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What is RTTP's stance on Deafheaven?

[Jul 24,2011 5:55pm - arilliusbm ""]


all I can say is LOL!
[Jul 24,2011 5:56pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

anon%20and%20on said:I am listening to Bathory at the moment, and it doesn't strike me all that well. It seems somewhat contrived, as if its supremely evident that they're going for an 'epic' sound

[Jul 24,2011 5:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
How were you being trolled? I gave you a list of bands that incorporate heavy use of reverb pedals, put atmosphere in the forefront of their song writing, and have post-rock influence?
WHAT exactly are you looking for? Burst beats over the music?
[Jul 24,2011 5:59pm - anon and on  ""]

arilliusbm said:How were you being trolled? I gave you a list of bands that incorporate heavy use of reverb pedals, put atmosphere in the forefront of their song writing, and have post-rock influence?
WHAT exactly are you looking for? Burst beats over the music?

I'm not looking for anything in particular. Those bands simply don't strike me like Deafheaven has. I suppose to narrow it down I'm not a huge fan of the folk-y elements and clean vocals.
[Jul 24,2011 6:01pm - anon and on  ""]
...that's not how you open a beer can?
[Jul 24,2011 6:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
What about this?

[Jul 24,2011 6:10pm - anon and on  ""]
Solidly meh. I feel it more than the folky business, at any rate. From what I can glean, though, this isn't at all 'black metal'. It seems almost as if you were to take thrashy/grindy punk and add shoegaze. The drums seem fun though.
[Jul 24,2011 6:12pm - anon and on  ""]
ALMOST as if one were to combine a band like Punch, Trap Them, or the_Network with shoegaze driven by atmosphere. If that makes any sense at all.
[Jul 24,2011 6:13pm - Lamp nli  ""]

RustyPS said:
Lamp%20nli said:The problem with Scion is predatory pricing... smaller DIY labels can't afford to give out free music or put on huge free concerts, so the music of a lot of hard working individuals is left under the radar while Scion gets to use their power to dictate what is cool to us, and to associate their product with fond memories we have of music. It's manipulative and deceitful in every sense of the word and bands who let Scion release their music are throwing the entire underground under the bus.

Maybe they should change their model, but I don't see harm in bands taking free money when it's being offered for playing a few shows and nothing more. You can claim to stick to a certain ethic all you want, but getting paid and not "selling out" sounds like the perfect situation to me.

This solution also ignores the root of the problem, and that problem is that a lot of DIY folks are fucking whiners. You try charging more than $6 for a show, $10 for a shirt, $4 for a 7", it becomes hissy fit central. Prices of gas and well, basically everything else are going up, and if we as a collective could agree to suck it up and pay higher prices in order to sustain our network, we wouldn't need an outside source that doesn't understand the importance of what people sacrifice for their tunes like Scion to step in and fill the void. Accepting corporate help is like saying that DIY is simply not worth saving.
[Jul 24,2011 6:41pm - KEVORD ""]
White Capitalist Swine!

[Jul 24,2011 6:42pm - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:

all I can say is LOL!

Anyone remember that awful band I Rise? They were around in the height of the let's play emo and call it "melodic hardcore" era but they were really just a bunch of geeks that acted like they were covering Our God is an Awesome God every single song...

That's what I feel like I just watched.
[Jul 24,2011 6:51pm - RustyPS ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
RustyPS said:
Lamp%20nli said:The problem with Scion is predatory pricing... smaller DIY labels can't afford to give out free music or put on huge free concerts, so the music of a lot of hard working individuals is left under the radar while Scion gets to use their power to dictate what is cool to us, and to associate their product with fond memories we have of music. It's manipulative and deceitful in every sense of the word and bands who let Scion release their music are throwing the entire underground under the bus.

Maybe they should change their model, but I don't see harm in bands taking free money when it's being offered for playing a few shows and nothing more. You can claim to stick to a certain ethic all you want, but getting paid and not "selling out" sounds like the perfect situation to me.

This solution also ignores the root of the problem, and that problem is that a lot of DIY folks are fucking whiners. You try charging more than $6 for a show, $10 for a shirt, $4 for a 7", it becomes hissy fit central. Prices of gas and well, basically everything else are going up, and if we as a collective could agree to suck it up and pay higher prices in order to sustain our network, we wouldn't need an outside source that doesn't understand the importance of what people sacrifice for their tunes like Scion to step in and fill the void. Accepting corporate help is like saying that DIY is simply not worth saving.

