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[Oct 23,2017 3:35pm - grandmotherweb ""]
"valid and not uncommon"
[Oct 23,2017 3:36pm - TST  ""]

grandmotherweb said:"valid and not uncommon"

"The prevalence of DID appears highest in emergency psychiatric settings and affects approximately 1% of the general population."
[Oct 23,2017 3:37pm - TST  ""]
Yeah...super common. Just as common as the SSI fakers out there.
[Oct 23,2017 3:37pm - grandmotherweb ""]
meaning, it's real, and affects millions of people in the US alone, numbnuts.
[Oct 23,2017 3:42pm - grandmotherweb ""]
have you figured out that you're retarded yet?
[Oct 23,2017 3:46pm - TST  ""]
We may be, but a least were not stuffing our dirty undies in people's bags to show them that we are attracted to them. Lucien mentioned that there were skid marks in them as well. Clean yourself up...ewwww.
[Oct 23,2017 3:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that never happened. you made it up for attention, like everything else in your retarded religion.

you're like a poor-man's Church of Satan for autistic people.
[Oct 23,2017 3:57pm - grandmotherweb ""]
maybe you should "investigate" whether or not autism is "a conspiracy of quack therapists"...
[Oct 23,2017 8:18pm - Erection section  ""]

grandmotherweb said:that never happened. you made it up for attention, like everything else in your retarded religion.

you're like a poor-man's Church of Satan for autistic people.

Are you making fun of autistic people? Seems rather rude from a DiDer.

Maybe you should look up what autistic people have to deal with on a daily basis and you might find out you are making rude statements and clearly uninformed, ignorant ones.

Also don't say..."my best etc sister brother whatever is autistic" cuz that is a load of shit statement from someone that claims a mental illness but belittles other illnesses.

Bravo show of character when people are pointing the finger at you for anything.
[Oct 23,2017 8:20pm - Erection section  ""]

grandmotherweb said:have you figured out that you're retarded yet?

Same thing....you simply implode when the tables are turned...you are a fucking brittle little unique snowflake.

Also TST can collectively contract the HIV virus and die for all I care.
[Oct 23,2017 8:32pm - grandmotherweb ""]
TST use slurs against the mentally ill all the time: deranged, delusional, batshit, raving, lunatic, not believable.

seems they like to dish it out but can't take it. learn what people with multiple personalities have to deal with on a daily basis.
[Oct 24,2017 11:10am - TST  ""]
We understand that there are people with multiple personality disorders out there, but you are not one of them. It is you that seeks attention. We are not attention seeking by simply pointing out that leave your dirty underwear around to attract lovers. We are not seeking attention by mentioning that your breath smells horrible (like acid actually). You have a hygiene problem, Charlotte.
[Oct 24,2017 3:51pm - Frank Ducks  ""]

grandmotherweb said:TST use slurs against the mentally ill all the time: deranged, delusional, batshit, raving, lunatic, not believable.

seems they like to dish it out but can't take it. learn what people with multiple personalities have to deal with on a daily basis.

Who cares what the cockfaces at TST do, we are typing about you.

So your defense for shaming autistic people and liking them to satanists is......"Oh the TST use slurs against the etc"

You are a hypocrite and a poser and..plate spinning pretend artsy fire eating cunt.
[Oct 24,2017 5:44pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yawn. wake me when TST stops accusing multiples of faking for attention.

then I won't need to remind them that, generally speaking, autistic people aren't qualified to diagnose mental illness on the internet.
[Oct 24,2017 5:50pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hey, check out the ISSTD's latest webinar on ritual abuse and mind control!
[Oct 24,2017 7:22pm - TST  ""]
How about "no". We have better things to do with our time than dote on our "mental illness" and immerse ourselves in useless webinars.
[Oct 24,2017 7:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
too bad. Valerie Sinason and Alison Miller present in this webinar, two of the people whose careers you wish to destroy.

good thing no one cares about TST's opinions on mental health.
[Oct 24,2017 8:00pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hey, TST, check this out!

grandmotherweb said:[img] [img]

where's your lawyer now, bitch?

[Oct 25,2017 9:49am - memer  ""]
moar memes from grandcrazyweb...surprise. yawn...
[Oct 25,2017 11:38am - grandmotherweb ""]
get used to it, precious. these people's idea of "helping victims" is to film therapy conferences without consent and troll rape survivors on the internet.

[Oct 25,2017 11:39am - grandmotherweb ""]
see y'all in the comments section of every article ever:
[Oct 25,2017 1:32pm - exhausted guy  ""]
You're fucking exhausting.
[Oct 25,2017 1:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you can't get rid of me. I'm like the Babadook. 'SUP, MULTI-PHOBES?
[Oct 25,2017 5:28pm - exhausted guy  ""]
You're not anything like the Babadook. You're just an annoying, attention seeking idiot. At least the Babadook had a purpose and is mildly entertaining.
[Oct 25,2017 5:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I am advocating for the rights of mentally ill people to seek treatment without poser "Satanists" shoving cameras in their faces without consent.

get used to it
[Oct 25,2017 11:17pm - exhausted guy  ""]
You have dirty undies and bad breath
[Oct 25,2017 11:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]
fake news from fake religious people. don't believe everything you read on the internet.

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