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September 15th -- Epicurean, Teratism, Summit, more TBA

the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma) - [cryptic_warning][epicurean][summit][teratism]
[Sep 14,2004 6:28am - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 14,2004 11:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's 75 miles from my house to the Block!
[Sep 14,2004 11:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
So, get a job you bum.
[Sep 14,2004 1:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Pimpin' CDs is my job.
[Sep 14,2004 4:31pm - lady_czerach ""]
That means going to the show tomorrow is part of your job.
[Sep 14,2004 4:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's only worth going when people actually BUY stuff!
[Sep 14,2004 4:49pm - Nel  ""]
represent, Dwyer!!!
[Sep 14,2004 6:35pm - Robteratism  ""]
people want our cd already...money in the bank!!
[Sep 14,2004 8:24pm - blue nli  ""]
im poor as fuck and ill be there.
[Sep 14,2004 8:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'll be there late cause i have a job orientation.
[Sep 14,2004 8:39pm - Hooker ""]
I just might try to make this. Me and my baldwin looking ass.
[Sep 14,2004 8:54pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 14,2004 8:54pm - Hooker ""]
Baldwin chested.
[Sep 14,2004 8:57pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 14,2004 9:07pm - lady_czerach ""]
Muahahahahaha. I just kicked my roommate's ass in chess.
[Sep 15,2004 12:47am - Nel  ""]
I'll see if I invite some Mass Art students. They'll come willingly or I'll be forced to push them in front of a speeding T bus.
[Sep 15,2004 6:44am - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 15,2004 9:55am - Robdeadskin ""]
my cluch just went on my car...I couldnt go to work today
[Sep 15,2004 9:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Pimpin' CDs is my job.

Get a real job that makes you money.
[Sep 15,2004 3:52pm - lady_czerach ""]
Rob, I can drive you... since you're practically my neighbor. Let me know if you need a ride.
[Sep 15,2004 3:55pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I'd go if I had more than $30to my name. However I dont.
[Sep 15,2004 3:56pm - Hooker ""]
if you want to go let me know. I owe you five bucks for the handjob
[Sep 15,2004 3:58pm - succubus ""]
i don't think i am going to make it...
i had a health issue at 3am...
[Sep 15,2004 3:58pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Hmmm. Maybe.
[Sep 15,2004 6:41pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 15,2004 7:28pm - lady_czerach ""]
Leaving now. See you all soon =)
[Sep 16,2004 1:21am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Was it fun?
[Sep 16,2004 1:35am - the_reverend ""]
yes, pictures soon.
[Sep 16,2004 1:41am - the_reverend ""]
fun time, review later.
pictures are uploading now.
[Sep 16,2004 1:49am - lady_czerach ""]
Definitely a fun time. Too bad Epicurean is a bunch of rock stars.
[Sep 16,2004 9:36am - Robdeadskin ""]
great time..like alway's...thanx jess:}
[Sep 16,2004 9:41am - RustedAngel ""]
sorry I didn't make it guys. I got hung up at my friends band practice.
[Sep 16,2004 10:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Epicurean was the worst band ever.
[Sep 16,2004 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why is the time like 8 minutes off on this site?
[Sep 16,2004 10:23am - RustedAngel ""]
why was epicurean the worst band ever?
[Sep 16,2004 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
sloppy, mundane drumming, boring unoriginal riffs, bland and aggravating vocals, bands like this should skip Boston on their stupid tours because there is no room for mall goth metal in the Boston scene.
[Sep 16,2004 10:52am - succubus ""]
the cockl is a little fast...aaron is supposed to fix it
[Sep 16,2004 10:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am wicked pissed about how lame epicurean was. Argghhh
[Sep 16,2004 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
summit: "we're the assholes you heard about" that how they started their set. I would have to disagree (as they did later in their set) cause they are some of the nicest people. they only played 4 songs cause they have a new drummer. the new drummer started off awesome. the kick was so nice and punchy. it was a step up form the last drummer, but after the first song, he seemed to loose speed and the drums got really soft sounding. they played bass-less this show too. The growling vox reminds me a lot of the singer for agalloch; very low and subtle. makes me think they should use 2 different mics for growls and clean vox. I

teratism: the wednesday night terrorists laid a trail of napalm down for everyone. for some reason, they are still too cool for a bass-player. most would-be femme bassist for them end up running in fear from these 3-single swordsmen. I'd say the funnist part of the set was scott's confession of their collective football obsession, calling 9/11 the "week without football". they played a short set with one new song and one encore. the new song (I forget the title) sounded great like their other stuff, but it still needs some practice time, the drums sounded a bit off. though it actually made the drumming in the next song sound so much more amazing. They claim on the 8th they will release the new CD, but by that time, they will probably have a new set by then.

