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Great cheap opportunity to get your band swag into the NE Metal Fest - Oak Knoll Productions table at NE Metal Fest

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 23,2006 4:08pm - jrb2971 ""]
This year Oak Knoll Productions has reserved a table at the New England metal fest. I really want to help push the local and underground scene (and recup some costs, having an indie label at a big show.. well it's outrageously expensive for someone trying to turn a hobby into a break even job).

What I'm offering to bands or anyone interested: I'll have someone there at my table (or myself) handing out SWAG bags(stuff we always get (from others?)). Your band can have your cd, flyer, sticker, etc placed in these bags we'll hand out to the masses as they pass our table. You can lock yourself in right now if you want since I'm just placing the price at just $25 a day. I'll take your swag and put them each in the tons of bags I'll be handing out. 3 days will only be $70 ($5 off whoopie!!). There will be a limit of 1 flyer, cd and sticker (3 items) per band and we keep handing out stuff in bags as long as I have bags and swag.

So get in touch with me if you want in. You'll be part if the indie/underground metal scene that is working it's way into these huge fests where it's getting almost impossible for us locals to be part of.
Email me if you'd like to get into this easy way to promote your band.


[Feb 23,2006 4:15pm - pisscup ""]
Get on this Keith!!!
[Feb 23,2006 4:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha, YEAH!
[Feb 23,2006 4:24pm - jrb2971 ""]
you guys know my rep, I am an honest guy so really let me take you with me when I bring Oak Knoll's extreme metal and your swag to this show! I'll work my ass off for you - just ask my bands.

If this swag opprotunity goes well... I'll offer it for the Death In The Forest fest as well...


[Feb 23,2006 4:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Pay $70 to give away your stuff for free, yay!
[Feb 23,2006 4:35pm - thedeparted ""]
i think $70 is a little much, how come the high price?
[Feb 23,2006 4:38pm - jrb2971 ""]
or you can stand outside somehow all day and night handing your stuff out. They don't usually let you bring in hundreds of swag items to hand out... you just try it. I tried to last year. I'm paying 1500 to get in there and push real metal to the masses. How come I could have guessed you'd post the first pointless reply Johnny boy.. why aren't you shelling out money and offering to help other bands promote themselves? I'm pouring more money into this scene as well as giving out free stuff at shows then you have ever done in your life. I think we'll keep your graciously giving attitude in mind when it comes to sharing the limelight mumble mumble marshalls. Atleast everyone know they'll get their money's worth from me vs some scrounge who overcharges for crap cds.

I haven't seen any Pathos stuff in Firebox, Century Media, Relapse, The End Records... I do my best to deliver without being a rat.
[Feb 23,2006 4:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
i agree with jeremy, that's a lot of money for a table. and it's not like yall have to do it, just a suggestion. it's called promotion by the way. and i think jay dawg has done a fucking killer job this year! we have our releases all over the world in all the major labes distros, adds in big mags, shit i am proud to be working with jeremy, he has been nothing but super helpful to shroud and all of the bands that he works with!
not to mention one of the most selfless people i have ever met in this scene.
[Feb 23,2006 4:43pm - jrb2971 ""]
thedeparted said:i think $70 is a little much, how come the high price?

$70 for 3 days is too much? You wouldn't pay $25 a day and $70 for 3 days to have you stuff handed out to anyone that walks by my table? Ok what's reasonable? I'm a reasonable guy...

I wouldn't throw this question out to Nachos Productions, but if you want to haggle in price- I'm all for it! I've asked like 8 bands already and they usually have paid like $30 for a 1 day show that doesn't draw anything.. so $25 per day is definately lower than what others have charged in the past. But do please tell me what's reasonable.
[Feb 23,2006 4:45pm - thedeparted ""]
i dont have a problem with it, and i think its great youre going to help bands out, i was just wondering i had no idea how much it costs to get a table there.
[Feb 23,2006 4:46pm - jrb2971 ""]
it's 1500 this year up from 1000... if ANYONE emails me direct and wants in to this swag bag.. we'll work some deal out between you and me direct I really know what it's like starting with nothing much and really giving bands the shirt off my back.
[Feb 23,2006 4:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah cheers!
[Feb 23,2006 4:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
so 1500 for a table? and how many vendor spots do they have?
[Feb 23,2006 4:55pm - anonymous+  ""]
I think like umm 6 .... don't they have them listed on the site? I think I'm the little guy amongst all these big labels. I still have a day job. If I make any money it will go back to the table or to press more cds from bands that I sign.. hopefully I can pick up some more local bands as well if things go well this year.
[Feb 23,2006 4:58pm - RustedAngel ""]
my post from the metalfest thread:

"If the palladium didn't charge for someone to setup a booth there they'd be giving out space for free. (Does your landlord let you live rent free? no Do american legions let you put on shows in their space for free? no) If you're booth is smart then $1500 is NOTHING because you'll make that back and THEN SOME. You think they want a bunch of little weener's who don't know what they're doing taking up space at such a popular event? hellz no.

