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What is RTTP's stance on Deafheaven?

[Jul 24,2011 2:05am - anon and on  ""]
I'm listening for the very first time.
[Jul 24,2011 2:07am - Spaldino  ""]
replace "Liturgy" with "Deafheaven" in this video

[Jul 24,2011 2:09am - anon and on  ""]
bm dudes don't make out. I've never heard Liturgy til just now and I like Deafheaven better. AM I WRONG?
[Jul 24,2011 2:20am - goatcatalyst ""]
Cool but not "black metal" in any traditional sense. Inspired, sure...
[Jul 24,2011 2:33am - anon and on  ""]
The tags on last.fm have lied to me. I dig it.
[Jul 24,2011 3:00am - Spaldino  ""]
echo/reverb post rock guitar line + garbage blasts + dissonant black metal chords + hipster douches = Deafheaven
[Jul 24,2011 3:43am - Alx_Casket ""]
Their singer needs to sing into the mic more during their show. Decent stuff otherwise.
[Jul 24,2011 3:56am - goatcatalyst ""]
You forgot $400 Bloomingdales gift card
[Jul 24,2011 5:09am - Spaldino  ""]
makes me want to drink some masala chai with milk and honey
[Jul 24,2011 11:00am - arilliusbm ""]
what spaldino said. I can't reall get into this shit.
Only Cold Body Radiation is real.
[Jul 24,2011 11:24am - chriskar  ""]

Spaldino said:echo/reverb post rock guitar line + garbage blasts + dissonant black metal chords + hipster douches = Deafheaven

surprise! i love deafheaven, really nice dudes and have shown a ton of support for Vattnet(also surprise to you guys im sure)..also...they dont claim to be black metal at all and never have, so they're not stepping on your elite turf.

[Jul 24,2011 12:10pm - burnsy ""]
Great band.
[Jul 24,2011 12:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 24,2011 2:23pm - Lamp nli  ""]
My friend's grind band played with them in New Haven. All the hipsters hated the fuck out of them, pretty much.

I've never listened to Deafheaven and probably won't bother ever.
[Jul 24,2011 2:28pm - Archaeon ""]
I listen to them. Therefore they are not cool.
[Jul 24,2011 3:21pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
If I wanted to listen to black metal on a hardcore label I'll stick with Youth Attack.
[Jul 24,2011 4:04pm - anon and on  ""]

Archaeon said:I listen to them. Therefore they are not cool.

I know you like the faggy pop-punk.
[Jul 24,2011 4:36pm - xmikex ""]
Deafheaven is corny cookie cutter shit for people who think Doom Riders is stoner rock to listen to and think Deafheaven is atmospheric black metal.

It's a nice transition from thinking Bury Your Dead was hardcore.
[Jul 24,2011 4:39pm - anon and on  ""]

xmikex said:It's a nice transition from thinking Bury Your Dead was hardcore.

[Jul 24,2011 4:44pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:Deafheaven is corny cookie cutter shit for people who think Doom Riders is stoner rock to listen to and think Deafheaven is atmospheric black metal.

It's a nice transition from thinking Bury Your Dead was hardcore.

RTTP needs a like button that you can hit an infinite number of times.
[Jul 24,2011 4:44pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only black metal brought to you by Scion is real.
[Jul 24,2011 4:45pm - Lamp ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:Only Scion brought to you by Scion brought to you by Scion is real.
[Jul 24,2011 4:48pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm just assuming they're on one of those retarded Scion fests or have some sort of relationship with the car company. I don't give a shit if they're nice guys or friends of someone, any band claiming black metal or using black metal influences is a piece of shit for getting involved with Scion et al.
[Jul 24,2011 4:49pm - anon and on  ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:I'm just assuming they're on one of those retarded Scion fests or have some sort of relationship with the car company. I don't give a shit if they're nice guys or friends of someone, any band claiming black metal or using black metal influences is a piece of shit for getting involved with Scion et al.

