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'Generation Stuck' on NPR disappreciation

[Dec 6,2012 3:46pm - trioxin245 ""]
You guys need to stop arguing about this crap and talk about something that actually matters. Like for instance, which one of you receives a greater handicap to his chance-to-hit when attacking from cover?
[Dec 6,2012 3:55pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

Hoser said:Sweat and blood are the only thing that comes out of a true man.

ITT: Hoser confronts his constipation and impotence
[Dec 6,2012 4:24pm - xmikex ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.

You're a goddamn moron and you don't know a thing about me. LOL @ you thinking you somehow "out-survival" me, I was raised in a small town by an Eagle Scout who was in the 77th SFG, you toothless jackas.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....and Eagle Scout...fucking priceless. Still not impressed at all. My Dad eventually became an engineer and has been such for 20 years...does that make me an expert on engineering?

Oh, shit, I'm sorry. See, my dad actually spent time with me, taught me things, etc. Like, things not related to sucking his cock. I realize that we can't all have the same kind of upbringing. My bad.

Hey check it out I'm in the middle of this argument.
[Dec 6,2012 4:46pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Wow, what happened here?

I thought I had the market cornered on angry-old-white-guy but clearly Hoser has me beat.
[Dec 6,2012 5:28pm - Snowden ""]
I'm curious about this powdered milk on toast thing. It's definitely not where the phrase "milk toast" came from, but is it...any good?
[Dec 6,2012 5:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

xmikex said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
Hoser said:
DYA%20is%20MEH said:
xmikex said:This country needs more milksteak


Also, LOL @ Hoser - what the fuck does an NPR segment have to do with RTTP forum users and your dad's dried milk or whatever the fuck you're going on about? Think you have a wire crossed somewhere there, good buddy.

Hey, LOL all you want douchebag. You're fucking lucky that you don't know what dried milk is. The fact that you never had to drink it makes you a lucky man. No wires crossed here, chucklehead. I was just voicing an opinion that you infantile nerds always have something to say about. I don't give 2 rats fucking in a wool sock about my popularity here. Just a place to rant about queers like you.

Don't ask a survivor for help you out when the next disaster strikes your city because you were too cool for school to perk up your ears and listen to the voices of people who have been there. Just rest quietly in your self esteem bubble and voice your douchy opinion when the shit hits the fan. I'll feel better knowing that people like you were good at the internet and were popular on a metal forum once....see you in Hell, fucknut.

You're a goddamn moron and you don't know a thing about me. LOL @ you thinking you somehow "out-survival" me, I was raised in a small town by an Eagle Scout who was in the 77th SFG, you toothless jackas.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....and Eagle Scout...fucking priceless. Still not impressed at all. My Dad eventually became an engineer and has been such for 20 years...does that make me an expert on engineering?

Oh, shit, I'm sorry. See, my dad actually spent time with me, taught me things, etc. Like, things not related to sucking his cock. I realize that we can't all have the same kind of upbringing. My bad.

Hey check it out I'm in the middle of this argument.

We should definitely make casts of our dad's dicks and then use them as milksteak molds and eat our finest jelly beans out of our dads' milksteak dongs.
[Dec 7,2012 8:53am - Hoser ""]

Snowden said:I'm curious about this powdered milk on toast thing. It's definitely not where the phrase "milk toast" came from, but is it...any good?

I'll help you on this one.


[Dec 7,2012 8:56am - Hoser ""]

Snowden said:I'm curious about this powdered milk on toast thing. It's definitely not where the phrase "milk toast" came from, but is it...any good?

I liked it as a kid, but now realize that we only ate it because we didn't have money for real cereal.
[Dec 7,2012 9:05am - Hoser ""]

Yeti said:i've posted here long enough to know how the Hose works, and i try to respect him based on merit (because that's what garners respect) but despite how hard i try, i just can't. if he made the same arguments without being such a pompous cunt, he'd have some very valid points.

