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'Generation Stuck' on NPR disappreciation

[Dec 4,2012 8:53am - trioxin245 ""]
This segment has really been getting on my nerves lately. Why do we need a public outlet for over privelidged 20-somethings to complain about how bad they have it? All it was today was some kid who graudated from Tufts whining 'woe is me I have to wait tables, life is so hard and unfair. I wanted to be a journalist and see the world, but now I have to work almost 40 hours a week just to have money for food.' Yea you and EVERYONE ELSE pal. He even likened his situation to living in New Delhi. Fuck off white America. Also, yes, I am aware of the irony of me publically complaining about public complaining.
[Dec 4,2012 9:00am - anonymous  ""]
yea more people should be like alx and have a multiple degrees and the money to afford fancy cheeses and beers and a 2 week european vacation. maybe everyone else needs to get a life.
[Dec 4,2012 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
or more like get a degree that gets you money or don't go to school. The world needs skilled labor and you don't have to have $50K in debt to be a waiter. idiots.
[Dec 4,2012 9:04am - KEVORD ""]
Go to trade school. Some of the wealthiest guys I know are plumbers and HVAC workers. People are always gonna have to shit and be warm.
[Dec 4,2012 9:10am - Trade school  ""]
A lawyer hired a plumber. The plumber charged 400 for20min of work. The lawyer says "that's what I charge!" Plumber says "yea that's what I charged too when I was an attorney. " More skilled labour less whining
[Dec 4,2012 9:16am - generational troll  ""]
its not hard to get a job and pay bills and buy stuff. money isnt hard to get. you fags need to stop playing WoW and using fake money on the internet and actually go out and do real stuff and use real money
[Dec 4,2012 9:27am - posbleak ""]

the_reverend said:or more like get a degree that gets you money or don't go to school. The world needs skilled labor and you don't have to have $50K in debt to be a waiter. idiots.

This - college is a hell of a racket if you're not going into STEM, law, medicine or academia...and sometimes even if you are going into a STEM field. IT is blue collar work in a way, yet demanding a Master's degree on top of a current MCSE was way too common when I was last seriously job-hunting. I'm in a field where working experience functionally counts for 10x more than any of that (network admin, no degrees beyond HS), so why demand a master's in CS for someone who won't be programming on the job beyond shell scripts?
[Dec 4,2012 9:37am - now hold up a minute  ""]

anonymous said:fancy cheeses and beers .

Did I just see Fancy Cheeses AND Beers!!! Where do I sign up.

[Dec 4,2012 9:50am - Alx_Casket ""]
I want to clear up any misconceptions about me. Let it be known that I fucked my way to the top of lower management.
[Dec 4,2012 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
This country is in decline. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

College is an unsustainable entity that is unaffordable except for the very wealthy (or those who are willing to carry student loan debts for eternity). And, yes it is useless except for a narrow selection of fields.

Trade school is a good option for the short term, except that I think those jobs will also go away in the next 20 years. Yeah, everyone needs to shit and be warm, but that will end when nobody has a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

[Dec 4,2012 9:54am - ancient master nli  ""]
just go to a Norwegian university to get your degree, its free
[Dec 4,2012 10:00am - largefreakatzero ""]
I already have a useless degree. I graduated a looong time ago.
[Dec 4,2012 10:04am - DYA is MEH  ""]
1. Go to school for 2 years
2. Get degree
3. "I see here you haven't worked in a while, that's going to be a problem for this client."
4. ???
5. No profit!!!

As an added bonus, minimum wage jobs see IT experience and a degree and won't hire you 'cause they're afraid you're gonna bolt for a better job. I couldn't get a call back from a friggin' sandwich shop.
[Dec 4,2012 10:10am - arilliusbm ""]
Your knuckles need to be changed to "Good Luck"
[Dec 4,2012 10:30am - DYA is MEH  ""]

arilliusbm said:Your knuckles need to be changed to "Good Luck"

