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[Aug 6,2012 4:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont get it..
[Aug 6,2012 4:34pm - posbleak ""]
12) kate+hale+is+pegnant+lol

LOL 'pegnant'
[Aug 6,2012 4:36pm - wait...  ""]
You fucked your cousin
[Aug 6,2012 4:39pm - FuckChristHellBitch ""]
I've never had a problem with Kate but I definitely know a handful of people ( not her ex's) that don't care for her. Scene is full of jealousy, and other dumb reasons for people to hate on a girl. Really could be anybody
[Aug 6,2012 4:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is quickly turning into an Always Sunny episode

[Aug 6,2012 4:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Who the fuck is FuckChristHellBitch
[Aug 6,2012 4:42pm - FuckChristHellBitch ""]
Your mom
[Aug 6,2012 4:43pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Lame thread is lame.

Needs more http://holymaurymotherofgod.tumblr.com/
[Aug 6,2012 4:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

posbleak said:12) kate+hale+is+pegnant+lol

LOL 'pegnant'

[Aug 6,2012 4:57pm - Samantha ""]

MetalThursday said:
Samantha said:
FuckIsMySignature said:Fucking lowlifes.

Agreed. Whoever posted this crap is the lowest of the filthiest scum, at about the same level as that noxious garbage juice that forms in the bottom of a dumpster.

I see what you did there.

Nah... no pun intended. I was just thinking about how awful the dumpster behind Ralph's smells. I've always thought that if there was ever a serious beatdown to occur in that place, the most Chuck Norris worthy route would be to throw an individual down the stairs, allow them to tumble out into the area near the dumpster, and then proceed with round house kicks to the face.
[Aug 6,2012 5:15pm - Yeti ""]
yeah i see what Chris thought was hinted at, but i don't believe that's the case.
[Aug 6,2012 5:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
OP is Paul
[Aug 6,2012 5:21pm - posbleak ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:

This made my day
[Aug 6,2012 5:29pm - Alexecutioner ""]
I've gotten multiple text messages about this thread today so I had to see what all the ruckus was about.

lol @ anyone thinking I would actually give a shit. Get a life people
[Aug 6,2012 5:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This is what happens without a Raynard or a ProgMetalDrumr around.
[Aug 6,2012 5:38pm - not slag  ""]
who would Hate Kale? It's a superfood!
[Aug 6,2012 5:40pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Who the fuck is Kate Hale? Oh yeah, I don't give a fuck.
Unless someone posts tits...
[Aug 6,2012 6:47pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Nothing has ever been sacred here. Nothing about this thread surprises me. Nothing is going to stop people from being assholes.
Kate's a tough chick. I hope she doesn't give a shit what OP and all the trolls are saying and just keeps on doing her own thing. She's got a long road ahead of her and many of us simply wish her the best.
[Aug 6,2012 7:10pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Hate Kale
[Aug 6,2012 7:16pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]
OP is scott wily
[Aug 6,2012 7:23pm - Timeline of Love  ""]
date for 8 months, get pregnant, live happily ever after. seems legit.
[Aug 6,2012 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
this sucks as a thread since I've always thought Kate was rather pretty.
[Aug 6,2012 7:25pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]
not very metal to have kids
[Aug 6,2012 7:26pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]

the_reverend said:this sucks as a thread since I've always thought Scott Wily was rather pretty.
[Aug 6,2012 7:31pm - Ghost_Hamster ""]
[Aug 6,2012 8:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Ghost_Hamster said:not very metal to have kids

inb4 Aril flipping out
[Aug 6,2012 9:01pm - Lamp nli  ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Who the fuck is Kate Hale? Oh yeah, I don't give a fuck.
Unless someone posts tits...

I really hate when I agree with you, but...
[Aug 6,2012 9:07pm - arilliusbm ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Ghost_Hamster said:not very metal to have kids

inb4 Aril flipping out

[Aug 6,2012 9:16pm - two nobodies....  ""]
Pregnant after 8 months of dating? What a pathetic joke this whole thing is. Too much energy spent gossiping about an untalented, unattractive, unfunny, dirty Puerto Rican, raggedy ass bitch. Where are all the chill metal girls that have chosen wisely to, Oh, NOT get knocked up 45 minutes into the relationship? Cute story for the grandkiddies. Can't wait to see where this love story will end up a few years.
[Aug 6,2012 9:53pm - Timeline of Love  ""]

two%20nobodies.... said:Pregnant after 8 months of dating? What a pathetic joke this whole thing is. Too much energy spent gossiping about an untalented, unattractive, unfunny, dirty Puerto Rican, raggedy ass bitch. Where are all the chill metal girls that have chosen wisely to, Oh, NOT get knocked up 45 minutes into the relationship? Cute story for the grandkiddies. Can't wait to see where this love story will end up a few years.

