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Cold Northern Vengeance on myspace

[Feb 28,2007 4:40am - CNV  ""]

Do not be a faggot black

[Feb 28,2007 9:22am - Shannon nli  ""]
whats with the nazi shit in the background?
[Feb 28,2007 9:27am - anonymous  ""]
Nice flag. Now go watch American history X again for the millionth time. oh yea, and you probably didnt get the memo, black metal is gay. Poser.
[Feb 28,2007 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 28,2007 9:42am - ZJD ""]
How do you say you aren't in a racist band and then post that picture?
[Feb 28,2007 10:35am - paganmeg  ""]
[Feb 28,2007 10:38am - paganmeg  ""]
I love how everyone is getting so concerned about the pic. Since when has metal been politically correct?
[Feb 28,2007 10:39am - litacore ""]
[Feb 28,2007 11:10am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
since when have nazis been racists? Racsist means you have to hate another race of humans, everyone knows the jews aren't humans!

Don't get why people get so offended by the swastika or Nazi regalia. If I weren't going to get jumped I'd wear a swastika around my neck, I orderd it from India a year back, it's really cool.

I wish the Jews didn't bitch so much about how the Swatika is to culturally insensitive.

Last night I had a dream where two figures armwrestled, one was clad in the old colonial thriteen stars flag, the other was in the star of david flag or israel.

[Feb 28,2007 11:33am - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Nice flag. Now go watch American history X again for the millionth time. oh yea, and you probably didnt get the memo, black metal is gay. Poser. "

What a doosh
[Feb 28,2007 11:35am - Anthony ""]
people are still getting mad over bands using swastikas in their aesthetic? haha Siouxsie Sioux did this 30 years ago it's not that big of a deal
[Feb 28,2007 11:50am - Troll ""]
[Feb 28,2007 12:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
You know what's really stupid? With the explosion of "hipster black metal" a lot of the people who were bitching about NSBM bands a few years ago are now supporting bands that are ideologically more extreme than a band like GBK.

Or is it that when a band says, "We must exterminate all Jews on this planet" it's serious but when N.E.D. prints, "We must secure total annhilation of humanity and end all life on this planet" on a sleeve it's ironic?
[Feb 28,2007 12:19pm - CNV  ""]
Cmon folks, I think we all know that the holocaust never happened
[Feb 28,2007 12:40pm - dreadkill ""]
der fuhrer is the best banjo player of all time
[Feb 28,2007 12:40pm - dreadkill ""]
litacore said:[img]

that's my favorite kitty!
[Feb 28,2007 1:11pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
... besides, Hitler was a Jew
[Feb 28,2007 1:14pm - paganmeg  ""]
irrelevant and not proven
[Feb 28,2007 1:24pm - CNV  ""]
Hitler like all Krauts was a bi curious pervert that gets high off the smell and sight of urine
[Feb 28,2007 1:27pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Hitler was gay and jewish!!

Gay, jewish and black!

Gay, jewish, black, and hung light a tic tac.

Gay, jewish, black, hung like a tic tac and he was into beastiality.

Gay, jewish, bl....

oh, shutup.

The above pic is killer and the myspace page looks good...
Now how about we all get together and fucking PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 28,2007 1:28pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
oh, bow to your dirty gay jew messiah
[Feb 28,2007 1:30pm - CNV  ""]
Yeah, we can probably practice March 10th

[Feb 28,2007 1:30pm - Kinslayer  ""]
oh sure! you got a picture of Megan but not me??

I'm ahot blond too!
[Feb 28,2007 1:31pm - CNV  ""]
Yeah, we can probably practice March 10th

[Feb 28,2007 1:31pm - anonymous  ""]
ZJD said:How do you say you aren't in a racist band and then post that picture?

For Attention. Otherwise no one would bump their threads.
[Feb 28,2007 1:34pm - CNV  ""]
anonymous said:ZJD said:How do you say you aren't in a racist band and then post that picture?

For Attention. Otherwise no one would bump their threads.

