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[Dec 13,2010 9:58am - boxxy ""]

That's right, this fantastic series of novels by George RR Martin has been turned into a tv series that's going to air in april of 2011. I guarantee that this will be awesomely epic. Great group of actors, good director, and the best script to be made into a tv series since the DUNE miniseries on SciFi.

I can't fucking wait.
[Dec 13,2010 10:16am - sever ""]
hell yeah. HBO?
[Dec 13,2010 10:48am - boxxy ""]
Fucking right, how else would they have all the incest and murder!
[Dec 13,2010 10:51am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hear the "Incest. Murder. Rape." network is getting picked up by DirecTV
[Dec 13,2010 10:53am - boxxy ""]

goatcatalyst said:I hear the "Incest. Murder. Rape." network is getting picked up by DirecTV

I look forward to it.
[Dec 13,2010 11:06am - arilliusbm ""]
Wheel of Time show plz
[Dec 13,2010 11:15am - boxxy ""]
that was in the works like, 10 years ago or something, but I think the budgett fell through when they realized they'd need to make at least 13 movies to tell just the basic story. If they wanted to follow the books exactly it would be something like 20 movies.
[Dec 13,2010 12:05pm - jere-nli  ""]
fuck yeah!
[Dec 13,2010 5:49pm - deathchick ""]
Yep, psyched. Some good sneak peeks on here: http://www.makinggameofthrones.com/
[Dec 13,2010 5:55pm - deathchick ""]

[Dec 13,2010 5:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
wow...this is super old news.

I'm pumped though.
[Dec 13,2010 5:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
maybe a dance with dragons will actually come out now?
[Dec 13,2010 6:01pm - deathchick ""]
yeah, it better come out.
@andrew, yeah, I heard about it a while ago also. that trailer I just posted is new.
[Dec 13,2010 9:10pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
they played a long, cool making of piece with interviews etc before the season finale of Boardwalk Empire the other night...
[Dec 14,2010 10:01am - boxxy ""]
well SOOOOORRRRRYYYY. I just heard about, and am thrilled.
[Dec 14,2010 3:39pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
just being douche as per usual. I'm thrilled as well...
[Dec 14,2010 4:05pm - boxxy ""]
yeah, these books are up there w/the wheel of time series.. (although they have about 50 less subplots per book)
[Dec 14,2010 4:12pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
surpassed the WoT series for me...far more mature and more to the point...never got past WoT book 8
[Dec 14,2010 4:14pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
here's a cool story, bro:

my old band Horn of Valere had a piece in an issue of Metal Maniacs in like 2006 or something and in that piece the author gave us a great review but said he wished that I had taken a fantasy name from a better series like G RR M's a Song of Ice and Fire...which lead to me reading that series and liking it more.

next band: Power metal called Lannister.
[Dec 14,2010 4:27pm - boxxy ""]
that actually IS a cool story.
[Dec 14,2010 4:27pm - deathchick ""]
nice, haha
[Apr 27,2011 8:20am - AndrewBastard ""]
so I finally watched the premier last night and LOVED it...I'm watching episode 2 tonight after work.

So far its following the book to the T
[Apr 27,2011 9:57am - posbleak ""]
I like it a lot so far - I'm annoyed at what they changed (Dany & Khal Drogo) but that's really it. Tyrion owns.
[Apr 27,2011 10:01am - ark  ""]
downloaded, will watch, will enjoy. haven't read the series.
[Apr 27,2011 10:15am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
watched a bit of this. need to watch from the begining. OnDemand ftw.
[Apr 27,2011 10:31am - AndrewBastard ""]
what did they change between Dany and Khal? It seemed like their plot came in a bit early but it was on point...TITS FOR THE WIN

