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New England Metal and Hardcore Festival~The full scoop

[Feb 26,2004 1:58am - Justin/ ACR  ""]
HiImPaul said:Fuck the metal fest im not even going to bother paying to get in

i couldnt get tickets last year cuz they sold out but i managed to get in both days.
[Feb 26,2004 3:18am - \\\\^/i|/e  ""]
succubus said:ok so to those of you that play in a band..do you mean to say that you will NOT submit your demo?
it's free and it's exposure..

I'm sure it doesn't mean that at all...
I don't know how much you know about this sort of thing,
but what is it that they're looking for?
I know that they'll easily take shitty local bands with big fan bases (pretty much the whole show so far)
... but what about good local bands with little to no fan base?
In other words, does the demo do all the speaking?
Also, it doesn't seem like much room is left...
Maybe one or two more bands will be added?

[Feb 26,2004 3:57am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
HiImPaul said:ok seriously where the fuck is the METAL in this fest? I give up on metal fest there is not one DM band on that lineup. Fuck the metal fest im not even going to bother paying to get in

Six Feet Under is pretty metal ;)
[Feb 26,2004 4:20am - DaveSTF ""]
HiImPaul said:dave i love your band and i support you guys all the time , but honestly i mean there is a fact that a show booker has to make money but this lineup is very poor especially metal wise. Why dont they just call it the mass hardcore festivial and have two different fests or something you know? because this is an outrage to metal fans. Personally i know it might sound retarded but i think all of us should do something about it get it to their attention lol boycott the fest i have no clue.

First off, thanks for the respect, in return i have nothing but. I understand, and I did notice the lack of "true" metal, but ya know there was a post about how hardcore kids suck and the Rev posted a picture from a metal show at the Bombshelter, with almost no one there, and then a Blood for Blood show where it was sold out. IT really struck the nail on the head where the following is. I honestly believe it would be a waste of your time to boycott this show, because frankly, it''s just too big and it's going to sell out either way. Or you could look at it as a way for kids just getting into the underground scene to use these bands as a bridge to have their eyes opened to even more extreme metal music. I'm positive if, I as a jr high kid who went to see bleeding through..and stayed for band I never heard of like Children of Bodom, I'd shit myself. I don't know man, it's all how you look at it.

[Feb 26,2004 4:58am - the_reverend ""]
the thing that I'm disappointed about is that I would like to see a surprise like the overcast reunion. I wanted there to be "something big" on this show that would make people go "oooooooo!"

A lot of the bands on this are actually awesome national bands.. I mean bodom? pig destroyer? BDM? and a lot of the locals are amazing all my sins, STF, ed gein, wwbw.

our problem here is that we are in New England. we see these bands all the time and we are picky-assed, whiney bitches. I admit it. I mean, take this show and put it on anywhere (like they did in NJ) and they would love it. mostly cause if you go to any of the other fests, they suck dick. (milwaukee was the worst thing I ever did to myself).

as stated before, this picky-assed bitch would want "something" more.. but I guess we'll see...
oh and "Talent is subject to change" is the funniest line in that e-mail. reminds me about the "dude, turn up the talent knob"
[Feb 26,2004 8:26am - succubus ""]
i was wondering when someone would comment on the talent is subject to change thingy..i thought it was hilarious! but i guess people were too busy bitching about the line up..

i think aaron said it best though, and i'm not smooching his butt because he doesn't like that anyhow.
[Feb 26,2004 10:10am - anonymous  ""]
why are they proud at announce this?