Hahahaha, I did it just to see how many cunts would whine

Good for a chuckle
[Feb 28,2007 1:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My friend had her profile deleted because of a similar flag in the background.
[Feb 28,2007 1:40pm - CNV  ""]
Yo dawg, yall are a bunch of haters

gotts ta stop drinking the hatorade
[Feb 28,2007 1:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Hitler was a sensitive man.
[Feb 28,2007 1:43pm - paganmeg  ""]
rock gegen ZOG
[Feb 28,2007 1:43pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 28,2007 1:51pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
now, now, Rich...

she's just celebrating a little diversity
[Feb 28,2007 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
God bless America AND NOWHERE ELSE.
[Feb 28,2007 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
What the hell is diversity?
[Feb 28,2007 2:05pm - inject-now ""]
total support to cnv. great band.
[Feb 28,2007 2:05pm - inject-now ""]
[Feb 28,2007 2:06pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
ask CNV - his ravishing semitic gaylord fits the bill
[Feb 28,2007 2:13pm - CNV  ""]
GoatCatalyst said:ask CNV - his ravishing semitic gaylord fits the bill

Not sure what the question is? If your referring to Hitler

well I think he was a fucking crack pot quack to be honest but I can give him credit for being a catalyst for such a massive War

He was good for the environment
[Feb 28,2007 2:23pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
don't mind me... just tryin' to be a dick
[Feb 28,2007 2:41pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
hahaha those nazi flags are so lame they remind me of the fat sweaty kids who work at gas stations yet some how belive there raising up the white race. so even if your not a nazi that flag was a pretty lame waste of money then. not to offend sorry if my comments make you mad but its pretty stupid to invest your money in nazi propaganda if your not a nazi
[Feb 28,2007 2:49pm - CNV  ""]
Well, hey babycakes

Thanks for that tidbit of worthless advice

Either you get it or ya dont

[Feb 28,2007 2:51pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
get what? thats all im asking for let me know what its about then?
[Feb 28,2007 2:54pm - RichHorror ""]
I hate run-on sentences even more than I hate nazis.
[Feb 28,2007 2:54pm - CNV  ""]
babyshaker nli said:get what? thats all im asking for let me know what its about then?

[Feb 28,2007 2:56pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
no come on you act like your right all the time explain to me why you would spend money on nazi flags if your not a nazi...
[Feb 28,2007 2:57pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
RichHorror said:I hate run-on sentences even more than I hate nazis.

im a rebel without a period
[Feb 28,2007 2:59pm - CNV  ""]
I offer no explanation

case closed baby cakes
[Feb 28,2007 3:02pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
hahah ok pal thanks for the pet name it makes me all tingly inside. i gotta go though i'm gonna go purchase some nazi flags...dont call me racist though i hate it when people do that
[Feb 28,2007 3:04pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
i'd like to offer some sort of smart-ass remark right now, but i'm really busy reading up on regenerating a mighty heathen foreskin
[Feb 28,2007 3:16pm - xanonymousx ""]
someones looking to start some shit.
[Feb 28,2007 3:17pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I've never understood how killing and raping people is ok in music, but when you talk about "hating" a specific people it suddenly becomes all wrong.
[Feb 28,2007 3:20pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
i dont care who anyone hates you cant change other peoples minds nazi's have just as much right to say what they think. just own up to it thats all im sayin
[Feb 28,2007 3:20pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
and if theres somthing im not getting about the situation then some one can explain it to me and you'll be right ...right?
[Feb 28,2007 3:23pm - CNV  ""]
There is a quote somewhere that says - Art offers no explanation

[Feb 28,2007 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 28,2007 3:26pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
CNV said:[img]

