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3-31 @ COYOTE UGLY: Final Lineup (I hope)

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Mar 24,2005 10:25pm - norwellbob ""]

It's only a week away! I really think this is going to be a great show, so I hope all you crazy kids can make it.

I talked to the guy who usually books shows at Coyote... he seemed pretty cool and laid back... we ended up shooting the shit for over an hour about music and gigging, etc. In any event, he doesn't have any problem booking different kinds of bands as long as there'll be a good turnout.

That means IF A LOT OF PEOPLE SHOW UP NEXT WEEK, THE DOOR WILL BE OPEN FOR MORE OF US. So, who knows, maybe this won't be the last time anybody like us plays there... but if the turnout sucks, you can bet your ass we won't get invited back. He told me there are like 200 bands that are constantly on him for gigs there. This is a cosmic stroke of luck for us... let's take advantage of it.

PS - is this flyer less-gay, Mary?

[Mar 24,2005 10:42pm - anonymous  ""]
are the gunmen headlining or opening?
[Mar 24,2005 10:58pm - Mary ""]
Yes. It is "less-gay", but now it's boring. Thumbs up.
[Mar 24,2005 11:28pm - norwellbob ""]
anonymous said:are the gunmen headlining or opening?

Probably going on second. I believe B&R will draw better than we, so we'll let them take all the glory.

But you fucks ought to show up anyway.
[Mar 24,2005 11:29pm - norwellbob ""]
Mary said:Yes. It is "less-gay", but now it's boring. Thumbs up.

Madam, I'll refer you to the ample breastidges at the top of the page.
[Mar 25,2005 9:48am - killerkadoogan ""]
make sure jeff doesnt get too excited over the girls or he may have a heart attack
[Mar 25,2005 11:19am - SuperFly ""]
I'm charging up my pace-maker as we speak.
[Mar 25,2005 11:34am - killerkadoogan ""]
good to know you're prepared
[Mar 25,2005 2:24pm - anonymous  ""]
fuckin a Boston, come out to this show! Imagine, a place to play shows where the staff is hot women, not ugly slobs like Obriens.
[Mar 25,2005 2:56pm - SuperFly ""]
I hear that!
[Mar 26,2005 5:59pm - BestialOnslaught ""]

I just put this on the events calendar
[Mar 27,2005 11:44am - pessimistnli  ""]
this is gonna be a classic
[Mar 28,2005 2:02am - Bradness ""]
Old men with guns killing rats that are eating bugs.
[Mar 28,2005 2:15am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
rock and roll !
[Mar 30,2005 12:09pm - SuperFly ""]
One more day until the fun begins!
[Mar 30,2005 12:19pm - norwellbob ""]
new lineup (sigh):

Exploding Christ
The Old Men
The Gunmen
The Gunmen doing a bunch of covers
[Mar 30,2005 12:25pm - killerkadoogan ""]
fuckin a
[Mar 30,2005 12:44pm - SuperFly ""]
this is going to rule.
[Mar 30,2005 12:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
my feelings have been crushed, i'm gonna listen to the Smith's and wonder why people like them so much.
[Mar 30,2005 12:59pm - norwellbob ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:my feelings have been crushed, i'm gonna listen to the Smith's and wonder why people like them so much.

Yeah, man, sorry... I meant to write you back last night and fell asleep...

I think you guys would be just a little too much for this place, and the guy might end up shutting the whole night down, not knowing any of us. Worry not, though, we'll play together soon.


P.S. - People like the Smiths because they're big gay homos.
[Mar 30,2005 1:00pm - norwellbob ""]
SuperFly said:this is going to rule.

Jeff, I don't have your addy in front of me... drop me an email asap: bob@gunmenrock.us

[Mar 30,2005 1:01pm - SuperFly ""]
HEY 'LIL BEN, I hope they let you in. I was just on their web site and it said no one under 21 allowed.
[Mar 30,2005 1:03pm - norwellbob ""]
SuperFly said:HEY 'LIL BEN, I hope they let you in. I was just on their web site and it said no one under 21 allowed.

