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little things that annoy the fuck out of you

[Jul 3,2007 4:25pm - pam ""]
My friend has this cowboy porno we used to get high and watch. This real cheesy cowboy with a moustache told the girl "Yeeh put that there nipple in my peehole."

Still makes me laugh.
[Jul 3,2007 4:27pm - ZJD ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I think this was a thread more about THINGS instead of PEOPLE.

People are the most annoying things there are.
[Jul 3,2007 4:29pm - pam ""]
ZJD said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I think this was a thread more about THINGS instead of PEOPLE.

People are the most annoying things there are.

beat me to it.
[Jul 3,2007 4:42pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
people on this board who refuse to to log in and talk smack about local bands, with out really ever really listening to any of them
oh and that fag Rhys...
[Jul 3,2007 4:42pm - boine ""]
cat 5 cables thats a couple inches too short
[Jul 3,2007 4:47pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
ZJD said:
People who group Def Leppard in with good bands.
People who call Def Leppard classic rock.

People who only know Hysteria and Pyromania, and assume that Def Leppard was always a pop band.

Try listening to the first two albums, and tell what it is if it's not classic rock.
[Jul 3,2007 4:50pm - ZJD ""]
ArrowHead is watching you said:ZJD said:
People who group Def Leppard in with good bands.
People who call Def Leppard classic rock.

People who only know Hysteria and Pyromania, and assume that Def Leppard was always a pop band.

Try listening to the first two albums, and tell what it is if it's not classic rock.

I'll admit that i'm not as knowledgable about Def Leppard as bands I actually like, but to be fair, the people I'm talking about only care about Pour Some Sugar On Me.
[Jul 3,2007 4:58pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
The early albums were pretty straightforward rock and roll albums. They didn't start doing the poppy stuff til Pyromania, which was still more towards the rock side of things. After they had so many "hits" from that album, they put out Hysteria which was nothing but radio oriented crap.

If you like classic rock as much as your initial post suggests you do, check out On Through the Night, or High and Dry, two great albums.
[Jul 3,2007 4:59pm - RichHorror ""]
High & Dry is in fact a fantastic rock record.
[Jul 3,2007 4:59pm - pam ""]
Pyromania is a great album, I don't care what anyone says.
[Jul 3,2007 5:05pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
I like some of Pyromania, but I'd compare it to metallica's Black album. Solid on it's own, but when you look at it compared to the previous albums you know it was the turning point where they started to suck.

For ZJD, I can't find any actual full songs linked on the net, but heres the amazon page for On Through the Night - check out a few of the samples. You'll probably find yourself saying "This is Def Leppard?!?" Sounds more like the first Aerosmith album (Rocks) than anything recent they've done.

[Jul 3,2007 5:09pm - ZJD ""]
I couldn't find anything either and amazon doesn't work for me but I'm downloaded some stuff so as to not be a shit.
[Jul 3,2007 5:10pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
Man, I wish those were full songs instead of crap quality clips. I've converted so many people into Def Leppard fans with this album. Usually just playing Overture, Hello America, or It Could Be You makes people forget all about "Pour some Sugar on our drummers stump arm"
[Jul 3,2007 5:15pm - ZJD ""]
ArrowHead is watching you said: "Pour some Sugar on our drummers stump arm"


I'll give it a listen once i found a working download. As far as my hate fest, I'll amend it to

People who group Pyromania with the likes of Paranoid.
People who consider anything before Nirvana classic rock
[Jul 3,2007 5:28pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
I really shouldn't add to this topic, because I'm too hateful and could go on forever:

Fat people who bring their children to fast food restaurants. Way to pass it on.

Immigrants who come here, get jobs, build families, and then talk to each other about how much better the "old country" is. I listened to this one all day at work today.

Men and Women driving while talking on their cell phones

Women driving while being woman

Retards that drop thousands of dollars pimping out their cars with spoilers, lights, sound systems, rims, etc... and proceed to keep living in their parents houses. You know your parents hate you, right?

Gay culture. It's sex, people. It shouldn't be the basis of who you are. I don't need a fucking parade celebrating my love of handcuffs and whipped cream, y'know?

Shopping malls

People who refuse to learn to speak english. I'm not talking about foreigners, I mean kids actually born and educated here who can't even put together a sentence.

Customers. Any form, shape, or situation. Most often, people spending money are assholes.

[Jul 3,2007 5:37pm - dreadkill ""]
my absolute least favorite thing is forgetting what you were going to say to someone.

second worst thing: traffic
[Jul 3,2007 5:46pm - ZJD ""]
I'm listening to Overture right now, and it's pretty good. This would benefit a ton from great vocals and be way better, but it's definitely good enough to not hate just for being Def Leppard. I can't find the whole album for download, though.
[Jul 3,2007 5:49pm - Ryan_M ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:i went to buy a hat the other day, found a nice black boston redsox hat with a black B and a white border around the B, but it was one of those elmer fudd looking hats with the straight brim. why? why the hell are these hats considered "cool?"