Do not be a faggot black


so artsy... it must have taken you so long to line up that goat candle holder with the nazi flag...wait is there some kind of "dimmer" switch involved to get that wicked artistic grim light is there a message in how that tarot card is placed.....i could give a fuck about your music you guys are good at the music you play..all im commenting on is how people jump to call people fags cause they noticed a nazi flag and said somthig about it...
[Feb 28,2007 3:27pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
would someone just explain why you would buy nazi flags if your not a nazi and ill shut the fuck up!
[Feb 28,2007 3:29pm - RichHorror ""]
You sound like a woman.
[Feb 28,2007 3:30pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
thats because im on the rag how did you know?
[Feb 28,2007 3:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Because you're prattling on incessantly about something only you care about.
[Feb 28,2007 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
babyshaker nli said:would someone just explain why you would buy nazi flags if your not a nazi and ill shut the fuck up!

some people collect bizarre shit. if i could own an actual Nazi flag used in the war i would. a friend of mine has an armband taken from a Nazi soldier in WWII, its really cool to hold a piece of history like that.
[Feb 28,2007 3:33pm - babyshaker213 ""]
RichHorror said:Because you're prattling on incessantly about something only you care about.

stop reading
[Feb 28,2007 3:35pm - babyshaker213 ""]
Yeti said:babyshaker nli said:would someone just explain why you would buy nazi flags if your not a nazi and ill shut the fuck up!

some people collect bizarre shit. if i could own an actual Nazi flag used in the war i would. a friend of mine has an armband taken from a Nazi soldier in WWII, its really cool to hold a piece of history like that.

never mind dude ahahah i really dont even care anymore
[Feb 28,2007 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
babyshaker213 said:RichHorror said:Because you're prattling on incessantly about something only you care about.

stop reading

Stop acting precisely like a woman.
[Feb 28,2007 3:38pm - babyshaker213 ""]
its hard dude ill try but i cant promise anything..just like a woman you know?
[Feb 28,2007 3:38pm - RichHorror ""]
Women never try. They only fail.
[Feb 28,2007 3:39pm - babyshaker213 ""]
hahah you and the last word
[Feb 28,2007 3:59pm - mOe ""]
"Influences The freezing desolate winter"

hahahahahahahahah, i dont care who ya are, thats funny
[Feb 28,2007 4:04pm - xmikex ""]
I just made a fart noise into my hand.

That's all I have to say about this.
[Feb 28,2007 4:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 28,2007 4:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i like when boston people say yours and it sounds like yawz.
[Feb 28,2007 9:30pm - Troll ""]
So, does this wearing helmet make me a Nazi?

[Feb 28,2007 9:35pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
In the minds of some people, yes, it probably would, haha.
[Feb 28,2007 9:39pm - Troll ""]
[Feb 28,2007 9:43pm - CNV  ""]
Nice landscape in that video

What town was that???
[Feb 28,2007 9:47pm - Murph nli  ""]
I wonder is 99.9% of the people who revere Baphomet really know what Baphomet was and to whom.

Very interesting period of history.

P.S. If I was in Canada, would you guys be Cold SOUTHERN Vengeance?

[Feb 28,2007 9:49pm - Troll ""]
CNV said:Nice landscape in that video

What town was that???

Warren NH


Hail to the Molestache!
[Feb 28,2007 9:51pm - Troll ""]
Murph nli said:I wonder is 99.9% of the people who revere Baphomet really know what Baphomet was and to whom.

Very interesting period of history.

P.S. If I was in Canada, would you guys be Cold SOUTHERN Vengeance?

Yea so, and to the Arabs they'd be Cold North Western Infidels.
[Feb 28,2007 9:56pm - Troll ""]
oh, I'm having too much fun.
[Feb 28,2007 9:58pm - Murph nli  ""]
Troll said:Murph nli said:I wonder is 99.9% of the people who revere Baphomet really know what Baphomet was and to whom.

Very interesting period of history.

P.S. If I was in Canada, would you guys be Cold SOUTHERN Vengeance?

Yea so, and to the Arabs they'd be Cold North Western Infidels.

Nah, they'd just be Beach Casper.

[Feb 28,2007 10:00pm - Troll ""]
you lost me man?!?!
[Feb 28,2007 10:03pm - Murph nli  ""]
Casper is the friendly white ghost from children's cartoons. On the beach, someone who is unbelievably pasty is known as a beach Casper.

