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Matt from NEPGMfest just barred me from taking pictures

American Legion (Epping, NH) - [always_and_forever][fear_before_the_march_of_flames][heavyheavylowlow][randomshots][the_jon_benet][shush][mortis_deveia]
[Aug 6,2006 1:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I was shooting Mortis deveia and he came up, telling me that he didn't want me taking pictures.

back story: I showed up like I do all the time and he took me aside, saying "if you want to shoot the event as an event, I'm willing to work with you otherwise, if you are just here to shoot bands, you should probably be over at club r[something I've never heard of before]. that where anderson is doing the other bands." so mortis deveia gave me a ticket from ones that they both. that's how I got in.
[Aug 6,2006 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
That guy is a fucking goofball.
[Aug 6,2006 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
aren't the two of them married? married to like each other?
[Aug 6,2006 2:01pm - RichHorror ""]
I know they're definitely a couple.
[Aug 6,2006 2:01pm - the_reverend ""]
the other bar is rocko's bar a grill. WTF is up with being able to shoot ozzfest, but when it's some little fest in a local town has something, I get all sorts of fucking grief. unbelieveable.
[Aug 6,2006 2:05pm - RichHorror ""]
What the fuck is the difference between taking pictures of the bands playing or shooting it as an event?
[Aug 6,2006 2:10pm - fishcakes ""]
[Aug 6,2006 2:19pm - the_reverend ""]
no clue. I left that club and walked over to another club were anderson is putting on a show. the bands here are aren't anything I know or what to see, but anderson mar is totally nice. as soon as I lifted up my sun glasses, she said "oh, you are aaron, you are all set" she is so nice. this club is a lot nicer too, AC and it looks like they serve scorpion bowls and do comedy on fridays. I'm probably going to take a couple pictures here (of a band I don't care about) and then head out.
[Aug 6,2006 2:21pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought Shit Fuck was playing that fest.
[Aug 6,2006 2:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
That's extremely gay.
[Aug 6,2006 2:45pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I shot a couple pictures of a rock band. I'm going to hang out with my brother for an hour before heading to another show.
[Aug 6,2006 2:49pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Who the hell wouldn't want you taking pictures of them? Oh no, free publicity, not that! It's great when bands have managers and clubs who harass the people trying to help the bands...
[Aug 6,2006 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
if I didn't say it above, I'm going to myspace/email all the bands I didn't get to shoot the exactstory of why I couldn't shoot them.
[Aug 6,2006 4:09pm - succubus ""]
you should have asked why. he was being a dick so be one back...he aready told you no and ask WHY NOT? you should have told the bands and have them bitch him out
attn tobands on this board..boycott this guys shows..respect the rev
[Aug 6,2006 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
he said that to me when I was going to change cameras then went back to where I wasn't allowed now to go so that he could set up 12351 video cameras or something. when I got there, I already had him take me outside of a club and to the back corner of the building to have that akward covno about the suttle nuances betweem shooting an event or just shooting bands. I just got fed up and left. anyhow, wasn't typeo negative suppose to play this show? or atleast a band who had more than a 30 minute drive to the show?

eh, whatever. on a positive note, mortis deveia was excellent and well worth this bullship. I highly recomend that steveOTB, NSN, the DBH, IDN, jonah, and others put them on a show.

and I'm not going to ask people to boycott their shows, but if people ask me or tell me about the fact that they are going to "work with" matt... I will just tell them the factual story of my latest dealings with him and suggest that they think again about doing it.
[Aug 6,2006 4:45pm - anonymous  ""]
why didn't you just ask "do you know who i am?"
[Aug 6,2006 5:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! cause I wasn't wearing my "IM KIND OF A BIG DEAL" shirt. plus, the singer for MD did that and the dude said "this wasn't authorized ahead of time."
matt knows me and I've shot a few of his/anderson's shots before in MA with no issues. I've even chatted with him.

plus, I'm not egotistical enough to say that. I think the facts of the current metal/hardcore doesn't dictate that you "have to" know me or RttP, but if you don't you loose a large place to promote shows/venues/bands with a concentrated interest base. so I would not say that to someone cause they can do things without paying lips service to me, it's just 12-30,000 daily viewers might make it a little easier.
[Aug 6,2006 5:08pm - sacreligion ""]
is that fest thing today? i didn't see any promotion for it anywhere
[Aug 6,2006 5:09pm - sacreligion ""]
and they were supposed to get type o negative? maybe we would've paid the $500 if that were the case
[Aug 6,2006 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
they were suppose to get some big band to play. It should be in the thread were iweiph, shit fuck, and sign of the goat played reflections.
[Aug 6,2006 5:23pm - sacreligion ""]
meh...this wasn't really organized like...at all
[Aug 6,2006 5:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Please do NOT tell me NEPGM is charging $500 for a slot on their completely unproven fest.
[Aug 6,2006 5:47pm - mOe nli  ""]
the_reverend said:eh, whatever. on a positive note, mortis deveia was excellent and well worth this bullship.

Aaaarrrggghhhh, captain!!!
[Aug 6,2006 7:00pm - davefromthegrave ""]
If I were you, I'd say "i'm shooting it as an event", and then, since that phrase means absolutely nothing, I would go ahead and do what i always do.
[Aug 6,2006 7:15pm - the_reverend ""]
that's the paris hilton phylosophy.
[Aug 6,2006 7:24pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i think i talked to one of those guys at the cnv, hirudinea, hekseri show in somerville. he was talking about his show and mentioned bands had to pay $500 to play. some "promoters" are fucking retarded. any band that was willing to spend $500 to play that shitfest is even more retarded.

didn't he promote the "event" on rttp? what a cunt rag...
[Aug 6,2006 7:25pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:that's the paris hilton phylosophy.

like, oh my gawd!
[Aug 6,2006 7:51pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
RichHorror said:I thought Shit Fuck was playing that fest.

