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White People Problems the website

[Nov 23,2011 2:53am - the_reverend ""]

this is awesome.
[Nov 23,2011 2:53am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2011 2:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2011 2:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2011 2:57am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2011 2:58am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2011 3:57am - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:http://whitepeopleproblems.us/

this is awesome.

Flavored Tootsie Rolls are way better than the chocolate ones!
[Nov 23,2011 7:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Not only is this racist and offensive, it's also old news.
[Nov 23,2011 7:30am - RustyPS ""]
[Nov 23,2011 7:32am - RustyPS ""]
[Nov 23,2011 7:42am - AndrewBastard ""]
flavored tootsie rolls < fruities
[Nov 23,2011 11:35am - ben ""]
at least we are harmless for the most part. i rather live next door to anyone listed in the pics above over living around the corner from a ghetto. and who lives in the ghettos kiddies? that right... enjoy your whiteness.
[Nov 23,2011 11:40am - Alx_Casket ""]
speak for yourself, lady. I try to distance myself from those "white" people. and those who know me will understand what I mean by "white."
[Nov 23,2011 11:47am - reimroc ""]
[Nov 23,2011 11:53am - AMOROK666 ""]
Only being a white person with black people problems is bullshit...
[Nov 23,2011 12:09pm - posbleak nli  ""]
White people ruin everything.
[Nov 23,2011 12:25pm - ben ""]
we have our problems but many of them are because we do not recognize the importance of looking out for your extended racial family first. white people are the super heros of the human race. hence why we think we can save every other race because we tend to always run things better. but like super hero's, some tend to go bad and become super villains. white powerman has a super side kick and his name is "kid kyke"! always gets white power man in trouble.
every black ghetto across the land was once a nearly crime free white neighborhood at one time. do your research and find out im right. as usual.
[Nov 23,2011 12:27pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I just researched everything you said and I learned fascinating things about delicious peppered salami.
[Nov 23,2011 12:29pm - ben ""]
keep your salami off my threads. we have salami threads for that sort of thing.
pass the ostrich jerky.
[Nov 23,2011 12:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 23,2011 12:32pm - burnsy ""]
Almost all of my neighbors are cape verdean and Haitian. The only person who ever tried to break into my house was white.
[Nov 23,2011 12:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 23,2011 12:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
FIMS ftw
[Nov 23,2011 12:41pm - ben ""]
[Nov 23,2011 12:42pm - ben ""]

burnsy said:Almost all of my neighbors are cape verdean and Haitian. The only person who ever tried to break into my house was white.

thats because they are newly residing in our lands. southern blacks tend to be pretty kind also. just stay out of the ghetto. wait till the haitans and other blacks have settled and become angry that nothing more is being given to them for free. they are just getting a feel for what is around them now. thee number of them will grow fast as they breed like rabbits and here comes the ghetto to your safe neighborhood. whites commit every crime that blacks commit. but FBI reports and statistics will show you that we commit such crimes far less often. by the way, i am not a hater. just stating the facts mam.
[Nov 23,2011 12:47pm - burnsy ""]
Oh I didn't realize you were stating facts. My bad!
[Nov 23,2011 12:47pm - Alx_Casket ""]
ben = official rttp racist prophet/attention whore/shitty troll
[Nov 23,2011 12:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 23,2011 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
standard white suburbia scares me just as much as hardcore ghettos. in the ghetto you'll get shot while being robbed. in suburbia, they'll infiltrate from the inside, win you over with a false sense of security, and 10 years later chop you up and serve you to the neighbors at the local church bazaar.
[Nov 23,2011 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
also people like Ben live in standard white suburbia. what a shitty neighbor he'd be.
[Nov 23,2011 12:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 23,2011 12:52pm - Ancient_Master ""]
"our lands" Lulz dumbass
[Nov 23,2011 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
i lived in Worcester for 10 years, in several seedy neighborhoods with crackheads, but the lady downstairs from me in standard white suburbia scares me more than any of them.
[Nov 23,2011 12:56pm - Ancient_Master ""]