Thus spake the wikipedia.
[Feb 28,2007 10:06pm - Troll ""]
I think Casper was queer.....You thoughts?
[Feb 28,2007 10:20pm - Murph nli  ""]
I'm not saying shit about Casper. He could be spying on me right now and I'd never know. Hell, he could be passing through me. Fucking pervert.
[Feb 28,2007 10:21pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I get so turned on at the idea that Casper could potentially be watching me masturbate.
[Mar 1,2007 12:31am - BornSoVile ""]
but anyways, I added CNV, they rule.
[Mar 1,2007 7:53am - anonymous  ""]
Oh, leave poor CNV alone. They've gained barely any notoriety through their music or releases, so instead they flail about online making completely moronic and assinine statements while pasting their logos anywhere the bitrate would allow. And you know what? it worked.

By the way, stop accusing them of being Nazis. They've made it painfully obvious that their knowledge National Socialism (or history in general) could barely fit on a 3x5 card.
[Mar 1,2007 8:12am - the_reverend ""]
that picture of Troll is hilarious.

CNV is like Behemoth, everyone argues so much whether they are nazi or NS and there is a lot of stuff on the CD that they can't do live (synth work) and both are awesome.

is that run on sentence good for you?
[Mar 1,2007 8:23am - RichHorror ""]
Needs work.
[Mar 1,2007 8:48am - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna start a band about raping lil blonde girls
[Mar 1,2007 8:56am - xmikex ""]
You guys are all getting so worked up over nothing. I mean, it's just a picture right?
[Mar 1,2007 9:05am - hungtableed  ""]
I find it ironic that as I read through this thread the title on top of my browser says "90% more Gimmick bands"
[Mar 1,2007 10:22am - Y Draig Goch nli  ""]
hungtableed said:I find it ironic that as I read through this thread the title on top of my browser says "90% more Gimmick bands"

I find it ironic that mine says "new england is wicked pissed" because we don't like hippies like you!!! na mean imma hang ya ta bleed in maah basement.
[Mar 1,2007 10:24am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, the guy that goes on and on about muslims being the devil and the need to wipe them off the face of the Earth is clearly a hippie.
[Mar 1,2007 10:26am - paganmeg  ""]
is good music a gimmick? I should think not
[Mar 1,2007 10:29am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 1,2007 12:30pm - Troll ""]
the_reverend said:that picture of Troll is hilarious.

No Rev, this is a crackup.
.......Oh, the irony

[Mar 1,2007 12:32pm - the_reverend ""]
it's like a "what if Germany won, but the band death still happened"
[Mar 1,2007 12:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
that tattoo is awesome, the goat one that is.
[Mar 1,2007 12:55pm - Troll ""]
in my opinion, this one blows the goat away.

[Mar 1,2007 1:13pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
If those apey crackes are the glorious future of the white race- I'm jumping ship. VIVA MISCEGNATION!
[Mar 1,2007 1:18pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
[Mar 1,2007 1:24pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I only hate zionists and island scum who think they are gods (puerto rians and domincans who come to massachusetts and gloat about how awesome their island is an how much america sucks)
[Mar 1,2007 1:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
Troll said:in my opinion, this one blows the goat away.


naw man my friend has stay gold, on his hands and when he does a double shocker it says "say god" now that is amazing......but the goat is still fucking awesome.

[Mar 1,2007 2:01pm - xmikex ""]
[Mar 1,2007 2:07pm - CNV  ""]
anonymous said:Oh, leave poor CNV alone. They've gained barely any notoriety through their music or releases, so instead they flail about online making completely moronic and assinine statements while pasting their logos anywhere the bitrate would allow. And you know what? it worked.

By the way, stop accusing them of being Nazis. They've made it painfully obvious that their knowledge National Socialism (or history in general) could barely fit on a 3x5 card.

