampshire and watch a magnifent pagan spectacle. I should be able to walk down there with my brothers and sisters and watch Bathory perform "Twighlight of the Gods" to a spellbound crowd.... BUT I am not allowed that INSTEAD I am allowed to be a slave to a economic system hellbent on keeping you subservient and quiet... Well I'd also like to think that's pretty damn original. Whether I live or Die... I said it. At the very least, I did that...
[Apr 17,2009 2:55am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Move to Norway or something.
[Apr 17,2009 3:05am - Paul CNV  ""]
You really fuel my point... Thanks dipshit
[Apr 17,2009 3:15am - Paul CNV  ""]
By the way, to the people that understand, thanks for coming to my aid in defiance of all these sacks of shit that have not a god damn thing to say!
[Apr 17,2009 3:20am - Paul CNV  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Nietzsche this, Nietzsche that.

Fucking yawn.

Wow, you must have just conquered the baphomet. I am impressed
[Apr 17,2009 3:47am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Apr 17,2009 3:53am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Apr 17,2009 3:56am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Apr 17,2009 3:59am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Apr 17,2009 4:03am - Paul CNV  ""]
[Apr 17,2009 4:05am - Paul CNV  ""]
[Apr 17,2009 4:07am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Apr 17,2009 4:15am - Paul CNV  ""]
Young and reckless

[Apr 17,2009 4:19am - Paul CNV  ""]
Someone you should not fuck with... I'll get ya

[Apr 17,2009 4:25am - Paul CNV  ""]
Something awesome and scary happened this night~~~~~~~~

[Apr 17,2009 4:29am - Paul CNV  ""]
Megan being all aryan

[Apr 17,2009 4:33am - Paul CNV  ""]
Australians and C brook have a lot in common... think bout it[img]
[Apr 17,2009 4:38am - Paul CNV  ""]
Neo nazis from Germany think Uncle Pauly has something relevant to say

[Apr 17,2009 4:44am - Paul CNV  ""]
Yeah I can't lie, I don't want black people in my town too

[Apr 17,2009 4:51am - Paul CNV  ""]
Yes, we are english people and we will laugh and mock you

[Apr 17,2009 4:53am - Paul CNV  ""]
Let's try this again... English people are cool

[Apr 17,2009 4:58am - Paul CNV  ""]
Australians are much cooler than massholes

[Apr 17,2009 5:04am - Paul CNV  ""]

A 7 inch you will never own
[Apr 17,2009 5:11am - Paul CNV  ""]
Love at first sight... I floored about 10 germans to keep her up during Destroyer 666.!

[Apr 17,2009 5:15am - Paul CNV  ""]
another 7 inch you will never own

[Apr 17,2009 5:19am - Paul CNV  ""]
Keith is pissed off

[Apr 17,2009 5:32am - Paul CNV  ""]
The remnants of a glorious past. Chances are you missed this show. Not me. I know Devon was there. Was Jon dwyer there? Can't remember. I remember Chabo was there

[Apr 17,2009 5:44am - Paul CNV  ""]
What you know bout the brook?

[Apr 17,2009 8:58am - Dick Dick Dick  ""] is a fuck hole
[Apr 17,2009 10:32am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Nietzsche this, Nietzsche that.

Fucking yawn.

Why such a disdain towards Nietzsche? First of all, that interview doesn't even come close to establishing the complexity behind Nietzsche's often highly misunderstood philosophies. Nor do I think that was the point of the interview. I believe that if you can't offer a critical analysis of his work, then you clearly haven't examined any of his writings; thus failing to appreciate his significance.

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