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the other MONDAY AUG 9TH metal show

[Jun 12,2004 7:04pm - baneofexistence ""]

21+ (sorry kiddies)




bane of existence
the nightmare continues
command presence
shroud of Bereavement(headliner)

i know it's a monday but hell you can't beat the price! ! ! ! !

5 awsome local bands for free :doublehorns:

[Jun 13,2004 2:09am - Justin____ ""]
what time is the show at?
i'll probably go cause its right near my home.
and i need a b.o.e. CD...

[Jun 13,2004 9:41am - baneofexistence ""]
[Jun 13,2004 12:41pm - thornnvine ""]
I'm looking forward to playing with BoE finally.

It will be a great show playing with Command Presence and The Nightmare Continues again.

What does Dissector sound like?

Fuck, it's a mondaynight though.

Shroud of Bereavement is also playing Aug 11th at KC's Tap. Lineup TBA.

[Jun 13,2004 4:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
this show will be bad assed man!!! what a line up!
[Jun 13,2004 4:18pm - Dissector ""]
We sounds like ass.
[Jun 14,2004 7:42am - subjugate ""]
no you don't man i am listening to your cd right now
[Jun 14,2004 9:03am - RustedAngel ""]
we just played with the nightmare continues in conway... i don't even think they hung around to catch us. gay.
[Jun 14,2004 5:51pm - diamond_dave ""]
we had to get back asap because our drummer had to go to a thing for his baby niece early sunday morning. we did stick around for a few songs. we still didn't get back home until 1 am. it's true though, we are totally gay.
[Jun 14,2004 6:03pm - Dissector ""]
I saw you guys with Phobia in RI. You guys we're fuckin heavy! Look forward to seeing you again and playing with you.

Thanks for the kind words Subjugate.
[Jun 14,2004 6:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
diamond_dave said:we had to get back asap because our drummer had to go to a thing for his baby niece early sunday morning. we did stick around for a few songs. we still didn't get back home until 1 am. it's true though, we are totally gay.

I am going to fight your drummer, and after I lose I am going to bleed all over him.
[Jun 14,2004 8:18pm - diamond_dave ""]
dissector, thank you. i'm psyched to hear you guys live and play with you as well.

joe, you mean this guy?[img]

he's a teddy bear. just ask his pit bulls, judas and hades.
[Jun 14,2004 8:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
diamond_dave said:we had to get back asap because our drummer had to go to a thing for his baby niece early sunday morning. we did stick around for a few songs. we still didn't get back home until 1 am. it's true though, we are totally gay.

ahh, cool then. no big deal.
[Jun 14,2004 8:55pm - Dissector ""]
I remember him setting his toms up weird. It looked like the two mounted toms were in reverse, the big one came first, then the small one, then the floor tom.
[Jun 15,2004 12:29am - BornSoVile ""]
stop picking on my friends Joe.
[Jun 15,2004 8:05am - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 15,2004 8:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My cat, Mengelle, will join me in my fight against his dogs, and we will still lose.
[Jun 15,2004 8:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:stop picking on my friends Joe.

make some friends and I promise I won't pick on them.
[Jun 15,2004 12:19pm - spookboy  ""]
i look forward to playing with BOE again, its been over two years since our last gig w/ them.

\m/BOE\m/ \m/SHROUD\m/
[Jun 15,2004 12:27pm - deadhooker ""]
metal kitty!
[Jun 15,2004 12:56pm - diamond_dave ""]
joe, your cat looks exactly like my roommates cat. knock it off.
[Jun 15,2004 1:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Is July 11th all set for KA?
I started a thread somewhere for you, offering you a gig and asking about july 11
[Jun 15,2004 6:06pm - diamond_dave ""]
as220 is booked for something else. no one else is getting back to me. i'm about to head out on my bike and toalk to people in person. the show will definitely happen though, even if it's in a basement.
[Jun 15,2004 6:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nice man, let me know what you come up with.
[Jun 16,2004 12:43pm - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 17,2004 8:19am - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 17,2004 9:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jun 17,2004 1:55pm - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 17,2004 4:02pm - Dissector ""]
This show is gettin no love. lol
[Jun 17,2004 6:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jun 17,2004 7:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the asshole named jim said:[img]

[Jun 18,2004 7:28am - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 18,2004 8:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jun 18,2004 9:22am - the asshole named jim  ""]
[Jun 19,2004 10:18am - SUBJUGATE ""]
bump for aug 9th massachusetts metal monday
[Jun 19,2004 2:10pm - Dissector ""]
That monkey looks old, haha.
[Jun 20,2004 5:44pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
thats a computer projection of what i'm gonna look like in 30 more years
[Jun 20,2004 8:20pm - Dissector ""]

I just realized who that itty bitty titties chick is haha.
[Jun 21,2004 10:34am - the asshole named jim  ""]
Dissector said:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just realized who that itty bitty titties chick is haha.

[Jun 21,2004 7:00pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
tommrow i'm gonna try and find the most grossest women i can possibly find to post :D
[Jun 21,2004 7:09pm - Dissector ""]
I'm still trying to find a picture of a parot on a skateboard. My friend was telling me about it, sounds hilarious.
[Jun 21,2004 8:27pm - thornnvine ""]
this is the show that all the kids are going to.

Terance, its probably not too late get you guys on the bill.
[Jun 21,2004 9:40pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
not another Command Presence gig.... those guys are fuckers.
[Jun 21,2004 11:25pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
thornnvine said:this is the show that all the kids are going to.

Terance, its probably not too late get you guys on the bill.

We're already playing in Worcester that night with Internal Suffering, et al. Thanks though.
[Jun 22,2004 8:52am - the subjugate fella  ""]

[Jun 22,2004 1:03pm - Dissector ""]
That's fuckin' gross.

Does this place allow moshing? Not that anybody will mosh for us but at least if it does we can say "mosh" in our songs and it will actually have meaning.
[Jun 22,2004 1:43pm - the subjugate fella  ""]
yea but you'd hit it if you had the oppertunity come on admit it

dunno if it does allow moshing we'll see
[Jun 22,2004 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]
howz about this one then man

[Jun 22,2004 5:38pm - Terence ""]
thornnvine said:this is the show that all the kids are going to.

Terance, its probably not too late get you guys on the bill.

Dan thanks for the offer man, but like Mike said, we're playing the Brutal Domination Tour show that same night in Worcester.
[Jun 23,2004 12:18am - thornnvine ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:thornnvine said:this is the show that all the kids are going to.

Terance, its probably not too late get you guys on the bill.

We're already playing in Worcester that night with Internal Suffering, et al. Thanks though.

yeah, i know, thats why i originally bumped this thread next to yours.

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