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Heaven and Hell May 17th @ Tsongas Arena

Tsongas Arena (Lowell, Ma) - [heaven_and_hell][machine_head][megadeth][randomshots]
[show listing]  _______________________________
[Mar 6,2007 4:20pm - Kevord ""]
Fuck Ya!
Tickets $40.50 and $50.50

Heaven And Hell
Megadeth / Machine Head
Tsongas Arena - Lowell, MA
Doors Open at: 5:30PM Show Starts at: 7:30PM
[Mar 6,2007 4:22pm - Kevord ""]
[Mar 6,2007 4:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
The nyc show is sold out so I might have to come up for this.
[Mar 6,2007 4:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Mar 6,2007 4:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
$40...damnit. i'm still going.
[Mar 6,2007 4:35pm - shatteredliz ""]
Oooh, I could go up for this, and then go to the Extreme Noise Terror, Rotten Sound, Phobia, Strong Intention, IWEIPH show at the Cambridge Elks on 5/20. Is that still happening?
[Mar 6,2007 4:35pm - sinistas ""]
I'm there.
[Mar 6,2007 4:40pm - RichHorror ""]
shatteredliz said:Oooh, I could go up for this, and then go to the Extreme Noise Terror, Rotten Sound, Phobia, Strong Intention, IWEIPH show at the Cambridge Elks on 5/20. Is that still happening?

Yup. Only Rotten Sound is off and Toxic Narcotic is on.
[Mar 6,2007 4:42pm - shatteredliz ""]
Ahhh. I see. I'm going to have to see if I can make this trip happen.
[Mar 6,2007 4:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats the date of the show
[Mar 6,2007 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
nevermind i just noticed it in the subject line
[Mar 7,2007 2:33pm - shatteredliz ""]
These tickets are actually on sale now! The site is linked from Roadrunner's Megadeth site, so it's legit. And I just bought mine!

[Mar 7,2007 2:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 7,2007 2:34pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, and the nyc show sold out in 45 minutes, so I'd suggest getting them asap.
[Mar 7,2007 2:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i suggest someone give me some money so i can buy tickets. why does everything have to go on sale in the same month? I already need to get Type O tix, Down tix, pay off Red Sox tix, and now this. DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT!
[Mar 7,2007 3:01pm - pam ""]
I just squealed like a five-year-old girl. Buying my tickets right now.
[Mar 7,2007 3:13pm - pam ""]
That site only lets you buy floor tickets, and forces you to get UPS 2nd day air shipping, just so everyone knows.

I just got my tickets, and it hurt...130 bucks.
[Mar 7,2007 3:46pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Canada gets Motorhead and we get Machine Head. Lame. Although I want to fucking go.
[Mar 7,2007 4:20pm - milk sacks  ""]
shatteredliz said:These tickets are actually on sale now! The site is linked from Roadrunner's Megadeth site, so it's legit. And I just bought mine!


Thanks for the heads up Bro. TIX SCORED!!!
[Mar 7,2007 4:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I probably should shoot this
[Mar 7,2007 4:45pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yer you should.
[Mar 7,2007 5:20pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
im gonna drag some heads out to this..i saw the original "Heaven and Hell" and "Mob rules "tours and both kicked ass. I agree with I am not logged...
too bad Motorhead arent on it for down here...that would have been sweet.
[Mar 7,2007 5:29pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, I'm pissed Motorhead isn't on this. Not only do they kick ass, but I might've been able to get some tickets through work...
[Apr 26,2007 8:00pm - Archaeon ""]
did anyone get there tickets from frontgate yet?
[Apr 26,2007 8:52pm - pam ""]
Archaeon said:did anyone get there tickets from frontgate yet?

No, but I emailed them today about it.
[Apr 26,2007 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
both carina and I are waiting to hear back about this. right now, I think the only band we can shoot is machinehead.
[Apr 26,2007 8:57pm - pam ""]
That sucks, Rev. I was looking forward to sweet pictures of Dio's curled finger righteously thrust in the air.