That would probably fix everything.
[Dec 4,2012 10:34am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

generational%20troll said:its not hard to get a job and pay bills and buy stuff. money isnt hard to get. you fags need to stop playing WoW and using fake money on the internet and actually go out and do real stuff and use real money

so you're talking silver, gold, precious metals?
[Dec 4,2012 10:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
Nah, he's talking about paper promise notes with absolutely no value whatsoever which will have nothing to do with our country's empty financial system collapsing.
[Dec 4,2012 10:41am - DYA is MEH  ""]
Ironically, farming for gold on WoW can be profitable if you know what you're doing, and also have tons of time and no soul.
[Dec 4,2012 10:52am - KEVORD ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:Ironically, farming for gold on WoW can be profitable if you know what you're doing, and also have tons of time and no soul.
My brother in law sold his Everquest character on Ebay for $3000 a few years ago.
[Dec 4,2012 10:56am - Burnsy ""]
It's funny I see a thread like this and realize that pretty much everyone I know (including myself) are totally on board with the OP. But this attitude seems to be pervasive. Where are these pussy fucks?!
[Dec 4,2012 11:08am - posbleak ""]

Burnsy said:Where are these pussy fucks?!

Liberal arts department
[Dec 4,2012 11:10am - Burnsy ""]
HA! Alley-oop!
[Dec 4,2012 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
Got a degree in a field people need, paid off loans as quick as possible, profit!
[Dec 4,2012 11:53am - ancient master nli  ""]
fuck everyone else, learn to grow your own food and produce your own high quality shit to sell

[Dec 4,2012 11:58am - arilliusbm ""]

Burnsy said:HA! Alley-oop!

GTFO with your basketball terminology, hater.
[Dec 4,2012 3:28pm - demondave ""]

This thread is worse than 'Generation Stuck'. Posters should state what they do for a living - otherwise they are mindlessly bragging and putting people down.

[Dec 4,2012 3:47pm - Boozegood ""]
[Dec 4,2012 3:52pm - KEVORD ""]

demondave said:

This thread is worse than 'Degeneration X'. Posters should suck it.

[Dec 4,2012 3:53pm - trioxin245 ""]
You guys are all missing the point. The people complaining about their 'difficult way of life' are some of the most priveleged people in the world, and theyre comparing not being able to afford cable to living in poverty-stricken third-world hell holes.
[Dec 4,2012 3:58pm - Burnsy ""]

demondave said:

This thread is worse than 'Generation Stuck'. Posters should state what they do for a living - otherwise they are mindlessly bragging and putting people down.

Seems you're totally missing the point here. I don't know the program but it sounds like privileged white people bitching about first world problems.


Haha sorry for the repost.
[Dec 4,2012 4:15pm - Boozegood ""]

trioxin245 said:You guys are all missing the point. The people complaining about their 'difficult way of life' are some of the most priveleged people in the world, and theyre comparing not being able to afford cable to living in poverty-stricken third-world hell holes.

When you take steaming shits in perfectly good drinking water you really have to step back and look at things sometimes ('you' being 'them').
[Dec 4,2012 4:41pm - barren ark  ""]
point exactly ross and tully. i heard a girl on the program on monday that was complaining that she was bartending a few years in queens and had to move back into her parent's house to find a "real job" because 1) her parents don't approve of her being a bartender and 2) they still live in a 1950's bubble. so she has a belief that 100% percent of americans 20 years ago would all have the best education and find the best jobs and buy 2 cars and a house and all that. she had some bad luck not finding a "career" after a string of interviews without realizing that in the other 99% of this planet, people will bartend their whole lives and do the best they can at what they do and don't bitch or feel like they need a "career" to feel better about their lives. the part that pissed me off the most was all the 20 somethings that were around "hanging out" and asking "is this my life?" YES, IT IS, AND IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING BAD. YOU'RE "GOING NOWHERE" BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO. WHAT DO YOU DO OTHER THAN SIT AROUND AND WISH YOU HAD A FUCKING OFFICE JOB.
[Dec 4,2012 4:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]

demondave said:

This thread is worse than 'Generation Stuck'. Posters should state what they do for a living - otherwise they are mindlessly bragging and putting people down.

I never watched the show, but was only responding to something about college grads not finding work and relating it to the decline of this country.