This is a pre-fest, but the actual one is going to be in September and yes we are playing it.
[Aug 6,2006 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]
this is a pre-fest.. sorry... I guess don't ask me to go to that festival, I won't be allowed. well, except for the fact that anderson said I was all set for it.
[Aug 6,2006 8:49pm - Yeti ""]
they're gonna get a divorce because they can't decide if the biggest supporter of local music should get in or not
[Aug 6,2006 8:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
^^^ was me
[Aug 6,2006 10:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 6,2006 10:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I would bang that girl Anderson until her eyes uncrossed.

[Aug 6,2006 11:44pm - RichHorror ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I would bang that girl Anderson until her eyes uncrossed.


You need stronger glasses, Dwyer.
[Aug 6,2006 11:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Why is she worse or better than I thought?
[Aug 6,2006 11:53pm - RichHorror ""]
She's a nice lady and all... but she definitely has no place in ye olde spank bank.
[Aug 7,2006 12:44am - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
the_reverend said:I'm not egotistical enough to say that. I think the facts of the current metal/hardcore doesn't dictate that you "have to" know me or RttP, but if you don't you loose a large place to promote shows/venues/bands with a concentrated interest base. so I would not say that to someone cause they can do things without paying lips service to me, it's just 12-30,000 daily viewers might make it a little easier.

You should be a little more egotistical because a lot of the new england scene thrives off of this website. (death metal and hardcore)

[Aug 7,2006 1:02am - succubus ""]
He sure know how to act like a rockstar in bed...wink wink....

Hmmm ok the word used was egotistical..but that wouldn't make my post funny..whatever..I'm sleepy
[Aug 7,2006 1:06am - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
hahahaha, hey whatever works!

But, I do think that the Rev's work is highly un-appreciated
[Aug 7,2006 1:11am - mcmahon ""]
we had a great time. crowd was perfect and i was just drunk enough for my van halen - jump impersonation. the two venues broke up the day. great group of bands to chill out with.

HOWEVER, i do have a problem with aaron gettin the boot. i think a lot of the stuff aaron/rttp stands for is vital for local shows. there is a lot more i could say on the issue, but it's too fuckin long and complicated (i must have drafted this at least 4 times already). maybe over a beer or something at the next show when i start getting lippy.

i'm pretty sure, though we were asked to play, we aren't going to do the festival. though, wouldn't be opposed to set up a show with some of the bands that played. rttp cordially invited.

oh yeah, some dude spent almost half hour dusting the exterior of his car while i was out on the patio. weirdest shit ive seen in a while.
[Aug 7,2006 1:24am - mcmahon ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password said:I do think that the Rev's work is highly un-appreciated

i couldn't agree more. i think he is mainly misunderstood and misrepresented by presumptions and bias. and anyone who believes the rubbish probably doesnt have a clue anyways...eh, im starting to ramble.
[Aug 7,2006 1:37am - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
its true, not only does he go to ALL KINDS of shows, metal, hardcore, homocore...whatever he also gives 50% of people myspace pictures everyday
[Aug 7,2006 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
I am just stating what happend.
[Aug 7,2006 9:51am - hungtableed  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I would bang that girl Anderson until her eyes uncrossed.


that bitch is a fucking freak show!
[Aug 7,2006 9:41pm - anonymous  ""]
I can't believe she's married to him, what was that girl thinking?
[Aug 7,2006 10:28pm - sinistas ""]
they're not married.
[Aug 8,2006 12:18am - nsnholmes ""]
mcmahon said:i'm pretty sure, though we were asked to play, we aren't going to do the festival.

when he says he's pretty sure, he means we aren't. i refuse to. i asked matt straight-up after we played what the deal was for it, 'cause i had heard they were just offering it to any band that played because it's $500 plus ticket selling, and his response was, "it isn't just any band." so we stuck till the end to see what the deal was. band attendance was taken, and there were probably more than half of the 22 there. they gave out a sponsorship to one band from each venue, and he said there were 5 bands at the spyder room that impressed him.

after the sponsorships, he had every band come up to grab a contract.

so obviously it IS just any band willing to shell out the money. i suppose when he said "it's not just any band," he meant that only the bands who stuck around till the end got the chance. ha!

now, i don't know how the rest of you would run a festival, but if a band didn't impress me in some way that made me think they could handle playing a bigger festival, i wouldn't give them a contract. i would, however, give them constructive criticism and tell them to keep working their asses off.

and i think that would be the more personal way of handling it, not giving every band a contract and putting down the microphone to make it SEEM like a more intimate situation.

and then when he briefly discussed his "problem" with rev, i got pissed. you want support and promotion, and you tell one of the most hardworking and dedicated people in the music scene he can't take pics? that's a good way to make a lot of enemies.

sorry for the long-windedness.
[Aug 8,2006 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I wonder what he said about me.
[Aug 8,2006 12:27am - the_reverend ""]
*hint**hint* tell me *hint**hint*
[Aug 8,2006 12:33am - nsnholmes ""]
the_reverend said:*hint**hint* tell me *hint**hint*


i may have been slightly drunk at the time, but essentially he said he has tried to work with you in the past and asked for photos etc. which he never got, and if you just take pics and post the bands and never mention the name of the event, it doesn't help him at all. but my thought is, even if you don't mention it, if people are interested they will find out. the only bad promotion is no promotion.

oh, and another thing he said was that the purpose of the festival was to help strengthen the music community by bringing bands together and giving them an opportunity to play a bigger show. well, how much is it helping the bands when he tells YOU you can't take pics of/for the bands? doesn't make any fucking sense.

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