If you figure 3,000 kids go to metalfest, even if only 300 kids buy cd's from you at $9/ea you're making making your $1500 back plus another $1200 which is a total of $2700. "
[Feb 23,2006 4:58pm - jrb2971 ""]
There goes my pseudonym!
[Feb 23,2006 4:59pm - dreadkill ""]
jeremy's a good dude. oak knoll rules. if i wasn't in credit card debt, i'd certainly consider this deal.
[Feb 23,2006 5:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You have to be a sucker to pay that much for a table.

And Pathos release ARE available at Relapse, Century Media and The End, as well as hundreds of other places.

Yeah, and I did a radio show for over 6 years "for free" and have been doing my distro since 1993, so whatever, crybaby.

And you can have the limelight and sell to the masses, I don't want that garbage.
[Feb 23,2006 5:02pm - jrb2971 ""]
RustedAngel said:my post from the metalfest thread:

"If the palladium didn't charge for someone to setup a booth there they'd be giving out space for free. (Does your landlord let you live rent free? no Do american legions let you put on shows in their space for free? no) If you're booth is smart then $1500 is NOTHING because you'll make that back and THEN SOME. You think they want a bunch of little weener's who don't know what they're doing taking up space at such a popular event? hellz no.

If you figure 3,000 kids go to metalfest, even if only 300 kids buy cd's from you at $9/ea you're making making your $1500 back plus another $1700 which is a total of $2700. "

I can only hope these kids will buy my extreme metal vs some big label ga ga... Then again don't most kids just get into what they hear on the radio? You definately have a point, which is why I'm going to figure out where to get the $1500 to get the table... it's like gambling and the odds aren't too bad. Then again the odds of a band getting good publicity in the swag bags is also just as good as the 3,000 kids buying stuff from me. So your point, well taken, really helps this swag effectiveness. You're hired! when can you start?
[Feb 23,2006 5:07pm - jrb2971 ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You have to be a sucker to pay that much for a table.

And Pathos release ARE available at Relapse, Century Media and The End, as well as hundreds of other places.

Yeah, and iI did a radio show for over 6 years "for free" and have been doing my distro since 1993, so whatever, crybaby.

And you can have the limelight and sell to the masses, I don't want that garbage.

I guess your stuff just sold out at Firebox! hehe Crybaby.. wow .. I just can't wait to make sure you have enough space in New Bedford for the show coming up. 6 years of talking crap on the airwaves or handing out free cds to kids who can't afford paying alot for your recommended garbage of the day... limelight is better than lemonlight... metalheads not BIG HEADS...

catch my drift? nah, I didn't think so... cool not clepto
[Feb 23,2006 5:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I didn't even plan on setting up at Marshall's, GOREALITY were, but I think I will now, just to be around my fanclub.

[Feb 23,2006 5:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
jeremy just told me on the phone on his way to the gym(otherwise he's post this) that he is willing to give john dwyer a super discount to put his stuff in our swag bags.

you gutta love this guy...or not

[Feb 23,2006 5:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I didn't even plan on setting up at Marshall's, GOREALITY were, but I think I will now, just to be around my fanclub.


i think jeremy is going to be there, cause he said someone asked him to set up there.
[Feb 23,2006 5:29pm - dyingmuse ""]
i was thinking of going who's going to be there?
[Feb 23,2006 5:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
GOREALITY asked me to be there too, we are having shirts made together and I am releasing their CD on my label.

And I'm not interested in marketing my stuff to NEMHF kiddies, good luck with that.
[Feb 23,2006 5:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
woah, i was just saying that the 2 of you would be there and could maybe brainstorm or something. dude, relax i am no enemy.

and like it or not, those kiddies are 1) customers 2) the future of metal and the scene(though, yeah some are pretty gay) 3) fans of above mentioned bands/zines/labels that's a kinda a weird outlook from a label, that possibly aspires to grow and become a "real" label not saying you arent real, but you know what i mean.

i for one am all about the scene growing, and thriving. call me crazy
[Feb 23,2006 6:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
RustedAngel said: making your $1500 back plus another $1700 which is a total of $2700.