They will for the purposes of playing... not sure if they'll be able to hang around afterwards... maybe.
[Mar 30,2005 1:13pm - SuperFly ""]
[Mar 30,2005 1:33pm - Boots wtf  ""]
this show is gonna be great. i'm gonna bring a dead coyote and throw it on stage at Mark!
[Mar 30,2005 3:29pm - killerkadoogan ""]
it sucks i wont get to watch the old/gunmen, but it'll be a grand old time regardless
[Mar 30,2005 3:54pm - Bradness ""]
[Mar 30,2005 3:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i shall be in attendance.
[Mar 30,2005 3:56pm - norwellbob ""]
Bradness said:men

Brad's got the fever.
[Mar 30,2005 3:57pm - SuperFly ""]
[Mar 30,2005 3:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
disrupt covers...........?
[Mar 30,2005 4:13pm - SuperFly ""]
maybe, we're jamming tonight, I'll ask them.
[Mar 30,2005 4:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
you know im gonna bug you to do it either way, right?
[Mar 30,2005 4:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DISRUPT !!!!!!!!
[Mar 30,2005 4:28pm - SuperFly ""]
your wish is my command.
[Mar 30,2005 4:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
sweet, thats why your the man
[Mar 30,2005 4:31pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i am so there !
[Mar 30,2005 4:33pm - Boots ""]
[Mar 30,2005 4:34pm - SuperFly ""]
KeithMutiny said:sweet, thats why your the man

thats why i'm the OLD MAN. ha!:doublehorns:
[Mar 30,2005 4:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Mar 30,2005 4:37pm - SuperFly ""]
KeithMutiny said:

[Mar 30,2005 4:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
now im excited... this is gonna be fucking awsome, and im takin friday off, woo!
[Mar 30,2005 4:49pm - Boots ""]
KeithMutiny said:now im excited... this is gonna be fucking awsome, and im takin friday off, woo!

I did the same. :NEWHORNS::duffbeer::satancross::NEWHORNS::duffbeer::satancross:
[Mar 30,2005 4:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'm unemployed so everyday is friday !
[Mar 31,2005 9:27am - SuperFly ""]
only a few more hours.
[Mar 31,2005 9:35am - norwellbob ""]

Now if we could just find Nick....
[Mar 31,2005 9:44am - Mary ""]
norwellbob said:Bradness said:men

Brad's got the fever.

Funny that you should say that. Brad is getting sick again. So you've lost your drummer for the night. :NEWHORNS:

[Mar 31,2005 12:36pm - killerkadoogan ""]
wait, really?

that would suck ballsack
[Mar 31,2005 12:52pm - norwellbob ""]
Nah, she jests.

She likes to fuck with me because she secretly loves the Gunmen.
[Mar 31,2005 1:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i think i just shit myself, who's got Charmin !
[Mar 31,2005 1:13pm - killerkadoogan ""]
oh ok.

not that i'm gonna be able to watch your guys' set anyway, there's just been so many setbacks with this show already that bradness falling ill is the last thing we need.
[Mar 31,2005 1:16pm - norwellbob ""]
I think he might actually be getting sick, but he's a trooper.

I wasn't kidding about having to find Nick though.
[Mar 31,2005 1:20pm - killerkadoogan ""]
oh i believe the nick thing

good luck with that.
[Mar 31,2005 1:56pm - SuperFly ""]
so, who's going to get lucky tonight and hook up with one of the UGLY CHICS?
[Mar 31,2005 1:58pm - norwellbob ""]
My money's on the first guy to piss his pants.