Goddamn I can't wait.
[Apr 26,2007 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
well, hopefully we will get replies and will be set. we'll see. she got to shoot dio already once and I have dio envy.
[Apr 26,2007 9:05pm - succubus ""]
aaron what are you talking about? i gave you contact info..and i'm not waiting for a reply...i thought you were all set?
[Apr 26,2007 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I said I was all set for machinehead, but not the other bands. I emailed that person and I'm waiting for the response.
[Apr 26,2007 9:14pm - badsneakers ""]
I went to NYC to see this em at Radio City Music Hall awesome show and no shity opening bands like the actual tour
[Apr 26,2007 9:34pm - xanonymousx ""]
they still have general admission tickets for this
[Apr 26,2007 10:01pm - Archaeon ""]
most likely
[Apr 27,2007 9:00am - Sinistas ""]
This will be my 10th time seeing Megadeth, and my first seeing Sabbath / Dio. Awesome.
[Apr 27,2007 9:23am - pam ""]
xanonymousx said:they still have general admission tickets for this

No, I don't think they do. A few of my friends are stuck in shitty seats and they got their tickets a month ago.
[Apr 27,2007 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
I got the aok for this whole show!
[Apr 27,2007 9:32am - Sinistas ""]
Damn, I figured it was GA since the rest of the shows I've seen there were. Oh well, not horrible seats, I suppose.
[Apr 27,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i'll be there.
[Apr 27,2007 2:07pm - HailAtWork  ""]
All set for MH...giggity
[Apr 30,2007 8:20pm - anonymous  ""]
Anyone got their TIX from FRONTGATE yet?
[Apr 30,2007 8:22pm - pam ""]
No, but I got an email back from their customer service. They claim they will ship 2 weeks before the concert date. Because they're in partnership with some other company I guess it takes longer for these advanced tickets.
[Apr 30,2007 8:49pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
I haven't gotten mine yet either, but got the same "2 weeks" info.
[Apr 30,2007 8:51pm - Archaeon ""]
pam said:No, but I got an email back from their customer service. They claim they will ship 2 weeks before the concert date. Because they're in partnership with some other company I guess it takes longer for these advanced tickets.

thanks for emailing!
[Apr 30,2007 8:54pm - xanonymousx ""]
pam said:xanonymousx said:they still have general admission tickets for this

No, I don't think they do. A few of my friends are stuck in shitty seats and they got their tickets a month ago.

i checked it that day and when i ordered them i had to check the GA box....

if i didn't it came up with the seats....
[Apr 30,2007 8:55pm - xanonymousx ""]
i just wish they would say black sabbath instead of heaven and hell but whatever. this is gonna be an awesome show.
[Apr 30,2007 8:55pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Oh, and I guess there's a brewery right near the arena, and a bunch of us will be drinking there before the show. Join us!
[Apr 30,2007 9:10pm - pam ""]
Brewery? I'm in.
[Apr 30,2007 10:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
are there still tix available for this?
[May 1,2007 1:38am - pam ""]
I don't think so. Could be wrong though.
[May 7,2007 3:59pm - shatteredliz ""]
I got an e-mail that my tickets are arriving tomorrow!
[May 7,2007 5:02pm - xanonymousx ""]
FuckIsMySignature said: are there still tix available for this?

yeah there is they're not the best seats but they are close to the floor.
[May 8,2007 3:33pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
I got my tickets from Frontgate today! Here's the link to the brewery. We'll probably be there about two hours before the show. You can walk there from the arena.

[May 8,2007 3:38pm - pam ""]
Still nothing for me, but I feel a lot better knowing someone got them!

I'm ALL OVER the brewery.
[May 8,2007 3:52pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Pam, did you get an e-mail saying the tickets are on their way?
[May 8,2007 4:06pm - pam ""]
[May 8,2007 4:10pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Hmmm...well I got mine after I e-mailed them with my order number saying I hadn't gotten my tickets yet. But I guess you said you e-mailed them, too.
[May 8,2007 4:46pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I saw the set list from the Dallas show. Songs from all 3 Dio albums plus the new tracks. No Ozzy stuff.
Old stuff included:
Neon Knights
Children of the Sea
Lady Evil
Heaven and Hell
Die Young
Mob Rules
Southern Cross
Falling off the Edge of the World
[May 8,2007 4:52pm - pam ""]
Oh man...I'm so excited.
[May 14,2007 12:43pm - pam ""]
Forgot to post this last week, I got my tickets the day after Liz did, so if you don't have your tickets from FrontGate yet...you might want to call them.
[May 14,2007 3:07pm - dreadkill ""]
wish i could afford this. :(
[May 14,2007 3:40pm - Archaeon ""]
anyone know what megadeth has been playing?
[May 14,2007 3:47pm - porphyria  ""]
yay, I'm photo-ing! Aaron/Carina = Carpool?