[Feb 26,2004 10:12am - litacore ""]
at of like in be on with


[Feb 26,2004 10:18am - succubus ""]
and someone at work jsut told me that he doesn't understand me when i talk most of the time..
lousy bastard
[Feb 26,2004 10:25am - litacore ""]
I get that shit from watching Teletubbies at least once a year
[Feb 26,2004 11:30am - dreadkill@work  ""]
the only band i really want to see is evergrey, and it's not like i'm dying to see them. seeing soilent green finally and seeing bodom again would be cool too. i'm just surprised that ungood (unearth) isn't getting a 2 hour set both nights. the metalcore trend is more annoying now than it ever was before. am i mistaken, or are there really only 3 european bands on the bill?
[Feb 26,2004 11:33am - dreadkill@work  ""]
this fest needs entombed dammit!!!!!!
[Feb 26,2004 11:53am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Feb 26,2004 12:22pm - luke ""]
i gotta agree with everything dave said. this definitely isn't much a of a "metal fest" this year...but the lineup is really good. its definitely gonna be sold out, and tons of smaller bands are going to get incredible exposure. also, if i remember correctly, last year, there was quite a bit of metal at this fest, and you didn't hear hardcore kids complaining. honestly, i can't fucking wait to see children of bodom. all the hardcore kids are gonna stay to see them. but i can't imagine the metal kids hanging around to see bleeding through or someone similar. it doesn't really matter, just make sure to see this band since the flood
[Feb 26,2004 12:26pm - Kalopsia ""]
the rev is right though, this fest needs something big to really make me wanna go. last year had the reunion of Suffocation, this year needs something like that as well. Like having Cryptopsy play. with Lord Worm back, they would DEFINATELY draw a big frigen crowd
[Feb 26,2004 12:56pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
People should stop shitting their pants about Craptopsy having "Lord Worm" back. Cryptopsy is good but not absolutely incredible and "Lord Worm"s vocals were annoying.
[Feb 26,2004 2:54pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
how about the reunited obituary? playing all the cause of death stuff. that would make it worth it.
[Feb 26,2004 3:00pm - boobtoucher ""]
what the hell is everyone talking this fest is just as dirty as every other one...at least fucking snapcase isn't playing like once before
[Feb 26,2004 3:07pm - xdysenterytomx ""]
didn't duhumanized get back together..? they should tear this fest a new asshole....i was hoping for vital remains to play....to bad devourment broke up id love to see them play too
[Feb 26,2004 3:48pm - HiImPaul ""]
yeah dave i understand what your talking about , i guess i didnt look at it that way. The boycott thing was more of a joke because i know it wouldnt do shit lol , but still I just wish they put some DM bands on there to give a little bit more respect to DM fans, But as of now im definatly not attending the metal fest. Another thing that blows is that a band such as yours dave one of the only good bands playing will mostlikely get a shorter set due to the excessive amount of bands. I mean youve got to agree that they keep putting the same bands on the fest how many times can you see like cannae you know? Instead of putting those bands in for filler they should get some metal bands on there to actually mix up the fest. They could have put on some well known DM acts that have released new discs such as Decrepit birth.
[Feb 26,2004 3:49pm - HiImPaul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:People should stop shitting their pants about Craptopsy having "Lord Worm" back. Cryptopsy is good but not absolutely incredible and "Lord Worm"s vocals were annoying.

YES !!!! I love you spalding. Cryptopsy musically kills on ATYB and WS same with all their other shit but lord worm annoys the hell out of me
[Feb 26,2004 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
Kalopsia said:last year had the reunion of Suffocation, this year needs something like that as well.

I was going to mention that
[Feb 26,2004 9:33pm - the_reverend ""]
decrepit birth would make me shit my self...