Not trying to be pompous, but when you are attacked regularly fpr having an opinion that falls outside of the 'elite', typically liberal mold that has taken over the RTTP community, you become a bit more pissy with your posts. My opinions are typically molded from life experience, and arguing with kids whose opinions are molded from a 'scene', make it difficult to get anything across without sounding like a douche.
[Dec 7,2012 9:07am - posbleak ""]
Oh, it's just popara? My parents made that for me when I was sick as a kid. Try it with some chai, it's good.
[Dec 7,2012 9:12am - Hoser ""]
I've never had pierced ears, guages, tight jeans, white belts....none of the above. My point being that most of the guys that argue with me all look exactly the same, they fit into the 'scene' mold and take on the opinions and style of everyone else within the scene and don't spout any opinions that are truly their own, based upon their life experience. They just regurgitate the same tired bullshit that every other turd in the scene has already puked up, then they call me an asshole because I don't fit their regurgitated liberal mold. Sorry, not trying to be a douche...just sick of getting called out by kids whose only life experience consists of what their buddies sat around and talked about over a bong hit and using a thesaurus to impress their friends with big words.
[Dec 7,2012 9:34am - xmikex ""]
[Dec 7,2012 9:53am - Mark_R ""]
"Hunting is undeniably in vogue among the bearded, bicycle-riding, locavore set. ... The expansion of hunting into liberal, urban circles is the latest development in an evolving and increasingly snug coexistence between humans and beasts in North America."

"People need to suck it up and realize that in this crazy, anthropogenic world we live in, we sometimes need to kill to keep populations in check. If goose poop is throwing nutrient cycles out of whack, causing algae blooms, and imperiling lake species, then ready the roasting pan for some goose."

"...the motivation for his liberal clan to don hunter orange is “spending time in the woods with friends and family, primarily. Oh, and drinking more than you can get away with at home, eating unhealthy food, and farting. These are bipartisan pursuits.”'

"And hunters—liberal and conservative—generally like nature. That’s why they are out in it.... So hunting is not a red state thing. It is a red meat thing."
[Dec 7,2012 10:48am - Yeti ""]

Hoser said:I've never had pierced ears, guages, tight jeans, white belts....none of the above. My point being that most of the guys that argue with me all look exactly the same, they fit into the 'scene' mold and take on the opinions and style of everyone else within the scene and don't spout any opinions that are truly their own, based upon their life experience. They just regurgitate the same tired bullshit that every other turd in the scene has already puked up, then they call me an asshole because I don't fit their regurgitated liberal mold. Sorry, not trying to be a douche...just sick of getting called out by kids whose only life experience consists of what their buddies sat around and talked about over a bong hit and using a thesaurus to impress their friends with big words.

how often does this happen? your broad generalization of people on this site is askew. there are many people (like myself) who work very hard and receive no handouts, support their families, have been on their own since they were able to do so, ask for nothing, slave just as hard as you do at their jobs, who still hold a viewpoint that you consider liberal and douchey. my life experience is abundant and was achieved through trials and tribulations, just like yours, but a lack of military experience and diverse vernacular mean i'm part of the problem? DOES NOT COMPUTE. There is much value to be found within differing viewpoints, and healthy discourse is what should be driving our nation. I find it annoying that someone like you shoots down anyone who talks about life issues that aren't yours. i didn't grow up on milk toast or bailing hay, but that doesn't denigrate my parents or my own subjective experience. CONTEMPORIZE MAN.
[Dec 7,2012 11:06am - THE REAL HOSER  ""]
[Dec 7,2012 11:45am - DYA is LOL  ""]
ITT: RTTP is librul and white belts abound.
[Dec 7,2012 11:46am - DYA is LOL  ""]
Also, Hoser thirsts for dadcock.
[Dec 7,2012 4:01pm - Hoser ""]

Yeti said:
Hoser said:I've never had pierced ears, guages, tight jeans, white belts....none of the above. My point being that most of the guys that argue with me all look exactly the same, they fit into the 'scene' mold and take on the opinions and style of everyone else within the scene and don't spout any opinions that are truly their own, based upon their life experience. They just regurgitate the same tired bullshit that every other turd in the scene has already puked up, then they call me an asshole because I don't fit their regurgitated liberal mold. Sorry, not trying to be a douche...just sick of getting called out by kids whose only life experience consists of what their buddies sat around and talked about over a bong hit and using a thesaurus to impress their friends with big words.

