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Boston's Dead Feb 4th Roll Call

O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [blood_obsession][burn_my_remains][senseless_mutilation][sin_of_angels][throwing_shrapnel]
[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Feb 5,2005 9:19am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Sorry I missed it, sounds like it was a good time, If I had known it was SM's last show for a while I woulda went, definately
[Feb 5,2005 10:06am - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
too bad i missed throwing shrapnel from what i heard they were right up my alley, as for the other bands they were all fuckin great. we obviosly need to spend less time smokin weed and more time getting better directions. A huge thanks goes out to Liz for putting up with us for being so damn late.
[Feb 5,2005 11:35am - OneArmedMidget  ""]
SinOfAngels made my little deformed ears bleed....
[Feb 5,2005 11:59am - KeithMutiny ""]
[Feb 5,2005 12:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KeithMutiny said:cockblock

D Bag says what !
[Feb 5,2005 12:30pm - shatteredliz ""]
[Feb 5,2005 12:45pm - succubus ""]
funny, i told aaron earlier how awesome that pic is!=)
[Feb 5,2005 1:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hahaha nice.

Good show. Blood obsession rocked.
[Feb 5,2005 1:23pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Lsat night was a fucking great time. thanks for all the support. REV great pics as always. Liz thanks for having us, hopefully we can do another Bostons Dead. all the other bands were Great. Joe Notcommon thanks for your support( only one to buy a tshirt) LOL.
[Feb 5,2005 2:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
JUDAS PRIEST and NIGHTWISH, 2 bands with chicks on vocals!
[Feb 5,2005 3:19pm - Aegathis ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:JUDAS PRIEST and NIGHTWISH, 2 bands with chicks on vocals!

[Feb 6,2005 7:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
sinofangels-ray said:Lsat night was a fucking great time. thanks for all the support. REV great pics as always. Liz thanks for having us, hopefully we can do another Bostons Dead. all the other bands were Great. Joe Notcommon thanks for your support( only one to buy a tshirt) LOL.

sorry i couldn't stay the whole time, ill catch your whole set at deedees though
[Feb 6,2005 11:51am - Blood-Obsessed ""]
We had a great time!! Everyone was way cool, and the bands were awesome. Thanks for having us, and keep us in mind for anything else commin' up!!! -special thanks to Senseless Mutilation for partying with us back at the hotel 'till like 7:30 am!!!!
[Feb 6,2005 11:58am - Troll ""]
Man....Check out time came way to fast.
I'm still hurtin.
Blood Obsession Kicks ass!
The disc rawks!!!!!
[Feb 6,2005 12:12pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Haha, me, too!!! Love the S.M disc!!
[Feb 6,2005 1:04pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
...just now got that "B" off my hand!!!
[Feb 6,2005 2:11pm - shatteredliz ""]
Hey guys. How was the long drive home?
[Feb 6,2005 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I had a plan to let my hair down and then carry around the cross,
saying "oh no, not again." but they got put away.
[Feb 6,2005 2:26pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
shatteredliz said:Hey guys. How was the long drive home?

Us..? Good. Made it home in pretty good time. Surprisingly felt pretty good with only a few hours sleep...if that!!
[Feb 6,2005 2:43pm - shatteredliz ""]
[Feb 6,2005 2:45pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
I can't believe how quick 7:30 in the morning came!!
[Feb 6,2005 2:47pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Oh yea....we wanna thank the dude who took all the badass pictures, too!! They look great!!
[Feb 6,2005 3:00pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
swamplorddvm said:Hahaha nice.

Good show. Blood obsession rocked.

Thanks, man!!
[Feb 6,2005 3:27pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
the_reverend said:Burn My Remains: they were late, but we'll let it slide this time since I was able to see them cause of it. they were melodic-death-metal with some breakdowns-ish parts. I sort of had a feeling that they would sound like that, though the vocals were better then I thought they were going to be. the one thing that their set was lacking was the drummer needs to hit harder and kick harder. it sounded like her was trying not to break them.