Well, while I agree with most of what you said, "the root of the problem" is not exactly easy to resolve at all. Try to get more than 3 random people to agree to do anything, it's like fucking rocket science. i bet you ask 10 random people that go to a show to accept what you say, and 7 of them will laugh in your face, and/or say fuck no, I got bills to pay.

Truth of the matter is, prices are going up for everyone, not just bands, and bands, no matter if you think they're great or not, are the ones who sacrifice the most for shows. This is going to sound like me bitching about being in a band, but I don't care. Most bands don't have roadies to load their equipment in and out, most bands don't have a sound guy to make sure they sound like they want to sound, most bands don't get paid to play a show they went an hour+ out of their way to play just so people get to hear them that aren't the same 10-15 people that show up to every other show they play, and if they do get paid, they're lucky if they get more than $20. If Scion approached Crippling Fear tomorrow, and said, "hey, we want you to play a show down in Florida, all expenses paid, and you can play whatever the fuck you want," I'd say fucking sign me up, and I guarantee 99.9% of bands would do the same if given the opportunity, no matter what their beliefs/ethics/morals are.
[Jul 24,2011 7:08pm - Lamp nli  ""]
See, that's my point though! The only difference between what you and I are saying is that you believe it's impossible (or at the very least more difficult than it's worth) for people to work together in the underground without help from a powerful outside source. In all honesty, I wouldn't even mind if there were less people at shows. Get the people looking for a cheap party the fuck out of the scene and give it back to the dedicated fans who will pay whatever it takes to sustain the music. Bands need to be compensated more, I think anyone who cares about music can agree on that. The problem is fucks who don't care. I'd be in favor of more small shows full of people who paid without bitching and actually watch the bands.
[Jul 24,2011 7:10pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Another thing to me is that it's an issue of trust. Scion is being benevolent to us now, but for how long? I don't believe that Scion's intentions are pure and I think it's only a matter of time before they start asking for something back.
[Jul 24,2011 7:43pm - RustyPS ""]
Hey, I'm not saying it's impossible. The DIY scene survived and thrived well before Scion came along. What I'm saying is if an "outside source" can help out bands while those bands don't have to let go of what they believe, then I say more power to them.

Also, to respond to the part you said about getting people who aren't dedicated out of the scene, I say that's not the right way to look at it. The reason I say that is the amount of people who are truly dedicated fans are nowhere near as close to the number it was 10-15 years ago. You segregate those who aren't truly dedicated, and bands lose out even more. People who book tend to pay attention to how many people a band can bring in, and the less people that show up, no matter how "dedicated" they are, the less likely a booker will book that band again.

It's all about the bottom line to anyone and everyone now, which is sad, but it's also the absolute truth. So I say, why not accept help from someone who's willing to help without trying to change what you're doing?
[Jul 24,2011 7:44pm - RustyPS ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Another thing to me is that it's an issue of trust. Scion is being benevolent to us now, but for how long? I don't believe that Scion's intentions are pure and I think it's only a matter of time before they start asking for something back.

I cannot blame you for questioning their motives, but only time will tell there.
[Jul 24,2011 8:48pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jul 24,2011 9:37pm - Lamp ""]

RustyPS said:Hey, I'm not saying it's impossible. The DIY scene survived and thrived well before Scion came along. What I'm saying is if an "outside source" can help out bands while those bands don't have to let go of what they believe, then I say more power to them.

You really don't think bands have to give up anything they believe in, eh?

I guess those people have different goals for their music than I do with mine... it's not a perfect world.
[Jul 25,2011 1:17am - chriskar  ""]
does anyone just listen to music anymore? without pounding it into the ground with analysis and genre skepticism...?
[Jul 25,2011 2:18am - Randy_Marsh ""]
penis heaven
[Jul 25,2011 3:14am - spaldino  ""]

chriskar said:does anyone just listen to music anymore? without pounding it into the ground with analysis and genre skepticism...?

[Jul 25,2011 8:38am - ark  ""]

chriskar said:does anyone just listen to music anymore? without pounding it into the ground with analysis and genre skepticism...?