What Einstein did those mathematics?
[Feb 23,2006 6:40pm - pam nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I didn't even plan on setting up at Marshall's, GOREALITY were, but I think I will now, just to be around my fanclub.

Well John, you must have forgotten this is JON's show, he books this club, they hired him, and YOU are NOT setting up a distro at this show. We invited Jeremy to be our only distro because let's see...he's not a douchebag, he doesn't badmouth bands who happily hook his bands up with shows, he doesn't call his customers kiddies, he doesn't look down on everyone, he genuinly cares about his and other bands, I could really go on all day but considering none of this will sink into your fat head I won't waste my time.

I adore Goreality, Fishcakes is one of the coolest guys especially, that I've met in a LONG time, and Jon, myself, and that gothenburg, MA band that nobody cares about...would do anything to hook up Goreality. HOWEVER, you, you fucking slob, have made it IMPOSSIBLE to overlook your attitude for Goreality's benefit.

Jon emailed Fishcakes when he initially said he wanted your distro there, and told him, with no malice, that you had not asked him to distro, and that honestly there just wasn't enough room because we asked Jeremy. (Who by the way is sponsering the show, bought us wristbands and is helping out immensly, and voluntarily.) The bar is tiny, and we don't see any reason to go out of our way so you can set up your shit. Space considering and you being a complete fucking maggot, considering.

We also said to Fishcakes, before your last shit talking session this week, that we'd be happy to provide you some space to set up Goreality's merch. I think it's a fucking shame that they have you handling their band, because everytime you run your faggot mouth, and shit on everyone with your arrogant attitude, you reflect on them. I know that you being a piece of shit has nothing to do with them, but not everyone will know that. And as someone in the music buisness you will never go far if everyone knows you're a fucking jerk. You've had your distro how long now? I see you're doing well for yourself...lol.

So let me say it for the millionth time, I'm sorry to Goreality if any of this overflows onto you, but we have ignored this fuck long enough. There are plenty of people I think are fuckers that I can completely ignore. However your lovely label leader won't let it drop and can't shut his mouth. I hope you understand.

That said, right here you faggot. :middlefinger:
[Feb 23,2006 6:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I must be doing something right.
[Feb 23,2006 6:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
wow, hats off to a well written speach. i don't really know johnny d well enough to agree with everything here, but after seeing his arrogant fuck everyone type attitude, i kninda have to agree with pam.

on another note, i still haven't heard gore reality yet. anyone have some mp3's? and how are you pam? \m/
[Feb 23,2006 6:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, she has everything right on target, that is all totally true.
[Feb 23,2006 6:56pm - pam nli  ""]
prove me wrong. faggot.

I'm doing great Dan, how the hell are you?
[Feb 23,2006 7:02pm - pam nli  ""]
Oh and P.S. http://web.morons.org/article.jsp?id=62

You lose all arguments. Ever.
[Feb 23,2006 7:05pm - pisscup ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I must be doing something right.

yee haw!!!
[Feb 23,2006 7:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
pam nli said:Oh and P.S. http://web.morons.org/article.jsp?id=62

Sometimes you have to live life on the edge to know you're alive.

And I don't have to prove shit to you or anyone else Pamela, so shove it up your cunt.


[Feb 23,2006 7:24pm - dyingmuse ""]
pretty good pam, i am now a daddy! DOOM METAL DADDY!
[Feb 23,2006 7:35pm - anonymous  ""]
some times if you don't kill yourself by throwing yourself off a cliff.. try try again
[Feb 23,2006 7:41pm - brian_dc ""]
jrb2971 said:This year Oak Knoll Productions has reserved a table at the New England metal fest. I really want to help push the local and underground scene (and recup some costs, having an indie label at a big show.. well it's outrageously expensive for someone trying to turn a hobby into a break even job).

What I'm offering to bands or anyone interested: I'll have someone there at my table (or myself) handing out SWAG bags(stuff we always get (from others?)). Your band can have your cd, flyer, sticker, etc placed in these bags we'll hand out to the masses as they pass our table. You can lock yourself in right now if you want since I'm just placing the price at just $25 a day. I'll take your swag and put them each in the tons of bags I'll be handing out. 3 days will only be $70 ($5 off whoopie!!). There will be a limit of 1 flyer, cd and sticker (3 items) per band and we keep handing out stuff in bags as long as I have bags and swag.

So get in touch with me if you want in. You'll be part if the indie/underground metal scene that is working it's way into these huge fests where it's getting almost impossible for us locals to be part of.
Email me if you'd like to get into this easy way to promote your band.