How in any way was I mindlessly bragging or putting anyone down?
[Dec 4,2012 4:54pm - barren ark  ""]
i don't think it has anything to do with a perceived "decline of this country" but rather the fact that education in america is a market and not a service -- a market that everyone is brainwashed to buy into, and then realize that employers aren't looking for "everyone". so you have a bunch of people who are supposedly "over-educated" when really they have no clue how to be self-sufficient and are spoiled with modern expectations..or something like that.
[Dec 4,2012 5:08pm - trioxin245 ""]
The kid today took us on a tour of the minimum wage jobs he 'slaves' at. Sounded to me like he was doing better than a lot of people I know who have been doing it a lot longer and are perfectly happy with their lives. 'Am I where I want to be right now? Of course not.' Too fucking bad you spoiled little fuck. TAKE EM ALL PUT EM ALL AGAINST THE WALL AND SHOOT EM
[Dec 4,2012 5:15pm - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:The kid today took us on a tour of the minimum wage jobs he 'slaves' at. Sounded to me like he was doing better than a lot of people I know who have been doing it a lot longer and are perfectly happy with their lives. 'Am I where I want to be right now? Of course not.' Too fucking bad you spoiled little fuck. TAKE EM ALL PUT EM ALL AGAINST THE WALL AND SHOOT EM
The point being, the kid was touring his regular middle-american job like it was some poverty-sticken village in Nigeria. Theres 'twenty-somethings' all over the world who would KILL to only have to work 8 hours a day in a kitchen that WASNT infested with disease. America is a posh country, everyone stop acting like we have it so fucking hard.
[Dec 4,2012 5:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]

barren%20ark said:i don't think it has anything to do with a perceived "decline of this country" but rather the fact that education in america is a market and not a service -- a market that everyone is brainwashed to buy into, and then realize that employers aren't looking for "everyone". so you have a bunch of people who are supposedly "over-educated" when really they have no clue how to be self-sufficient and are spoiled with modern expectations..or something like that.

That wasn't my point. The education system and the fact that it is a market not a service (good comparison) is part of and relates to the decline. It is basically cranking out a bunch of overeducated useless pansies. These same pussies have been told over and over again by their parents how they'll all be super-successful and make so much money, blah blah blah. They've also been made to feel special by the Facebook generation where everyone is soooo important.

Now a country that is already in decline for a plethora of reasons, is getting inundated by a bunch of kids who have never worked a shitty low-paying job before, never done any physical labor in their lives, and been brainwashed to believe that they're somehow ABOVE any job that doesn't pay at least $75,000 a year to start, and voila! they contribute to our country's decline with their overall uselessness.

Line 'em up indeed.

[Dec 4,2012 5:28pm - largefreakatzero ""]
And yes, now I am putting someone down.
[Dec 4,2012 5:33pm - DYA is MEH  ""]

Boozegood said:
trioxin245 said:You guys are all missing the point. The people complaining about their 'difficult way of life' are some of the most priveleged people in the world, and theyre comparing not being able to afford cable to living in poverty-stricken third-world hell holes.

When you take steaming shits in perfectly good drinking water you really have to step back and look at things sometimes ('you' being 'them').

Hey, jenkem don't brew itself.
[Dec 4,2012 6:06pm - trioxin245 ""]
The real point is this:

[Dec 4,2012 6:34pm - DYA is SFDLKDSFLK  ""]
^^^ [/discussion]
[Dec 4,2012 11:14pm - insearchofpoop  ""]

oh shit its future. like anyone is going to stop masturbating to internet porn to look at this
[Dec 5,2012 8:47am - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:Ironically, farming for gold on WoW can be profitable if you know what you're doing, and also have tons of time and no soul.
My brother in law sold his Everquest character on Ebay for $3000 a few years ago.

Back in the day I sold my Diablo 2 accounts for a total of almost $600. Shit's ridiculous. Fuck all this nowadays bullshit where you pay for a good character instead of earning it in the game. So stupid.
[Dec 5,2012 9:12am - xmikex ""]
lol @ "I have to wait tables."

I went to this networking event at BU a year or so ago to talk to a guy about a job. A handful of journalism students found out that I had already worked in the field and started sucking up asking me questions about how to be successful (lol I was an intern lobbying for a part time job). I told them the only secret is to get off your ass, be willing to work for free, be willing to work long hours, all the time, be committed to always learning something new, and make a name for yourself by being the guy who'll do shit no one else wants to do.

