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[Mar 25,2008 3:18pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I hate GRAVESIDESERVICE, They are losers with their hearse and coffin and BLack Metal. May they all die in horrible car accidents. I especially hate that fat one and the big tall goofy buff guy. Yeah hes real brutal. Lets not forget tweedle dee and tweedle dumb the scrawny piano player and loser wanna be guitarist.
[Mar 25,2008 3:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
your hating sucks, you need to try harder
[Mar 25,2008 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
yeah, plus that band almost never posts here, so they probably aren't going to see it.
[Mar 25,2008 3:41pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
who cares GRAVESIDE SERVICe or whatever are ulver, mercyful fate wannabes and need to die, just like the death they preach about on stage, fat fuck. They need to shut there fucking mouths up please. The new wanna be guitarist is a tall goof too.
[Mar 25,2008 3:43pm - Kinslayer  ""]
IF they were ANYTHING like Ulver or MF people would probably LIKE them....


they aren't.
[Mar 25,2008 3:43pm - dreadkill ""]
ulver and mercyful fate are 2 of my favorite bands
[Mar 25,2008 3:44pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I heard they hang out in cemeteries recording. Yeah wow, thats real creepy. NExt time you give away your cds, put a big G on it so people know where to file it the GARBAGE. Not worth the plastic its pressed on.
[Mar 25,2008 3:47pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
they never respond they must be afraid to face the facts. The drummer thinks hes a bigshot. I take your 250 6 foot 4 ass out. He thinks hes tough because he followed me in my car after I flicked him off. Fuck you and your mother and your hearse, die. Next time you wave a knife at anyone again you better use it or I will have your neck snapped, that goes for all of you
[Mar 25,2008 3:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
again you FAIL at HATING
[Mar 25,2008 3:49pm - mOe ""]
haha, way to come on a site and hate on a band that NO ONE has heard of
[Mar 25,2008 3:50pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
the guy pulls a knife out and starts waving it at me because I flicked him the finger over he wanting me to take a copy of his album for free when I knew they suck. Then he threatens to kill my family and girlfriend whom i wont name. you guys can stick up for them all you want but you obviously havent heard there shit fuck music
[Mar 25,2008 3:51pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 3:52pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I warn you trash this band they are posers and know nothing about black metal. They think there creepy they are just circus freaks.
[Mar 25,2008 3:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 3:53pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
Heres some other bands to stay away from, oh wait everyone in the entire baystate area. fuck you all
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
anyone else want to help me smash the drummers face in as well as the fat vocalist nose
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - sinistas ""]
Nobody cares. Go away.
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:yawn
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - metal_church101 ""]
**** FAIL ****
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
he thinks hes so big at 6 feet 4 I ll bring him to his knees and I am only 5 foot 8
[Mar 25,2008 3:55pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
fuck you all for defending them
[Mar 25,2008 3:56pm - mOe ""]
really? what else ya gonna do?
*unzips pants while rubbing inner thigh*
[Mar 25,2008 3:56pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:yawn

[Mar 25,2008 3:58pm - metal_church101 ""]
Not defending them at all. Just saying you'd better work on your shit talking.
[Mar 25,2008 3:59pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Mar 25,2008 4:02pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
have you ever heard there old shit, no guitar????????
[Mar 25,2008 4:08pm - metal_church101 ""]
No, and I don't care either. :bartmoon:
[Mar 25,2008 4:11pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
why are you obsessed with them? stop wasting precious years and start telling us about bands you DO like!

jeez, grumpy pants!
[Mar 25,2008 6:16pm - GEORGESTOPCRYING  ""]
Jezze George stop wyning
[Mar 25,2008 6:32pm - OTTOMAN75 ""]
what a loser!!
[Mar 25,2008 6:45pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I knock all your teeth out and GRAVESIDESERVICE in the face, fuck you all
[Mar 25,2008 6:47pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
you obviously never hung out or met these guys there all fucking weirdo. Dont trust them they are scumfucks and manipulative. Just because the drummer is tall and big he thinks he can trample anyone. The vocalist looks like the penguin and is manipulative. The piano player has a cane stcuk up his ass and the new guitarist looks like a sick child diddler
[Mar 25,2008 6:48pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I am the only one who hate sthem then I guess, fucking pussies. Talk shit you know what I am talking about
[Mar 25,2008 7:05pm - CNVunt  ""]
I have and they are nice and cool and not like most of the scene, where you need to be a druggy, alcoholic or wierd.... you definitly have so much time to think about these things.... Good to know you have these feelings, so now you can go back to playing video games or the bong!
[Mar 25,2008 7:07pm - sinistas ""]
You're continuing to post anonymous shit about people who we don't give the slightest shit about, and THEY'RE the weirdos? What the fuck is in the water where you come from?
[Mar 25,2008 7:28pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
you fat fuck why would you defend them, oh okay because you are fat like the vocalist I get it.
[Mar 25,2008 7:30pm - dreadkill ""]
he's not defending them, you buttclown. nobody cares, so save yourself the typing. that's all he's saying.
[Mar 25,2008 7:38pm - sinistas ""]
Ooh, you called me fat. Oh noes!

You're obviously an intellectual giant, since you can't grasp that NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS BAND OR YOUR FOURTH GRADE GRUDGE AGAINST THEM. Fucking cocknose.
[Mar 25,2008 8:06pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
oh good one
[Mar 25,2008 8:21pm - deadlikemurf ""]
shitty anon is shitty.
[Mar 25,2008 8:36pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Mar 25,2008 9:47pm - Aegathis ""]
just stop fucking responding to this guy, dont even look at posts started by anonymous people!
[Mar 26,2008 6:56pm - St. Luci  ""]
again with someone shit talking me and my band ..what the f#@$ !!
I go to shows , and hang out occassionally and talk to people but no one ever comes up to me and tells me how much they hate me . Everyone is usually friendly , even if they don't like the music we do . we don't really expect many to like it . we do it because we like to . who are you bostonbeerpointer ?
[Mar 27,2008 12:08am - Grizloch ""]
I cant imagine that this person is not a fake poster
[Mar 27,2008 12:14am - Belial  ""]
fuck gravesideservice they are all fat fags
[Mar 27,2008 12:49am - Gaveside Fags  ""]
Gaveside Service all has sex with little boys.

[Mar 27,2008 2:26pm - fishcakes ""]
is this a joke?
[Mar 27,2008 3:10pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
No this is not a joke, these assholes actually tried to assualt me with a knife after I threw there piece of shit album in the garbage. I ment no disrespect, I thought they left and when I can back The tall fuck and his blimp vocalist were asking me why I did that. I told them that I wasnt interested in the cd and that they gave it away for free anyways, its not like I paid or did it in their face. So the Tall buff wanna be drummer pulled a knife out at me after the fact in his hearse and started fallowing me almost all the way to my house until I called the cops. Fuck them and thier wanna be funeral doom black metal. They mean shit to me. The piano player thinks he real grim taking a dead bird on stage with him, yeah real grim.
[Mar 27,2008 3:13pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]

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