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Matt from NEPGMfest just barred me from taking pictures

American Legion (Epping, NH) - [always_and_forever][fear_before_the_march_of_flames][heavyheavylowlow][randomshots][the_jon_benet][shush][mortis_deveia]
[Aug 10,2006 8:32am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Documentary about a fest that nobody with half a fucking clue would give two shits about in the first place? I think you turds are due for a reality check. PSSSSSSSH - acting like your Mickey Mouse operation is anything that even merits a second glance. AND THEN you go and disrespect the Rev??? Nigga please.

[Aug 10,2006 9:42am - ichabod ""]
Ok..time to chime in. I recently spoke to Matt again (this is the 2nd year he asked us to do his fest)...unfortunately, we absolutely cannot get past a complete & total difference in philosophy. As I stated to him, Ichabod will NEVER-
1)We will NEVER, EVER "pay to play"; whether you consider making the purchasing of tickets mandatory a"pay to play" situation or not is irrelevant. The fact that the "business opportunity" is MANDATORY for bands playing is the relevant part. If a band wants to pursue an "opportunity", let them solicit you, the promoter, not vice versa. Opportunity by definition is never mandatory, dig? Opportunity is synonomous with "chance", not with "obligatory, requisite, compulsory, binding, forced, imperious" ,etc.

2)We will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER "sell tickets" in this manner. I explained to Matt how I did advance ticket sales through a website for the Sweet Leaf festival (which was a HUGE success and all the bands were psyched with turnout AND were paid very well). He didn't agree whatsoever with not making the ticket sales the bands' responsibility. As the promoter for Sweet Leaf fest, I felt directly responsible for ticket sales, and all I asked the bands to do was direct their fanbases to the website where they could buy advance tickets for a discount if they wished. Bands SHOULD help by posting on their websites, flyering, mailing lists, etc., but leave the ticketing related stuff to the promoter and/or club depending on the situation.

3) We will NEVER play a "battle of the bands", albeit called an "audition"...we've got zero to prove to anyone and feel strongly that there is absolutely no objective way to "judge" such an event anyway. If the judges happen to prefer black metal, hip hop, or country-western, we're fucked. Why bother? It is the most tired trend amongst local band scenes in existence. Besides, we are "local" only in geography. Otherwise we do not aspire to be prominently known as part of any "scene" other than to be recognized worldwide for what we do. We're not auditioning for shit...if you are promoting a new event, you need to audition for us and make us believe your event is fucking worth playing and lugging my gear out to. Usually, the bands with the most friends who turn out "win" the battle, or, ahem...audition. The lamest trend I've seen in recent years are the "party busses" that bands rent to transport their local kegger to their shows. Piped in audiences! Alright!

Therefore, Matt and I, although amicably, reached an impasse. I will continue to host and promote events like Sweet Leaf festival, with a host of well-paid locals who don't have any obligations other than to show up and play as opening acts for the likes of Warhorse, Today is the Day, and Dove in front of a full house. I tried to explain to Matt that although he and Anderson may LOVE the Bella Mortes of the world, expecting them to be a festival headlining draw is not going to cut it in this area. No disrespect to Matt as he has been nothing but nice to me, and Anderson seems extremely sweet, but I told him that if/when he is willing to reassess his current policies, then Ichabod will consider helping him out in whatever way we can. Until then, and when he stops this kind of promoter/ego silliness with the Rev, it's a no go and a withering on the vine.

The Rev is always welcome with open arms at any Ichabod shows or any of my "fests"...as a matter of fact, , as his work provides more "promotion" than any promoter of a one-time show could, perhaps we should all be paying HIM.
[Aug 10,2006 9:49am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
None of those bands in the article are capable of filling up a ball-park, nor could they fill up Tsongas Arena. So I find it suspicious that they would have had a problem with moving the gig because they 'expected to play a ballpark'. The only one that's even decent is Bella Morte, and I've seen them play for 50-100 people max.
[Aug 10,2006 9:54am - ichabod ""]
Oh, and if you're a musician who says they approach their craft as a true art form but you pay to play something like Locabazooka, to me you're as worthy of respect as a preachy vegetarian who sneaks to McDonalds for a dollar Big Mac after the bars close or an AA meeting attendee who stops for a couple of nips on the way home. Fess up and let the world know you're creating "music" just to get laid with the mall-goth chicks or to feed your otherwise feeble ego.
[Aug 10,2006 9:55am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Othniel77 said:

As for the Fest, we are not "pay to play" - we offer bands a business opportunity. They do get a 50-ticket package, but if they sell all 50 tickets, they have the opportunity to make a profit.