epicurean: some of their riffs were decent. they had 6 members cluttering up the stage, including a new female bassist for joenc to stalk. I'm not sure how they sound on cd, but live, there were some goth elements, some black metal, and some of the synths sounded like bleeding through. I wasn't too crazy about the cleanish vocals, a lot of the times the clean into screeming reminded me of inflames.

cryptic warning: these guys shredded hard, fingers moving so fast people are in awe. I thought the drumming got so much better than before. very tight and fast. typically, I don't notice bassists, but with a 3 piece it comes out. he switched over to a 1970's bass in the middle and it was a big deal, I guess.. I don't really know anything about those "instrument" things so I was lost. The new tracks sounded a lot more like earlier morbid angel. great stuff, I can't wait to get the new cd when it comes out.. I think they said around xmas.
[Sep 16,2004 11:53am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Review Time:

*Summit - got there late and 100% missed them

*Teratism - When I did arrive, Teratism was halfway into their set. I couldn't understand why Terrorized gave them a bad review, then I later found out that's a totally different Teratism from Minnesota. That opened my eyes. One of the band members, Rob I think, has a wicked sweet Cannibal Corpse baby skeleton as a tattoo and was wearing a Deeds Of Flesh shirt. I think this made me bias towards the music, but I remember them being good if I factor that stuff out. Joe told me they didn't have a bass player and I had to double check cause they cranked. Way to go!

*Epicurean - I really wouldn't say worst band ever. I couldn't understand why none of them moved and they were touring from halfway across america...I really think before a band tours they should resolve to let the passion flow a little bit more. Too reserved as far as stage presence. The bass player was REALLY hot (in my opinion) but when she spoke she had a think Minnesota accent which was CRAZY. They seemed really nice when they talked to me, but from what I assertained they were rather finiky and somewhat immature about some things...I didn't experience it first hand so I neglect to comment. BUT, the music was, in the end, a poppier version of Soilwork and Children of Bodom. The guitar player on the left was REALLY good and had active pickups installed on his Gibson Les Paul. Not the best band of the night, not the worst band I've ever heard -- more middle ground than anything else. I won't criticize, I know that much.

*Cryptic Warning -- YES! Hi-five Jess! that's two shows in a row where she's introduced me to AWESOME thrash. If you haven't seen CW, skip listening to a demo and just go straight to check them out live. It's so much fun, it's like Bones Brigade as a three piece, but more moshy. For fans of old thrash, and even fans of crossover and hardcore. I can see this band playing with lots of different styled groups. 18 year old kids playing Suicidal Tendencies, SOD, Slayer...type stuff...it's hard to explain the influence they show off. If you hear them, you'll get it and be like "WHOA THERE ARE STILL BANDS LIKE THAT??! KILLER!" cause it's like total basement show thrash but with SICK SICK solos and pretty good tightness. A+ for the evening.

That is my review for the evening. Some hot babes in the house aside from that Epicurean girl so it was a feast for the ears AND the eyes. And Aaron was on the mark with his humor, as was Blue. It was like a little party! I'm glad I was at a show with Blue when neither of us were playing so we could just hang out.
[Sep 16,2004 1:25pm - multipass ""]
Suspension of Graces is looking for shows. We're a melodic hardcore influenced metal band, with similarities pertaining to Unearth and Beyond the Sixth Seal, among others. We have a new demo being recorded in december, as well as our full length from last year. A new site will be up, and tshirts are in the process.