They all made sad faces and said that it sounded terrible. I said some socially acceptable version of "life is pain, n00bz fuk off" and walked out of there with a cool ass job while they were feeling sorry for themselves.

Anyways, g2g. Gonna drink some coffee because I worked a 14 hour day between 2 jobs yesterday and I'm gonna work on a certification that my employer is paying for in my downtime. Poke me on facetime if any cool traveling journalist jobs open up.
[Dec 5,2012 9:15am - trioxin245 ""]

xmikex said: Poke me on facetime if any cool traveling journalist jobs open up.
[Dec 5,2012 9:20am - arilliusbm ""]
I almost couldn't make it until work today because I'm gone 14 hours just about every day and don't sleep. Only spending a combined amount of $790 a month on child support and a train ticket to boston is real.
[Dec 5,2012 9:27am - arilliusbm ""]
But it aint no thing. Work is work. my only real complaint is that creativity and musical output is hindered quite a bit.
[Dec 5,2012 9:30am - largefreakatzero ""]

xmikex said: I told them the only secret is to get off your ass, be willing to work for free, be willing to work long hours, all the time, be committed to always learning something new, and make a name for yourself by being the guy who'll do shit no one else wants to do.

This is basically it, regardless of whatever you want to be successful in. If you're not willing to bust ass, someone else will.

I don't have a very cool job, but I've made some decent money over the past 16 years doing what I do. I sell printing and fulfillment services by the way -- it's not very glamorous, as I basically sell dots and eat shit.
[Dec 5,2012 9:34am - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:
barren%20ark said:i don't think it has anything to do with a perceived "decline of this country" but rather the fact that education in america is a market and not a service -- a market that everyone is brainwashed to buy into, and then realize that employers aren't looking for "everyone". so you have a bunch of people who are supposedly "over-educated" when really they have no clue how to be self-sufficient and are spoiled with modern expectations..or something like that.

That wasn't my point. The education system and the fact that it is a market not a service (good comparison) is part of and relates to the decline. It is basically cranking out a bunch of overeducated useless pansies. These same pussies have been told over and over again by their parents how they'll all be super-successful and make so much money, blah blah blah. They've also been made to feel special by the Facebook generation where everyone is soooo important.

Now a country that is already in decline for a plethora of reasons, is getting inundated by a bunch of kids who have never worked a shitty low-paying job before, never done any physical labor in their lives, and been brainwashed to believe that they're somehow ABOVE any job that doesn't pay at least $75,000 a year to start, and voila! they contribute to our country's decline with their overall uselessness.

Line 'em up indeed.

Agree 100%....half of the dickheads on this board are a perfect example of the generation of self-esteem. They feel empowered and entitled to everything because their mamas never slapped the shit out of them, their daddy's never took a belt to their ass, and they never worked on a farm making $3.50 per hour to run cows back and forth from the milk house and load hay bails into the upper section of a stall...only to make enough money to help your parents buy dried milk (which was used to pour over toast with a little bit of sugar, which made your breakfast...."milktoast" for those of you who are unaware). This is why Obama is the scourge of this once great Country. No reward for hard work anymore. It's OK by me...well see who the survivors are in the long run.

...And these kids wonder why I'm such a jaded asshole.....
[Dec 5,2012 9:41am - Hoser ""]
And this thought process leads to the filth that vote for assholes like Obama. Not a fucking one of them can sustain themselves through a storm. The electricity goes out...they call and threaten Con Edison. Then all you hear is...."where da govunment at? where dey at!?", "we needs help heyah and dey ain't doin' shit!"

It's like NOLA all over again...if you do not have the will to stand up and fight for your own survival without the help of a Gov't that allows you to freeload when there are good, hard-working men and women paying their bills and taxes on time.....well, you're weak and don't deserve an ounce of charity.

Only the strong survive.

Now go ahead and counter my 2-cents with stupid comments like "'murca, fuck yeah"...and all of that other Liberal puke drivel that gets spewed around here.

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