Drinking the hatorade nigga


and I will take you to school bitch

like Mr Meeyagee

[Mar 1,2007 2:09pm - Troll ""]
W3 nli said:Troll said:in my opinion, this one blows the goat away.


naw man my friend has stay gold, on his hands and when he does a double shocker it says "say god" now that is amazing......but the goat is still fucking awesome.


Can't accept credit for that tat. It's my friend Jeff from Tractorass.

I'm not that cool.
[Mar 1,2007 3:34pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Nothing like a seig heil in a NAUSEA shirt hahaha!

I'm kidding. I wear tons of PC crust shirts, Nausea and Doom included and I'm no where near 'PC'...
[Mar 1,2007 4:09pm - hungtableed  ""]
Y Draig Goch nli said:hungtableed said:I find it ironic that as I read through this thread the title on top of my browser says "90% more Gimmick bands"

I find it ironic that mine says "new england is wicked pissed" because we don't like hippies like you!!! na mean imma hang ya ta bleed in maah basement.

wow, I'm a hippie huh? You obviously don't know shit about me you douche. Why don't you come clean, you know you want to be sodomized by a zionist jew you homo.

[Mar 1,2007 4:14pm - hungtableed  ""]
paganmeg said:is good music a gimmick? I should think not

No, the adoption of a faggy theme is a gimmick.
Good music is one thing, but a queer theme makes bands like this seem like a fucking joke. What do you guys do in front of that statue? Pray? That's cool.
[Mar 1,2007 4:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
when are you going to boot camp dood, or am i thinking of someone else ?
[Mar 1,2007 4:23pm - hungtableed  ""]
W3 nli said:when are you going to boot camp dood, or am i thinking of someone else ?

As long as these lousy democrats and arm chair generals in washington continue to set the ROE for men on the ground so that they cannot kill people that are trying to kill them - never.

[Mar 1,2007 4:25pm - W3 nli  ""]
ah i thought you already had a set date, cool.
[Mar 1,2007 4:32pm - CNV  ""]
hungtableed said:paganmeg said:is good music a gimmick? I should think not

No, the adoption of a faggy theme is a gimmick.
Good music is one thing, but a queer theme makes bands like this seem like a fucking joke. What do you guys do in front of that statue? Pray? That's cool.

Dude, your still whining!!!!

Is it a gimmick? Well, it depends on how you percieve it

I am sure that a lot of people think that King Diamond is a gimmick and I am sure there a lot of people that percieve it as artistic

I am sure a lot of people have thought Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Venom, Slayer, etc was a gimmick too

I can say that I have been studying the Occult for a long time

and your a whining cunt

but go ahead and keep bumping the thread

[Mar 1,2007 4:34pm - babyshaker213 ""]
anonymous said:Oh, leave poor CNV alone. They've gained barely any notoriety through their music or releases, so instead they flail about online making completely moronic and assinine statements while pasting their logos anywhere the bitrate would allow. And you know what? it worked.

By the way, stop accusing them of being Nazis. They've made it painfully obvious that their knowledge National Socialism (or history in general) could barely fit on a 3x5 card.

its painfully clear that you dont know much about NS either seeing as how being a national socialist does not always make you a nazi
[Mar 1,2007 7:05pm - Kinslayer  ""]
this is true although showing a swastika is directly referencing Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler thus showing an appreciation or a siding with the National Socialist German Workers Party...

I appreciate the swastika as a symbol of it's power over people and what it once stood for. I'm not a Hitler worshipper despite my tremendous respect for him although I do appreciate and value National Socialism as a political ideal...romantic this day in age, sure but substantial nonetheless.
[Mar 1,2007 7:47pm - CNV  ""]
Hahaha, this thread turned out really hilarious

I only posted it to see how much mischief I could stir up

Thanks for making me laugh!!!

[Mar 1,2007 7:48pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Black metal is not gay. But i'm not for nazi politics.
[Mar 1,2007 7:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
CNV said:Hahaha, this thread turned out really hilarious

I only posted it to see how much mischief I could stir up

Thanks for making me laugh!!!