Do you think pop art is any good? Yeah, me neither.
[Jul 25,2011 8:39am - AndrewBastard ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

love it
[Jul 25,2011 8:46am - arilliusbm ""]

ark said:

Do you think pop tarts are any good? Yeah, me neither.

Your arrested.
[Jul 25,2011 9:33am - xmikex ""]

chriskar said:does anyone just listen to music anymore? without pounding it into the ground with analysis and genre skepticism...?


bon appetit.
[Jul 25,2011 10:00am - KEVORD ""]
I'm just surprised the music discussion to pictures of cocks ratio in this thread is more on the discussion side.
[Jul 25,2011 10:13am - AndrewBastard ""]

xmikex said:
chriskar said:does anyone just listen to music anymore? without pounding it into the ground with analysis and genre skepticism...?


bon appetit.

hahah whaT THE SHIT? is that board just trolls?
[Jul 25,2011 10:20am - dreadkill ""]
only asking a messageboard for approval to listen to a band is real.

i don't listen to deafheaven. i listen to whatever i want. i don't care who thinks it's cool.
[Jul 25,2011 10:28am - KEVORD ""]
Where's Ghost?
[Jul 25,2011 10:49am - Yeti ""]
if i never hear the term "black metal" again, i'll die a happy man.
[Jul 25,2011 11:01am - Alx_Casket ""]
brown metal*
[Jul 25,2011 11:07am - arilliusbm ""]
I believe the new term is CutOffShortsWithSlip-onShoeBlackMetal.
[Jul 25,2011 12:08pm - ark  ""]
That was a shot at slag.
[Jul 25,2011 12:17pm - SLAAAAG NLI  ""]
I have never BM'ed in my shorts. YOU TAKE THAT BACK ARILLIUSBM
[Jul 25,2011 12:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lol no it wasn't!
[Jul 25,2011 12:20pm - SLAAAAG NLI  ""]
My shorts are 100% brownie mountain free.
[Jul 25,2011 12:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I believe the new term is arilli-USBM
[Jul 25,2011 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha! win.
[Jul 25,2011 1:45pm - anon and on  ""]

dreadkill said:only asking a messageboard for approval to listen to a band is real.

i don't listen to deafheaven. i listen to whatever i want. i don't care who thinks it's cool.

You've got me wrong. I will continue to listen to Deafheaven no matter what is said in this thread. I just know that this band has generated some controversy so I wanted to gauge the reaction of a forum populated with metal fans. And to get an idea of why they are hated.
[Jul 25,2011 1:48pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Are you there internet? It's me, Margaret.

dreadkill said:only asking a messageboard for approval to listen to a band is real.

i don't listen to deafheaven. i listen to whatever i want. i don't care who thinks it's cool.

[Jul 25,2011 1:49pm - dreadkill ""]
my mom thinks i'm cool
[Jul 25,2011 1:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

xmikex said:
arilliusbm said:

all I can say is LOL!

Anyone remember that awful band I Rise? They were around in the height of the let's play emo and call it "melodic hardcore" era but they were really just a bunch of geeks that acted like they were covering Our God is an Awesome God every single song...

That's what I feel like I just watched.

holy shit, what a bunch of phagz..why is this suppose to be black metal again?
[Jul 25,2011 2:04pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jul 25,2011 2:09pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
haha me and friend used to blast that song in my car in high school. so uplifting.
[Jul 25,2011 2:09pm - arktouros ""]

xmikex said:Deafheaven is corny cookie cutter shit.

Spaldino said:echo/reverb post rock guitar line + garbage blasts + dissonant black metal chords +

yeah, look, many bands mix genres effectively. this band may sound great to some people, but old fucks can tell when bands paste shoegaze, post-rock, crust, and blast beats together and call it "atmospheric" and "not black metal, we just like the sound" like they're offering an APOLOGY for writing derivative music. heard this shit a thousand times by different and better bands. i just hear 5 dudes playing nothing much, really loud.
[Jul 25,2011 2:11pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
black/salsa version of Our God is An Awesome God

[Jul 25,2011 2:11pm - arktouros ""]
or rather, hearing agalloch for the first time, and turning it up to 11.
[Jul 25,2011 2:23pm - SLAAAAG  ""]
I'm not old, I'm expereienced.
[Jul 25,2011 2:39pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
pop punk black metal
[Jul 25,2011 2:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Dumb thread

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