how often does this happen? your broad generalization of people on this site is askew. there are many people (like myself) who work very hard and receive no handouts, support their families, have been on their own since they were able to do so, ask for nothing, slave just as hard as you do at their jobs, who still hold a viewpoint that you consider liberal and douchey. my life experience is abundant and was achieved through trials and tribulations, just like yours, but a lack of military experience and diverse vernacular mean i'm part of the problem? DOES NOT COMPUTE. There is much value to be found within differing viewpoints, and healthy discourse is what should be driving our nation. I find it annoying that someone like you shoots down anyone who talks about life issues that aren't yours. i didn't grow up on milk toast or bailing hay, but that doesn't denigrate my parents or my own subjective experience. CONTEMPORIZE MAN.

And I can understand all of that. You in particular were not targeted here. The bottom line is that if you go back through multiple different posts, you'll see the douchebags that I'm talking about. This board has quite a few elitist assholes, which I'm sure that you well know. They shit on everyone accept their tight little band of butt brothers, and think like the Borg. They are a collective of internet bully fags that IRL, have had their asses handed to so many times that the only place that they feel empowered is behind a computer screen. They still have teen angst and that "fuck the world" attitude. They all preach the same tired horse shit because it make them feel as if they have a place in the world. Their vernacular is based upon shit that they read on the internet vs. real education. They wear fake glasses, sideways hats and have ear guages. They are the product of a shit assed generation that teaches them that self-esteem is > than hard work. That's all....like I a said...I'm only telling it as my eyes see it. I ain't making shit up here. You've seen it, I know that you have. I just have very low tolerance for it...it's bullshit. Take the board back...get these infantile assholes outta here. They bore me. More random image threads PLZ.
[Dec 7,2012 4:59pm - KEVORD ""]
ITT: DYA has fake glasses, a sideways hat and ear guages. I would also bet he's wearing a scarf.
[Dec 7,2012 5:05pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
holy shit, i noticed that someone misspelled "milquetoast" earlier, and i didnt want to be "that guy"...little did i know the shitstorm that would ensue.
but here, let me settle things;

"Milquetoast is an American English dysphemism for a weak, timid, or bland person.
The word milquetoast derives from the name of Caspar Milquetoast, a diffident character in H. T. Webster's comic strip The Timid Soul.[1] The comic strip first ran in 1924 in the New York World; it was later published in the Herald Tribune.[2]
[Dec 7,2012 5:13pm - trioxin245 ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:holy shit, i noticed that someone misspelled "milquetoast" earlier, and i didnt want to be "that guy"...little did i know the shitstorm that would ensue.
but here, let me settle things;

"Milquetoast is an American English dysphemism for a weak, timid, or bland person.
The word milquetoast derives from the name of Caspar Milquetoast, a diffident character in H. T. Webster's comic strip The Timid Soul.[1] The comic strip first ran in 1924 in the New York World; it was later published in the Herald Tribune.[2]

yea I thought it was old news, who was disputing this?
[Dec 7,2012 6:41pm - DYA is SFDLKDSFLK  ""]
Unfortunately, it actually is a food.


Milk toast is a breakfast food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk, typically with sugar and butter.[1] Salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, cocoa, raisins and other ingredients may be added.[2] In the New England region of the US, milk toast refers to toast that has been dipped in a milk-based white sauce.[3] Milk toast was a popular food throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially for young children and for the ailing, for whom the food was thought to be soothing and easy to digest.[1] Although not as popular today, milk toast is still considered a comfort food.[2][4][5][6]
The celebrated food writer M. F. K. Fisher (1908–1992) called milk toast a "warm, mild, soothing thing, full of innocent strength", and wrote, of eating milk toast in a famed restaurant with a convalescent friend, that the food was "a small modern miracle of gastronomy". She notes that even her homeliest kitchen manuals do not list it under Feeding The Sick or Invalid Receipts, arguing that milk toast was "an instinctive palliative, something like boiled water".[1] Fisher also notes that for true comfort, a ritual may be necessary, and for Milk Toast people, the dish used may be foolishly important. Her favorite version of milk toast has the milk mixed 50/50 with Campbell's condensed cream of tomato soup in a wide-lipped pitcher called a boccalino in Italian Switzerland where she got it.[2]
Milk toast's soft blandness served as inspiration for the name of the timid and ineffectual comic strip character Caspar Milquetoast, drawn by H. T. Webster from 1924 to 1952.[7] Thus, the term "milquetoast" entered the language as the label for a timid, shrinking, apologetic person. It also goes down great with dadcock.
[Dec 7,2012 6:46pm - The Real Hoser  ""]
So it's still not the shitty depressing food described above.
[Dec 7,2012 6:50pm - trioxin245 ""]