I don't know what happened - it used to be that you looked like a douche if you didn't roll your hat brim into a perfect semicircle, now everyone's hat has a wide flat goofy looking brim on it. And to increase my suffering, they put the goddamn thing on sideways and tilted over one side of their heads.
[Jul 3,2007 5:50pm - tylerl ""]
girls who wear big sunglasses
guys who wear big sunglasses
fat girls who wear big sunglasses
[Jul 3,2007 5:52pm - dreadkill ""]
my girlfriend's sunglasses are kind of big, but her eyes are big, so she has a reason for wearing them.
[Jul 3,2007 5:55pm - tylerl ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:
i went to buy a hat the other day, found a nice black boston redsox hat with a black B and a white border around the B, but it was one of those elmer fudd looking hats with the straight brim. why? why the hell are these hats considered "cool?"

i have that exact hat haha. i hate the way fitted caps look and feel when theyre brand new too, what i do is buy a size up and wear it in the shower to form it to my head. then it doesnt look all boxy.
[Jul 3,2007 5:57pm - Ryan_M ""]
ArrowHead is watching you said:People who refuse to learn to speak english. I'm not talking about foreigners, I mean kids actually born and educated here who can't even put together a sentence.

This just made me think of another one.
Kids over 4 years old who still can't talk yet. Me and my brothers could speak almost fluently by 2 years old. I see little kids now, as old as 7 or 8 and they still babble and mispronounce their words like babies.
I raise my glass to all the "strong" "independent" women who are too obsessed with their lame careers to take care of their kids so they plop them in front of the TV and make them watch childrens' "educational" shows where the dialogue consists mainly of gibberish.
[Jul 3,2007 5:57pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
tylerl said:girls who wear big sunglasses
guys who wear big sunglasses
fat girls
guys who wear fat girls

[Jul 3,2007 6:03pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
Ryan_M said:
This just made me think of another one.
Kids over 4 years old who still can't talk yet. Me and my brothers could speak almost fluently by 2 years old. I see little kids now, as old as 7 or 8 and they still babble and mispronounce their words like babies.

7 or 8? Try 15 and 16. One location I worked at, I went on vacation. When I got back, they'd hired a new kid. A little black kid that looked like Flava Flav, but more haitian. Every time that kid said something, I'd answer with "What?". Every time. Whole conversations of:
"bluh bluh bluh"
"Bluh bluh BLUH bluh"
"Bluh Bluh BLuh glekk"
"Yeah, right. go clean the fryolater"

I though it must be because english was a second language for the kid, and he sucked at it. Then one day his family came in. His brother, or sister, (ugly fucking family) started talking to him in haitian or whatever. He said something, and he/she answered "Eh?". Even in his native language with his own family, no one knew what the fuck this kid was saying.

Which leads to my next peeve: Ugly families.

[Jul 3,2007 6:05pm - RichHorror ""]
dreadkill said:my girlfriend's sunglasses are kind of big, but her eyes are big, so she has a reason for wearing them.

You're thinking of her b00b3rz.
[Jul 3,2007 6:15pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I drive an ambulance during the day..and fuckers who drive slow on the highway make me wanna kill...
[Jul 3,2007 7:09pm - futilityincarnate  ""]
People who only want to hang out with you if youve got money to throw in on drugs.
[Jul 3,2007 7:30pm - Whoremastery ""]
when i get pulled over becuase my inspection sticker is expired by 3 days!
[Jul 3,2007 9:47pm - tomxnli  ""]
BOBDEAD said:I drive an ambulance during the day..and fuckers who drive slow on the highway make me wanna kill...

you're an EMT Bob? i thought you were a chair car driver. what level are you? we should be partners and blast some thrash while respondins to teh emergencies. it'll be fun!