on another note, I wonder what lord worms been doing since cryptopsy... I bet making ugly kids.
[Feb 26,2004 10:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
i heard lord worm became an english teacher. that's just a rumor i heard though. but some larger DM or BM bands would be great............. fuck now that i think about it....... the largest death metal bands are all on tour, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Dimmu Borgir, they're all busy. FUCK!!!!! wait.... there's still Dying Fetus, Aborted, Impaled, Skinless, Behemoth
[Feb 26,2004 11:53pm - Terence ""]
For months, Ive been talking to Scott Lee about getting my band on this years Metal Fest. For months, Ive been talking to him, sending him things, dealing with his bullshit...hell, he even booked a show with us at the Fat Cats. Well, all I have to say is that I dont even want to try anymore since this is probably the worst NEHMF lineup ever.
[Feb 27,2004 12:01am - succubus ""]
[Feb 27,2004 12:05am - Kalopsia ""]
61 bands confirmed for the fest
12 of which i would go to see. which is the majority of the metal bands confirmed for this fest. that's less than 20% of the total. METAL AND HARDCORE FESTIVAL AND NOT EVEN 1/4 OF IT IS METAL!!!! am i the only one that sees a problem here?????????????
[Feb 27,2004 12:08am - Abbath ""]
bro, read 90% of the messages above, we all feel your pain
[Feb 27,2004 12:12am - Kalopsia ""]
u know i could probably sue mass concerts for false advertisement and win
[Feb 27,2004 12:15am - Abbath ""]
AHAHAHAHHAHA i will be right with you!
[Feb 27,2004 12:18am - Kalopsia ""]
fuck u i ain't splittin the money. go sue someone else!!!!!
[Feb 27,2004 12:26am - Abbath ""]
Kalopsia said:fuck u i ain't splittin the money. go sue someone else!!!!!

but i must!
[Feb 29,2004 11:56am - theundergroundscene ""]
I don't understand why everyone hates this lineup. It's not like there are many touring metal bands coming this way at the time. Do you want them to have that Morbid Angel tour turn around and come back and play again for you?

Aaron hit the nail right on the head. We live in New England, one of the best MUSIC scenes in the ENTIRE WORLD. I know there aren't as many "metal" bands as some of you would like, but name me a festival like this that has been announced for this year that is better. Don't say New Jersey or Florida or Minnesotta because those shows suck.

So in conclusion, either go or don't go. Just stop bitching!! Either way, I'm going to go and have a great time.
[Feb 29,2004 12:06pm - succubus ""]
ok Scott =+ i mean Jay
yeah that's what Scott Lee was saying, cool that he asked aaron's opinion too.
[Feb 29,2004 1:25pm - HiImPaul ""]
OK sure but why keep having the same bands play? and the tour thing is bullshit there are millons of good bands out there that im pretty damn sure would kill to play this fest.
[Feb 29,2004 1:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ozzfest has an infinitely better lineup... minus gay breed and superjoint.
[Feb 29,2004 1:53pm - i_am_not_me ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:ozzfest has an infinitely better lineup... minus gay breed and superjoint.

And Shitknot.
[Feb 29,2004 1:56pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well i can atleast tolerate Slipknot.
[Feb 29,2004 2:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
Anyone down with some tailgating at Ozzfest this year? I've never been and this lineup is definately superior than NEMHF. I look forward to NEMHF every year, I think 3 was my favorite, but this year it's almost heart breaking to see this lineup. 5 fucking bands I'd pay to see, Cattle Decapitation, Misery Index, Kataklysm, Children of Bodom and Soilent Green. Fuck...the Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel shows are worth $60 combined, looks like this is my only fix for spring, bummer dudes.
[Feb 29,2004 2:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
BornSoVile said:Anyone down with some tailgating at Ozzfest this year? I've never been and this lineup is definately superior than NEMHF. I look forward to NEMHF every year, I think 3 was my favorite, but this year it's almost heart breaking to see this lineup. 5 fucking bands I'd pay to see, Cattle Decapitation, Misery Index, Kataklysm, Children of Bodom and Soilent Green. Fuck...the Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel shows are worth $60 combined, looks like this is my only fix for spring, bummer dudes.

i'm down
[Feb 29,2004 2:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:i'm down

Fucking A.
[Feb 29,2004 3:30pm - JellyFish ""]
theundergroundscene said:I don't understand why everyone hates this lineup. It's not like there are many touring metal bands coming this way at the time. Do you want them to have that Morbid Angel tour turn around and come back and play again for you?

