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Mistress Juliya from Uranium...

[May 29,2007 11:25am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
... is far far more annoying in person than on television. She "presented" this show we played the other night (meaning one of the bands probably paid a good chunk of change so she could make an appearance and gain a bigger crowd.) Anyways, I got stuck in a 20 minute one-sided conversation about how awesome she is and how she is wicked smaht about metal and what not. The whole time she talked all I could think about was punching her the face. What a dumb bitch.

Luckily, since she's only good for eye candy, I was able to smack her ass at the end of the night. :krusty:
[May 29,2007 11:34am - SteveOTB ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:

Luckily, since she's only good for eye candy, I was able to smack her ass at the end of the night. :krusty:

Good man! I'd fuck her like there's no tomorrow but seriously she would be so much better if she just shut her fucking mouth. She doesn't know metal and she thinks that dropping an F-Bomb ever other word is metal I swear.

Ohh and her boyfriend's band...FLAW. So fucking metal.
[May 29,2007 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
famous for pooping in a bang and having slipknot drop it off a building? I have never liked this character.
[May 29,2007 11:42am - pam ""]
I was listening to her talk to my friend at the metalfest this year...it definitely made me want to gouge out her eyes. She also wears so much make up on her face it looks like you could write your name on her cheek with a fingernail.

A great moment in Juliya history was when I was watching Uranium one of the two times I have in my life, and she asked Godsmack what was up with the "satanic" images on their CD. (Meaning the Wiccan.upright.pentagram.)
[May 29,2007 11:44am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
yeah she's hot, but man does she know nothing about metal, I even sent her a myspace message a few years back saying how her show should play real metal videos...no reply...of course.
[May 29,2007 11:53am - mOe @ work  ""]
well, at metalfest 2004 my buddy and I actually stood in line to get an autographed picture of her cuz we thought it'd be funny. He gets up to her and asked her what bands she wanted to see. She then named all the nu metal and "New Wave of American Heavy Metal bands" that played that year. So yea, she's a moron
[May 29,2007 12:05pm - SteveOTB ""]
All that matters to me is I felt her boobs against my chest when she gave me a hug at Metalfest 2004.
[May 29,2007 12:06pm - mOe @ work  ""]
meh, my gf's are bigger so i still kinda win
[May 29,2007 12:08pm - SteveOTB ""]
mOe @ work said:meh, my gf's are bigger so i still kinda win

I don't have a girlfriend so in my sexual frustrations any boobs that come in my path are good with me...including yours mOe.
[May 29,2007 12:17pm - mOe @ work  ""]
bring it
[May 29,2007 12:21pm - aaron_michael ""]
I think 2 or 3 metalfests ago, my friend and I were introduced to her. she first started the conversation by asking if we wanted autographs. we didn't. she noticed our attire and asked if we were there for Terror. we weren't. things got akwardly silent, so we turned on our heels and walked off. somewhere in the distance she called out "see ya".
oh celebrities.
[May 29,2007 12:23pm - RichHorror ""]
All I know is she puts out a lot of MySpace bulletins demanding people request 'real metal' that I never bother reading.
[May 29,2007 12:29pm - Yeti ""]
she is an obnoxious cunt. i dont find her attractive at all. deep beneath the layers of house paint is an ugly fucking douche. i bet her vagina smells like a morgue.
[May 29,2007 12:36pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
Yeti said:she is an obnoxious cunt. i dont find her attractive at all. deep beneath the layers of house paint is an ugly fucking douche. i bet her vagina smells like a morgue.

agreed. i don't really enjoy killswitch but i thought the best episode of uranium was when adam and the rest of them tied her up and adam put on the stupid wig and made fun of her the entire time pretending to be her. he kept saying fuck like every other word it was awsome
[May 29,2007 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
haha there is an interview she does with Type O Negative, and they are obviously annoyed so Peter Steele just keeps fucking with her. they just talk over her and make obnoxious noises, she looks so pathetic.
[May 29,2007 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
that sounds awesome.
the best was when lizzy borden killed her.
[May 29,2007 1:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
pam said:I was listening to her talk to my friend at the metalfest this year...it definitely made me want to gouge out her eyes. She also wears so much make up on her face it looks like you could write your name on her cheek with a fingernail.

A great moment in Juliya history was when I was watching Uranium one of the two times I have in my life, and she asked Godsmack what was up with the "satanic" images on their CD. (Meaning the Wiccan.upright.pentagram.)

hahaha, you could write "wash me" on her face like people do on dirty trucks.

i was near some booth that she was in at the 2004 metalfest, and she started talking to me because i was wearing a slayer shirt. i didn't know it was her, since she looks like 95% of all the other fake metal sluts. as soon as she started saying how awesome reign in blood (she referred to it as their debut album...idiot) is, i just turned really slow and walked away. then my girlfriend flipped her off, hahaha.
[May 29,2007 2:01pm - mOe @ work  ""]
i wonder if she realizes that not a single person in metal takes her seriously
[May 29,2007 2:02pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i think she gets off on it
[May 29,2007 2:06pm - SteveOTB ""]
mOe @ work said:bring it


Ohh it's already been boughten!
[May 29,2007 2:07pm - SteveOTB ""]
Yeti said:i bet her vagina smells like a morgue.