My suggestion:

Pam and Dwyer...fight somewhere else so Jeremy's thread doesn't turn into a 200 post crap thread with only 20 posts actually about what he's trying to do.
[Feb 23,2006 7:43pm - jrb2971 ""]
So enough of John and his lack of thought before he replying tersely or jumping off a cliff per se.

IF ANYONE wants my help in getting their stuff out at any shows just email me or even if you want a free Oak Knoll sampler cd. Post all the negative comments you want or question my logic- it's not going to stop me Sorry JD, your rebuttals can't even touch Pam. She rules and we all know it
[Feb 23,2006 8:00pm - handinjury ""]
pam nli said:AUTOPSY_666 said:I didn't even plan on setting up at Marshall's, GOREALITY were, but I think I will now, just to be around my fanclub.

I adore Goreality, Fishcakes is one of the coolest guys especially, that I've met in a LONG time, and Jon, myself, and that gothenburg, MA band that nobody cares about...

What is "Gothenburg"? Is there a city/town in MA called that?
[Feb 23,2006 8:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, so anyone that wants to pay $70 to give away stuff for free, get in touch soon!
[Feb 23,2006 8:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Gothenburg, Sweden is where a huge majority of Melodic Death Metal bands (AT THE GATES, DARK TRANQUILLITY, etc.) come from.
[Feb 23,2006 8:11pm - pam nli  ""]
Sorry Brian, but I'm not the one that starts it, ever. And I'm not gonna just keep ignoring everything to make for a peaceful rttp. Sorry.

And no, you don't have to prove anything to me John, but until you do, calling me a liar in so many words means nothing. That's all I'm saying, I'm done now.

[Feb 23,2006 8:15pm - pam nli  ""]
Brian- I just realized I come off bitchy at you there, I'm not.
[Feb 23,2006 8:17pm - handinjury ""]
So there is NO Gothenburg in MA. Lies, I have been tricked.

Okay, I get it, so I play Guitar in a Death metal band from Tampa, RI.
Whatcha think John boy.......about my use of grammer and spelling.

[Feb 23,2006 8:20pm - pam nli  ""]
grammar* hehe
[Feb 23,2006 8:37pm - DJ Death  ""]
Hey JRB2971.... Id like to set up a CD giveaway with you for Cold Northern Vengeance Albums, with flyers at this years metal fest. Plese email me at KRAFTWERK14@yahoo.com so i can coorispond with you directly. Talk to you soon.
[Feb 23,2006 8:43pm - pam nli  ""]
CNV, good stuff. Maybe we can work out something with me too, Jeremy, for the BOX of zines I still have and some STR demos.
[Feb 23,2006 9:05pm - jrb2917 nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Yeah, so anyone that wants to pay $70 to give away stuff for free, get in touch soon!

There you go again, opening your mouth.. blabbling out something pointless. Why do you persist? Do you just like being a jerk? Are you out there trying to help bands? or just help yourself?

Obviously my offer for $25 a day (3 days for $70) isn't such a bad idea to some who are used to paying like $30 a day to have their stuff swagged out at crapped shows. Just because you failed math class in the last school you attended (kindergarten) doesn't mean you can keep on saying 1+1 =2 and be cool for stating the obvious or even getting up on your soapbox and miscommunicating what the actual point of this thread is about. You are a moron! You aren't doing anything to help the scene but badmouth others who are doing more than you.

Do us a favor and jump back in the Falls.. please! You might do the metal scene a favor.
[Feb 23,2006 9:09pm - jrb2917 nli  ""]
pam nli said:CNV, good stuff. Maybe we can work out something with me too, Jeremy, for the BOX of zines I still have and some STR demos.

I'll be more than glad to put STR demos out , some zines.. I can even put them into those swag bags. I'll try to set up a page on my site about all of this.

Just a side note - if anyone thinks $25 a day is too much for a day.. still contact me and we'll work something out.. I am not like mr poopy pants spoiling the thread or scene :tightiewhities:
[Feb 23,2006 9:14pm - anonymousey  ""]
Yeah, so anyone that wants to pay $70 to push JD off a cliff, get in touch soon!
[Feb 23,2006 9:23pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that would pay for the entire fest.
[Feb 23,2006 10:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Get in line.
[Feb 23,2006 10:28pm - anonymousey  ""]
or to some that keep replying where they aren't wanted "get offline"
[Feb 23,2006 10:34pm - succubus ""]
actually this is a cool idea..it's like he's sharing his table, which is costing him a lot of $
[Feb 23,2006 10:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Getting other people to pay for the table and they have to give away their stuff, not sell it, yeah great idea.
[Feb 23,2006 10:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Yeah, so anyone that wants to pay $70 to give away stuff for free, get in touch soon!