[Jul 3,2007 9:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
tylerl said:MarkFuckingRichards said:
i went to buy a hat the other day, found a nice black boston redsox hat with a black B and a white border around the B, but it was one of those elmer fudd looking hats with the straight brim. why? why the hell are these hats considered "cool?"

i have that exact hat haha. i hate the way fitted caps look and feel when theyre brand new too, what i do is buy a size up and wear it in the shower to form it to my head. then it doesnt look all boxy.

hmm...i've never thought of that. i may try it. how much smaller does it get though, and does it ruin the material at all? how do you dry it afterwards? i hate the fact that those huge hats make my huge head look even fucking bigger, and to get it low enough on my head, i have to either tuck my ears into it or let my ears get all fucking bent down and dumbo-looking, haha.
[Jul 3,2007 10:42pm - blue ""]
-people who only use EMGs (sorry everyone, passives are superior 9 times out of 10)
-people who dont retube their amps
-people who use sub par stock pickups
-people who scoop their mids
-people who skimp on integral parts of their rigs (ie shitty cables)
-people who take FOREVER to set up their rigs/kits
-people who don't even bother to get decent recordings of their band
[Jul 3,2007 10:48pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
most cables you buy are the same. the monster cables that everyone praises as being superior, dont sound any different.
[Jul 3,2007 11:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Before I even read this: When you have to drop a deuce, and it starts off with exactly ONE authentic log, and afterwards it's just an intermittent torrent of orange mud and farts. That lasts fifteen minutes.

I was literally imagining bitching about this on RTTP as I was wiping; you guys saved me the trouble of creating a thread for it.
[Jul 3,2007 11:53pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
People who pop their gum or chew loudly. That really pisses me off.
[Jul 3,2007 11:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Frequent / constant text messagers.
[Jul 4,2007 12:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Jamaica Plain, Roslindale, Allston and West Roxbury

Brookline should annex them so Boston can be rid of their faggotry.
[Jul 4,2007 3:29am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
ArrowHead is watching you said:
I don't need a fucking parade celebrating my love of handcuffs and whipped cream, y'know?

uuuhhhh...yes you do.
[Jul 4,2007 3:35am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
oh yeah, you know what just doesn't sit well with me at all? weak fucking handshakes. unless you have a dead arm, you better shake my hand like you fucking mean it. i actually decided not to hire someone because he put no effort into his handshake. later on, when the company needed help desperately, i hired him. he turned out to be one of the shittiest employees i ever had to fire.

also, i hate when people don't give my pen back after i so politely lend it out.
[Jul 4,2007 8:12am - shamash ""]
Scrappy doo
[Jul 4,2007 9:01am - contagion ""]
that handshake one annoys the shit out of me too. its like, what are you gay?
kids who devote all thier time to being metal and evil and grymm, then have wicked cheesy/corny shit on myspace trying to attract girls. i actually think thats funny so nevermind.
black kids who call me cracka, then bitch about racism. shut your piehole, nigger.
movies that everyone claims they love because they are so artsy, then i watch it and want to hang myself 4 minutes into it.
people who only ever want to talk about politics.
gotti boys.
girls who like gotti boys.
guitars that sound thin no matter how much you fuck with the sound.
people who listen to metal who think they are so fuckin cool because they listen to other types of music too.
people that text while you are trying to talk to them in person, especially girls.
fat girls who think they are hot. hahaha im an aweful person.
girls whos neck is a different color than their face due to makeup slathering, especially when they are fat.
attention whores.
people who text like they are talking on AIM. thats fucking obnoxious, just call me. actually dont because now i hate you for texting me 8 times in less than a minute.
people who wear work boots with the tag still on and obsess about keeping them clean. are you kidding me?
little kids. period.
cock teases.
99% of salad dressing because it fucking tastes like shit.
people who put ketchup on EVERYTHING.
people who sing along mad loud to music and are good. no one cares that you can sing and if i wanted to here the remix i'd buy it.
hello kitty.
music that isnt in order on an iPod or other mp3 player.
leather couches.
so much more shit i cant even begin to list it.
[Jul 4,2007 9:17am - Conservationist ""]
[Jul 4,2007 9:52am - tylerl ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:tylerl said:MarkFuckingRichards said:
i went to buy a hat the other day, found a nice black boston redsox hat with a black B and a white border around the B, but it was one of those elmer fudd looking hats with the straight brim. why? why the hell are these hats considered "cool?"

i have that exact hat haha. i hate the way fitted caps look and feel when theyre brand new too, what i do is buy a size up and wear it in the shower to form it to my head. then it doesnt look all boxy.

hmm...i've never thought of that. i may try it. how much smaller does it get though, and does it ruin the material at all? how do you dry it afterwards? i hate the fact that those huge hats make my huge head look even fucking bigger, and to get it low enough on my head, i have to either tuck my ears into it or let my ears get all fucking bent down and dumbo-looking, haha.

yeah you either wear it on your head as it dries or find something the size of your head to put it on (there's a mixing bowl in my house that's perfect for this haha). it'll be nice and broken in - they do make those floppy-kinda hats too but those are a little too old man/fan boy/teenage girl for me.
[Jul 4,2007 9:54am - tylerl ""]
oh also, i HATE ketchup
[Jul 4,2007 10:17am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
thanks tyler, i'm going to try that when i'm willing to part with 30 bucks for one of those hats, haha.

oh, and i'm a ketchup fiend...but i only put it on normal stuff like fries, burgers and hot dogs. ketchup on eggs=the worst idea anyone has ever come up with.
[Jul 4,2007 10:19am - shamash ""]
Stupid lists, and dumb teenagers who hate on shit
[Jul 4,2007 10:48am - Ryan_M ""]
People who say that others "hate on" things. I don't hate on anything, I just hate.
Besides, talking about the things you hate is fun!
[Jul 4,2007 11:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:ketchup on eggs=the worst idea anyone has ever come up with.