We need shows!! Our sound is killer, and we know you'll love us if you here us. If anyone, anywhere reads this, and has any sort of connection that will get us anything... let us know. SuspensionOfGraces@yahoo.com

"Suspension of Graces are one of the many bands attempting to cross the blackened veins of traditional heavy metal, melodic death metal and the newest evolutions of hardcore into one freight train of sound. Thankfully for the SoG boys, they have done so with a considerable amount of success, in comparison to many of the other bands doing this sort of thing. This record stands as fiercely unpretentious, wonderfully produced and hammered together with one hell of a mix to boot. The band doesn't miss a moment as musicians either with slashing guitars, pounding drums and a thick-and-meaty bass tone. The only "weak spot" could be seen in the form of the vocals that represent a quality, but commonly used form. The singer is doing everything right, but with the common usage of this "hardcore voice" it might be slightly harder for one to tell him apart from a few other popular singers. This is a minor notice though, as even he performs excellently alongside his band and does deliver the pissed off goods when it's needed.

These men are also moving well as songwriters. This recording doesn't bear massive quality shifts from song to song and the overall feeling is cohesive and advanced. The strongest moments on this CD include the opening blasts of "Frail" (easily the strongest work on the record) and the sliding guitar work on "Destroyer of Demons". Musically, the rest follows suit with the pounding beats and slithering guitar providing a somewhat hellish soundtrack to the vocals/lyrics. The lyrics alone are intelligent without falling into the category of "emo poetry" and this makes the working class feel of the entire affair even more important. It brings the thought put into the writing to a earthy and reflective enough place to impress the fan skeptical of the intellectual worth of heavy metal (without leaving behind those who just want to crush each other into the pit). SoG have managed to cobble together songs that not only catch the ear once, but can also be explored on more than one level. This is a rare thing indeed.

The band may find trouble getting the attention they deserve due to their "normal dude" stance and the low-key nature with which this record explodes. It's almost so honest that you can't see them playing "the game" of the industry. If you're into the crossover of the newer forms of hardcore and the thrashing vibe of melodic death metal you'd be missing out NOT to pick up this CD.

I give a solid "thumbs up" to this one..."

Aerik Von, of Black Moon Rising

[Sep 16,2004 1:27pm - multipass ""]
[Sep 16,2004 1:28pm - multipass ""]
[Sep 16,2004 1:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
metalcore bands are banned from Boston
[Sep 16,2004 3:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
Summitt - sorry i missed you guys!
Teratism - fuck caught the last two songs, great as usual, good luck with the new bass player, i worked with him at spooky world he's a good shit.
Epicurean - not my cup of tea but good enough to inspire me to check them out on cd. they said they were up for 3 days and had no sleep so that's why they were dead on stage. sound was really good for them though. yes, the bass player was very beautiful, it was another cinderella story. vocals were wicked metalcore i thought. nonetheless i enjoyed the music.
cryptic warning - fuckin a. these boys get better every time. i was blown away just sitting in front of them watching them shred. this band has so much potential. they are a blast to watch. so much energy. i love seeing people with short hair bang they're heads harder than people with long hair. excellent set. looking forward to the cd!!
i brought a buddy out to the show. some of you might have met him, his name is Scotty or you can call him Wolfman. he's a good shit, goes to school at NU, you might see him around more on his own, hopefully.
[Sep 16,2004 3:43pm - succubus ""]
josh..i missed your call!
[Sep 16,2004 4:51pm - lady_czerach ""]
A mini-review, because you can never have enough...

*Summit -- I'll always be biased since Dan is my best friend, but I'd have to say this was their worst performance that I've seen. Mark (bassist) quit the band a week or so ago and Ben (the drummer) is brand new. They need to tighten up a lot, but I was happy to hear a new song.

*Teratism -- Best band of the night, possibly my new favorite local band. I brought my non-metal co-workers and they all loved these guys.

*Epicurean -- Honestly, I thought they rocked. I like gothy stuff so this was my kind of band. But they got mad at me because they didn't get as much money as their label manager had promised them. I gave them 100% of the door and they bitched and whined. So fuck them.

*Cryptic Warning -- My first time hearing them. Awesome set!! Really cool guys, too. Unfortunately I only caught the last two songs because I was outside trying to calm down about how mad Epicurean made me.

Thanks everyone for playing and attending! The turnout was less than what I expected, but I think people had fun anyway.
[Sep 16,2004 4:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
Epicurean sounds gay...
[Sep 16,2004 5:01pm - Hooker ""]
You gave one band 100% of the door? Fuck that bullshit. They should be castrated.
[Sep 16,2004 5:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
I wouldn't have given them that much, it's not like you'd book them again anyways.... would you?

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