It's happening.
[Mar 31,2005 2:45pm - shatteredliz ""]
I cannot miss this!
[Mar 31,2005 2:46pm - SuperFly ""]
[Mar 31,2005 2:56pm - paganmegan ""]
I would like to attend this but fate is working against me right now

[Mar 31,2005 2:58pm - SuperFly ""]
this is your FATE!!!
[Mar 31,2005 2:59pm - paganmegan ""]
What is?
[Mar 31,2005 3:01pm - SuperFly ""]
going to this show, everyone must attend
[Mar 31,2005 3:03pm - paganmegan ""]
I need to rock out and get wasted
[Mar 31,2005 3:04pm - SuperFly ""]
then this is the perfect outlet for you.
[Mar 31,2005 3:07pm - paganmegan ""]
I'm gonna attempt to make it
[Mar 31,2005 3:07pm - paganmegan ""]
What time is exploding christ going on?
[Mar 31,2005 3:08pm - SuperFly ""]
[Mar 31,2005 3:18pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i will actually be on time for this show... looking for beer, sex, and disrupt covers... fuckin right....

i know for a fact ill get beer, hopefully covers, but doubtfully sex.. haha
[Mar 31,2005 3:24pm - KeithMutiny ""]
know what i was just thinkin on the ride home...

most of those type of places (college preppy shit bars) have dress codes and stuf, imagine if they tried to say that tonight...

[Mar 31,2005 3:52pm - SuperFly ""]
I went on their web site and didn't see anything about dress codes or anything like that,
[Mar 31,2005 3:54pm - KeithMutiny ""]
if there was, youd see a fight at the door before the show even started
[Mar 31,2005 3:58pm - Mary ""]
Brad is taking a nap. He seriously feels like shit. And Nick is still M.I.A.
[Mar 31,2005 4:54pm - SuperFly ""]
adios amigos, see you all tonight.
[Mar 31,2005 6:31pm - Bradness ""]
we found Nick. He took a quick 3 day vaca in Spain, did some bullfighting. I coughed up something yellow,green and gooey with brown spots, i feel pretty!
[Apr 1,2005 3:30am - KeithMutiny ""]
all the cool kids were there.... WHERE WERE YOU!!???!?!?!?!?!/11/1/?!?!?!
[Apr 1,2005 7:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
That was an awesome time, kudos to norwell bob and the hot bartendar with the black top and big hat.
[Apr 1,2005 8:04am - SuperFly ""]
Last night was the balls, the old men had a hell of a time. I feel really old this morning, or that could just be my hangover talking. Thanks to gunman bob for hooking up the show. I got free drinks all night, I actually only paid for one. A message for all you kiddies, always take care of your bartender!!! Exploding Christ was great, as were the GunMen, I thought the 3 bands were a good fit for the show. I guess I should start working, so I will shut the fuck up. Penguin boxing!!!!!
[Apr 1,2005 8:05am - SuperFly ""]
she's the one who gave me free drinks.
all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 1,2005 8:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
SuperFly said:she's the one who gave me free drinks.
all night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

same here, though it was coke, the other lady and those guys charged me 2 bucks per soda, but Melissa (i am on a first name basis with her now) kept hooking me up.
[Apr 1,2005 8:09am - shatteredliz ""]
Great show guys! I have to say, the place was different than I thought it would be. It was funny to watch people walk in, then get scared and leave.
[Apr 1,2005 8:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If those people got scared by a rock show, imagine if there was a metal show going on.
[Apr 1,2005 8:12am - SuperFly ""]
'lil joe and 'lil melissa, has a nice ring to it. the other chic was a bitch, she's the one who had the NERVE to charge me for 1 drink.
[Apr 1,2005 8:12am - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah! I can't imagine!
[Apr 1,2005 8:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
SuperFly said:'lil joe and 'lil melissa, has a nice ring to it. the other chic was a bitch, she's the one who had the NERVE to charge me for 1 drink.

I am only known as 'lil joe where it counts :spineyes:
[Apr 1,2005 8:16am - SuperFly ""]
thats more than I need to know.
[Apr 1,2005 8:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
SuperFly said:thats more than I need to know.

You seemed to care alot the other night when you were trying on those dresses
[Apr 1,2005 8:18am - SuperFly ""]
eat me
[Apr 1,2005 8:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I emailed the place about doing a metal show, just to see what happens.
[Apr 1,2005 8:22am - norwellbob ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I emailed the place about doing a metal show, just to see what happens.

If they could slap you via email, that's what would happen.