I'm confused as to how you connected Deafheaven to Scion. Please elaborate.
[Jul 24,2011 4:53pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Because really, how authentic is it to write music reacting negatively to modernity/commodification/western excesses and glomming onto Scion? Self-defeating bullshit, your music is meaningless.
[Jul 24,2011 5:02pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
It's also foolish that the first place people go to in defending bands like this is the ultimately empty statement "lol they're not trying to be kvlt" see that shit everywhere and it's tiresome. I joke about bands like this too but really the issue isn't their fashion, it's that their music just isn't good or original.
[Jul 24,2011 5:05pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
So to recap, trend jumping, unoriginal, bland and devoid of meaning. Copy and repost as necessary in deafheven, krallice, liturgy and Wittr threads.
[Jul 24,2011 5:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 24,2011 5:09pm - anon and on  ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:So to recap, trend jumping, unoriginal, bland and devoid of meaning. Copy and repost as necessary in deafheven, krallice, liturgy and Wittr threads.
Okay, half of your posts are Greek to me because I don't know what this business about Scion is. They sponsor metal shows, I suppose? I know next to nothing about black metal, but came across a post on the innerwebs about this band, listened, and was intrigued. I dig the public discourse though.
[Jul 24,2011 5:14pm - Chriskar  ""]
Scion sponsored liturgy shows, these dudes tie liturgy to deafheaven because they're not cvlt, therefore deafheaven is sponsored by scion. Make sense?
[Jul 24,2011 5:15pm - Chriskar  ""]
Only being sponsored by Volvo is real.
[Jul 24,2011 5:16pm - RustyPS ""]
My take on the whole Scion thing, it's not like Scion is saying "change your sound or you don't get any of our money." Also, it's not like anybody who is in a band wouldn't take money from a company when they're not trying to control your style/image, so I guess I don't understand why Scion and bands that get sponsored by them get vilified for it.

I can't speak on Deafheaven specifically because I have yet to hear them, but it seems foolish to me that bands like Magrudergrind catch shit for linking up with Scion.
[Jul 24,2011 5:18pm - anon and on  ""]

Chriskar said:Scion sponsored liturgy shows, these dudes tie liturgy to deafheaven because they're not cvlt, therefore deafheaven is sponsored by scion. Make sense?
Ahhhhh now I am enlightened. Thing is I gave Liturgy a critical listen...and all I could think about was the South Park episode where Stan gets old and everything sounds like...shit. That was pure awful. Still I liked Deafheaven, and Krallice was eeeeeright. Not earth shattering. Moving on to Wittr now.
[Jul 24,2011 5:19pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Promoting Scion with your anticapitalist grindcore band is the 2010's version of Rage Against the Machine being on Sony. Undercutting the message is real.
[Jul 24,2011 5:22pm - RustyPS ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:Promoting Scion with your anticapitalist grindcore band is the 2010's version of Rage Against the Machine being on Sony. Undercutting the message is real.

That's just taking advantage of the system. If a company is willing to toss you some cash, why not use it to perpetuate your message? What's wrong with that?
[Jul 24,2011 5:23pm - anon and on  ""]

RustyPS said:My take on the whole Scion thing, it's not like Scion is saying "change your sound or you don't get any of our money." Also, it's not like anybody who is in a band wouldn't take money from a company when they're not trying to control your style/image, so I guess I don't understand why Scion and bands that get sponsored by them get vilified for it.

This is what was running through my head when researching the Scion thing. You can't blame a band for wanting to get paid (unless, of course, they have strong anticapitalist sentiments or whatever, then its hypocritical). BUT. I have yet to find any evidence of Deafheaven being linked to Scion, and a read-through of their lyrics didn't turn up anything that would put them at odds with receiving money from a corporation that offered it (if that would come to pass). Deathwish seems like a decent label, as labels go. For a band that only claims to be influenced by bm as opposed to having a frontman who wrote a faggy thesis about redefining/improving the genre entirely, I don't see the justification for lumping them in with Liturgy. But then again, I am new to this shit.
[Jul 24,2011 5:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd suggest starting with Bathory and working your way up to the early 90s and 2nd wave black metal. Dont start off by jumping into the cesspool.
[Jul 24,2011 5:28pm - anon and on  ""]

