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Top 5 worst bands ever

[Nov 29,2005 9:20am - Josh_Martin ""]
A lot of bands suck but have like one song you can kinda tolerate. Fuck them, I'm talking about bands with ZERO redeeming value. The bands that make you want to literally vomit when you accidentally hear them.
I set a new land speed record to change the station whenever these bands come on the radio:

1. Bruce Springsteen
2. Tom Petty
3. REM
4. Dire Straits
5. Grateful Dead

List your five worst bands.
[Nov 29,2005 9:25am - dreadkill ""]
bright eyes
bright eyes
bright eyes
bright eyes
bright eyes
[Nov 29,2005 9:28am - dftg nli  ""]
you listen to the radio? no wonder you have to deal with shitty music.
[Nov 29,2005 9:32am - dftg nli  ""]
[Nov 29,2005 9:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
In no order:

Dropkick Murphys and all their ilk (When I worked at the Cambridgeport, I had a standing policy: Anyone who put DKM on the jukebox wasted their money, as I immediately hit the "skip" button. Oh, how the 17 year old skinheads wept.)
Temperance/Lifetime/early nineties emoish straightedge not hardcore bullshit (Shit gives me the shakes, I had to listen to way too much of that nonsense in high school.)
Kenny Loggins holding hands with Tom Jones
Madball / every band that plays in Brockton and is in a "Best Friends Forever" club
Coldplay / Oasis / the entire country of England
[Nov 29,2005 9:34am - dftg nli  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:In no order:

Dropkick Murphys and all their ilk (When I worked at the Cambridgeport, I had a standing policy: Anyone who put DKM on the jukebox wasted their money, as I immediately hit the "skip" button. Oh, how the 17 year old skinheads wept.)
Temperance/Lifetime/early nineties emoish straightedge not hardcore bullshit (Shit gives me the shakes, I had to listen to way too much of that nonsense in high school.)
Kenny Loggins holding hands with Tom Jones
Madball / every band that plays in Brockton and is in a "Best Friends Forever" club
Coldplay / Oasis / the entire country of England

word to your mother
[Nov 29,2005 9:36am - the_reverend ""]
tompetty and I have the same bday
[Nov 29,2005 10:08am - dwellingsickness ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:In no order:
the entire country of England

So, You don't like......

[Nov 29,2005 10:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
dwellingsickness said:DestroyYouAlot said:In no order:
the entire country of England

So, You don't like......


NEWSFLASH: Not everything I say/post can stand up to close scrutiny.

Oh, but fuck Sabbath. Those guys were overrated.

EXTRA: That was a rather large lie.
[Nov 29,2005 10:28am - Anonymous  ""]
The Eagles
All Emo Bands
The Beatles
Tom Petty
EVERY Rap artist
.... I could list hundereds more where i would feel ill just hearing a few notes played by these queer bands and music types.
[Nov 29,2005 10:29am - Anonymous  ""]
well, rap goes out without saying, listeners are already "ill" anyway, nigga.
[Nov 29,2005 10:33am - DreamingInExile ""]
Linkin Park
Limp Biskit

Any commercial radio station (WAAF, WGIR, WBCN, WXKS, etc...)
[Nov 29,2005 10:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Anonymous said:well, rap goes out without saying, listeners are already "ill" anyway, nigga.

Funny thing is, being an actual hip-hop fan makes listening to the radio shit even more painful. Listening to Nonphixion and Aesop Rock just illustrates further what a talentless hack 50 cent is.
[Nov 29,2005 10:49am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Bruce Springsteen
Fall Out Boy
New Found Glory
[Nov 29,2005 10:54am - cdan ""]

My Gaymical Gaymance
[Nov 29,2005 10:58am - Ryan_M ""]
linkin park
3 doors down

[Nov 29,2005 11:03am - Ryan_M ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Listening to Nonphixion and Aesop Rock just illustrates further what a talentless hack 50 cent is.

yo dat nigga been shot 9 times G, he be tellin it like it is! he ain't no pussy ass bitch on'y in it fo' the money, 50 cent be fo' real nigga!
[Nov 29,2005 11:11am - Josh_Martin ""]
dftg nli said:you listen to the radio? no wonder you have to deal with shitty music.

Uh, yeah, when I'm driving. Up here there's as much chance of catching an Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath song (and not just Paranoid, War Pigs, and Iron Man over and over like on WAAF) as there is of hearing something that sucks. New Hampshire radio is a billion times better than Boston radio.
[Nov 29,2005 11:15am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Ryan_M said:DestroyYouAlot said:Listening to Nonphixion and Aesop Rock just illustrates further what a talentless hack 50 cent is.

yo dat nigga been shot 9 times G, he be tellin it like it is! he ain't no pussy ass bitch on'y in it fo' the money, 50 cent be fo' real nigga!

[Nov 29,2005 11:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
My list was all old classic rock stuff. For new stuff, the most godawful, feel-like-I-got-kicked-in-the-nuts, gay, garbage is :

1.Nickelback (I wish AC was still around so we could write a song about how gay these faggots are)
3.The Black Eyed Peas
4. all rap

That's it, I don't pay enough attention to new stuff to know more than that.
[Nov 29,2005 11:20am - ltdec-1000 ""]
Ryan_M said:
yo dat nigga been shot 9 times G, he be tellin it like it is! he ain't no pussy ass bitch on'y in it fo' the money, 50 cent be fo' real nigga!