I'm still shaking the cobwebs off... I'll post later about what I remember, highlights, etc.

[Apr 1,2005 8:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Didn't you tell me that they said they were open to nearly anything as long as it there was no problems?
[Apr 1,2005 8:40am - norwellbob ""]
Yeah... however, as we were breaking down last night, I jokingly said to that kid Russ, "So, should we start making arrangements for our next gig here?" and he replied, "They would KILL me."

I dunno, got a lot of conflicting information about the place, depending on who I talked to. Oh, and he was completely and utterly skeeved about the urinal cake.

Now that I think about it, so am I. *shudder* It..... touched me...
[Apr 1,2005 8:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well, I will see what happens.
[Apr 1,2005 9:02am - SuperFly ""]
urinal cake? is that anything like coffee cake?
[Apr 1,2005 9:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
SuperFly said:urinal cake? is that anything like coffee cake?

Try some and find out.
[Apr 1,2005 9:13am - Boots ""]
[Apr 1,2005 11:01am - KeithMutiny ""]
id like to state for the record, both the bar tenders were ugly, and i didnt get hooked up for shit.
[Apr 1,2005 11:09am - SuperFly ""]
Thats cause YOU SUCK!
[Apr 1,2005 11:10am - KeithMutiny ""]
isnt that gunmen song, did anyone ever tell you how 40 you are? about you?
[Apr 1,2005 11:12am - SuperFly ""]
thats a fucking cheap shot!
[Apr 1,2005 11:13am - KeithMutiny ""]
there was nothing cheap about the shots last night...
[Apr 1,2005 11:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think Melissa was hot, not too keen on the other one.
[Apr 1,2005 11:16am - KeithMutiny ""]
she was the better of the females... in the bar in general.. but i still wasnt diggin her
[Apr 1,2005 11:16am - SuperFly ""]
[Apr 1,2005 11:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you guys must enjoy the company of men
[Apr 1,2005 11:19am - KeithMutiny ""]
im a snot
[Apr 1,2005 11:23am - SuperFly ""]
I am on your side with that one joe, its just that ass keith got his in before me.
[Apr 1,2005 11:25am - KeithMutiny ""]
hey, i have a nice ass, thank you
[Apr 1,2005 11:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh okay, well it's good to know keith is the only raging homosexual in the 'scene'
[Apr 1,2005 11:27am - KeithMutiny ""]
i saw way hotter chicks at the model after, and got 2 free zippos by dooping the girls there.
[Apr 1,2005 11:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Mark Kevorkian doesn't count as a hot girl, no matter how drunk you get.
[Apr 1,2005 11:36am - SuperFly ""]
I got a free zippo last night too, it was from my drummer though.
[Apr 1,2005 11:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha that scumbag, he thought some girl gave it to him cuz she liked him and then i told him some dude was giving them out for free and that broad probably got it from that zippo guy. he was devastated
[Apr 1,2005 11:40am - KeithMutiny ""]
HAHAHAHA, at least when i got mine it was from 2 chicks, not some dude, i dont remember if they were cute, or i was drunk
[Apr 1,2005 11:41am - SuperFly ""]
poor rick, you had to burst his bubble.
[Apr 1,2005 11:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
tell Rick I am sorry!
[Apr 1,2005 11:57am - norwellbob ""]
I want to know how the other bands managed to play their whole sets and not knock those monitors over.

Monitors belong on floors, not stands.
[Apr 1,2005 11:59am - SuperFly ""]
I'm too old to knock stuff over
[Apr 1,2005 12:00pm - killerkadoogan ""]
i had a great time, and i got to stay inside.

the old men were bad ass. sorry we stole your mosquito hating song, and tell rick i said thanks for letting me use his kit.

the gunmen fuckin ruled for the 20 minutes i saw of their set before having to leave and catch the last train back to lowell. thank you bob for getting us on at the last second and what not.
[Apr 1,2005 12:05pm - SuperFly ""]
no problem 'lil ben, you guys were great. reminded me of a lot of the old shit I used to listen to.
[Apr 1,2005 12:13pm - killerkadoogan ""]
sweet. and thanks for the use of the halfstack as well, sir.
[Apr 1,2005 12:21pm - SuperFly ""]
any time.
[Apr 1,2005 12:30pm - norwellbob ""]
Yeah, I just realized I really didn't talk to the guys from Exploding Christ... sorry, wasn't being snobby or anything, I was still trying to put names to faces (I suck at that, sometimes I'll have to meet you 3 or 4 times before I recognize you)... and kinda running around dealing with shit at the place.