Aaron hit the nail right on the head. We live in New England, one of the best MUSIC scenes in the ENTIRE WORLD. I know there aren't as many "metal" bands as some of you would like, but name me a festival like this that has been announced for this year that is better. Don't say New Jersey or Florida or Minnesotta because those shows suck.

So in conclusion, either go or don't go. Just stop bitching!! Either way, I'm going to go and have a great time.

Your comment about New Jersey was obsurd, since their fest was three times better than last years NEMHF, nevermind this years. And as far as the best music scene in the world, you probably havent been to any scenes in Japan or anywhere in Europe, so you dont know. We hardly have the best scene in the world, although a lot of good shows do come to our area.
[Feb 29,2004 4:06pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Actually it's pretty easy to figure out. What if you lived in Japan? You'd be lucky to see Slayer once a year. I saw Slayer three times last year.

Try being a metal fan in Australia, where you're lucky if you get a band like Limp Bizkit every other month.

How about Jordan or anywhere else in the middle east. Try being a metal fan there and hoping to see a show, and then having a band like Opeth, whom you saw last night have to cancel shows there THREE times.

How about ANYWHERE in South America? You think they wouldn't dream of a show like this?

I happen to live right here in Worcester, and I have less than an hour drive to get to Boston, Springfield, Hartford and Providence, AND a ten minute WALK to the Palladium. And if I feel up to the drive, I am two and a half hours away from Albany and three hours from Maine and New York City. I can see almost any tour that happens at any given time in the United States if I feel like it. I know of a kid in France that had to take a six hour TRAIN ride just to see Darkest Hour. I SAW THEM FIVE TIMES LAST YEAR.

So yes, in terms of having amazing bands all over the place (both local and national) and being able to see all of my favorite bands almost any time I want to, where else in the world would I rather live than New England?

Because of that exact reason, fans in New England are very jaded to shows like this because we've had the best and it's very hard to top the best. Like I said, if there were other bands touring right now that made sense to add to this bill, then I am sure there would be some bigger names and more "metal" bands playing, but there is not, so they made due with what they had to work with. I am sure they will be adding more bands, but how much sense does it make to start flying bands that aren't touring in from all over the world just to make a couple of fans happy, especially considering this will sell out regardless. That only means your ticket will cost more to compensate.

Oh, and I was at the NJMHF and I'll take this lineup over it any day, but I was talking about that Metal Meltdown waste of a time they are having...
[Feb 29,2004 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
basically ALL good shows come to our area.
the reason is cause mass rocks.

i've been to shows in new york, new jersey, milwaukee, etc.. and I've found no crowds like mass crowds.

anyhow, the only "bad" band I see on this list is machinehead. all the other bands are excellent, even SFU. I'll be singing along to torture killer if they are playing it.
[Feb 29,2004 4:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I typed my thing before reading jay's post
[Feb 29,2004 4:12pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
new SFU is overly bad... its not even the type of bad you could listen to beecause of it being bad... its just... terrible.
[Feb 29,2004 4:13pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Booo on you and your disrespect of Machine Head. Go listen to "Through The Ashes of Empires" it fucking rocks hard!
[Feb 29,2004 4:41pm - the_reverend ""]
spaldino, actually, the new SFU sucks ass, but I heard the track.. um.. <insert name here> and live it was actualy pretty good.
sounded like old stuff.
when again, I liked their CDs maximum violence, warpath, and haunted
then they ceased to be a band that you can take serious so when I see them, it's easy to forget all the new discs and to just realize that some of their old tracks rip and are fun to sing along with.
[Feb 29,2004 5:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The taste of of fleshhh, hunger for blood. Sever the skin. torn to the bone...
[Feb 29,2004 6:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yeah... i like maximum violence and haunted and a little of warpath. but the new SFU is a disgrace to the music industry.

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