Whoever shot him should have reloaded.

[Nov 29,2005 11:26am - Ryan_M ""]
[Nov 29,2005 11:54am - What you talkin bout?  ""]
All artists/bands that played on the Lilith Fare tour.
[Nov 29,2005 12:02pm - timma nli  ""]
1. Fall Out Boy
3. Dashboard Confessional
4. Mudvayne (a.k.a. Moo-Dew-Vay-Nay)
5. Disturbed...hands out..fucking aweful. OOOHH WA-A-A-AAAA!
[Nov 29,2005 12:28pm - pam nli  ""]
1. Tori fucking Amos -die you melodramatic cunt, die. and take your psuedo feminist twatbag fans with you.-
2. Anything Dave Grohl touches. I hate him like it's my job.
3. Dave Matthews. If I have to explain that, I hate you too.
5. ICP. But mostly their fans.
[Nov 29,2005 1:05pm - Kessaris ""]
Drowning Pool
[Nov 29,2005 1:16pm - Yeti  ""]
Avenged Sevenfold
Cradle of Filth
[Nov 29,2005 1:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
Bright Eyes
[Nov 29,2005 1:21pm - Anthony nli  ""]
no redeeming qualities at all? that's tough. I'm not sure I hate anything that much.

probably that 'supernatural' song with santana and some shitty singer on it. that song makes me want to die.
[Nov 29,2005 1:31pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Anthony nli said:no redeeming qualities at all? that's tough. I'm not sure I hate anything that much.

You clearly haven't heard Nickelback.

It not only their music that sucks. Their lyrics are gayer than gay too. They have an anti-wifebeating song.

[Nov 29,2005 1:34pm - Anthony nli  ""]
you're right, i actually have never heard Nickelback. and i hope i never do. I vaguely remember seeing some hilarious video of them getting bottles thrown at them on stage at a show and then walking off stage in anger hahaha
[Nov 29,2005 1:39pm - BSV  ""]
[Nov 29,2005 1:57pm - cdan ""]

Gayve Gaythews Band
[Nov 29,2005 2:02pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Boy Bands
[Nov 29,2005 2:04pm - succubus ""]
devil driver
[Nov 29,2005 2:10pm - xsocialmonstrosityx ""]
chumbawamba - remember when you wrote good political music and promised not to sell out?
bleeding through - fuck fashioncore, fuck your stupid tight pants and eyeliner
chemical romance - ugh, you suck harder than paris hilton
ani defranco - i hate you and everyone who likes you
no doubt/gwen stefani - everytime i hear your music i puke just a little bit in my mouth
[Nov 29,2005 2:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i forgot shinedown
[Nov 29,2005 2:47pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Cradle of Filth
[Nov 29,2005 3:48pm - anonymous  ""]
xsocialmonstrosityx said:chumbawamba - remember when you wrote good political music and promised not to sell out?
bleeding through - fuck fashioncore, fuck your stupid tight pants and eyeliner
chemical romance - ugh, you suck harder than paris hilton
ani defranco - i hate you and everyone who likes you
no doubt/gwen stefani - everytime i hear your music i puke just a little bit in my mouth

ugh I can't fucking STAND ani difranco
[Nov 29,2005 3:50pm - pam nli  ""]
that was me
[Nov 29,2005 4:09pm - Christraper ""]
If it werent for Ani Difranco I probably wouldnt be playing guitar today. Shes my favorite.
[Nov 29,2005 4:10pm - Christraper ""]
Actually thats not true at all. I have no idea who the fuck she is. I dont even know if "shes" a girl. "Ani" is a girl's name right?
[Nov 29,2005 4:11pm - pam nli  ""]
Christraper said:If it werent for Ani Difranco I probably wouldnt be playing guitar today. Shes my favorite.

you homo
[Nov 29,2005 4:12pm - Christraper ""]
Ani's fuckin metal. Second only to the King.
[Nov 29,2005 4:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Christraper said:Ani's fuckin metal. Second only to the King.

Diamond, Elvis, or JC?
[Nov 29,2005 4:16pm - Christraper ""]
DIAMOND!!! Cmon dude!!! You should know better.
[Nov 29,2005 4:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Continued Without A Finding
Throwing Shrapnel
the Heuristic

(friday dec 16th center for arts 14 Summer Street Natick, Ma 7:30start ALL AGES 7bucks)
[Nov 29,2005 4:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
King? King? And which King might that be? King Richard? King Louis? King Kong? Larry King?
[Nov 29,2005 4:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Christraper said:DIAMOND!!! Cmon dude!!! You should know better.

I dunno, Elvis was pretty metal, and you can't get much more metal than getting crucified. Besides, I guarantee you Jesus has been on more death metal album covers than anyone else on the planet. He's, like, an honorary member of the scene. :satancross:
[Nov 29,2005 4:24pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Besides, I guarantee you Jesus has been on more death metal album covers than anyone else on the planet. He's, like, an honorary member of the scene. :satancross:


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