STRONG BAD: {singing} Email me don't email me, email me don't email me. {He pulls up the email and reads it aloud.}

Hi Strong Bad!
Do you celebrate thanksgiving
normally? Or do you have special
traditions for when Strong Badia was
first colonized? What's the story

From your Buddy,
Shana Ma.
Los Angeles, CA

{Strong Bad reads "Shana Ma." as one word (Shanama). He also pronounces "Los Angeles" with a hard "g".}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Oh, Shanama, the story of the colonization of Strong Badia is a tale as old as, say, the wireless Web {pause} or energy drinks maybe. It began in a period of strife...

{Cut to a shot of an old book on a wooden table. It is open and pictures Strong Bad, in a pilgrim hat, squirting ketchup onto a plate of eggs, next to Strong Sad in a wig and typical 17th-century clothing.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} ...when I was being persecuted for my beliefs.

STRONG SAD: {voiceover} Ewwww! Ketchup on eggs?!?

{A caption reading "Ewwww! Ketchup on Eggs?!?" appears beneath the picture. The page turns to show Strong Bad reading the newspaper and seeing an ad saying "LOT FOR SALE! along with a page saying "Homestar declares eggs not a fruit."}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} I learned of a place where a man can be free. Free to do what he wants to do. Free to ketchup his eggs without being hassled by the man.

{The page turns to show Strong Bad and The Cheat, also wearing a pilgrim hat, traveling across Free Country, USA, Strong Bad carrying a musket and eating a sandwich and The Cheat dragging a bag along behind him. A caption along the bottom reads "The Three Stout Sub Sandwiches: The Ham 'n' Swiss, The Dijon Chicken and the Veggie Delux."}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} So I set sail with three stout sub sandwiches, and my best The Cheat to find this mystical land.

{The page turns to show the two of them meeting Bubs, who is waving at them, wearing a Sioux-style feather headband and wearing a loincloth.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} I met a strange man who had strange ways and strange odors.

{The page turns to show Strong Badia in front of a glorious sunrise, above a caption reading "The Neu Wirlde."}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} And he led me to the new world, out beyond the dumpsters.

{The page turns to show the Tire falling onto The Cheat, whose hat is sent flying from his head.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} There was a brief struggle with the indigenous peoples.

{The page turns to show Strong Bad handing Bubs the rent check.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} At last, we reached an agreement to peacefully co-exist in this land, after I gave him my first and last months' rent deposit.

{The page turns to show a ploughed field where Bubs is planting a fish. Strong Bad is looking at him, holding a fish and a corn cob in his hand.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Then the strange man probably showed me how to put fish in the ground with corn, for some reason.

BUBS: {voiceover} This'll grow ya some nice fishcorn bushes!

{A caption reading "This'll grow ya some nice fishcorn bushes" appears at the bottom of the page. The page turns to show Bubs, The Cheat and Strong Bad sitting at a picnic table in Strong Badia, feasting on fast food.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Then we celebrated with a feast of some cold Hardee's he had laying around.

{Cut back to the Compy.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So there you have it, Shana... Shanamana... {singing} Shanamanamanamanamana tonight! That shoulda been in your history books at school. I gotta get on those people over at Hoofton Mifflin. Those guys are slackin off. {stops typing} Okay, so until next week, leave me alone!

{The Paper comes down.}

[Jul 4,2007 12:06pm - MassOfTwoSlits ""]
Whenever my phone rings, I want to stab someone.
[Jul 4,2007 1:21pm - pam ""]
MassOfTwoSlits said:Whenever my phone rings, I want to stab someone.

Me too. I fucking hate the phone.
[Jul 4,2007 1:51pm - powerkok ""]
Yeti said:pens that won't write when you put them on paper and the metal tip drags dryly across the paper.

perforated edges that wont rip.

paper/cardboard individual orange juice or milk containers that won't fold properly on the lines, resulting in you butchering the top of the carton.

trying to get a new cd booklet out of the case but you don't have any fingernails so you cant get the edge up.

Wow, rough fucking life.
So much to whine about, so little penis....I mean time.

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