how bout i give you a 100 cds, you can tell me you'll pay me back, while at the same time you kick me in the nuts! : p

i might be interested jeremy, but i'm not postive. i'll definatley be passing out some sort of promo for sexcrement there.
[Feb 23,2006 10:47pm - brian_dc ""]
then give away demos stickers and pins or whatever...

don't give away your full-lengths or t-shirts...that's not what people are going to want from local bands at metalfest anyway. this is good for exposure. Sooooooo, I would figure that the merch you'd give Jeremy would fit the "free" expectations.
[Feb 23,2006 11:06pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
No Dwyer, you're constantly undermining this and anyting you haven't planned yourself. I'm paying $1500 for a table at the fest. I could make it back by selling my stuff there. I won't disagree on that. But also I'm offering at the rates posted above or some negotiated price/barter/or pleaing to help promote others stuff. The stuff people want to put in the swag bags is up to them. For some reason I don't think you get this semi generous offer. Sure, it can be capitalistic in some ways- in other ways it's generously trying to make an effort to help those who want it. Anyhow, for your comments that keep coming out your big mouth like some vile diarreah, they really aren't serving any purpose but maybe of being like a sock puppet spewing out babble. I you don't get it.. you're comments don't apply and are futile. Why not just stand in front of a nursing home protesting the elderly. You'd have better luck there. Swag stuff is like flyers, demo cds, pins, etc.... or maybe you just don't get the idea?
[Feb 23,2006 11:07pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
I'm sure if anyone emails me and sets up getting me their swag stuff - I'll negotiate something.. Dwyer just doesn't get it. Then again it could be his funny looks
[Feb 23,2006 11:14pm - succubus ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Getting other people to pay for the table and they have to give away their stuff, not sell it, yeah great idea.

john, you made your point..now let it go

damn stubborn fellow pisces

[Feb 23,2006 11:21pm - mcmahon ""]
i dunno, $70 is a lot for me. What ever happened to carrying around flyers and hand out CD's like a grunt?

Not as professional, but cheaper.
[Feb 23,2006 11:28pm - succubus ""]
you're not allowed to bring flyers or cd's inside the venue
[Feb 23,2006 11:29pm - pam nli  ""]
A good method after the shows, outside. But the palladium no longer allows you to carry fliers and shit inside, they'll throw them out. Been there, it sucks. If you wanna do that though, run to your car just before it lets out and pass your shit out then, you also loose the risk of people getting sick of carrying stuff and tossing it aside. (This especially applies to big stuff like zines) good luck.
[Feb 23,2006 11:51pm - jewsus  ""]
mcmahon said:i dunno, $70 is a lot for me. What ever happened to carrying around flyers and hand out CD's like a grunt?

70$ would be for 3 days worth of handing stuff out-if you have that much or wanted it spread out... would you pay $25 for one day of having whatever you want in a bag handed out at my table? What would you consider a good price? For everyone who is just saying the highest cost and thinking they can bring promo stuff into the show... after reading what Pam said.. feel free to haggle with me - I do want to help hand your stuff out - just while I'm working my table I probably can't do it for everyone for free. :shocked:
[Feb 23,2006 11:51pm - dyingmuse ""]
mcmahon said:i dunno, $70 is a lot for me. What ever happened to carrying around flyers and hand out CD's like a grunt?

Not as professional, but cheaper.

70 dollars? for 3000 people do hear your music? pretty cheap in my book. try buying out an add in a big mag. and the price of 3000 flyers, is probably way more than 70 bucks in the long run, you would screw yourself!

[Feb 23,2006 11:51pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
hehe I keep giving my anonymous usernames away
[Feb 23,2006 11:53pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
The metal maniacs ad I placed was like $350 and that's only since they were offering me a deal on 1/4 b&w. I don't think people realize the price of promotion/advertising. It's not cheap - heck I wish I won the lottery and could sign everyone and make my own major record label for this area and throw fests with free tickets, etc.. maybe someday eh?
[Feb 23,2006 11:59pm - mcmahon ""]
i'll have to take my chances outside the venue. i'm usually to drunk/tired to deal with handouts after the show, so i'll have to think up something crafty to help with the transmition. hand out water on the street with a demo/flyer? there has to be better way...

thanks for the info.
[Feb 24,2006 12:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am interested. I will have some new WorldEater vs NotCommon samplers by then I think and those would be great to get to the pussies who attend metalfest.
[Feb 24,2006 1:09am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow, this thread is far too much.

