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Bombs found in Boston

[Feb 1,2007 5:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I hope they give these people the chair. Adult Swim is for faggots.
[Feb 1,2007 5:19pm - brian_dc ""]
they could make the argument that, "Hey, we let the terrorists in last time. So we have to be extra careful." But then why still have the entire city shut down after they knew that the things weren't dangerous. I don't know, I'm kind of growing tired of the whole debate.
[Feb 1,2007 7:13pm - thuringwethil ""]
I'm sad it hadn't been for Metalocalypse
[Feb 1,2007 8:30pm - the_reverend ""]
kevord's south park comment is spot on... when is the next new sp on?
[Feb 1,2007 10:32pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:kevord's south park comment is spot on... when is the next new sp on?

Hahaha South Park can't not make an episode about this. I bet they're working on it already.
[Feb 1,2007 10:38pm - xmikex ""]
brian_dc said:they could make the argument that, "Hey, we let the terrorists in last time. So we have to be extra careful." But then why still have the entire city shut down after they knew that the things weren't dangerous. I don't know, I'm kind of growing tired of the whole debate.

I think people are over-reacting to Boston's reaction. People are making it out to seem like the city came to a stand still over this, and it was complete anarchy. I work right next to the medical center that was evacuated. We didn't even know about this until almost 4:00 in the afternoon. I was also able to go from the south end to brookline and back to Quincy after that without any delays. I dunno. I think people just like to point fingers sometimes.
[Feb 1,2007 10:41pm - retzam ""]
I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was more fuss in the media than in the city.
[Feb 2,2007 1:00am - Greg D  ""]
If I can be so bold right now.

I need to say this.

[Feb 2,2007 1:17am - brian_dc ""]
retzam said:I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was more fuss in the media than in the city.

well, obviously
[Feb 2,2007 8:29am - hungtableed  ""]
word has it is that the hippie kid with the dreads who was charged with this bologna is an illegal alien. I say we SEND HIM PACKING! Like Martha Stewart, we should make an example of this degenerate.
[Feb 2,2007 8:33am - BobNOMAAMROoney nli  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I hope they give these people the chair. Adult Swim is for faggots.

[Feb 2,2007 8:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Menino wants a million $$. what a fucknut.
[Feb 2,2007 8:45am - the_reverend ""]
I'm sick of hearing about this now.
[Feb 2,2007 10:10am - HailAtWork  ""]
Menino needs to go sit in the corner and wear a fucking dunce hat.
[Feb 2,2007 10:33am - sxealex nli  ""]
peter is not illegal... he has been hear for over 10 years
[Feb 2,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
this really is absurd. we all know 9/11 was a terrible thing, but i'm really sick and fucking tired of people using that as an excuse to overreact. "unthinkable in this post 9/11 world". bullshit.
[Feb 2,2007 10:41am - W3 nli  ""]
so we had B.C., A.D. and now the Post 9/11 years

wow, cant we all just watch the Wonder Years and hold hands.
[Feb 2,2007 10:49am - ariavette ""]
this is such an outrage.. the fact that ppl THOUGHT they were bombs is fucking irrelevant... they WEREN'T.. they were freaking toys... how can ppl be prosecuted in this day and age for other ppl thinking they did something wrong? if they had been bombs.. yeah.. send em to jail. but they weren't.. what charges do they face? misunderstanding.?!
you can go to jail for that now?!
i really hope they get off without jailtime or massive fee's and continue making the show.. anyone who thinks they should go to jail.. for a stupid marketing gimmick is an uptight douche...
[Feb 2,2007 10:50am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'd better lay low for a few days, many ladies have told me my wang is a weapon of mass destruction and I wouldn't want the BPD to mistakenly blow my junk up.
[Feb 2,2007 10:55am - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:I'm sick of hearing about this now.

