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'Generation Stuck' on NPR disappreciation

[Dec 5,2012 10:16am - xmikex ""]
This country needs more milksteak
[Dec 5,2012 10:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
I started working odd jobs when I was 8 and haven't stopped for more than a few months in between jobs since. I get bored if I sit around for too long and have a tough time making it through a movie. When my friends were out competing over fast food/retail jobs in high school, I was wiping old people's assholes in a nursing home and making $12/hr. I realized that healthcare was a rewarding field with a fairly stable pathway and that's how I chose the field to work in. Worked my way through high school, college, and grad school and I'm very grateful for all the opportunities that I damn-well earned. If I had been encouraged to pursue my interests in engineering/design, I would probably be building robots now. If money grew on trees, I'd be draining my creativity every day. Unfortunately, there's no safe future in music or art, so I didn't buy an education in one of those fields. Between work and music/personal life, I feel like I lead separate existences. It keeps life interesting and balanced. I think a lot of people (not just the "kids these days") aim to lead a single existence that's satisfying and fulfilling to them, and it's becoming exceedingly harder to find that anymore.

There was some talk earlier in this thread about being thankful that we have it better than some 3rd world country inhabitant, and while I agree with that in general, one should expect a higher quality of life living in a developed country. The dream of growing up to be whatever you want to be is pretty weak right now, and that's ok. There are no more applications to be astronauts in NASA these days.
[Dec 5,2012 11:05am - DYA is MEH  ""]

xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.
[Dec 5,2012 11:09am - trioxin245 ""]

Alx_Casket said:and while I agree with that in general, one should expect a higher quality of life living in a developed country.

I'm aware that the point of the segment I was talking about in OP was basically just referring to this, I was just saying that if they went about it in a less whiny fashion and stopped acting like victims of some horrible holocaust of living quality, their plight might generate a bit more sympathy.
[Dec 5,2012 11:48am - iteY  ""]
now that i work in a "real" job, i lament the loss of shitty jobs. i had way more fun working in factories and fast food doing shit work for shit money. this office crap is for the birds.
[Dec 5,2012 11:49am - iteY  ""]
[Dec 5,2012 12:25pm - trioxin245 ""]
Hey man you spelled 'brids' wron.... oh nevermind, you're on it.
[Dec 5,2012 12:38pm - DYA is MEH  ""]
Did you not get the brids memo? Rrrrrright, I'm gonna go ahead and send you a copy of the brids memo, 'cause we really want you to have that brids cover sheet on there.
[Dec 5,2012 1:17pm - xmikex ""]
Alfred Hitchcock's Teh Brids, starring Jisscea Tandee
[Dec 5,2012 1:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Af lred pls
[Dec 5,2012 1:33pm - posbleak ""]

Alx_Casket said:
If I had been encouraged to pursue my interests in engineering/design, I would probably be building robots now.

The number of capable, interested people who have been talked out of pursuing science careers is ridiculous. People told me throughout my childhood and early 20s that I shouldn't chase a job in tech ("You'll work twice as hard for half the recognition," which is not totally untrue), it's only due to real love of the work and an oppositional-defiant streak that I'm here at all. But it's not just a gender thing, plenty of people have backed away slowly from STEM jobs after being told over and over again that it's not something that could possibly be enjoyable or that it isn't going to have a career track for them
[Dec 5,2012 2:38pm - xmikex ""]
My girlfriend is a scientist and there is quite a bit of BS involved in the STEM industry. Yeah there's a big job market for it, but it's so crammed with people with similar experience levels that it's basically gone the same way any other industry does when it gets a surplus like this "oh hai, we're hiring for way less than what this job should pay. don't like it? get lost and we'll find someone desperate enough to do it."
[Dec 5,2012 2:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
I work fulltime as a cynical asshole. I suggest you guys do the same.
[Dec 5,2012 2:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Cynical asshole can make a good career. I'm working on perfecting hateful prick.

