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the other MONDAY AUG 9TH metal show

[Jun 23,2004 12:23am - thornnvine ""]

ha ha ha ha ha

I thought about it later and wondered if you'd kindly pass.

well, wait till you see our flyers.

its dyingmuses penis being squeezed by Terance, (or was it Terry?)

those sexy posters bring em in.

seriously though, we'll cut our set short to get you guys on the bill, so will CP.

[Jun 23,2004 8:50am - the fella named subjugate  ""]
[Jun 23,2004 11:40am - the fella named subjugate  ""]
[Jun 23,2004 4:39pm - Dissector ""]
[Jun 24,2004 12:25am - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 24,2004 7:32pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
did the subjugate fella mention that this show is free

yup thats right $0 @ the door and and a nite of great local metal
[Jun 28,2004 10:58am - the subjugate fella  ""]
[Jun 28,2004 11:01am - Dissector ""]
Ha penis.
[Jun 28,2004 11:24am - the subjugate fella  ""]
look att he shit on the plates in the background
[Jun 28,2004 11:45am - Dissector ""]
HAHAHAHA! I missed that the first time I saw it. Where the hell is that place?
[Jun 28,2004 11:47am - Dissector ""]
I think it's funny that this thread is 60 postst long yet only comprised of basically 2 people. There were a few other people that posted, but not much.
[Jun 29,2004 8:47am - subjugate ""]
I needed to bump this thread and i'm not Sorry for being a pain in the ass.

[Jun 29,2004 10:43am - Dissector ""]
I think I'm gonna make some flyers and spread them around. Since most the people here will be going to the Brutal Domination show, I think we have to work other targets.
[Jun 29,2004 11:39am - eddie ""]
i tried walking into targets before but i missed

sorry every time i hear "target" i think of the mitch hedburg joke
[Jun 29,2004 12:02pm - Dissector ""]
Everytime I hear the word "sex" I think of your mom. ZING!
[Jun 29,2004 7:04pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
wow upside down is mom
[Jul 1,2004 9:17am - subjugate ""]
zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies
[Jul 1,2004 7:21pm - Dissector ""]
[Jul 1,2004 7:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 2,2004 7:42am - subjugate ""]
[Jul 3,2004 2:42pm - Dissector ""]

My very poor attempt at making a flyer. Somebody else should make a better one

[Jul 3,2004 2:43pm - Dissector ""]
FUCK DIDNT WORK!! just go here it's not letting me do it. http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/dissector/comp.jpg
[Jul 3,2004 11:00pm - Dissector ""]
WHAT THE FUCK! Angelfire is messing up.
[Jul 4,2004 9:30am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Dissector said:

it's good.... but I think you could add a little spice to it by adding in a super cool picture of a skull or dead baby.

[Jul 4,2004 11:35am - Dissector ""]
[Jul 5,2004 1:53pm - subjugate ""]
[Jul 5,2004 2:32pm - Dissector ""]
is it working?
[Jul 5,2004 6:31pm - subjugate ""]
[Jul 5,2004 7:38pm - Dissector ""]
Mother fuck
[Jul 6,2004 9:53am - subjugate ""]
[Jul 6,2004 9:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
make a myspace account and host the flyer there, and then add me as a friend so you can get my bulletin updates about shows you arent old enough to get into
[Jul 6,2004 12:27pm - subjugate ""]
[Jul 6,2004 1:37pm - Dissector ""]
I think I do have a myspace account but never used it because I thought it was gay.
[Jul 7,2004 1:25pm - subjugate ""]
yea i thoughtt hat way but hell now i have 1200+ ppl in mine and still no one goes to our shows hehehehehe

[Jul 7,2004 5:12pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey i think cp dropped off this gig. i was talking to hand choke neck and they wanted to fill in. is that cool? its your show so its up to you guys. figured id ask.
[Jul 7,2004 5:19pm - subjugate ""]
hmmm they never told me i will e mail em asap

why are they dropping off
[Jul 7,2004 8:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
not sure. our singer lives down there and hangs with them. she mentioned that like yeaterday or the day before.ill find out though
[Jul 8,2004 12:28pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i guess they are off so have that band e mail me so i can let the club booking know of the change

[Jul 9,2004 8:21am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 9,2004 11:48am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
yes. i do believe that they dropped off this gig. i'm not 100% sure of the reason, emailing them is your best bet. email carlos@command-presence.com
[Jul 9,2004 11:49am - SUBJUGATE ""]
they did dropp off i need another band asap
[Jul 9,2004 11:50am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
right on. i'll speak to a few bands i know and if i have any luck, i'll let you know.
[Jul 11,2004 8:46pm - Dissector ""]
Any band fill their spot yet?
[Jul 11,2004 8:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
is h c n on this, if so ill let em know?
[Jul 11,2004 9:01pm - Terence ""]
SUBJUGATE said:[img]

I like the wedding pictures in the background.
[Jul 12,2004 8:29am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 12,2004 11:05am - SUBJUGATE ""]
hand-choke-neck took the commad presence spot
[Jul 12,2004 3:06pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 13,2004 8:30am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 13,2004 1:47pm - SUBJUGATE ""]

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