[Feb 2,2007 12:12pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
ariavette said:this is such an outrage.. the fact that ppl THOUGHT they were bombs is fucking irrelevant... they WEREN'T.. they were freaking toys... how can ppl be prosecuted in this day and age for other ppl thinking they did something wrong? if they had been bombs.. yeah.. send em to jail. but they weren't.. what charges do they face? misunderstanding.?!
you can go to jail for that now?!
i really hope they get off without jailtime or massive fee's and continue making the show.. anyone who thinks they should go to jail.. for a stupid marketing gimmick is an uptight douche...

thats exactly the point. people dont go to jail when someone else calls the cops and goes "OMG THAT GUY HAS A GUN!!!!!!" and then the cops come arrest him and find out that there was no gun and his huge outdated cellphone was actually the "gun". they let him go. why does this have to be any different?
[Feb 2,2007 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 2,2007 12:55pm - xmikex ""]
I hope they get life in prison. Just because it will make a lot of people mad.
[Feb 2,2007 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 2,2007 1:12pm - dertoxia ""]
i like how the boston police want money for them "wasting their time". isn't their job supposed to be to protect and serve? isn't that why they get paid in tax dollars? it's like when someones on the edge of a building and is about to jump and the police talk them down...the first thing they do is sue them for the money it took to get them down and they arrest them. but it's their job to help. it's like they feel like they aren't obligated to help anymore and they should get extra money when they actually do something.

also.....the news footage of the guys talking about hairstyles is completely rediculous. i really wish i saw it live. it makes it so much better that it was on fox too. i love it when people do outrageous stuff of live tv.
[Feb 2,2007 1:46pm - sxealex ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

neverforget....to go to the gym
[Feb 2,2007 1:53pm - HailAtWork  ""]
dertoxia said:i like how the boston police want money for them "wasting their time". isn't their job supposed to be to protect and serve? isn't that why they get paid in tax dollars? it's like when someones on the edge of a building and is about to jump and the police talk them down...the first thing they do is sue them for the money it took to get them down and they arrest them. but it's their job to help. it's like they feel like they aren't obligated to help anymore and they should get extra money when they actually do something.

Pretty much, how about suing the Boston Police for wasting everyone's time by shutting down bridges and roads over what was obviously a sign...
[Feb 2,2007 2:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
i bet someones making stickers and sticking them all over town
[Feb 2,2007 3:04pm - xmikex ""]
dertoxia said:i like how the boston police want money for them "wasting their time". isn't their job supposed to be to protect and serve? isn't that why they get paid in tax dollars? it's like when someones on the edge of a building and is about to jump and the police talk them down...the first thing they do is sue them for the money it took to get them down and they arrest them. but it's their job to help. it's like they feel like they aren't obligated to help anymore and they should get extra money when they actually do something.

correct me if I'm wrong (this is hardly my expertise) but I believe the state is given a certain amount of money to deal with emergencies... like this was thought to be. The resources it took to respond to this probably took a bite out of those funds. If next week somebody (God forbid) did setoff a bunch of bombs in Boston and the state ended up running out of emergency funds because we pissed them all away on the Aqua Teen hoax I think we'd all be singing a different tune.
[Feb 2,2007 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
hypothetically yes.
[Feb 2,2007 4:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hungtableed said:word has it is that the hippie kid with the dreads who was charged with this bologna is an illegal alien. I say we SEND HIM PACKING! Like Martha Stewart, we should make an example of this degenerate.

rumor has it your sources are full of shit. Dude's a citizen now. He's a pretty awesome dude, and this is just a bunch of people trying to save face after they bugged out.
[Feb 2,2007 4:20pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 2,2007 5:12pm - xmikex ""]
sxealex said:the_reverend said:[img]

neverforget....to go to the gym

Gunts Up!
[Feb 3,2007 3:54am - adamtimenli  ""]
i think that girl's myspace name is xfrontbuttx.

or at least it should be.
[Jan 31,2017 5:33pm - Shutup_master shake  ""]
Look at all these faggets.

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