I have one friend in the science field -- a biologist for NHF&G. He's a hardcore fisherman and loves his job, but he doesn't make very much money and had to spend several years making even less doing grunt work at the hatchery, putting in volunteer hours, and so on to have F&G even consider him. But again, he's pretty much got a job for life and loves it.
[Dec 5,2012 2:57pm - Mark_R ""]

Alx_Casket said: Between work and music/personal life, I feel like I lead separate existences. It keeps life interesting and balanced.

[Dec 5,2012 2:59pm - trioxin245 ""]

Mark_R said:
Alx_Casket said: Between work and music/personal life, I feel like I lead separate existences. It keeps life interesting and balanced.



[Dec 5,2012 3:00pm - arilliusbm ""]

Mark_R said:
Alx_Casket said: Between work and music/personal life, I feel like I lead separate existences. It keeps life interesting and balanced.


If you guys haven't noticed yet, Alx is the Hunter Hendrix of New England.
[Dec 5,2012 3:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:
If you guys haven't noticed yet, I'm the Glenn Danzig of New England.

[Dec 5,2012 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:It is basically cranking out a bunch of overeducated useless pansies.

I disagree with that statement since they were never challenged in their lives.

[Dec 5,2012 4:31pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

Hoser said:They feel empowered and entitled to everything because their mamas never slapped the shit out of them, their daddy's never took a belt to their ass, and they never worked on a farm making $3.50 per hour to run cows back and forth from the milk house and load hay bails into the upper section of a stall...only to make enough money to help your parents buy dried milk (which was used to pour over toast with a little bit of sugar, which made your breakfast...."milktoast" for those of you who are unaware). This is why Obama is the scourge of this once great Country.

[Dec 5,2012 6:21pm - exarktly  ""]
I'm surprised this thread made it this far without preaching personal responsibility and blaming Oba---OH GODDAMMIT
[Dec 5,2012 6:38pm - Burnsy ""]
[Dec 6,2012 11:27am - Hoser ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.
[Dec 6,2012 11:30am - trioxin245 ""]
just because someone doesnt know what dried milk toast is doesnt mean they are some spoiled little brat. Theres plenty of inner city kids who have never heard of that shit who had it much worse than you did. Fucking ridiculous people ITT man, let me tell you.
[Dec 6,2012 11:32am - Hoser ""]
By the way...read OP's original post...it has everything to do with it ya fucking dink. Good job at being the antagonist...you win 5 internet points. Now, go high five your friends. I'm sure that they adore you for your wit and internet savvy.
[Dec 6,2012 11:39am - DYA is MEH  ""]

Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.

You're a goddamn moron and you don't know a thing about me. LOL @ you thinking you somehow "out-survival" me, I was raised in a small town by an Eagle Scout who was in the 77th SFG, you toothless jackas.
[Dec 6,2012 11:41am - DYA is MEH  ""]
Sorry, Hoser, you're a "toothless jackass", I don't know what a "jackas" is. My sincerest apologies.
[Dec 6,2012 11:42am - Hoser ""]
I assure you that there are few who lived on food stamps, whose father worked 3 jobs while his mother was trying to get through nursing school, and whose kids HAD to have jobs at 12 years old only to turn their earnings over to Mom and Dad in order to eat. I assure you that there was no such thing as the internet, cell phones, or even PC's that weren't a Commodore 64 (bit that is), which nobody could afford. I just get sick of all the entitled little dickheads that post here. I understand that it's my choice to read their wordy, "look at my vast knowledge of the English vocabulary" bullshit....Alas, it gives me something to get pissed off about.

You do understand that most of the know-it-all douchebags that post here still live with their parents, right? Don't buy into their horse shit, dude. There's something to say about being blunt...and I respect it a hell of a lot more than some vocabulary rich drivel that doesn't actually amount to a hill of dogshit in the long run. Words are for politicians and men who try to talk their way out of a fight. Sweat and blood are the only thing that comes out of a true man.
[Dec 6,2012 11:42am - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 6,2012 11:43am - DYA is MEH  ""]
Also, I did, in fact, had to drink dried milk growing up, since were poor as shit. I was just referring to the fact that you sucked your father's cock.
[Dec 6,2012 11:47am - Hoser ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.