Megadeth and Heaven And Hell San Antonio 05/02/07 Setlist

Take No Prisoners
Kick The Chair
Set The World Afire
She Wolf
Washington Is Next
Tornado of Souls
Symphony of Destruction
Peace Sells
Holy Wars

Heaven And Hell:
After All (The Dead)
The Mob Rules
Children of The Sea
Lady Evil
The Sign of The Southern Cross
The Devil Cried
Vinny Appice Drum Solo
Computer God
Falling Off The Edge of The World
Shadow of The Wind
Die Young
Heaven and Hell
Neon Knights
[May 14,2007 4:00pm - Sinistas ""]
Megadeth's been playing Wake Up Dead & Hangar 18 instead of Set The World Afire / She-Wolf at most shows.
[May 14,2007 4:01pm - shatteredliz ""]
Can't wait for this! AND I'll be in Boston all weekend. Yay for Boston and Heaven and Hell! (Damn, I'm such a loser...)
[May 14,2007 4:23pm - Archaeon ""]
Sinistas said:Megadeth's been playing Wake Up Dead & Hangar 18 instead of Set The World Afire / She-Wolf at most shows.

i hope they do that here

[May 14,2007 4:24pm - Sinistas ""]
I'm pretty sure that San Antonio is the only show they've done it at (although they've been throwing She-Wolf in on top for a bunch of shows). If they played that set with STWA added, I'd die.
[May 14,2007 4:25pm - shatteredliz ""]
Just as a reminder. Here's the brewery near the venue to drink before the show! I think I'll be getting there around 5.

[May 14,2007 4:54pm - Anthny  ""]
any one driving from the Boston area? I really wanna go to this.
[May 14,2007 5:11pm - sinistas ""]
I might be going from Needham.
[May 14,2007 5:13pm - hooker nli  ""]
I fucking love Lady Evil.
[May 14,2007 7:11pm - Anthny  ""]
sinistas said:I might be going from Needham.

what T stop could I meet you near?
[May 14,2007 7:19pm - sinistas ""]
Where are you located? I'm near the Green Line (Riverside), but I can be flexible
[May 14,2007 7:21pm - Anthny  ""]
I live in Harvard Sq. I could take the Green Line out to meet you. I'm used to riding the T alot so it's no big deal to me. I need to score a ticket now... better check CL. Wasn't there some kid selling one on here the other day? I'll search.
[May 16,2007 11:28am - Josh_Martin ""]
[May 16,2007 3:21pm - Archaeon ""]
[May 16,2007 3:23pm - pam ""]
Woah...I thought it was Tuesday all day. Sweet!
[May 16,2007 3:25pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Here's a link to a show from the real Heaven and Hell tour. This is a couple weeks before Bill Ward quit. Hear this shit with a real drummer. Vinnie Appice sucks in Black Sabbath.

[May 17,2007 10:07am - xanonymousx ""]
i can't wait to see
megadeth or "heaven and hell"

oh yeah if any of you still need too tickets and are apart of the waaf eforce army or whatever its called
you can trade in 50,000 points for two tickets.
[May 17,2007 10:18am - the_reverend ""]
WAAF's got an army now?

damn it, people are going to start trading in their scene points next.. I never told them they are more worthless then malboro points or camel bucks
[May 17,2007 10:22am - xanonymousx ""]
haha they actually had that for a long time
i logged in for the first time yesterday in like two years
i had over 100,000 points but since i haven't logged in in so long my points were gone.
[May 17,2007 10:26am - pam ""]
AWESOME my babysitter won't be home until 5ish. This SUCKS.

Still can't wait though!!
[May 17,2007 11:05am - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
I'm waiting on a street corner in Brooklyn for my friend to come get me. First he said 11 am, then 11:20. Now he says he hasn't left his house in Jersey yet, but apparently he thinks he can get here in 20 minutes. Lame.
[May 17,2007 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
liz on a corner in brooklyn... why should this thursday be different from any other day
[May 17,2007 11:34am - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]