So the bands do NOT have to pay you $500 to play, or could pass on this 'business opportunity' and you'd still allow them to play?

He is an excellent businessman with a clear vision for getting New England back on the map and out of the hands of the emo craze and stagnation

I'm no fan of the emo craze or stagnation myself, but considering that N.E. has metalcore bands that debut near the top of Billboard itself, and can outdraw most goth/metal/punk bands in the world...whether I like those bands or not, we are definitely 'on the map'. Don't kid yourself.
[Aug 10,2006 11:13am - tom from the band SHUSH  ""]
I just wanted to publicly thank the REV for the pictures - i had no idea there was someone taking pictures,

and also wanted to thank Matt and Anderson for letting us play there show.

last im not gonna bitch about the hole pay to play as its been so nicley deemed.......bottom line we shud all be trying to make the local scene a concrete foundation to sit on

- remeber you cant please everyone
[Aug 10,2006 11:24am - Josh_Martin ""]
Othniel77 said:As for the Fest, we are not "pay to play" - we offer bands a business opportunity. They do get a 50-ticket package, but if they sell all 50 tickets, they have the opportunity to make a profit. As someone pointed out, we are not Locobazooka (not involved with ClearChannel!) and we are trying to do something for the scene, and improve community and "unity through diversity". Matthew and I don't make any profit off of this, considering the costs of booking the Palladium and national headliners. We are doing this to breathe new life into the N.E. scene. He is an excellent businessman with a clear vision for getting New England back on the map and out of the hands of the emo craze and stagnation

Uh, that's EXACTLY what pay-to-play is.
Promoters passing off the responsibility of selling tickets to the bands suck. I can't believe there are still bands that fall for that.
[Aug 10,2006 11:27am - Josh_Martin ""]
Othniel77 said:I believe Matthew wasn't expecting the press to do much coverage at Spyder Room, and and most likely would have preferred to have known in advance if someone was going to come and do photos and/or writeups there, since it was a very busy day, and he was also doing video recording for the bands as part of an NEPGM Fest documentary we are working on. The Rev did come and take photos at Rocko's for RTTP of a few bands performing there, and he has also covered a few of my shows at the Skybar, as well as an event of ours at Reflections in Chelmsford.

Are you retarded? How does someone taking pictures effect your "busy day"?

[Aug 10,2006 11:57am - xmikex ""]
1.) Putting any scene on the "map" basically means jocking a bunch of shitty mainstream sounding bands to put money in promoters pockets.

2.) There is no emo craze. That was like 5 years ago. Crappy metalcore bands like Lamb of God are the big draw now. Anyone can get away with claiming to fight something that was already over before they started fighting it.

3.) Anyone else get a little nauseous when ANOTHER dickhead comes out of the woodwork to try and save "the scene"?? Seems like these self proclaimed scene heroes always have the same things in common:
A. They were never in a worthwhile band.
B. No one has ever heard of them before they started trying to "save" everyone.
C. They need you to do the work for them.
D. They're trying to make money by doing as little as possible.

4.) If we're gonna talk about doing something CONSTRUCTIVE for the "scene" how about we talk about a guy who gives bands a chance for huge exposure through photographs, messageboard word of mouth, and a internet/radio program FOR FREE, while covering virtually all expenses out of his own pocket? Now let's talk about that same guy getting kicked out of a show for doing just that.

5.) If you're paying to play a show you're a sucker and you deserve to fail.