What you don't like that?
[May 29,2007 2:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ha the best was when she said she was a major pothead. i offered to smoke a bowl with her right there (cause i knew she was full of shit) and she of course said..."uhhh... i cant because it will ruin my abilities to be in your face on television." which is even more funny cause she wasnt filming anything. also i got her to believe that i was gonna put roofies i her drink when she went to the bathroom ..so she wouldnt talk to me anymore after that. hehe.
[May 29,2007 2:49pm - xmikex ""]
I don't know who this lady is, all I've heard are crappy stories, but I hope she ends up DEAD IN A FRIDGE.
[May 29,2007 2:52pm - xmikex ""]
aaron_michael said:I think 2 or 3 metalfests ago, my friend and I were introduced to her. she first started the conversation by asking if we wanted autographs. we didn't. she noticed our attire and asked if we were there for Terror. we weren't. things got akwardly silent, so we turned on our heels and walked off. somewhere in the distance she called out "see ya".
oh celebrities.

"Hey, are you youngsters here to see Death Before Disaster? How about Cinderlla, they're pretty.....err rockin"
[May 29,2007 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
she always has like 25345 people with her and 20943 video camers.
[May 29,2007 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]
Also, I just always figured she would be sticky.. she just looks like she would have sticky crap on her. I bet like 7 years ago she was a candy raver.
[May 29,2007 4:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:ha the best was when she said she was a major pothead. i offered to smoke a bowl with her right there (cause i knew she was full of shit) and she of course said..."uhhh... i cant because it will ruin my abilities to be in your face on television." which is even more funny cause she wasnt filming anything. also i got her to believe that i was gonna put roofies i her drink when she went to the bathroom ..so she wouldnt talk to me anymore after that. hehe.

Haha -- you should have slipped her a mickey and THEN punched her in the face.
[May 29,2007 6:06pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
i'll cop to not having read any posts besides the first...

my two cents:

[May 29,2007 6:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
on a side note, I'm having her baby.
[May 29,2007 7:22pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
who does she tihink she is. She never goes for interviews of black.death/ and/or thrash bands. She is a nu metal whore and nu metal is fake.
Now most metal chicks out there are fake. But i can say that meg and larissa of hekseri are more metal than mistress julyia
[May 29,2007 9:28pm - Hungtableed  ""]
the_reverend said:Also, I just always figured she would be sticky.. she just looks like she would have sticky crap on her. I bet like 7 years ago she was a candy raver.

wow. Stab is the only word that comes to mind when I see something like this.
[May 29,2007 9:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
if you look closely at that picture you can tell that it is in fact a dude.
[May 29,2007 10:23pm - Dankill  ""]
If by "Metal" she means taking hard bareback anal sex with the creampie, then yes, I'm sure she is totally metal.
[May 30,2007 12:48am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I should send this thread to her just to see how she reacts. On next uraniam she issues a statement.

"I want all my metal maggots to destroy the RTTPers for they have blasphemed me, your Goddess!"

But I would feel bad because I bet she is a nice girl she is just ignorant to metal music. Kinda like when people first meet me they think I listen to korn and slipknot because I look "Metal" I just laugh when they ask.
[May 30,2007 8:31am - ShadowSD ""]
Yeah, that's the sense of her I get, too. At least they didn't try to push her to sing in some propped up Evanescence type band...
[May 30,2007 8:39am - xmikex ""]
I absolutely dare you to send her this thread.

If this spazz ever came to a show I was at she'd get an opportunity to interview the inside of my trunk.

[May 30,2007 8:55am - SkinSandwich ""]
[May 30,2007 9:01am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Who is this bitch and if she's so hot why isn't anyone posting pictures of her?
[May 30,2007 9:05am - SteveOTB ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Who is this bitch and if she's so hot why isn't anyone posting pictures of her?

[May 30,2007 9:05am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[May 30,2007 9:06am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Let's rape her.
[May 30,2007 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
wow, that dude really tucks it back. amazing what a little estrogen can do I guess.
[May 30,2007 9:09am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
the_reverend said:wow, that dude really tucks it back. amazing what a little estrogen can do I guess.

early zingahhhhh for the rev
[May 30,2007 9:11am - c.dead  ""]
I bet she is creaming over all this attention. Well done guys!
[May 30,2007 9:13am - sacreligion ""]
i bet she's cool if you talk to her about something that isn't metal...FUSE pretty much took her cuz she's marketable and threw her on a show that fit her image, which explains her lack of KVLT-ness
[May 30,2007 9:14am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
sacreligion said:i bet she's cool if you talk to her about something that isn't metal...FUSE pretty much took her cuz she's marketable and threw her on a show that fit her image, which explains her lack of KVLT-ness

what, like suckin dick? noooo thanks.
[May 30,2007 9:16am - mcmahon nli  ""]
Tom's got moves
[May 30,2007 9:16am - mcmahon nli  ""]
Tom's got moves
[May 30,2007 9:18am - sacreligion ""]
ahhhh, but if you're talkin to her about suckin dick you'll inevitably get to a point where you can't understand her anymore since she has a mouthful of said dick, which is the object of the whole operation

it all falls into place haha
[May 30,2007 9:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:sacreligion said:i bet she's cool if you talk to her about something that isn't metal...

what, like suckin dick? noooo thanks.

C'mon, she probably has lots of great tips. Don't be afraid to ask for help, otherwise your technique will never improve.

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