Also drinking.

Exploding Christ was really great, it's amazing what just two guys can do! Thanks for doing the show on such short notice, and hopefully we can do it again sometime.
[Apr 1,2005 12:31pm - norwellbob ""]
Also, the Old Men were fucking awesome. Really looking forward to playing with you guys again next month.

[Apr 1,2005 12:59pm - killerkadoogan ""]
thank you sir, and dont worry about not talking to us.

we get that a lot.
[Apr 1,2005 12:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
killerkadoogan said:thank you sir, and dont worry about not talking to us.

we get that a lot.

shut up and get back in your cage
[Apr 1,2005 1:01pm - paganmegan ""]
You keep Ben in a cage?
[Apr 1,2005 1:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yes, why, do you need him for something?
[Apr 1,2005 1:03pm - paganmegan ""]
haha no, keep him in his cage
[Apr 1,2005 1:05pm - SuperFly ""]
its fun getting him mad when you poke him with a stick through the bars
[Apr 1,2005 2:21pm - SuperFly ""]
I am officially dead on my feet.
[Apr 1,2005 2:47pm - norwellbob ""]
OK, may as well give a little review of the show...
The crowd was a little underwhelming considering the number of people who told me they were "definitely going"... you'd think I would have learned by now. I kept hoping to see more people come in as the show wore on, but to my disappointment, not many did.

So much for us getting another gig there, I guess. Oh well.

Exploding Christ was great... I really enjoyed their set a lot. Even the guy who works the board (Russ) was getting a kick out of it, and from my phone conversations with him he struck me as a little on the more-PC side. They did a great job paving the road for the rest of the night. Good job guys, let's do it again sometime.

The Old Men were excellent... this is the first I'd heard them, and I'm looking forward to playing with them again next month. Straight-forward rock, great leads, great vocals, there is a lot to like there. For the record, Jeff don't look that "old". *shrug* You guys need to commit some of your stuff to tape so I can have a copy. Maybe we could do a split? The "Men" split.

I thought our own set started off OK but I could sense my own playing deteriorate quickly... also knocking shit over. Yay alcohol. FWIW, a few people said, "no, you guys all sounded great", so hopefully that's true. I really am not in love with that stage; felt very cramped and I was standing on a shitload of wires and cables. Also, those monitors are not for me... give me a good (or even shitty) floor monitor over those things any day. Something I can put my foot on and look like the cock-rocker I am. Cock. We rolled through our set and, for some reason, were asked to play Homicide again. I love that song, but wasn't aware it was a crowd favorite. Then we did a bunch of covers... Yakuza/Samurai, which we usually do, then I think we tried to do Bite It You Scum... did we get all the way through that? Then some Misfits... Blitzkrieg... then we got shut off or something. It all gets foggy.

It was cool meeting some of you guys and putting faces to the names, hope you guys enjoy your demos, and had a good time. It wasn't quite the bash I was hoping for... it was more like any of our other gigs we've done in the past, but it was a nice change of venue, and now I can say, "yeah, I played Coyote Ugly".

Anybody who wants to check out some pics from last night can see them here:

[Apr 1,2005 2:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i was listening to the demo last night, i like it
[Apr 1,2005 4:42pm - SuperFly ""]
This old fart is going home to crash. Thanks again to all who came, played and Bob for hooking it up. Until monday...
[Apr 1,2005 4:50pm - killerkadoogan ""]
i didnt realize there were demos to be had
[Apr 1,2005 4:51pm - killerkadoogan ""]
greatest picture ever:


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