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[Feb 4,2005 2:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Feb 4,2005 2:10pm - eg67  ""]
and i think i am probably the only person in that thinks the bass player from tootsie is hot.
[Feb 4,2005 2:13pm - litacore ""]
Angela rules, Christina I respect her immensely but I don't like her band one bit. I tried.
[Feb 4,2005 2:16pm - paganmegan ""]
Yeah, lacuna coil are a little too melodramatic
[Feb 4,2005 2:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
dont think music, think hotness, thats what im going for here, christina is a goddess
[Feb 4,2005 2:22pm - litacore ""]
I think brutality adds to one's hotness
[Feb 4,2005 2:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
youve got a point
[Feb 4,2005 2:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i dont know keith i gotta go with the girl there, watching a chic play brutally heavy music is quite hot !
[Feb 4,2005 2:37pm - WarWhore ""]
DEMONIC CHRIST broad is hot.
[Feb 4,2005 2:40pm - litacore ""]

hahaha, GO DANA!
[Feb 4,2005 2:41pm - litacore ""]
is she wearing an upside down cross CHOKER?

[Feb 4,2005 2:41pm - WarWhore ""]
[Feb 4,2005 2:43pm - litacore ""]

check it out--Jon Vesano used to play in Demonic Christ before Nile

I wonder if they were doin' the nasty--look how he's standing
[Feb 4,2005 3:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
eg67 said:and i think i am probably the only person in that thinks the bass player from tootsie is hot.

i saw them at the endzone and i specifically said to the bassplayer "sweety your are beautiful if I was 21 I'd buy you a drink" she stroked my arm and gave me a peck on the cheeck.
[Feb 4,2005 3:14pm - eg67  ""]
which bassplayer was it?theyve had a few.
[Feb 4,2005 3:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
i dunno, back in october of 01 i think, not sure.
[Feb 4,2005 3:23pm - Aegathis  ""]
I knew that was him
[Feb 4,2005 3:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
I have Jon's girlfriend on my friends list, man that guy is one lucky dood.
[Feb 4,2005 3:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 4,2005 3:41pm - litacore ""]
Nile are the shit, can't wait for Spring
[Feb 4,2005 3:54pm - Aegathis  ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

dude i saw that girls profile also, I dont know how old John is but Im guessing alot older than that girl whos only 20.
[Feb 4,2005 3:57pm - rachel  ""]
christina is the only attractive girl in this thread. and i guess angela is alright too.
[Feb 4,2005 3:59pm - anonymous  ""]
Hooker said:Bass to guitar is the snowboard to the skateboard.

If you suck at one, dumb down to the other easier option.

that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. i can play circles around most male guitarists and i choose to play bass in my band.
[Feb 4,2005 4:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i play the organ.....

har har
[Feb 4,2005 4:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
litacore said:[img]

hahaha, GO DANA!

There's some beautiful about that pic realy.:spineyes:
[Feb 4,2005 4:45pm - litacore ""]
yeah it's funny--what's she looking up at? the blair witch?
[Feb 4,2005 4:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Who is that?
[Feb 4,2005 4:48pm - litacore ""]
Dana Duffey, brainchild behind Demonic Christ
[Feb 4,2005 4:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh shit right. right.
[Feb 4,2005 4:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Please tell me she lives in MA.
[Feb 4,2005 4:50pm - Josh_Martin ""]
litacore said:yeah it's funny--what's she looking up at? the blair witch?

She's looking up at Gene Simmons, asking if her makeup is now different enough from his to avoid a lawsuit.
[Feb 4,2005 4:51pm - litacore ""]
hahaha, nope-ers

South Carolina. Quite a commute.
[Feb 4,2005 4:52pm - Josh_Martin ""]
A friend of mine fucked her about 10 years ago.
[Feb 4,2005 4:53pm - litacore ""]
Josh_Martin said:litacore said:yeah it's funny--what's she looking up at? the blair witch?

She's looking up at Gene Simmons, asking if her makeup is now different enough from his to avoid a lawsuit.

Simmons is such a padwanger for suing King Diamond

I hope he spends eternity in the dark place with no one to pleasure him except NPR's Terry Gross
[Feb 4,2005 4:53pm - litacore ""]
Josh_Martin said:A friend of mine fucked her about 10 years ago.

was she all "White Power" about shit? :satancross:
[Feb 4,2005 5:04pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Demonic Christ did some fire breathing that day though.
Between that and the makeup, she acts a lot like Gene the Jew for a WP chick.

[Feb 5,2005 12:03am - anonymous  ""]
Josh_Martin said:Dunno.
Demonic Christ did some fire breathing that day though.
Between that and the makeup, she acts a lot like Gene the Jew for a WP chick.

hahaha, awesome

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