arilliusbm said:I'd suggest starting with Bathory and working your way up to the early 90s and 2nd wave black metal. Dont start off by jumping into the cesspool.
What qualifies this as the cesspool? Lack of musical skill? Plagiarized sound? Image?
[Jul 24,2011 5:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Everything. If you're looking for "BLACK METAL" then you're reading the wrong book, watching the wrong channel, listening to the wrong bands.
Discover the roots of the sound, then follow the roots to today.
[Jul 24,2011 5:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
If you're looking for that modernized hybrid atmospheric post rock with black metal influence then keep listening to these bands. I know nothing of you, what bands you enjoy, or if you are a ploy to psychologically test rttp's take on this style of metal. Again, if you're looking for "black metal" , discover the roots. Work your way up. Anyone that doesn't listen to 1st and 2nd wave bands just doesnt get it.
[Jul 24,2011 5:36pm - anon and on  ""]

arilliusbm said:Everything. If you're looking for "BLACK METAL" then you're reading the wrong book, watching the wrong channel, listening to the wrong bands.
Discover the roots of the sound, then follow the roots to today.

To be fair, I was never looking for black metal. An acquaintance posted a song online, which I listened to out of curiosity. I ended up really enjoying it, and going out to find the album it came from. I had no preconceived notions of genre, and people seem to be fairly split on whether or not this band strives to produce a "black metal" sound. The only thing that seems evident is black metal being influential on their sound. I am listening to Bathory at the moment, and it doesn't strike me all that well. It seems somewhat contrived, as if its supremely evident that they're going for an 'epic' sound. Not to say that its bad, just not musically intriguing to my ears. I'd just rather spend my time listening to other things, I guess.
[Jul 24,2011 5:37pm - Lamp nli  ""]
The problem with Scion is predatory pricing... smaller DIY labels can't afford to give out free music or put on huge free concerts, so the music of a lot of hard working individuals is left under the radar while Scion gets to use their power to dictate what is cool to us, and to associate their product with fond memories we have of music. It's manipulative and deceitful in every sense of the word and bands who let Scion release their music are throwing the entire underground under the bus.
[Jul 24,2011 5:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
You type an awful lot like Martins, Martins.
[Jul 24,2011 5:38pm - anon and on  ""]
The Bathory I listened to had nice, plodding, easy to groove drums though. Seems like it'd be fun to jam on that.
[Jul 24,2011 5:40pm - anon and on  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:The problem with Scion is predatory pricing... smaller DIY labels can't afford to give out free music or put on huge free concerts, so the music of a lot of hard working individuals is left under the radar while Scion gets to use their power to dictate what is cool to us, and to associate their product with fond memories we have of music. It's manipulative and deceitful in every sense of the word and bands who let Scion release their music are throwing the entire underground under the bus.
Okay, that I can understand. But still, its not the first time that bands have opted to take money at the expense of their scene. Not morally altruistic, but understandable nontheless.
[Jul 24,2011 5:41pm - anon and on  ""]

arilliusbm said:You type an awful lot like Martins, Martins.
If you're referring to me, I'm definitely not Martins. I don't have a username on this site, but I lurk fairly frequently.
[Jul 24,2011 5:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
If you're into this sound, check out the bands Cold Body Radiation, Liam, Alcest, Les Discrets, and others. For this style of limp wristed metal, the euros are doing it much better.
[Jul 24,2011 5:43pm - RustyPS ""]

Lamp%20nli said:The problem with Scion is predatory pricing... smaller DIY labels can't afford to give out free music or put on huge free concerts, so the music of a lot of hard working individuals is left under the radar while Scion gets to use their power to dictate what is cool to us, and to associate their product with fond memories we have of music. It's manipulative and deceitful in every sense of the word and bands who let Scion release their music are throwing the entire underground under the bus.

Maybe they should change their model, but I don't see harm in bands taking free money when it's being offered for playing a few shows and nothing more. You can claim to stick to a certain ethic all you want, but getting paid and not "selling out" sounds like the perfect situation to me.
[Jul 24,2011 5:51pm - anon and on  ""]

arilliusbm said:If you're into this sound, check out the bands Cold Body Radiation, Liam, Alcest, Les Discrets, and others. For this style of limp wristed metal, the euros are doing it much better.
I didn't like ANY of those bands upon first listen..am I doing it wrong?
[Jul 24,2011 5:55pm - anon and on  ""]
I can't shake the subtle feeling that I've been trolled by that list of suggestions..

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