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Video: god tower - can anyone figure this out?

[Oct 4,2005 6:24pm - anonymous  ""]
#10 is easy. 3 hints
1.) country code
2.) find the countries
3.) the countries give you the password. use some thought!
[Oct 25,2005 9:10pm - arsonick ""]
Ok Level 14 is fuckign ridiculous
[May 4,2006 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I got stuck at 13 I think
[May 4,2006 8:12pm - Sacreligion ""]
i remember this...fucking annoying is what it is
[May 18,2006 6:50am - grandios....  ""]
lv 10 is suckkk
[May 18,2006 6:55am - jesus ""]
where were you?!
[May 26,2006 11:16pm - anonymous  ""]
Im on 51R can any1 thell me?
[Apr 14,2007 10:16pm - nato  ""]
for level 13 i took all of the letters from ASIA TRI USA and I got asrtuii thought of a word or words that would make sense and i was shocked to see that one result was TRI USA
i don't know if that has anything to do with the password but it was cool
[Jul 31,2007 3:21am - fuck lolipop  ""]
i think is was very bad and is suck really man fuck you
[Jul 31,2007 9:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Is this like Time Cube?
[Jul 31,2007 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
I was thinking about this the other day. I found all the notebook notes about it.
[Jul 31,2007 11:38am - xmikex ""]
I'm stuck on Level 7 right now. I think I get what they're going for, I just can't seem to get the password.
[Jul 31,2007 11:46am - brian_dc ""]
mike, do you use a mac? That would make it tough.
[Jul 31,2007 11:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wtf is a clock pointer?!
[Jul 31,2007 12:30pm - xmikex ""]
brian_dc said:mike, do you use a mac? That would make it tough.

Actually I'm at work. I got through 7, now I'm stuck on 10.
[Jul 31,2007 12:34pm - brian_dc ""]
I never got by 10. I had about a day of failure and then realized that it's just a game.
[Jul 31,2007 12:37pm - xmikex ""]
the symbols come out to

255 - tanzania
968 - oman
977 - nepal
66 - thailand
247 - ascension
262 - reunion island
599 - curacao
[Jul 31,2007 12:39pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, i got that but didn't figure out the password from that.
[Jul 31,2007 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
fuck lolipop said:i think is was very bad and is suck really man fuck you

me lose brain? uh oh.
[Jul 31,2007 12:45pm - FleshFries ""]
Notpron anyone? i hate these things
[Jul 31,2007 12:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Is this the end boss of the internet?
[Jul 31,2007 12:51pm - xmikex ""]
none of these countries have anything in common. 3 border the ocean, 3 are islands, 2 are land locked. And they encompass 3 different continents.

I tried taking the first letter of each country to try to form a word. I even tried using the first letter approach assembling them from east to west geographically. I got CATONTR.... great.
[Jul 31,2007 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
this game is as stupid as it is brilliant.
[Jul 31,2007 12:57pm - xmikex ""]
excuse me, CATORNT
[Feb 11,2008 5:56pm - I love ur mom!  ""]
I fucked ur mom because she screamed show me the mayonaisse!
[Jan 13,2010 1:38pm - anonymous  ""]
thnx for the answer but from where did u get these numbers?
[Jan 13,2010 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
oh my! i dont want my life consumed again!
[Jul 5,2011 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
damn, not there.
[Jul 5,2011 5:12pm - zach says,  ""]
is the game start on sorry page not found?
[Jul 5,2011 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you win one internet!
[Jul 5,2011 5:36pm - pappasgrind ""]
seriously is it down or something? or is level 1 page not found?
[Jul 5,2011 10:10pm - rangoon  ""]
This thread wins for shortest average post length.

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