good looking out Jeremy !
[Feb 24,2006 3:31am - dwellingsickness ""]
I like the idea myself..Least he is lookin out for the locals
[Feb 24,2006 3:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Getting them to pay.
[Feb 24,2006 3:58am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Getting them to pay.

what have you done to help the scene that was free for anyone.

yes yes we all love and listen dearly to your radio show, but seriously besides the few bands you hone.

what the fuck have you done to help out the greater number of bands around here. nothing is free and if you want people to get your music this is one way to do it.

i can tell you right now, the 99.9 percent of people here arent gonna stand out in front of the palladium to hand out promos of their cds.

let it go man, and just be glad someone here on this board is trying to give a good deal and help some bands out.
[Feb 24,2006 4:17am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have done nothing Sean. You obviously don't know your history around here.

I'm not gonna blow my own horn, although we all know how fun that can be!

All you guys pay me and I will get a table at NEMHF, okay? Yeah, right.
[Feb 24,2006 4:21am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I have done nothing Sean. You obviously don't know your history around here.

All you guys pay me and I will get a table at NEMHF, okay? Yeah, right.

i would never trust you with a penny of mine nevermind 70bucks and sorry im not up on the dwyer history.

all i know of you, is what ive got to go on. so if you were some super hero friend to all the bands of the local scene then i missed out but i havent seen anything to back you on anything.

jeremy on the other hand has been nothing but cool the few times weve run into him. too bad more promoters/distros dont follow step.
[Feb 24,2006 6:59am - anonymousey  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Getting them to pay.

You keep missing the point, I set a price, even said I'd haggle, barter, trade.. who knows even do it for free for some.

But obviously you keep turning this into some drama. You're worse than a bad soap opera. I should start a fund here to educate you with a hammer to the head.
[Feb 24,2006 7:04am - jrb2971nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I have done nothing Sean. You obviously don't know your history around here.

I'm not gonna blow my own horn, although we all know how fun that can be!

All you guys pay me and I will get a table at NEMHF, okay? Yeah, right.

a history of being one pompeous mutha, ignorant, uneducated, and blowing his pathetic 2 inch horn. really, why don't you go on oprah and tout your claim to fame. All we see you doing here is complaining because someone else is trying to help the scene (now matter how much you twist the facts). What are you doing .. now.. still spewing out rhetoric and selling cds at full price to the locals? Still trading crap cds at shows to other merch tables? Give me a break, your just worried someone else is stepping up to the table and making things happen.
[Feb 24,2006 7:25am - robinhoodlumJ  ""]
Anyhow - if ANYONE sends me stuff I'll put in in my freebie box, swag bags, mail orders, distro whatever you want and I reasonably agree with- donation, payment or not.. Don't listen to JD - he doesn't get the point and is really does have an ounce of true metalism in him.
I'm not trying to be so righteous - but I have no ego problem with trying to help others. It actually helps me to carry more metal.

EMAIL me info@oak-knoll.com
[Feb 24,2006 8:47am - DreamingInExile ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Getting other people to pay for the table and they have to give away their stuff, not sell it, yeah great idea.

Listen numbnuts, he's not trying to get everyone else to "pay for the table" he's tryin gto help subsidize the cost of his table. I don't understand why you think $70 is expensive to have your merch at Metalfest. he didn't say he was going to "give it all away" either, so I still can't figure out where that came from.

if you want to do it, GREAT, help the local scene, spend a few bucks to probably make it all back plus more. if not, fantastic, now shut the fuck up. I'm tired of reading your bitching and whining about not wanting to spend a buck to make a buck.

honestly, if I were one of your bands, I'd be pretty pissed that my label wasn't willing to spend a bit of money to promote.

if Jeremy was trying to get everyone to pay for his table, he'd have to get almost 25 (21.43 to be exact) people/bands/labels to give him $70 for all 3 days, or 60 people/bands/labels to give him $25 for a single day (basic math, get a calculator). It's not like he's selling a spot on his table for $100/day, which he could have asked, but since he's an easy going, honest, hard working individual, he's only asking $70 for all three days. That's not a lot to ask in my opinion.