Oh, here's the update. His other friend who's supposed to meet us decided to go into the city to buy something and is going to be another hour. The friend who's driving is still 15-20 minutes away. When he gets here we're going to decide whether to wait for the other guy or send him on the bus. Why are people so lame?
[May 17,2007 11:54am - pam ""]
We worked out our sitter situation so we'll be at the brewery for 5. Good luck, Liz.
[May 17,2007 12:51pm - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Thanks Pam. We're on the road now. See you tonight!
[May 17,2007 2:05pm - Aegathis ""]
just got back from setting up the stage for this show, heading back over at 10. Hopefully ill catch the last 2 songs or something
[May 17,2007 5:24pm - Archaeon ""]
[May 17,2007 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]
megadeth is playing hanger 18 right now. he's doing a better job then on the guitar hero video.
[May 17,2007 8:21pm - succubus ""]
"Heaven and hell" is suppo9sed to hit the stage at 9pm
[May 17,2007 9:23pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
damnit, I had photo for this but wasn't about to shell out $50 for a ticket
[May 17,2007 9:31pm - i_am_broke_but_would_still_pay_$50  ""]
AND you had photo.
[May 17,2007 10:31pm - succubus ""]
I had a ticket that I didn't use..oh well...tom, aaron and myself played swap cameras. It was fun
[May 17,2007 10:43pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures in a minute
[May 17,2007 11:25pm - boine ""]
how many songs did megadeth do i missed the start of there set
[May 17,2007 11:30pm - sinistas ""]

Take No Prisoners
Kick The Chair
Wake Up Dead
Washington Is Next
Hangar 18
Tornado of Souls
Peace Sells
Symphony of Destruction

Holy Wars/Mechanix
[May 18,2007 12:15am - xanonymousx ""]
[May 18,2007 12:20am - boine ""]
on the way back some asshole in a VW hit a state police officer nice accident
[May 18,2007 12:24am - xanonymousx ""]
when i was walking back to my car some cop was yelling at a church van for being in the middle of the road...

did anyone see the security run around after all of the people who broke down on the floor?
[May 18,2007 9:37am - Kinslayer  ""]
Wow, Megadeth played a KILLER set. Fuck.
[May 18,2007 9:51am - xanonymousx ""]
oh yeah that drum solo that vinny appice played was a junk
[May 18,2007 9:52am - sinistas ""]
I want to say that was the first time I've seen Megadeth play Mechanix. Pretty cool.
[May 18,2007 9:53am - sinistas ""]
oh yeah, that drum solo was terrible.
[May 18,2007 10:06am - Josh_Martin ""]
Someone post the Sabbath set list please.

I warned you guys about Appice.

That's cool that Megadeth played Mechanix. I saw 'em a bunch of times in the early 90's and I never saw 'em play that.
[May 18,2007 10:24am - sinistas ""]
This is from an earlier show, but I don't think it's changed much:

After All (The Dead)
The Mob Rules
Children of the Sea
Lady Evil
The Sign of the Southern Cross
The Devil Cried
Drum Solo
Computer God
Falling Off the Edge of the World
The Shadow of the Wind
Die Young
Heaven & Hell
Neon Knights
[May 18,2007 10:27am - Yeti ""]
this show was awesome. the only complaints i have are the drawn out jam sessions. the drum solo was weak, he is definitely not a drummer who should do a solo. the sound was incredible, Dio was on top of his game, he has more energy at 100 than most young bands do. i'm not a Megadeth fan but they sounded great, despite Dave Mustaines horrendous vocals. i didnt get to see any of Machinehead, but i am not complaining. overall i had a great time at this show, Black Sabbath was awesome. closing with Neon Knights was great.
[May 18,2007 10:44am - xanonymousx ""]
Josh_Martin said:Someone post the Sabbath set list please.

I warned you guys about Appice.

That's cool that Megadeth played Mechanix. I saw 'em a bunch of times in the early 90's and I never saw 'em play that.

i know you did, but seeing tony iommi and geezer with dio was worth it.
i can't wait to see megadeth again.
did anyone find it weird how dave didn't really address or talk to the crowd at all?
but then again they basically just got out there and played which was awesome
[May 18,2007 11:13am - sinistas ""]
That's what Dave does when he's an opener. Same thing on Max Rock w/Crue or at Donnington a couple of years ago.
[May 18,2007 11:16am - HailAtWork  ""]
i_am_broke_but_would_still_pay_$50 said:AND you had photo.

well, for Machine Head
[May 18,2007 12:12pm - anonymous  ""]
xanonymousx said:oh yeah that drum solo that vinny appice played was a junk

Drum solos are junk in general. The dude did fine as far as the tunes went. They kicked ass when all was said and done. Megadeth was NO BIG DEAL.
[May 18,2007 1:02pm - Josh_Martin ""]
xanonymousx said:Josh_Martin said:Someone post the Sabbath set list please.

I warned you guys about Appice.

That's cool that Megadeth played Mechanix. I saw 'em a bunch of times in the early 90's and I never saw 'em play that.

i know you did, but seeing tony iommi and geezer with dio was worth it.

