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Post vids / pics of you at work...

[Jun 19,2012 4:53pm - Hoser ""]
Here's mine.


[Jun 19,2012 4:58pm - DukeManjunk ""]
heres a picture of me at my old job...
[Jun 19,2012 5:14pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Vantage bases^. I had to weld those a few times.
[Jun 19,2012 5:16pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yeah, i used to hate doing the seismic vantage frames....SO MUCH WELDING.
[Jun 19,2012 5:22pm - josh_hates_you ""]
pussy. i used to weld the seismic paramount frames over in custom. that has about 10x more welding.
[Jun 19,2012 5:27pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
This topic is going to go straight up nowhere
[Jun 19,2012 5:27pm - DukeManjunk ""]
idk man, i counted the # of welds on a seismic vantage frame once and i know for sure it was ATLEAST 60.....60 welds, i was in the booth by myself most of the time and they expected 4 an hour out of me....
[Jun 19,2012 6:05pm - Lamp ""]
Just waiting for a passenger on the ol' shuttle bus... making faces in the mirror.

[Jun 19,2012 6:32pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Quit your bitching. I have welded pretty much every part in that building thousands of times over. Simple stuff for the most part.
[Jun 19,2012 6:35pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yeah, well they laid me off in december, and i've yet to recieve my last paycheck....but the good new is i have a new job that pays better, has better benefits, the work is WAY EASIER, i get the entire factory to myself for most of my shift, and i dont have to spend several months as a temp. before either getting hired or laid off......suck it eaton-wrightline.
[Jun 19,2012 6:39pm - an attractive female  ""]
I would rather have my vagina welded shut that have sex with Duke Mancunt!
[Jun 19,2012 6:42pm - DukeManjunk ""]

an%20attractive%20female said:I would rather have my vagina welded shut that have sex with Duke Mancunt!

if you're pierced any combination of those can be easily arrainged.

now go make me a fucking sandwich.
[Jun 19,2012 6:48pm - DukeManjunk ""]
also, heres a picture of me around this time last summer when i was working in NH for the Appalachian Mountain Club, it was my one day off after spending two weeks living and working in the woods.....instead of kicking back and enjoying a few beers and some pot i instead decided to spend 9 HOURS in tempuratures in the low 40's with wind driven rain carrying a fucking fat guy with a broken leg out of huntington ravine on mount washington. thank jeebus they had several cases of beer and a stack of pizza's waiting for us in the back of the ambulance.

[Jun 19,2012 7:32pm - DukeManjunk ""]
here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.

[Jun 19,2012 9:21pm - Crimson Jihad  ""]
Nobody cares, fuckstick.
[Jun 19,2012 10:38pm - Lamp ""]
Wrong, I actually think this dude is pretty interesting.
[Jun 19,2012 10:45pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jun 19,2012 10:47pm - KEVORD ""]

Lamp said:Wrong, I actually think this dude is pretty interesting.
You are wrong sir.
[Jun 19,2012 10:53pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
yea pretty badass fuck trolls
[Jun 19,2012 11:05pm - TROLL OF MISERY  ""]
[Jun 19,2012 11:09pm - Lamp ""]

nekronaut said:DukeLampjunk.

My scrotum is a pair of 100 watt light bulbs, but they burned out a long time ago. Some guy offered to replace them for free, but the burned out ones have brought me so much publicity that I just couldn't say yes.
[Jun 20,2012 2:15am - not slag  ""]
Fuck off.
[Jun 20,2012 6:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: holy shit, I finally figure out who DMJ is.
[Jun 20,2012 7:06am - DukeManjunk ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:ITT: holy shit, I finally figure out who DMJ is.

[Jun 20,2012 7:09am - DukeManjunk ""]
this picture mirrored itself when i scanned it, but its taken at an undisclosed location in iraq, christmas day 2006, when i was assigned to an undisclosed unit.....black helicopters FTW!

[Jun 20,2012 7:57am - I.E.D.  ""]
[Jun 20,2012 8:16am - xmikex ""]
Grueling day at the office...
[Jun 20,2012 9:12am - posbleak ""]
Welcome to the 2012 Duke Man Junk At Work Slideshow, everybody grab a canape and settle in, the Disneyland vacation pictures are coming up next
[Jun 20,2012 10:21am - DonaldDuckjunk  ""]

posbleak said:Welcome to the 2012 Duke Man Junk At Work Slideshow, everybody grab a canape and settle in, the pictures of him crying himself to sleep alone every night are coming up next
[Jun 20,2012 11:01am - rambo junk  ""]

DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?
[Jun 20,2012 11:08am - Samantha  ""]
Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.
[Jun 20,2012 11:16am - arilliusbm ""]

[Jun 20,2012 11:33am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]


[Jun 20,2012 11:37am - arilliusbm ""]

RustyPS said:

[Jun 20,2012 11:45am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 20,2012 11:53am - TrauleinThursday  ""]

Samantha said:Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.

trioxin_245 said:samantha = a lot of more trolls than people think
[Jun 20,2012 1:49pm - trioxin_245 ""]
ITT: dukemanjunk loves talking about himself
[Jun 20,2012 2:11pm - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:
RustyPS said:

touche Mr. Doyle
[Jun 20,2012 2:58pm - Samantha  ""]

TrauleinThursday said:
Samantha said:Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.

trioxin_245 said:samantha = a lot of more trolls than people think

[Jun 20,2012 3:23pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
I don't think this troll wasn't stealing DukeManjunk's beer, but a local bassist's beer. 'NC' go die of AIDS faggot!
[Jun 20,2012 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
waiting for sherlock.
[Jun 20,2012 6:43pm - Samantha  ""]
Yeah, North Carolina sucks! :P
[Jun 20,2012 7:02pm - Seth  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]


Dude are you in a basement of a house?
[Jun 20,2012 7:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]

I.E.D. said:[img]

kinda hard to hit a roadside bomb when your flying through the air in a helicopter, although i do know a person who hit an IED with a blackhawk.
[Jun 20,2012 7:29pm - DukeManjunk ""]

rambo%20junk said:
DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?

i'm going to assume it was in the arms room where it belongs, at BLDG 7282 desert storm ave, fort campbell,ky.
[Jun 20,2012 7:56pm - fort dicks  ""]
[Jun 20,2012 8:19pm - DukeManjunk ""]
this is a video one of our pilots made during a sandstorm, when we couldnt fly....i would tell you fags to say thanks for the spank bank material, but i know you all eat more balls than testicular cancer....

[Jun 20,2012 8:26pm - Lamp ""]

Samantha said:Yeah, North Carolina sucks! :P

For fucking real.
[Jun 20,2012 8:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i dunno, i threw a midget wearing a velcro suit against a wall in fayetteville ....MA is too politically correct to allow that shit
[Jun 20,2012 8:37pm - Lamp ""]
I lived in the Raleigh/Durham area for two years. Fuck that place.

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