what'd you expect? she is half Puerto Rican.....
[Aug 6,2012 11:26pm - Puerto rico  ""]
This is papi, ok?
[Aug 6,2012 11:42pm - Sacreligion ""]
I find it incredibly sad that I am the first person to say "Congratulations to Kate" in this thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

INB4 White Knight faggotry.
[Aug 7,2012 12:01am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
OP was immaculately conceived by the Force. And midi-chlorians. Or something.
[Aug 7,2012 12:02am - Sacreligion ""]
Makes sense, considering Anakin is a gigantic foghat.
[Aug 7,2012 12:02am - Burnsy ""]
Are you suggesting that Scott Wiley is troll posting from the womb?
[Aug 7,2012 12:03am - i_am_not_me ""]

Sacreligion said:I find it incredibly sad that I am the first person to say "Congratulations to Kate" in this thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

INB4 White Knight faggotry.

Serious heartfelt posts have no place within these walls.
[Aug 7,2012 12:05am - Sacreligion ""]

i_am_not_me said:Serious heartfelt posts have no place within these walls.

[Aug 7,2012 12:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Burnsy said:Are you suggesting that Scott Wiley is troll posting from the womb?

[Aug 7,2012 12:14am - arilliusbm ""]

Sacreligion said:I find it incredibly sad that I am the first person to say "Congratulations to Kate" in this thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

INB4 White Knight faggotry.

In my opinion, any congratulations said in a thread that was meant as a slanderous stab is nothing but counter-productive. I would rather say congrats to her in real life rather than on a negative thread that she probably shouldn't read any way.
I hadn't been on the computer in a few hours and I'm not surprised that this still at the top of rttp. Senseless drama by spineless cowards. Funny thing is that they are all (or one person, I guess) people that know her well enough to judge her.

Regardless of what was said, I guess no one should be pointing fingers at anyone because that would only lead to more drama. This is rttp, and I guess this is the nature of horrible shit-talking trolls. I don't think there'd be any need to justify that it wasn't you. Anyone that knows you personally knows you wouldn't do this petty crap.

To lighten things up a bit, here is thrilled jet-ski ross again.

[Aug 7,2012 12:16am - Dizzy  ""]
Someone post a pic of this slut
[Aug 7,2012 12:17am - Sacreligion ""]

arilliusbm said:
Sacreligion said:I find it incredibly sad that I am the first person to say "Congratulations to Kate" in this thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

INB4 White Knight faggotry.

In my opinion, any congratulations said in a thread that was meant as a slanderous stab is nothing but counter-productive. I would rather say congrats to her in real life rather than on a negative thread that she probably shouldn't read any way.
I hadn't been on the computer in a few hours and I'm not surprised that this still at the top of rttp. Senseless drama by spineless cowards. Funny thing is that they are all (or one person, I guess) people that know her well enough to judge her.

Regardless of what was said, I guess no one should be pointing fingers at anyone because that would only lead to more drama. This is rttp, and I guess this is the nature of horrible shit-talking trolls. I don't think there'd be any need to justify that it wasn't you. Anyone that knows you personally knows you wouldn't do this petty crap.

To lighten things up a bit, here is thrilled jet-ski ross again.


I'm now more upset about how upset I got over the idea that people would think I am such a terrible person.
[Aug 7,2012 12:19am - arilliusbm ""]
Only being upset about being upset of being upset when other people are upset of people that are upset over you being upset but not really upset is real.
[Aug 7,2012 12:20am - Sacreligion ""]
Years of pretending not to be human gone to shit.
[Aug 7,2012 12:21am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 7,2012 12:22am - Sacreligion ""]
Oh I get it. She's pragnent. Now I don't know what the fuss is all about.
[Aug 7,2012 12:23am - arilliusbm ""]

Sacreligion said:Years of pretending not to be human gone to shit.

[Aug 7,2012 12:25am - Sacreligion ""]
[Aug 7,2012 12:25am - i_am_not_me ""]

arilliusbm said:
Sacreligion said:I find it incredibly sad that I am the first person to say "Congratulations to Kate" in this thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

INB4 White Knight faggotry.

In my opinion, any congratulations said in a thread that was meant as a slanderous stab is nothing but counter-productive.

I made the same point in a less tl;dr fashion. So nyah.
[Aug 7,2012 12:26am - Sacreligion ""]
Do I need to post more Deftones songs?
[Aug 7,2012 12:30am - i_am_not_me ""]

Sacreligion said:Do I need to post more Deftones songs?

I believe you do.

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