Oh, I wasn't saying people shouldn't go. I saw the Dehumanizer tour 15 years ago. Totally kicked ass.

[May 18,2007 1:05pm - pam ""]
I LOVED that Dave didn't talk. The last two times I saw them that's all he fucking did...I came to hear you play songs...not bitch about x, y, and z.

Show...was...awesome. I didn't think the solo was that bad, considering that dude is old and not Bill Ward. I think it was just allotting time for Dio to go backstage and munch on infants to stay young. Megadeth fucking killed, my neck is broken. Sabbath was fucking amazing.

Machine Head sucks balls.
[May 18,2007 1:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Machien Head is one of the worst bands I've ever heard in my entire life.
[May 18,2007 1:10pm - pam ""]
They're horrible now, they were horrible then, horrible they always will be.
[May 18,2007 1:13pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope they die in a fire.
[May 18,2007 1:14pm - pam ""]
I smiled just thinking of that.
[May 18,2007 1:17pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope that happens to Green Carnation as well.
[May 18,2007 1:18pm - pam ""]
OK, now you've lost me.
[May 18,2007 1:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Also see: Children Of Bodom
[May 18,2007 1:22pm - watchmaker666 ""]
I just dont get how the same people responsible for Eternal Nighmare can be so horrible now. Please explain
[May 18,2007 1:29pm - pam ""]
Alien abduction/brain scrambling? Sudden change in sexuality? Amnesia?
[May 18,2007 1:58pm - Aegathis ""]
Aegathis said:just got back from setting up the stage for this show, heading back over at 10. Hopefully ill catch the last 2 songs or something

So no i didnt get to actually see any of the show since i left to go back into boston to strike some conference room at the ritz carlton hotel. Just happened to be the same hotel Black sabbath was staying in. And even more to my amazement Dio gets in the elevator as Im going up stairs at the exact same time . I was just like, "what the fuck man, i just got back from setting up your show for tonight." Hes like "Really, cool. How far away is that arena any ways."I was just like not long of a drive once traffic dies down, just sucks i wont be back at the arena till im done here which wont be till the shows over. He says "hey atleast ya got all that dough rollin in", and i was just like yea right.>:]
[May 18,2007 2:56pm - sinistas ""]
Meeting Dio is way better than being at the show.
[May 18,2007 3:08pm - xanonymousx ""]
pam said:Megadeth fucking killed, my neck is broken. Sabbath was fucking amazing.

Machine Head sucks balls.

agreed can't wait to see them both again.

how did machine head get on this bill? they must of sucked a lot of people off.
they were horrible i was actually glad i showed up late. and only caught two songs by them.
[May 18,2007 3:09pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I don't get people who are all like "Machine Head were good on their first couple albums"
I saw their first couple of tours (opening for Napalm Death & Obituary in '94 and opening for Slayer in '95)
They were horrible back then too.
[May 18,2007 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I never liked their old albums either.
[May 18,2007 3:17pm - pam ""]
They've basically done nothing of worth ever and I hope they get killed.
[May 18,2007 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
yeah i remember seeing these guys back when they would tour with Fear Factory and the like, and it seemed like a prerequisite to being at the show. i didnt get the hype. the singer has one of those obnoxious wannabe tough guy voices, and he makes Dio look like the Jolly Green Giant.
[May 18,2007 3:27pm - Archaeon ""]
watchmaker666 said:I just dont get how the same people responsible for Eternal Nighmare can be so horrible now. Please explain

i've wondered the same thing
[May 18,2007 3:58pm - Aegathis ""]
especially under those circumstances Id say.
[May 18,2007 4:00pm - Aegathis ""]
ok so that was meant to be a response to Sinistas' last post
[May 18,2007 4:28pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Josh_Martin said:I don't get people who are all like "Machine Head were good on their first couple albums"
I saw their first couple of tours (opening for Napalm Death & Obituary in '94 and opening for Slayer in '95)
They were horrible back then too.

They weren't good on their first 2 albums, they were amazing
[May 18,2007 6:21pm - shamash nli  ""]
Those are some seriously rad photos you took of Heaven and Hell
[May 18,2007 6:29pm - pam ""]

Fucking legendary.
[May 18,2007 6:31pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Wonder if he does that same face and pose when taking a shit?
[May 18,2007 6:34pm - pam ""]
Of course he does.

Come on now.
[May 18,2007 6:49pm - hooker nibbling penis  ""]
vinny appice is shit.

he drops more sticks than uh.... a ... something.
[May 18,2007 10:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
the fucking man.

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