You're a goddamn moron and you don't know a thing about me. LOL @ you thinking you somehow "out-survival" me, I was raised in a small town by an Eagle Scout who was in the 77th SFG, you toothless jackas.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....and Eagle Scout...fucking priceless. Still not impressed at all. My Dad eventually became an engineer and has been such for 20 years...does that make me an expert on engineering?
[Dec 6,2012 11:47am - Hoser ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:Also, I did, in fact, had to drink dried milk growing up, since were poor as shit. I was just referring to the fact that you sucked your father's cock.

Mature argument....I concede.
[Dec 6,2012 11:49am - KEVORD ""]
If powdered milk gives you street cred then I'm Ice Cube.
[Dec 6,2012 11:50am - arilliusbm ""]
I'd like to see the list of know-it-all douchebags that post here and piss Hoser off
[Dec 6,2012 11:55am - Hoser ""]

KEVORD said:If powdered milk gives you street cred then I'm Ice Cube.

That's not the point, slick. But good job reading into it, better luck next time.
[Dec 6,2012 11:56am - Hoser ""]
But seriously, if you even know what it is...hats off to ya', shit sucks.
[Dec 6,2012 11:57am - arilliusbm ""]
The only powdered milk that poor metal musicians consume these days is cocaine.
[Dec 6,2012 12:00pm - Hoser ""]

arilliusbm said:The only powdered milk that poor metal musicians consume these days is cocaine.

I hate drugs and have never, ever tried cocaine...but if it tastes any better than powdered milk...
[Dec 6,2012 12:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Hoser, can I buy some powdered milk off of you? I've always wanted to try some.
[Dec 6,2012 12:02pm - DYA is MEH  ""]

Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.

You're a goddamn moron and you don't know a thing about me. LOL @ you thinking you somehow "out-survival" me, I was raised in a small town by an Eagle Scout who was in the 77th SFG, you toothless jackas.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....and Eagle Scout...fucking priceless. Still not impressed at all. My Dad eventually became an engineer and has been such for 20 years...does that make me an expert on engineering?

Oh, shit, I'm sorry. See, my dad actually spent time with me, taught me things, etc. Like, things not related to sucking his cock. I realize that we can't all have the same kind of upbringing. My bad.
[Dec 6,2012 12:32pm - trioxin245 ""]
wow this thread got mind-numbingly stupid. REV DELETE OR CAMERA BROKEN
[Dec 6,2012 12:52pm - posbleak ""]

Hoser said:
dried milk (which was used to pour over toast with a little bit of sugar, which made your breakfast...."milktoast" for those of you who are unaware).

[Dec 6,2012 1:13pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:I'd like to see the list of know-it-all douchebags that post here and piss Hoser off

basically anyone who thinks that an edumacation is as important to survival as knowing how to build a shelter out of q-tips. if you didn't do exactly what Hoser did at exactly the point that he did it, you are a douchey faggot.
[Dec 6,2012 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
i've posted here long enough to know how the Hose works, and i try to respect him based on merit (because that's what garners respect) but despite how hard i try, i just can't. if he made the same arguments without being such a pompous cunt, he'd have some very valid points.
[Dec 6,2012 1:17pm - Yeti ""]
i also can't wait until the shit doesn't hit the fan.
[Dec 6,2012 1:21pm - barren ark  ""]

Yeti said:i also can't wait until the shit doesn't hit the fan.

[Dec 6,2012 1:47pm - Dead BU Student  ""]

Headbanging_Man said:
Hoser said:They feel empowered and entitled to everything because their mamas never slapped the shit out of them, their daddy's never took a belt to their ass, and they never worked on a farm making $3.50 per hour to run cows back and forth from the milk house and load hay bails into the upper section of a stall...only to make enough money to help your parents buy dried milk (which was used to pour over toast with a little bit of sugar, which made your breakfast...."milktoast" for those of you who are unaware). This is why Obama is the scourge of this once great Country.


[Dec 6,2012 1:52pm - shutup fagget  ""]
shutup faggets
[Dec 6,2012 1:53pm - THE ATLAS COLLAPSE  ""]
[Dec 6,2012 1:58pm - shutup fagget  ""]


shutup fagget

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