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Great cheap opportunity to get your band swag into the NE Metal Fest - Oak Knoll Productions table at NE Metal Fest

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 24,2006 1:37pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
Nice to see this thread is getting popular and all about Dwyer trying to save his ass. Anyhow, thanks for your help JD. As the fans on here are hinting at.: Support your 'slime" (nothing against goreality.. just our new messiash of metal, Dwyer)
[Feb 24,2006 1:47pm - fishcakes ""]
no problem, thanx for supporting the march 4th show.
[Feb 24,2006 1:57pm - dreadkill ""]
it's too bad this thread became such a mess. if you like the deal jeremy is offering, go for it. if you don't like it, don't go for it. simple solution.
[Feb 24,2006 2:13pm - fishcakes ""]
[Feb 24,2006 2:17pm - anonymous  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:jrb2971 said:Hey Rev! give me your comp cds and i'll put them out there also. I think Dwyer is getting some sort of backlash.. I think alot of it is from his witty remarks.. kind of cause and effect.. so if there is less cause? less effect

Few would forget the fateful day that saw the messageboard fall of Dwyer Duke of Pathos.

[Feb 24,2006 2:17pm - pam nli  ""]
^me...fucking browser.
[Feb 24,2006 2:37pm - dyingmuse ""]

wow brootal shit guys!

[Feb 24,2006 2:40pm - pam ""]
so brutal it warrents TWO o's. TWO!!
[Feb 24,2006 3:04pm - fishcakes ""]
thanx guy's
[Feb 24,2006 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
This table that you have in Worcester, just what exactly are you going to have at the show? How soon do you need stuff for the show?
[Feb 24,2006 3:55pm - Festbound=Soldout?  ""]
Just like any other table there.. (label and non label) cds & vinyl for sale, free things to hand out.. email the guy who started the thread above.
[Feb 25,2006 9:05pm - anonymous  ""]
Tickets went on sale yesterday! Woo Hoooo! 109.50 for three days with promise of more bands!
[Feb 26,2006 7:02am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 1,2006 2:48pm - DistortThrash ""]
Just wanted to say the Palladium sucks. It's great it's a venue for metal, but they treat you like shit. Not being able to have local acts play shows, or promote themselves=bullshit. I'll never give a dime to that place again. I think the real underground doesn't need shit like that. Too bad all these 5 band package tours deter local bookers fiscally from being able to pull off metal at smaller local venues. That's all I've got. Have fun at metalfest.
[Mar 2,2006 11:55am - Bloody stumps  ""]
I agree with what you say - the palladium DOES suck but publicity is a necessary evil. Underground bands deserve some above ground visibility after all no one goes into music to lose money and ...oh yeah - the Metal Wenches!
[Mar 2,2006 2:32pm - pam nli  ""]
I absolutely detest that fuckhole.
[Mar 2,2006 2:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I agree.
[Mar 2,2006 2:40pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
if we could only take it over.. storm the place
[Mar 2,2006 3:25pm - pam nli  ""]
pff I'd rather just burn the fucker down. Start over.
[Mar 2,2006 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
this guys merch booth has some good stuff. i bought some from him at the Stone and Steel. successful purchases
[Mar 2,2006 11:14pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
hehe ya, I guess I could sneak some gasoline in with me. By the way - I set up this page. Love it or hate it: http://swag.oak-knoll.com (I'm toying around with the idea more.. but it's really to help me cover some costs as I keep diggin into my own pocket for shit)
[Mar 6,2006 1:47pm - Bloody stumps  ""]
I'm looking forward to s
[Mar 16,2006 10:34am - OKsux  ""]
Dude Oak tollhouse cookies blows! This dude is a arrogant fuk - what kinda crap is he pushing. It's all about the monet! blam! jrb isn't metal! you all suck!!
[Mar 16,2006 3:04pm - Moxie Crimefighter  ""]
OKsux - You couldn't have met him if you're talking this kind of shit.
[Mar 16,2006 3:58pm - brokeback  ""]
I think he's kinda sexy :p
[Apr 5,2006 2:22pm - Uncle Fester  ""]
It's almost time to take my bald ass over to the palladium to get me some metal! All the superstars are gwine ta be there - the blade of metal, New Clear Blast USA, Centrum Media, Es Pee Vee, Eye Urn Clad Recordings and Owk Noll!
[Apr 5,2006 4:35pm - festering  ""]
Supahstar! you got it! Oakie is right up there with all those sells outs eh? I think Unk smells like a skunk to me. Keep that smell & attitude in the gutter if you don't have any high ambitions of your own.
[Apr 5,2006 5:17pm - pam ""]

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