6.) Any numbnuts that tacks the word GOTH onto anything is a fucking Loooooser.
[Aug 10,2006 1:05pm - pam ""]
But guys...you're paying to SAVE THE SCENE!!!

retards. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the fact that you can go to a show just about any day of the week and have a good time indicates we've got a worthwhile "scene" here. We don't need Count Chocula to "save" us.
[Aug 10,2006 1:32pm - Sacreligion ""]
my name is michael...i am here to save the scene

[Sep 16,2006 11:06pm - anonymous  ""]
RichHorror said:I know they're definitely a couple.

She must have low standards, that one

[Sep 19,2006 10:50pm - mcmahon ""]
Still going....


Manchester Metal Festival

The New England Punk Goth & Metal Festival
[Sep 19,2006 10:55pm - Kevord ""]
So from the looks of that no bands are playing but they have plenty of sponsors. Gay.
[Sep 20,2006 9:25am - SteveOTB ""]
I thought about signing up Of The Betrayed for this but before I go out and sell tickets I'd like to know if it'd be worth it. If there's a few nationals with really good draws then I might consider it. Tickets need to be sold at $15.00 and you have to sell a minium of 20. Good thing is you get to keep $5.00 for every ticket you sell which is the most I've heard to date.
[Sep 20,2006 9:28am - mcmahon ""]
be careful
[Sep 20,2006 9:33am - SteveOTB ""]
mcmahon said:be careful

If it seems like I was bashing some of the bands by the comment I made I'm sorry. It's not that I don't like playing with all these great bands around here because I do and all the bands we've played with so far have been really good people and I consider them friends now; it's just I don't like having to sell tickets at all.

or are you telling me to be careful because you've heard bad things?
[Sep 20,2006 9:48am - nsnholmes ""]
SteveOTB said:or are you telling me to be careful because you've heard bad things?

well... read the entire thread above.

i'm just wondering how he's going to fill 37 hours of bands through 3 consecutive days. seems when you get that much time for any event, people are more apt to just go see the bands they want to see and won't bother to stick around for others they don't know -- especially for an all ages show in the middle of the day.

the crazies don't even go out till at least 8pm! haha.

[Sep 20,2006 10:03am - SteveOTB ""]
nsnholmes said:SteveOTB said:or are you telling me to be careful because you've heard bad things?

well... read the entire thread above.

i'm just wondering how he's going to fill 37 hours of bands through 3 consecutive days. seems when you get that much time for any event, people are more apt to just go see the bands they want to see and won't bother to stick around for others they don't know -- especially for an all ages show in the middle of the day.

the crazies don't even go out till at least 8pm! haha.

Ahh maybe I should've re-read the thread. Sorry I'm slow. From what I've heard so far that's a pretty big turn off to playing that fest and you're right, all the bands that sell tickets to their friends will be more likely to just see their friends band and take off which is pretty lame. That and most people don't have the energy to go through a 3 day festival. Rev I'll have to check Mortis Deveia out, my drummer said he checked them out a few days ago and was pretty impressed by them. It's time I put on another show. It's been a while since I've booked one. Anyone got any idea of any all ages clubs or some contact info on halls?
[Nov 9,2006 8:30am - M&M  ""]
Michael Jackson is the best so what!!!!
I love his musik :D:D
[Nov 9,2006 8:32am - Mess  ""]
Matt sucks. the end.
[Nov 9,2006 10:31am - xmikex ""]
Good thing you got pitures of "Shush" before you got kicked out
[Dec 27,2006 12:57pm - Samantha ""]
Did this thing totally fall apart, or what? I haven't heard anything about it since the article posted above came out. It looks like it's not going to happen... seems like pretty poor planning.
[Dec 27,2006 4:51pm - Kevord ""]
It did happen in October cause I remeber them scrambling for bands at the last minute. I don't know if many people attended.
[Mar 17,2007 6:38am - anonymous  ""]
Is there another more current bash Matt thread?
[Mar 19,2007 10:55am - metal_church101 ""]
Who the hell resurrected this?
[Jul 23,2008 10:24pm - xanonymousxx  ""]
Massconcerts had a show this month in the Lowell ballpark. I guess the promoter that cried foul must be turning in his grave right now.

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