[Nov 23,2011 12:57pm - ben ""]
hey you can love the blacks all you like, we are already fucked anyway. at least half of all our cities and towns are now ghetto war zones thanks to all the love you have been giving them. keep up the shitty work.
[Nov 23,2011 1:03pm - Czarnobog ""]

ben said:at least half of all our cities and towns are now ghetto war zones thanks to all the love you have been giving them. keep up the shitty work.

haha, people from new hampshire's perception of the world outside of new hampshire makes them sound like old ladies.

i dunno, i live a stone's throw from the bromley-heath projects in a white minority neighborhood. can't think of an instance where anyone has fucked with me or even given me a second glance when i leave my apartment... until i get downtown on my way to work and i gotta deal with all sorts of annoying fucking white people: suit & tie douches, tourists who walk too fucking slow and get in your way, greenpeace canvassers, etc.
[Nov 23,2011 1:06pm - the mex nli  ""]

AMOROK666 said:Only being a white person with black people problems is bullshit...

They're called white trash, bro
[Nov 23,2011 1:06pm - ben ""]
they must have already had your ass a few times. your ass backwards and a sorry example of your kind. black or white.
[Nov 23,2011 1:07pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

the%20mex%20nli said:
AMOROK666 said:Only being a white person with black people problems is bullshit...

They're called white trash, bro

[Nov 23,2011 1:08pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:
the%20mex%20nli said:
AMOROK666 said:Only being a white person with black people problems is bullshit...

They're called white trash, bro


if whites with black problems are white trash, doesnt that mean that black people are just trash? JUS' SAYIN'
[Nov 23,2011 1:08pm - ben ""]
i will take white trash over black any day. in fact so would most blacks. blacks get shot up more in their own neighbor"hoods" then in white trailer parks. somebody gotta clean the trash off the streets. i wish they depopulated as fast as they over populate.
[Nov 23,2011 1:09pm - Czarnobog ""]

the%20mex%20nli said:They're called white trash, bro

why you gotta use hate words like that?
[Nov 23,2011 1:09pm - ben ""]
i mean faster
[Nov 23,2011 1:11pm - ben ""]
enjoy your black love fest for a while folks. i gotta go be white and do something productive.
[Nov 23,2011 1:12pm - OMG!! BLACK PEOPLE!!  ""]

[Nov 23,2011 1:39pm - Lamp ""]
The worst thing that ever happened to me when I lived in Providence was some guy opening his door as I walked by to ask me and my friend for cigarettes. Why he did that I'll never know.
[Nov 23,2011 1:56pm - Lamp ""]
I also lived on a street with two boarded up houses, a giant house with at least six apartments in it that served as a big drug den, and who knows what else and nobody ever fucked with me. I guess people were content to just sit around and do drugs. Meanwhile on the east side, the nice part of town if you will, my former roommate had his car broken into and had his GPS and some other stuff stolen, and my sister who lives on a first floor apartment made the idiot mistake of leaving some windows open while leaving the house and had a bunch of shit stolen from her place. The problem isn't race, it boils down to money, plain and simple.
[Nov 23,2011 1:58pm - eyeroller  ""]
[Nov 23,2011 1:59pm - eyeroller  ""]
Link fail, duh on me. http://www.growingandgrowing.com/2009/01/how-to-pat-self-on-back.html
[Nov 23,2011 2:37pm - ben ""]

Lamp said:I also lived on a street with two boarded up houses, a giant house with at least six apartments in it that served as a big drug den, and who knows what else and nobody ever fucked with me. I guess people were content to just sit around and do drugs. Meanwhile on the east side, the nice part of town if you will, my former roommate had his car broken into and had his GPS and some other stuff stolen, and my sister who lives on a first floor apartment made the idiot mistake of leaving some windows open while leaving the house and had a bunch of shit stolen from her place. The problem isn't race, it boils down to money, plain and simple.

blacks dont steal from within the same hood they are from. they go to the white/jewish areas where the money is. the hood is full of broke ass fellow blacks. glad i could explain that for you.

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