England blows, if there was one other nation , asides from Israel, I'd like to see destroyed it'd be that country, though my hatred for it is needless because all the hate that's it's thrown at my ancestors was done atleast a hundred years ago. But until we get the north back, may the bombs keep blowing up the occupation

[Mar 1,2007 7:58pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
you probably only hate England because they gave the Jews Israel with the British-Palestine mandate....
btw; Arianism died when that pussy fag Hitler committed suicide.
[Mar 1,2007 8:04pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Hung_to_Bleed said:you probably only hate England because they gave the Jews Israel with the British-Palestine mandate....
btw; Arianism died when that pussy fag Hitler committed suicide.

Cool whatever, who said I was an Aryanist? And there is no proof that Hitler died, or commited suicide, for all we know he could be sipping margeritas in the bahamas...well he would be dead by now of old age of course.
[Mar 1,2007 8:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just thinking... how did a... ehmm I'm going to another thread.
[Mar 1,2007 10:44pm - Troll ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:CNV said:Hahaha, this thread turned out really hilarious

I only posted it to see how much mischief I could stir up

Thanks for making me laugh!!!


England blows, if there was one other nation , asides from Israel, I'd like to see destroyed it'd be that country, though my hatred for it is needless because all the hate that's it's thrown at my ancestors was done atleast a hundred years ago. But until we get the north back, may the bombs keep blowing up the occupation

Your speaking English aren't you?
[Mar 1,2007 11:09pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
nope, American
[Mar 1,2007 11:28pm - Troll ""]
uhhhh funny
[Mar 1,2007 11:31pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
hahah seriously, English and American are completly different languages, have you ever talked to one of them limey bastahds? I can't understand a thing they say.
[Mar 2,2007 1:06am - threadkiller  ""]
[Mar 2,2007 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
didn't kill me... I'm on the text only version
[Mar 2,2007 3:32am - CNV  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:hahah seriously, English and American are completly different languages, have you ever talked to one of them limey bastahds? I can't understand a thing they say.

I am ah Limey and yeah your speaking English cunt and yeah it is my birthday now as the snow is coming down and me beloved Bathory- Twighlight of the Gods is playing

My drunken bender has begun

I understand the pain of the Irish and Scottish and all that being a low life white trash Limey

But just think son,

If you did not have the ENGLISH then you would never EVER have Heavy fuckn Metal and that is fact JACK




[Mar 2,2007 3:43am - CNV  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:CNV said:Hahaha, this thread turned out really hilarious

I only posted it to see how much mischief I could stir up

Thanks for making me laugh!!!


England blows, if there was one other nation , asides from Israel, I'd like to see destroyed it'd be that country, though my hatred for it is needless because all the hate that's it's thrown at my ancestors was done atleast a hundred years ago. But until we get the north back, may the bombs keep blowing up the occupation

Then you should take all your metal records and throw them in the trash

England is the forefathers

[Mar 2,2007 10:44am - Yeti ""]
"We would like to state that Transilvanian Hunger stands beyond any criticism. If any man should attempt to criticize this LP, he should be thoroughly patronized for his obviously Jewish behavior."
[Mar 2,2007 11:12am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I hate the england of pre ww2, after that it got good again. But from the time of the romans til ww2 it sucked.

in 1900 England was the world's super power, by 1950 good ol USA took the reigns, and who knows in a few more years we will probably be answering to Mr. Wok as world emperor.

If you wanted to get really technical I could argue that metal orginally spans from caveman in africa, but who believes in evolution anymore.
[Mar 2,2007 7:57pm - Samantha ""]
[Mar 2,2007 8:08pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I always knew the jews were really cats in human form
[Mar 2,2007 8:49pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Can't people just listen to the music for what it is?. I listen to music for the music. I don't care about image,theatrics,or what a bands beliefs are. If I did, I wouldn't listen to half the shit I listen too.
[Mar 4,2007 11:24pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 5,2007 2:17am - Dar ""]
crediting the english with inventing metal is nice and all but if you took a look at their record collections at the time don't you think you'd find lots of nigger blues? nothin is simple

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