DYA%20is%20SFDLKDSFLK said:Unfortunately, it actually is a food.


Milk toast is a breakfast food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk, typically with sugar and butter.[1] Salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, cocoa, raisins and other ingredients may be added.[2] In the New England region of the US, milk toast refers to toast that has been dipped in a milk-based white sauce.[3] Milk toast was a popular food throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially for young children and for the ailing, for whom the food was thought to be soothing and easy to digest.[1] Although not as popular today, milk toast is still considered a comfort food.[2][4][5][6]
The celebrated food writer M. F. K. Fisher (1908–1992) called milk toast a "warm, mild, soothing thing, full of innocent strength", and wrote, of eating milk toast in a famed restaurant with a convalescent friend, that the food was "a small modern miracle of gastronomy". She notes that even her homeliest kitchen manuals do not list it under Feeding The Sick or Invalid Receipts, arguing that milk toast was "an instinctive palliative, something like boiled water".[1] Fisher also notes that for true comfort, a ritual may be necessary, and for Milk Toast people, the dish used may be foolishly important. Her favorite version of milk toast has the milk mixed 50/50 with Campbell's condensed cream of tomato soup in a wide-lipped pitcher called a boccalino in Italian Switzerland where she got it.[2]
Milk toast's soft blandness served as inspiration for the name of the timid and ineffectual comic strip character Caspar Milquetoast, drawn by H. T. Webster from 1924 to 1952.[7] Thus, the term "milquetoast" entered the language as the label for a timid, shrinking, apologetic person. It also goes down great with dadcock.

I haven't actually read any of the posts ITT for the most part so I guess I didn't understand the ... question.
[Dec 8,2012 1:27am - Snowden ""]

Hoser said:
Snowden said:I'm curious about this powdered milk on toast thing. It's definitely not where the phrase "milk toast" came from, but is it...any good?

I liked it as a kid, but now realize that we only ate it because we didn't have money for real cereal.

I gotcha. I just thought you put it in quotes as a reference to "milquetoast" meaning something super wimpy (which seemed to fit the thread).
[Dec 8,2012 1:30am - Snowden ""]
And wikipedia says "milk toast" actually is what "milquetoast" is based on, so there you have it. AND we've come full circle!
[Dec 10,2012 7:30am - Yeti ""]

DYA%20is%20SFDLKDSFLK said:Fisher also notes that for true comfort, a ritual may be necessary
[Dec 10,2012 8:26am - DYA is LOL  ""]
And NOW we've come full circle.
[Dec 10,2012 8:29am - DYA is GAY  ""]
no one gives a fuck about DYA, no fucking cares that you dont log in and are troll posting as yourself, fuck off shithead.
[Dec 10,2012 9:29am - xmikex ""]
[Dec 10,2012 5:16pm - trioxin245 ""]

[Dec 10,2012 6:32pm - DYA is BAAAWWWWWW  ""]

DYA%20is%20GAY said:no one gives a fuck about DYA, no fucking cares that you dont log in and are troll posting as yourself, fuck off shithead.

[Dec 10,2012 7:26pm - narkybark ""]

DYA%20is%20SFDLKDSFLK said:Unfortunately, it actually is a food.
It also goes down great with dadcock.

Well, what doesn't, really...
[Dec 11,2012 12:56am - There are third grade  ""]
remember when hoser and all his elite redneck friends used to gang up on hailtheleaf. That was cool.
[Dec 11,2012 9:08am - Hoser ""]
That was awesome.

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