</two cents>
[Feb 24,2006 9:04am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm just going to hand our new demos out for free, even if I have to do it outside (I won't have 100s). But it's a decent offer, and it's not like Jeremy is profiting.
[Feb 24,2006 9:54am - anonymous  ""]
and he did offer that if you contacted him he'd work something out regardless of money. Let's keep that in mind.. just send him stuff and payment, donation or not.. he'll do what he can to help you. So email the crazy fucker!!
[Feb 24,2006 9:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You guys should lay off Dwyer, he has a point. As far as me being interested, from a label standpoint I can get my samplers out there. Dwyer doesn't have samplers, also doesn't seem to need any. He moves alot of product. If I was in some self released band I probably wouldn't get involved, they probably aren't going to create a sampler of just their band because thats costly. Including a flyer is a mix shot, music would be far more instrumental though I'd say. However, the people at this fest are going to be getting alot of free stuff and I com confident the Worldeater/NotCommon stuff will be better then everything else they get so I completely have no idea where I am going with this.

Love you Dwyer!
[Feb 24,2006 10:30am - RustedAngel ""]
I heard Kenny Lanning has a booth at metalfest.
[Feb 24,2006 10:32am - jrb2971 ""]
Hey Rev! give me your comp cds and i'll put them out there also. I think Dwyer is getting some sort of backlash.. I think alot of it is from his witty remarks.. kind of cause and effect.. so if there is less cause? less effect
[Feb 24,2006 10:47am - fishcakes ""]
I just have to say that john is doing alot for goreality. I've known john for over 10 years and before he even heard us play he mentiond us going on his lable. he has since gotten us a new logo,cd cover,and shirt desighn, and he is putting our cd out and it isn't going to cost us a cent. plus he sells it for us and gives us a shitload of copy's. so we have no comlaint's. than'x john
[Feb 24,2006 11:09am - fishcakes ""]

on another note, i still haven't heard gore reality yet. anyone have some mp3's? and how are you pam? \m/>>

[Feb 24,2006 11:18am - poorfan  ""]
Now if he sold me your cds for $9 when I was a buck short last time... then that would be truly helping your band and the fans.
[Feb 24,2006 11:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 24,2006 11:35am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
jrb2971 said:Hey Rev! give me your comp cds and i'll put them out there also. I think Dwyer is getting some sort of backlash.. I think alot of it is from his witty remarks.. kind of cause and effect.. so if there is less cause? less effect

Few would forget the fateful day that saw the messageboard fall of Dwyer Duke of Pathos.
[Feb 24,2006 11:35am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I sell my own CDs for $8, so you were a buck over, nice try.
[Feb 24,2006 12:05pm - mcmahon ""]
I received this in reply to my request for verification on the flyer issue from NEHMF website:

"yes - no flyers. It creates a MESS if you have 1000 people doing it...it's also a hazard if someone slips on the flyers / handbills... No venue in this area (tsongas arena, td banknorth center, dcu center, avalon, orpheum, somerville theater) lets this happen during a show."

food for thought: if the venue is concerned with flyers thrown on the ground and is a safety concern, why do they allow SWAG bags to be handed out? honestly, what are the chances of bag full of flyers and cd's surviving an all day metal show?
[Feb 24,2006 12:12pm - KeithMutiny ""]
theyr concerned people might realised the palladium isnt the only venue in new england that hosts metal shows... shhhh... dont let out the secret.

over priced drinks, tickets, and merch... we love to pay... SHHHH!
[Feb 24,2006 12:22pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
SUPPORT THE SCENE...by paying through the nose to see a bunch of bands that aren't from around here.
[Feb 24,2006 12:57pm - fishcakes ""]
poorfan said:Now if he sold me your cds for $9 when I was a buck short last time... then that would be truly helping your band and the fans.

true. but we will give away more than we sell.
[Feb 24,2006 1:24pm - allthebetter  ""]
all the better to put your safe flyer like band promo in a bag and get your local band stuff into this opportunity, barely pay through your hose to get real local stuff into the fest through and honest effort
[Feb 24,2006 1:30pm - poorfan  ""]
fishcakes said:poorfan said:Now if he sold me your cds for $9 when I was a buck short last time... then that would be truly helping your band and the fans.

true. but we will give away more than we sell.

give away to whom? people whom your fabulous leader thinks is important? Maybe we'll see some samplers or deals at the next upcoming shows. Attention all poor fans! come hither!

'Oh that's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that's all'
[Feb 24,2006 1:33pm - death4u  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I sell my own CDs for $8, so you were a buck over, nice try.