Throwing Shrapnel: 10 minutes set. there was a lot of noisey and doomy parts. I noticed that w3 worked in a bunch of almost psyopus like riffs.

Sin of Angels: molases-core? (and molases makes rum, not whiskey. whiskey is made from a corn mash or a barley mash). it was slow and sludge, very good doomy stuff. I think that them and ocean would play well together.

Blood Obsession: it took them a really long time to set up for some reason. once they started it was pretty sick. they had these gaint foam black crosses that were places upside down. Last time I saw them, I remember the bassplayer sticking out. this time, it was the drummer. he played all this time-changing stuff that sounded awesome. I guess his drumming was lost at saratoga winners.

Senseless Mutilation: they, and by "they" I mean troll, had been yelling funny shit during the other bands and he didn't stop for his own band. hilarious song titles and all. this was their last show with their drummer. a good send off I'd say. swamplord show be happy I grabbed him so he wouldn't miss them. look at the proper head banging during their set.

Yea, sorry for the long setup...we got a lotta shit...
[Feb 6,2005 3:33pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
blood obsession made me shake my baby....
[Feb 6,2005 4:14pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Hung_to_Bleed said:blood obsession made me shake my baby....

Haha!! Thanks!! Damn, my fuckin' neck still hurts!
[Feb 6,2005 4:18pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, my neck is a little sore, too! It's because the bands were so good!
[Feb 6,2005 4:25pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Sin of Angels had a great time all the people were great and supportive
[Feb 6,2005 5:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sinofangels-ray said:Sin of Angels had a great time all the people were great and supportive

if i had any cash i would have gotten a shirt !
[Feb 6,2005 9:11pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
That was probably the most fun we've had at a show, and after a show!!
[Feb 6,2005 10:35pm - Troll ""]
Unfortunately I missed the first two bands cause I was drinking heavily in the parking lot.
Sin Of Angels- These guys are heavy....Not only physically but musically.Gut wrenching vokills,great structures Fuckin awsome! Like one of my favorites 'Noothgrush' but a step beyond! I'm definetely all ears for this band!

Blood Obsession- Didn't here them till this gig....They fuckin rawked! Pure Death Metal Onslaught from NY!
Is that Alex Webster on bass?
No mutherfucker it's Carlo!!!!
These guys are more metal than a fuckin scrapyard!
I was broke so I stole their disk from one of my bandmates....Ha Ha Charest!
Great CD all the way through!
A great bunch to party with aswell! (Todd! I'll take you on a game of horse shoes antytime! )

Senseless Mutilation- Wirlwind Liver Damage Death Grind Machine!
Beer is my co-pilot!


[Feb 7,2005 11:50am - ratsalad ""]
can't wait to play some shoes with you guys. had a blast looking forward to the next time. you guys have a bad ass sound keep it up. keep death alive. see you soon
[Feb 7,2005 2:29pm - Hooker ""]
homeboy counted the set off by bashing the mic off his head.

and blood obsession and senseless mutilation can both drink. i stumbled out of the hotel at like 6 a.m.
[Feb 7,2005 2:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
Actually Hooker, I think it was more like 7.
[Feb 7,2005 4:59pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Goddamn I was burnt!!!.....and wasted.....sorry I wasnt more talkative. Its the weed!!
[Feb 7,2005 5:01pm - shatteredliz ""]
That'll do it to ya!
[Feb 7,2005 5:04pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Next time I'll strike up a conversation!!
[Feb 7,2005 5:13pm - shatteredliz ""]
You better!
[Feb 18,2005 2:11am - anonymous  ""]
attn. the comment that the rev made about burn my remains drummer was so stupid because i was at the show too and he was really the best drummer there his blast beats were immaculate and they fuckin kicked ass the rev is a fuckin homo and needs to clean his vaginal ears out dont listen to him ever he should give those guys some more credit seriously they were pretty fuckin talented and they rip solos
[Feb 18,2005 2:13am - nileator  ""]
i agree

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