also, I wanna bang Arya when she gets older. or now. shes cute.
[Apr 27,2011 10:42am - shadow lurker  ""]
i wanna bang her now
[Apr 27,2011 11:23am - goatcatalyst ""]
Buncha bookworms in this thread. Reading is for jail, dummies
[Apr 27,2011 2:11pm - stench  ""]
was rickon in this yet?
hes the only one i dont remember (though ive only caught the first episode)
also my only qualm with casting was with jon snow
kinda though he was really old
but i got over it fast since it ruled none-the-less
[Apr 27,2011 2:27pm - Doomkid ""]
Sean Bean is in this? My dick and balls are on board.
[Apr 27,2011 2:31pm - ark  ""]
Yeah he should just play these roles for the rest of his career. 006 FTW
[Apr 27,2011 2:56pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Rickon...hmm. I dont recall. You'd think we would have seen him when Robert Baretheon rolled into Winterfell as all the kids were out to greet him. I didnt even think to look for him.

I agree about Jon Snow...he just kinda looks like a bitch.
[Apr 27,2011 3:09pm - posbleak ""]

AndrewBastard said:Rickon...hmm. I dont recall. You'd think we would have seen him when Robert Baretheon rolled into Winterfell as all the kids were out to greet him. I didnt even think to look for him.

In exactly the scene you described:
[Apr 27,2011 3:12pm - ark  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Buncha bookworms in this thread. Reading is for jail, dummies
we're all prisoners here, pally
[Apr 27,2011 3:22pm - AndrewBastard ""]

posbleak said:
AndrewBastard said:Rickon...hmm. I dont recall. You'd think we would have seen him when Robert Baretheon rolled into Winterfell as all the kids were out to greet him. I didnt even think to look for him.

In exactly the scene you described:


Im watching episode 2 after work. cant wait.
[May 2,2011 8:44am - Sacreligion ""]
I can't figure out if I like this or not.
[May 2,2011 10:30am - boxxy ""]
you do. you like this VERY much. Even if you don't YET, you will. The first couple episodes are really all about familiarizing yourself with all the different characters, and the situations surrounding them. The 3rd episode (last night) starts to build the tensions between the Starks and the Lannisters. As this series continues, it will get more and more difficult to not watch it right at 9pm when it first airs.
[May 2,2011 11:00am - Lester__Burnham ""]
3 episodes in had high hopes for this series after first episode but i could have missed both of the last 2 episodes and really of missed nothing. i could be updated by someone in as little as 3 sentences. this show has me for one more episode before i quit it.so far first HBO series not to have a fag yet. THATS AMAZING FOR HBO
[May 2,2011 11:09am - AndrewBastard ""]
download ep 3 now....watching tonight after work
[May 2,2011 11:49am - Mark_R ""]
What is the total number of episodes?
[May 2,2011 11:50am - AndrewBastard ""]
3...3rd ep aired last night
[May 2,2011 1:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Mark_R said:What is the total number of episodes?

There's going to be 10 total in this season.
[May 2,2011 1:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Lester__Burnham said:3 episodes in had high hopes for this series after first episode but i could have missed both of the last 2 episodes and really of missed nothing. i could be updated by someone in as little as 3 sentences. this show has me for one more episode before i quit it.so far first HBO series not to have a fag yet. THATS AMAZING FOR HBO

Mostly everything that they've shown, they've shown for a reason. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but all the plot in the first 3 episodes has been integral to the storyline.
[May 2,2011 2:10pm - Sacreligion ""]
I kinda feel the same way as lester. I could havd squeezed the first three episodes into one thus far.
[May 2,2011 2:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is there a website i can watch the episodes? they only have the last 2 on demand and i wanna watch from teh beginning...
[May 2,2011 2:23pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm liking this show. Plus if I missed something, I can turn my head 90 degrees to the left, ask a question, and have Jimbo, the expert, explain everything.
[May 2,2011 2:29pm - AndrewBastard ""]
download torrents...thats what I do. Then I watch them on my TV via my XBox 360.

[May 2,2011 2:40pm - Sacreligion ""]
They should change the name of this show to The Queen is a Cunt.
[May 2,2011 2:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Sacreligion said:They should change the name of this show to The Queen is a Cunt.

The shit that cunt does later in the series, WOOOOOO, some messed up shit.
[May 2,2011 2:44pm - Sacreligion ""]
Didn't take long for me to want to hate(fuck) her.

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