8 bux!? wow... last time I bought cdz from you they were atleast $10 a pop and most of your stuff iz stickerd at $12. Maybe you are thinking of your 8 bux cassetes. I'll get my peepz to check out your 8 dolla cd table at your next show yo
[Feb 24,2006 1:34pm - fishcakes ""]
I don't know if people will even dig our shit there. plus I don't think it will be ready on time. shit!
[Feb 24,2006 1:34pm - death4u  ""]
we seez you sell you own label stuff at eaight but everting else you pimpz out at liek twelve. You still seem slimey to mez sucka
[Feb 24,2006 1:37pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
Nice to see this thread is getting popular and all about Dwyer trying to save his ass. Anyhow, thanks for your help JD. As the fans on here are hinting at.: Support your 'slime" (nothing against goreality.. just our new messiash of metal, Dwyer)
[Feb 24,2006 1:47pm - fishcakes ""]
no problem, thanx for supporting the march 4th show.
[Feb 24,2006 1:57pm - dreadkill ""]
it's too bad this thread became such a mess. if you like the deal jeremy is offering, go for it. if you don't like it, don't go for it. simple solution.
[Feb 24,2006 2:13pm - fishcakes ""]
[Feb 24,2006 2:17pm - anonymous  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:jrb2971 said:Hey Rev! give me your comp cds and i'll put them out there also. I think Dwyer is getting some sort of backlash.. I think alot of it is from his witty remarks.. kind of cause and effect.. so if there is less cause? less effect

Few would forget the fateful day that saw the messageboard fall of Dwyer Duke of Pathos.

[Feb 24,2006 2:17pm - pam nli  ""]
^me...fucking browser.
[Feb 24,2006 2:37pm - dyingmuse ""]

wow brootal shit guys!

[Feb 24,2006 2:40pm - pam ""]
so brutal it warrents TWO o's. TWO!!
[Feb 24,2006 3:04pm - fishcakes ""]
thanx guy's
[Feb 24,2006 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
This table that you have in Worcester, just what exactly are you going to have at the show? How soon do you need stuff for the show?
[Feb 24,2006 3:55pm - Festbound=Soldout?  ""]
Just like any other table there.. (label and non label) cds & vinyl for sale, free things to hand out.. email the guy who started the thread above.
[Feb 25,2006 9:05pm - anonymous  ""]
Tickets went on sale yesterday! Woo Hoooo! 109.50 for three days with promise of more bands!
[Feb 26,2006 7:02am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 1,2006 2:48pm - DistortThrash ""]
Just wanted to say the Palladium sucks. It's great it's a venue for metal, but they treat you like shit. Not being able to have local acts play shows, or promote themselves=bullshit. I'll never give a dime to that place again. I think the real underground doesn't need shit like that. Too bad all these 5 band package tours deter local bookers fiscally from being able to pull off metal at smaller local venues. That's all I've got. Have fun at metalfest.
[Mar 2,2006 11:55am - Bloody stumps  ""]
I agree with what you say - the palladium DOES suck but publicity is a necessary evil. Underground bands deserve some above ground visibility after all no one goes into music to lose money and ...oh yeah - the Metal Wenches!
[Mar 2,2006 2:32pm - pam nli  ""]
I absolutely detest that fuckhole.
[Mar 2,2006 2:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I agree.
[Mar 2,2006 2:40pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
if we could only take it over.. storm the place
[Mar 2,2006 3:25pm - pam nli  ""]
pff I'd rather just burn the fucker down. Start over.
[Mar 2,2006 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
this guys merch booth has some good stuff. i bought some from him at the Stone and Steel. successful purchases
[Mar 2,2006 11:14pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
hehe ya, I guess I could sneak some gasoline in with me. By the way - I set up this page. Love it or hate it: http://swag.oak-knoll.com (I'm toying around with the idea more.. but it's really to help me cover some costs as I keep diggin into my own pocket for shit)
[Mar 6,2006 1:47pm - Bloody stumps  ""]
I'm looking forward to s
[Mar 16,2006 10:34am - OKsux  ""]
Dude Oak tollhouse cookies blows! This dude is a arrogant fuk - what kinda crap is he pushing. It's all about the monet! blam! jrb isn't metal! you all suck!!
[Mar 16,2006 3:04pm - Moxie Crimefighter  ""]
OKsux - You couldn't have met him if you're talking this kind of shit.
[Mar 16,2006 3:58pm - brokeback  ""]
I think he's kinda sexy :p
[Apr 5,2006 2:22pm - Uncle Fester  ""]
It's almost time to take my bald ass over to the palladium to get me some metal! All the superstars are gwine ta be there - the blade of metal, New Clear Blast USA, Centrum Media, Es Pee Vee, Eye Urn Clad Recordings and Owk Noll!
[Apr 5,2006 4:35pm - festering  ""]
Supahstar! you got it! Oakie is right up there with all those sells outs eh? I think Unk smells like a skunk to me. Keep that smell & attitude in the gutter if you don't have any high ambitions of your own.
[Apr 5,2006 5:17pm - pam ""]

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